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Roggvir's No-Strip Items Manager

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Okay, I tried it myself and Roggvir's No-Strip Items Manager doesn't seem to treat "body" (primary slot 33) outfits differently from anything else for me. I added the vanilla "Green Shirt and Combat Boots" to the No-Strip container, wore it and initiated an AAF scene. The outfit stayed on throughout the scene.


One thing I did encounter, which confused me briefly, was that the outfit was unequipped at the end of the scene. Fairly quickly I realized that this was because I'm using Commonwealth Moisturizer and have it set to use a "torso underarmor" (slot 36) cumsuit. Since the outfit I was wearing in the scene is defined as covering underarmor slots in addition to having its primary slot at 33, the slot conflict from the cumsuit getting auto-equipped was causing the outfit to get unequipped at the same time.


But that does bring up a possibility: maybe something is getting equipped at the start of your AAF scenes which doesn't directly use slot 33 but has a slot coverage conflict with the outfits you're seeing unequipped?

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On 4/5/2023 at 3:40 PM, vaultbait said:

Okay, I tried it myself and Roggvir's No-Strip Items Manager doesn't seem to treat "body" (primary slot 33) outfits differently from anything else for me. I added the vanilla "Green Shirt and Combat Boots" to the No-Strip container, wore it and initiated an AAF scene. The outfit stayed on throughout the scene.


One thing I did encounter, which confused me briefly, was that the outfit was unequipped at the end of the scene. Fairly quickly I realized that this was because I'm using Commonwealth Moisturizer and have it set to use a "torso underarmor" (slot 36) cumsuit. Since the outfit I was wearing in the scene is defined as covering underarmor slots in addition to having its primary slot at 33, the slot conflict from the cumsuit getting auto-equipped was causing the outfit to get unequipped at the same time.


But that does bring up a possibility: maybe something is getting equipped at the start of your AAF scenes which doesn't directly use slot 33 but has a slot coverage conflict with the outfits you're seeing unequipped?


Since the only issue I am having is having clothing stripped in  Slot 33 (shoes)

So far I've only noticed issues with shoes that are only using the body slot 33.



I looked in CreationKit at the vanilla clothing, the only difference I see is that this vanilla clothing item takes up other slots, it still get stripped if I mark it.


My last option is to try to reinstall everything AAF related again.







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On 4/5/2023 at 3:40 PM, vaultbait said:

Okay, I tried it myself and Roggvir's No-Strip Items Manager doesn't seem to treat "body" (primary slot 33) outfits differently from anything else for me. I added the vanilla "Green Shirt and Combat Boots" to the No-Strip container, wore it and initiated an AAF scene. The outfit stayed on throughout the scene.


One thing I did encounter, which confused me briefly, was that the outfit was unequipped at the end of the scene. Fairly quickly I realized that this was because I'm using Commonwealth Moisturizer and have it set to use a "torso underarmor" (slot 36) cumsuit. Since the outfit I was wearing in the scene is defined as covering underarmor slots in addition to having its primary slot at 33, the slot conflict from the cumsuit getting auto-equipped was causing the outfit to get unequipped at the same time.


But that does bring up a possibility: maybe something is getting equipped at the start of your AAF scenes which doesn't directly use slot 33 but has a slot coverage conflict with the outfits you're seeing unequipped?



Can you provide your load order? Maybe I follow that to get my working correctly...


The cause can't be from No Strip because there has been no updates for it, but I wanted to be sure if there was any requirements for No Strip to operate correctly for AAF.


No issues from Commonwealth Moisturizer. I remember marked items staying on correctly with No Strip before. My Commonwealth Moisturizer cum suit is set for the default 51 slot.




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On 1/26/2020 at 4:07 PM, vaultbait said:

Keep in mind that if there are specific slots you want AAF to strip or not, you can edit the equipment set data file it ships. I do this to get AAF to strip equipment from some additional slots, for example worn cigarettes, though you can also remove existing body slot entries.

Digging way back, I find your comment. I rather use No Strip Manager to manage specific clothing but at least this is temporary solution I can live with. Thanks!


Here I'm commenting out the slots in the equipmentSetData file, but it will affect ALL outfits for those slots during sex so probably not advisable for everyone's taste...




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On 4/11/2023 at 10:48 PM, TabbyCatNinja said:

Can you provide your load order? Maybe I follow that to get my working correctly...


The cause can't be from No Strip because there has been no updates for it, but I wanted to be sure if there was any requirements for No Strip to operate correctly for AAF.


No issues from Commonwealth Moisturizer. I remember marked items staying on correctly with No Strip before. My Commonwealth Moisturizer cum suit is set for the default 51 slot.


I can try to remember to post a copy next week when I'm back at my gaming rig.


I doubt it has anything to do with the order of your plugins, but maybe there is some mod you're using that I'm not and it's forcing removal of slot 33 items for some reason.

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On 4/13/2023 at 9:27 PM, vaultbait said:


I can try to remember to post a copy next week when I'm back at my gaming rig.


I doubt it has anything to do with the order of your plugins, but maybe there is some mod you're using that I'm not and it's forcing removal of slot 33 items for some reason.

No need now, It looks No-Strip is working for me again with marking clothing... It started working again after editing my  "AAF_equipmentSetData.xml" file as below.

For me I never want those commented out bipedSlots stripped in scenes anyway way, and Roggs No-Strip handles the rest of the items I want to keep or stay. 


(It's weird that it works now because Roggs No-Strip would not do anything if I left this XML unedited to unequip everything.

I've even reinstalled all prior animation packs but after each new installation I made sure re-edit my custom unEquip below so the No-Strip would function.)





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15 hours ago, TabbyCatNinja said:

It's weird that it works now because Roggs No-Strip would not do anything if I left this XML unedited to unequip everything.


That's definitely odd. I just pick the max compatibility option in the FOMOD installer so mine looks like this:


	<equipmentSet id="unEquip">
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Hair Top"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Hair Long"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="FaceGen Head"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="BODY"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="L Hand"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="R Hand"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[U] Torso"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[U] L Arm"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[U] R Arm"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[U] L Leg"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[U] R Leg"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[A] Torso"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[A] L Arm"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[A] R Arm"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[A] L Leg"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="[A] R Leg"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Headband"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Eyes"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Beard"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Mouth"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="FX"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Unnamed1"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Unnamed2"/>
			<unEquip bipedSlot="Unnamed3"/>



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  • 2 months later...
11 hours ago, astor said:

Is there an equivalent of this mod for Skyrim?

Depends... at the risk of stating the obvious, you can set things not to be stripped in SexLab settings (trouble is, some other mods may strip items before they hand the character over to SexLab), and if you use DD then maybe have a look at their options regarding what items to hide (not strip, just hide) based on body slots the items are using.


No idea if there are any other mods like that.


AFAIK there is no mod exactly like this fro Skyrim (ie. a "framework" to be used by other mods when deciding what to strip - EXCEPT for SexLab, which functions could be used exactly this way i think, but seldomly are), but i think it should be pretty easy to port it to Skyrim (if anybody fells like it, go for it).

Actually, it may be even easier (or more reliable) in Skyrim, because of Skyrim's lack of OMODs that add some complication in Fallout 4.
But one thing is port this mod to Skyrim, and another is to patch all the other mods you may be using to actually utilize the ported mod.


EDIT: I am a bit rusty, out of touch, too busy right now, so maybe i forgot how stuff works, but i think SexLab should be able to handle this.
And other mods should be able to use that same SexLab functionality even before they hand the character over to SL, but maybe most mods just don't do that.
The best course of actions is not to port this mod to Skyrim, but make patches for whichever mods are not using the SL functionality.

Edited by Roggvir
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  • 5 months later...

I have a different question.


For me  the mod  works,  and always worked properly, no issues whatsoever.

But I want to know if it's possible to export somehow the 'no-strip' list from one save game to use it in another.

I'm about to start a new  walk-through and I will have to manually repopulate the list (about 250 items there, hehe),  I've done it couple of times during the years.. and it just takes time initially :))

Any hints for to do it faster?  

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1 hour ago, mishovur said:

I have a different question.


For me  the mod  works,  and always worked properly, no issues whatsoever.

But I want to know if it's possible to export somehow the 'no-strip' list from one save game to use it in another.

I'm about to start a new  walk-through and I will have to manually repopulate the list (about 250 items there, hehe),  I've done it couple of times during the years.. and it just takes time initially :))

Any hints for to do it faster?  


They're saved into per-race/gender formlists baked into your save. I'm not sure if there's a handy tool for dumping formlist contents from a save file, but maybe someone else knows.

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14 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Can you elaborate on what has led you to believe this? Maybe we can help you find the real cause it's not working, if you supply actual details.

worked when I was using aaf 166v
started a new save with 171v and when aaf scene starts, character puts off all clothing regardless of the dont-strip items I set

Ill go try downgrading to 166v and see if it works again
- downgrading to 166v fixed the problem seems like the 171v is the problem

Edited by Milk357
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8 hours ago, Milk357 said:

worked when I was using aaf 166v
started a new save with 171v and when aaf scene starts, character puts off all clothing regardless of the dont-strip items I set

Ill go try downgrading to 166v and see if it works again
- downgrading to 166v fixed the problem seems like the 171v is the problem


That means you have something else installed which is incompatible with AAF 171. For example, are you overwriting the copy of LLFP provided by AAF with an older version from another mod? Or did you also install NativeSync (which patches part of AAF's scripts and was made for 166)?

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3 hours ago, vaultbait said:


That means you have something else installed which is incompatible with AAF 171. For example, are you overwriting the copy of LLFP provided by AAF with an older version from another mod? Or did you also install NativeSync (which patches part of AAF's scripts and was made for 166)?

I dont see any overwritten LLFP stuff(if what you meant was LL_fourplay stuffs) in the mo-information-conflicts, and also NativeSync not installed
currently using sexattribute/harassment, aaf violate, aaf dangerous nights, commonwealth captives, and some patches for Nanako, FallEvil, DCWest SM, etc

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7 minutes ago, Milk357 said:

I dont see any overwritten LLFP stuff(if what you meant was LL_fourplay stuffs) in the mo-information-conflicts, and also NativeSync not installed
currently using sexattribute/harassment, aaf violate, aaf dangerous nights, commonwealth captives, and some patches for Nanako, FallEvil, DCWest SM, etc


Other mods I'm aware of which ship outdated copies of the LLFP DLL are Rad Morphing Redux (AAF's needs to take precedence) and Real Handcuffs (it has a FOMOD installer menu option not to install a copy of LLFP), though there are likely more I'm unaware of. Bound In Public also (now unnecessarily) recommends installing a separate version of LLFP, though it's unlikely that would go unnoticed if you had.

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  • 1 month later...

This mod works for me for the most part, but it has issues still stripping shoes and some head items (blindfolds) during AAF animations. These aren't a big deal, but when I installed the Futanari FEV mod, the mod stopped working properly. All items are stripped during AAF scenes regardless of what's in the no-strip manager container. After the scenes, for a few seconds before all items are re-equipped, my character loads with the appropriate items from the container. I read on the other mod's page that it causes the game to view your character as male, so I tried putting the items I want to stay on in the container under the male category as a long shot but it did not work. Any idea how I can fix this?

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9 hours ago, danoverthere said:

This mod works for me for the most part, but it has issues still stripping shoes and some head items (blindfolds) during AAF animations. These aren't a big deal, but when I installed the Futanari FEV mod, the mod stopped working properly. All items are stripped during AAF scenes regardless of what's in the no-strip manager container. After the scenes, for a few seconds before all items are re-equipped, my character loads with the appropriate items from the container. I read on the other mod's page that it causes the game to view your character as male, so I tried putting the items I want to stay on in the container under the male category as a long shot but it did not work. Any idea how I can fix this?


This mod works by flagging items for specific race+gender combinations. It's possible the futa mod changes your race and/or gender?


As for why you see things on the body or head getting stripped, it's likely something else getting equipped which occupies the same biped slot, so the game is force removing whatever was there first. Shoes, in particular, often fall victim to this because they tend to use the "body" slot (slot index 3, slot number 33). Also keep in mind that the "player" you see in AAF scenes isn't actually the player, but a "doppelganger" (body double), and AAF does its best to copy things like overlays, morphs and equipment from the real player onto that separate actor in order to complete the illusion that you're seeing the actual player. During a scene where something unexpected appears to have been stripped, select that actor while in the console and then check the output of the showinventory command to see what might be "worn" that doesn't match what's equipped on the actual player.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey guys i was wondering if there is a similar mod like this but instead of keeping specific clothes, it adds certain clothes? Sort of like how aaf violate has the option to add clothes from the devious devices mod.

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14 hours ago, eaterants said:

hey guys i was wondering if there is a similar mod like this but instead of keeping specific clothes, it adds certain clothes? Sort of like how aaf violate has the option to add clothes from the devious devices mod.


That would be an entirely different mod to design. The no-strip manager tells AAF not to remove specific items of clothing by adding a specific keyword to their base forms. The way Violate "adds clothes from DD" is that DD provides an API with a function to equip random items from lists of what's in the mod, and Violate just calls that function from DD (or maybe the API is actually in Rogg's DD Items Manager, I can't recall).


Animations can themselves also equip specific items onto actors, via additional AAF scene data. I gather kziitd's new fetish toolkit mod will be doing exactly that (but, again, specifically for items of clothing from that mod).

Edited by vaultbait
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10 hours ago, vaultbait said:


That would be an entirely different mod to design. The no-strip manager tells AAF not to remove specific items of clothing by adding a specific keyword to their base forms. The way Violate "adds clothes from DD" is that DD provides an API with a function to equip random items from lists of what's in the mod, and Violate just calls that function from DD (or maybe the API is actually in Rogg's DD Items Manager, I can't recall).


Animations can themselves also equip specific items onto actors, via additional AAF scene data. I gather kziitd's new fetish toolkit mod will be doing exactly that (but, again, specifically for items of clothing from that mod).

Ah okay, thanks for the info. I'm new to using mods so I don't know alot about the inner workings of them. I just got the idea after seeing one of TabbyCatNinja's clothing mod. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank You @Roggvir for making and sharing this mod, I would not play without it.


Hi all, I have used this for a while now and am having a new issue that is driving me round the bend, I have rings from HN66 as well as NR when installed, and for some reason they will not stay equipped like they used to.

I give jewelry to all my female followers who do not strip them but my Character (female) won't keep them on, only finger rings, all other jewelry (piercings - earrings - facial piercings - fingernails - etc ) stay on, it's just rings and just on the player.

Could any of you Please try to point me in the right direction to fix this?


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6 hours ago, Raven 54 said:

 I have rings from HN66 as well as NR when installed, and for some reason they will not stay equipped like they used to.

I give jewelry to all my female followers who do not strip them but my Character (female) won't keep them on, only finger rings, all other jewelry (piercings - earrings - facial piercings - fingernails - etc ) stay on, it's just rings and just on the player.

Could any of you Please try to point me in the right direction to fix this?


First guess, you're using Commonwealth Moisturizer with its cumsuit in the default "ring" biped slot. You can choose from a few different biped slot options in CM's MCM.

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