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Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation - Modding Thread and Discussion -

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I'm not going to give up and I will continue to experiment with VPN.And if I find something interesting, then I will tell to all!


私はあきらめるつもりはないし、VPNを試していきます。 私が何か面白いものを見つけたら、私はみんなに言うつもりです!

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2 hours ago, minazuki said:

Event SSR New Year 2019 Mikomai (Momiji + Honoka + Luna)

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Top Variation (Key: X)

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Skirt open on back too!

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This mod needs Hi-res body Skin Texture, e.g. #1595
You must update 3Dfix-DOAX-VenusVacation to 1.9 or latest to use this mod.



SSR Event New Year 2019 Mikomai.zip


I will not make a no panty version, thanks.

Very excellent work! Thank you so much! Could you make a smaller panty variant please?

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So eh, I've been playing for a bit now, Owner Lv. 19 and Rank S+. My two main girls seem to be way too weak now. Some guys on my friendslist have characters with 2k more stats than mine. I've been upgrading mostly SR and SSR swimsuits and equipping accessories and those "head thingies" you slot into accessories, am I missing another mechanic to increase the girl's stats?

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3 minutes ago, Pr0pagandhi said:

So eh, I've been playing for a bit now, Owner Lv. 19 and Rank S+. My two main girls seem to be way too weak now. Some guys on my friendslist have characters with 2k more stats than mine. I've been upgrading mostly SR and SSR swimsuits and equipping accessories, am I missing another mechanic to increse the girl's stats?

Maybe max an outfit for a specific skill boost..

sometimes the matchboard stats change depending on "Main" or duo, unsure..


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6 hours ago, Pr0pagandhi said:

So eh, I've been playing for a bit now, Owner Lv. 19 and Rank S+. My two main girls seem to be way too weak now. Some guys on my friendslist have characters with 2k more stats than mine. I've been upgrading mostly SR and SSR swimsuits and equipping accessories and those "head thingies" you slot into accessories, am I missing another mechanic to increase the girl's stats?

1) Some suits are stronger than others, and during events event suits for that one are powered up more then they normally are.

2) You need to unlock the potential of suits repeatedly this will change what the suits max level can be, fully unlocked they can reach level 90.  

3) There are SR/SSR accessories for head, wrist, and face.  These can add up to 200 points per accessory and sometimes skills.

4) Is our PP skills that help boost in a match.

5) Is our skin soft skills that we get from events like this new years one.  Fully awaken a SR suit for a girl make her wear it, then give her skin soft bottles to get SSR skin soft skills.

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On 03/01/2019 at 16:12, ausgeek said:

La version 1.9 du mod de base est sortie:


Info pour les utilisateurs:

  • Il est recommandé de mettre à jour, car les futurs mods pourraient avoir besoin de cette version.
  • Ceci va maintenant vous rappeler si vous avez activé ou désactivé les mods de costume et les ombres lorsque vous fermez le jeu ou rechargez des mods. Si vous souhaitez rétablir les valeurs par défaut, appuyez sur Ctrl + Alt + F10. Cela peut également être utile si vous supprimez un mod et commencez à voir des avertissements lors du rechargement de F10.
  • Les raccourcis clavier ne sont plus traités lorsque vous alt + tab out - plus aucune interface utilisateur ne se cache ou ne désactive les mods lors de la navigation dans l'explorateur Windows.

Info pour moddeurs:

  • Cette version inclut une mise à jour de 3DMigoto 1.3.14 qui comporte de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités et modifications. Les modders devraient lire les notes de version complètes ici: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/685657/3d-vision/3dmigoto-now -open-source- / post / 5955579 / # 5955579
  • Il existe maintenant plusieurs profils d'analyse de trame avec lesquels vous pouvez basculer avec Ctrl + F8 en mode de recherche:
    • Clothes + Skin (pour des dumps et des importations de Blender plus rapides - c’est ce que j’utilisais dans le didacticiel vidéo)
    • Vêtements + Peau + Cheveux + Ongles
    • Textures d'interface utilisateur
    • Fichier journal uniquement (à utiliser si vous devez déboguer votre logique ou localiser la source de copies complètes coûteuses)
  • Les deux premiers profils d'analyse d'images désactiveront momentanément les mods de costume afin que tout ce qui est vidé puisse être importé dans Blender (si vous voulez importer un maillage modifié, vous devez simplement l'importer directement à partir des fichiers du mod, et non du vidage d'analyse d'image). Vous pouvez modifier ce comportement sous [KeyFrameAnalysisProfile].
  • Il existe maintenant un support pour les variables globales et locales nommées (et namespaced), et vous pouvez baliser les variables globales que vous souhaitez enregistrer à la sortie et lors du rechargement de la configuration. Si vous supprimez ou renommez une variable globale, certains utilisateurs pourraient demander un avertissement. Dites-leur d'appuyer sur Ctrl + Alt + F10 pour supprimer leur fichier d3dx_user.ini et utiliser les paramètres par défaut.
  • IniParams cap a été supprimé. Toutefois, si vous n'avez pas réellement besoin d'accéder à la variable depuis un shader, nous vous suggérons d'utiliser une variable globale nommée.
  • Le mod de base a supprimé les réservations sur presque tous les IniParams - seul "x" est toujours utilisé (tous les autres sont utilisés, ils sont sauvegardés et restaurés). Cela inclut les shaders de débogage si vous les utilisiez.
  • Si vous utilisez le shader help / notification, vous devez faire passer la variable de délai d’attente de z5 à $ \ ShaderFixes \ help.ini \ notification_timeout.
  • Les tampons de texte utilisés pour le shader de notification peuvent maintenant avoir leur message spécifié directement (data = "Mon message") et n'ont plus besoin de format ni de bind_flags.
  • Il existe une variable globale "$ shader_type" destinée à être utilisée dans une future version de CostumeCustomizer, et le remplacement de maillage pour les ongles et les yeux est maintenant activé.
  • Lorsque vous écrivez un [TextureOverride] pour remplacer une peau ou une texture beige (pas un maillage), je vous recommande d’utiliser le nouveau "this" cible au lieu de "ps-t0". Par exemple, remplacez "ps-t0 = ResourceReplacementTexture" par "this = ResourceReplacementTexture". Cela peut aider à éviter des problèmes tels que le problème de l'ongle violet si une texture que vous remplacez est utilisée par un autre emplacement.
  • L'Analyseur de performances (Ctrl + F9) a été développé avec plus d'informations dans la page de résumé. Gardez un œil sur les copies complètes inutiles que vous pourriez ajouter là où une copie par référence aurait suffi (quelques-unes d'entre elles sont acceptables, mais quelques images de trop peuvent gommer rapidement le GPU. Utiliser le fichier journal "Analyse de l'image" seulement "profilez et recherchez dans les deux fichiers de log produits pour" effectuer une copie complète "afin de les retrouver). L'Analyseur de performances vous alertera également si vous avez des commandes de publication dans une section [TextureOverride], car elles empêchent l'optimiseur de liste de commandes de supprimer toutes les commandes de publication post checktextureoverride implicites (une sauvegarde relativement petite, mais tout s'additionne).

Starter Mod Pack mis à jour vers la version 6 (lien dans le message d'origine):


Il s’agit d’une mise à jour relativement mineure qui ne contient que quelques modifications mineures et qui n’est pas essentielle si vous la ratez, mais il existe quelques raisons de la saisir de toute façon:

  • Nécessite la version 1.9 du mod de base
  • L’option de transparence supplémentaire du costume Ayane Butterfly utilise désormais des facteurs de mélange pour rendre le sous-vêtement transparent plutôt que de modifier un shader (les deux méthodes sont incluses à titre de référence).
  • Le mod de costume d'Ayane Butterfly n'empêche plus les optimisations post-checktextureoverride de 3DMigoto pour un léger gain de performances (le moniteur de performances sur Ctrl + F9 peut indiquer s'il existe d'autres mods l'empêchant également de le faire)
  • Tous les échanges de texture (lignes de peau et de bronzage) utilisent désormais la cible "ceci" au lieu de supposer que ps-t0 - évite le problème de l'ongle violet si certains shaders étaient ajoutés à la liste des vêtements.
  • L'indicateur de liaison manuelle annule le retrait du mod de désembuage de gacha (n'est plus nécessaire avec 3DMigoto mis à jour.


Informations sur les dons

Si vous appréciez le travail que je fais sur 3DMigoto pour rendre ces types de mods possibles, pensez à me soutenir sur Patreon:


He is still missing Nagisa. :(

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1 minute ago, specter123456789 said:

so do i just keep playing the volleyball matches and its a reward?

No, roll gacha, like everyone else. In some matches it may even be a reward, but dunno where exactly. some orange matches I guess. man, just play everything ?

don´t forget to collect 5000 stones first before "showering" so you get at least one SR suit

there are good tutorials (reddit) or:


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Anyone know what causes this single dead eye on characters with mods turned on? When mods are disabled the eye and lip shine return. Shader issue? Texture/skin issue? Can't seem to figure out the cause. I'm currently using hi-metal high-res body. Playing with all settings on max and no reshade.


I updated to 1.9 yesterday so this could possibly be the problem.


Mods enabled: Momiji gets right side dead eye and shine disappears from lips.



Mods disabled: Shine returns to lips and right eyeDOAX-VenusVacation_190105_084333.thumb.jpg.75710db1f9316d7adc3b7668e4a59c83.jpg


Also happens with other girls but sometimes the dead eye changes sides. Misaki's left eye is affected but for Momiji it's her right eye.

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7 hours ago, JToney3449 said:

5) Is our skin soft skills that we get from events like this new years one.  Fully awaken a SR suit for a girl make her wear it, then give her skin soft bottles to get SSR skin soft skills.

Ah cool, I was wondering how to unlock those SSR ones, I only managed to get R lotions and was removing them with the "remove lotion", because I thought they might randomly turn into SR or SSR, lol, thanks!

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@homelesshomo - My guess is there is a Mod you have that is doing an unsafe replacement and its replacing more than it should. I can't reproduce your issue with the mods i have active, but I don't enable all that many (especially some of the early ones that haven't been maintained). The fact that the enable/disable button toggles it means that its almost definitely caused by a costume or facial expression mod you have.


If you could assist in attempting to isolate which costume mod that you are using is causing the issue it would be greatly helpful in figuring out how to fix it. You can do this by performing a binary search which is basically cutting your active mods in half in multiple intervals and checking if it the issue is present or not to root out which specific mod is causing the problem.


Binary Search Example:



Mods Enabled:

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue is likely caused at a minimum by either A-H


1st pass

Mods Enabled

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Mods Disabled

  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue still occurs, meaning the issue is caused at a minimum b one of the mods of A - D


2nd Pass

Mods Enabled

  • A
  • B

Mods Disabled

  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue no longer occurs, meaning the issue was likely caused either from C or D


3rd Pass

Mods Enabled

  • C

Mods Disabled

  • A
  • B
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue still does not occur, meaning likely Mod D should cause the issue


Verification Pass

Mods Enabled

  • D

Mods Disabled

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue occurs, meaning a closer inspection of Mod D should occur to determine why its causing the issue. Ideally, Mod D is the only one that causes the issue, so you can resume using all mods except Mod D until the issue is fixed.



@hitomiwaorenoyome - That looks like my older Nude Straps Port (which I'm still surprised people insist on using over the CostumeCustomizer mod which succeeded it). I've only updated the CostumeCustomizer mod to be compatible with the new DOAXVV 1.9 base mod. I did ask in my thread if anyone was interested in me correcting the older Nude Straps and original Aradia Lace mod, but technically you can just re-perform the d3dx.ini modifications that those mods required in order to correct them, however that puts back a dependency on utilizing the w7 IniParam. If that was actually the Costume Customizer mod, then just make sure you update the framework mod to v1.3.2.

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18 minutes ago, KuroKaze78 said:

@homelesshomo - My guess is there is a Mod you have that is doing an unsafe replacement

Thanks I ended up figuring it out. I disabled all costumes and the problem still appeared, so I disabled all body mods too but same thing. Eventually the only mod left was the expression mods that the jp made over on 2ch. Seems it was the older expression mods with blush/smile etc. Might have some kind of shader conflict with 1.9 so I disabled all expressions for now.

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26 minutes ago, hitomiwaorenoyome said:


When applying this, it became again like this.
How can I get better?



22 minutes ago, KuroKaze78 said:

@homelesshomo - My guess is there is a Mod you have that is doing an unsafe replacement and its replacing more than it should. I can't reproduce your issue with the mods i have active, but I don't enable all that many (especially some of the early ones that haven't been maintained). The fact that the enable/disable button toggles it means that its almost definitely caused by a costume or facial expression mod you have.


If you could assist in attempting to isolate which costume mod that you are using is causing the issue it would be greatly helpful in figuring out how to fix it. You can do this by performing a binary search which is basically cutting your active mods in half in multiple intervals and checking if it the issue is present or not to root out which specific mod is causing the problem.


Binary Search Example:

  Reveal hidden contents


Mods Enabled:

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue is likely caused at a minimum by either A-H


1st pass

Mods Enabled

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Mods Disabled

  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue still occurs, meaning the issue is caused at a minimum b one of the mods of A - D


2nd Pass

Mods Enabled

  • A
  • B

Mods Disabled

  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue no longer occurs, meaning the issue was likely caused either from C or D


3rd Pass

Mods Enabled

  • C

Mods Disabled

  • A
  • B
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue still does not occur, meaning likely Mod D should cause the issue


Verification Pass

Mods Enabled

  • D

Mods Disabled

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H

Result: Issue occurs, meaning a closer inspection of Mod D should occur to determine why its causing the issue. Ideally, Mod D is the only one that causes the issue, so you can resume using all mods except Mod D until the issue is fixed.



@hitomiwaorenoyome - That looks like my older Nude Straps Port (which I'm still surprised people insist on using over the CostumeCustomizer mod which succeeded it). I've only updated the CostumeCustomizer mod to be compatible with the new DOAXVV 1.9 base mod. I did ask in my thread if anyone was interested in me correcting the older Nude Straps and original Aradia Lace mod, but technically you can just re-perform the d3dx.ini modifications that those mods required in order to correct them, however that puts back a dependency on utilizing the w7 IniParam. If that was actually the Costume Customizer mod, then just make sure you update the framework mod to v1.3.2.


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23 hours ago, minazuki said:

Event SSR New Year 2019 Mikomai (Momiji + Honoka + Luna)

  Reveal hidden contents



Top Variation (Key: X)

  Hide contents



Skirt open on back too!

  Reveal hidden contents




This mod needs Hi-res body Skin Texture, e.g. #1595
You must update 3Dfix-DOAX-VenusVacation to 1.9 or latest to use this mod.



SSR Event New Year 2019 Mikomai.zip


I will not make a no panty version, thanks.




Daaamn good one! :)


Question tho is those IMPORTANT mods you used the only thing you uesd to make Momiji look so good? She easily doesn't look that good on my screen with the same mods youj linked.

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12 minutes ago, sinkitsune said:




Daaamn good one! :)


Question tho is those IMPORTANT mods you used the only thing you uesd to make Momiji look so good? She easily doesn't look that good on my screen with the same mods youj linked.

My images are resized from 4k, maybe this is the reason.

Also I'm using Reshade.

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2 minutes ago, sinkitsune said:

Oof, I tried it and it tanks my FPS. guess my 1060geforce cant handle it.


also everything looks jagged now :( 

You must use 16:9 monitor if you are using fullscreen mode.

Otherwise everything is jagged.

So, if you have a non-16:9 monitor, you should use window mode.

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