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On 3/24/2019 at 3:54 AM, Sosina said:

 (though if you DID make the Equipable one then you could also make Strap-ons for females to wear)


On 3/24/2019 at 1:58 PM, kadsend said:

Strap-ons are pretty easy to add I believe, you don't even need to edit the base mesh, and can add as an armour.


Several months after this conversation (back in October of 2019), SSMajin created this mod (released on NexusMods):

Wearable Penis


This was obviously made as a workaround to allow naked male characters to have genitals. It even offers a wide variety of skin tones to chose from (even for Shek) to make it match the guy wearing it. And it is worn in the belt slot.


Anyway, I think this could be used as a strap-on. I haven't tried it, yet, but I don't see why it would be restricted to just males. Though, perhaps it does not fit right...?


However, I do wish someone would make a version of this that was very clearly a strap-on. All that would really require is adding a belt and harness to the model. That, and instead of being flesh-colored, it'd be nice if there was an option for colors like wood, bone white, purple and/or hot pink.


Also, instead of that pronounced bulge, it might be nice to see a version without - nothing but a straight shaft to make it more obvious it is a toy.

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On 1/6/2021 at 3:01 PM, Nexussuckstwice said:

I've been waiting for them to fix female mesh all this years. All this years! Its 2021 now second year of the pandemic (thank you capitalism by the way when money more valuable than lives). Eventually I had to learn basics of weight painting in Blender and do something with their poor rigging and that's not the end of all problems with women in Kenshi mind you. There is abnormal skull shape, bowed legs, too small rib cage and wrong skeleton (I mean that one which they used for rigging, don't tell me they are waiting for me to fix this as well?)


Due to bad weight painting (and wrongly placed bones which I haven't fixed yet) we could see things such as this:






Distorted pelvis speaks for itself. This was giving me nightmares before COVID became a thing. And for the same reason character in one of the idle stances looks weird cause left side of her pelvis gets distorted. Also we barely could change waist size on the character creation screen - waist wasn't rigged to a proper bone (while it was made for a male character so we could easily change waist size for men!)






So I finally did it (frankly, I had to do it several years ago) Thank you Lo-Fi Games for forcing me to study Blender. Wish you were too. Although this is not an excuse to be cocky as I was following tutorials on Youtube. Salute to all 3D artists there.






As you can see waist slider not wasted anymore (could be even better with some mesh adjustments). No distortion while crawling and sitting in stealth mode and in the idle pose as well. More could be done with improved skeleton. Animations would look better though some fixes for clipping armor would be needed. As if it wasn't required anyway. Lo-Fi don't even think that I'm gonna do it for ya!


Now if you will download fixed female body mesh remember to backup original file. Also bodies of many women including your characters might look differently (my old characters suddenly got too narrow waistline). For your chars it can be easily solved by visit to a plastic surgeon. For NPCs you might need to adjust max and min slider values in Kenshi\data\editor\editor_data_human.xml  (of course backup first).


For detailed explanation see here:



Downloaded human_female.mesh must be placed in Kenshi\data\character\meshes\human


human_female.mesh 1.69 MB · 13 downloads


That's awesome! I was pretty disappointed in how we couldn't really adjust the waist on a female character with the slider and I was rather confused as to why. Nice work.


BTW: Can you please tell me what texture you used in those screenshots? That's a gorgeous texture. And I'm impressed by the lack of any visible texture seem along the bare legs.


Also, that's an excellent tip on adjusting the min and max slider values in editor_data_human.xml. But, can someone offer an approximation on what values are recommend to make the waist on most NPC women look natural?

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On 2/16/2020 at 3:21 AM, redcloud27 said:

So I made a patch to make the bedsex animations work within the tents mod and I thought I would share it.  You need bedsex v04 and the tents mod (link below). You can find the tents under camping and they are call cozy tents.



Tents_bedsex_patch.7z 1.53 kB · 276 downloads


Sounds good! But, to clarify... This absolutely requires bedsex v.04? In other words, this patch will not work with the more recent bedsex v.05 with the new doggy style animation?

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I'm using a combination of textures modded by Bsearcy and TalasTelasero with a few of my own changes. In this download you can find alternative option as well and you may easily edit it in Photoshop if you want. There is also modified nude normal maps taken from original low res cannibal female stretched and mixed with hi res human female normal maps. This removes underwear from all normal maps yet leave arms and legs as it was in original hi res normal maps.


As for the sizes for NPC women I can tell that many of them have too wide hips and too short legs as well. So I recommend to see which values would be appropriate in the character creation screen when you visit a surgeon or start a new game then use this values in xml. Note that when you increase leg length you should also reduce character height if you do not want women to be too tall.

kenshi female body textures.7z

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Hey fellas, I'm new to the modding community, and I have a question about meshes for armor. I have one piece of armor that just refuses to go correctly on a modded race (jrpg race), so I wanted to ask for help on how to fix it. 


https://i.imgur.com/mNdprTN.png (bad mesh)


https://i.imgur.com/uyyzBrA.png (good mesh)


Any help is extremely appreciated.

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Okay, first check in the Forgotten Construction Set (in the game folder its exe file starts with FCS for GOG version for example its FCS_gog.exe) if in your game this particular leg armor mention any overlap items (which will make mod use smaller than normal leg armor when worn under certain armor such as longcoat in this case)




Than remove overlap item from the list and save mod.


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Another way to deal with it is to use Community Part Map Mod. Which allows you to use several colors to mark body parts you would like to be hidden by any particular armor.




At the top right corner you can see body part map as provided by the mod. Original game has body part map too but it doesn't use several possible colors actually. At the lower right corner you can see my edition of this body parts. So Cyan would cover legs above the knee. You can edit them in paint. If in FCS you will assign Cyan to leg armor it will hide feet in default mod or more if you will edit it however you like.

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Checked the files in FCS (the mod I'm using is 'Patchwork Armour' and the armor from the pic is called 'Leather Leg Guards'), they do not have overlapping meshes at all. I did try, however, the 'Community Part Map Mod' and while that does fix the clipping on the legs, it does not affect the mesh for the feet, and having invisible feet seriously affects the immersion. (also, how in the world did you paste those pics like you did?)



The armor works fine with vanilla races, no problems at all. Put it on the jrpg race and it completely fucks up. I recently got advice from the Kenshi discord that the only way to fix my issue was to go to Blender and edit the armor there with the skeleton from jrpg. Would this be the only way to fix this problem, or is there another workaround?


EDIT: found the way to paste.

E mesh.png

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8 hours ago, kilerdude56 said:

The armor works fine with vanilla races, no problems at all. Put it on the jrpg race and it completely fucks up. I recently got advice from the Kenshi discord that the only way to fix my issue was to go to Blender and edit the armor there with the skeleton from jrpg. Would this be the only way to fix this problem, or is there another workaround?

The problem is with the meshes, not the skeleton.

Vanilla Kenshi's body meshes are not symmetrical, both male and female. They are slightly offset to the left (0.04 blender units).

JRPG races have a different mesh made from vanilla and it's symmetrical if I remember correctly.

For most of the clothes it doesn't really matter, but if you are using something very tight, the clipping will be very noticeable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone knows wich mod causes the faction points notification to be GONE. And not only that, even the counting points are nullified, because I prayed with the priest of the holy order and i didnt get any positive points with the the holy order faction.

I only have one mod that changes the way faction points are gained and it is this one >>> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1950231883&searchtext=healing

Gonna try now removing it to see if that fixes the problem.

Nice game this one, i am an old gamer and finding this game was a great discovery indeed.

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Ok frens i have it done! I finally merged the mod Bouncing Boobs with Genesis.

First things first, i suggest you make a backup of Genesis mod, because we are going to change some of its original files.

Its very simple, all you have to do is ovewriting  the skeleton files of Genesis with the BB Mod.

Go to "\Kenshi\mods\Genesis\character\meshes\female_skeleton\"

There you have 3 files, one mesh and two skeleton files.

Now Download this >>> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1875677719

That mod has better skeleton file for compatibility and boings. Use that one.

Now extract it in some folder, NOT IN THE KENSHI MODS FOLDER.

Go to "More Combat Stance MIABC+\character\meshes\female_skeleton\"

Now the importat thing, copy this two files:

1 - Female_skeleton.mesh

2 - Female_skeleton.skeleton

And now go to the "\Kenshi\mods\Genesis\character\meshes\female_skeleton\" folder and PASTE there and overwrite the original files from genesis.

Enjoy the fleshy meat bags movements.. Hahahah


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Is it possible to make an armor item that locks itself onto your body while not reducing your speed? I've been trying to create some kind of artifact / invisible armor that locks certain armor slots, while giving stats (which the regular prisoner shackles don't or can't do) I've managed to get it almost how I want it, save for the fact that it seems to reduce your athletics by 100% from just having an item locked to you. Also the icon seems to not show, but I haven't given up on making that work yet.


EDIT: Nevermind, I somehow got it working, though I haven't got a fucking clue how.

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On 2/1/2021 at 8:26 PM, Kargrin said:

Two new pieces:


  Reveal hidden contents




Obtainable by the ninja or tech hunter vendors



Profgear2021.rar 23.47 MB · 41 downloads


this one is crashing my kenshi is it just me or is this an actual mod issue? according to the last line of the log

OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot open file: kenshi-cowgirlboot - Copia.material in FileSystemArchive::open at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreFileSystem.cpp (line 250)

yea that copia.material is also giving an issue with your statues as well maybe it's from another mod?

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Any kind soul here who can make a couple edited versions of the Prisoner's Shackles without the chains connecting the pieces? (I just think it looks weird with the character moving around and the chain is just a straight line. I'd rather it not be there) I've been spending hours trying to get the Blender plugin to work, but seeing as how I just installed Blender today, and all the plugins are from older Blender versions, I can't get it to work.

I want to make different versions of the shackles, one for legs only, one for arms, and one for the neck. All of them without the link / chain part of the mesh.

I assume it would be an easy job if I could get it working, since it doesn't involve any positioning as it's just editing an existing asset that is already positioned correctly. I might be wrong though.

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I can't believe it has been almost a year since I added that stripper mod.  By reading through the comments, it appears I made a mistake in the mod about the prisoner cage and people are looking for more prisoner sex stuff.


Should I work on some more animations?  If so, what would everyone like to see other than prisoner sex animations.

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