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Degenerate Scum

Guest DegenerateScum

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 On a side note, over 300 people have downloaded this; does it actually do anything?

The best I could figure from the messy description and what people that have downloaded it said is in the zip file I think it is meant to be a set of replacer animations you would use to replace animations from other sex mods.


But between the unintelligible google-translated description and the fact the 50 animation files provided where all given the generic name "SCUM##.HKX" with no clue what they do or even what gender/race/etc they are meant for I doubt anyone without a massive amount of time and curiosity on their hands could get much use out of it.

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It's like a detective game, to find the meaning of some ancient relic that by all outwards appearances, has no purpose, no quality, and no virtue whatsoever. But how fascinating that shiny object is...


I can't tell if the OP is high, a manifestation of a dog penis, or the village idiot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow... I just lost my sense of mod exploration here.

If this is a sense of a preaching. Then its the same as other saying goes:
"Some people read The Bible, but still don't follow the teaching. They looks to themselves as religious because they read The Bible. Irony"


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  • 8 months later...

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