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Female members of Loverslab


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Uh oh, it's Pixie. Sure, I DID come here for the sex-related mods, admittedly. But I STAYED for the awesome community.  :D

(No I will NOT openly share what my google search was that brought me here xD)


Then again, I'm that odd exception to everything. I'm very odd.

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Reading some of the earlier posts my brain shut down from the utter stupidity of some of the generalizations. Then lo' and behold Queen Bee started posting, not only did it save my brain from further cell death, but it also kinda got me hot. :wub:


Seriously, this whole topic is silly. Women can be just as perverted as guys if not more so. Just more subtle about it... well sometimes. :P

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While this thread is still being major necro-posted, I think I'll use this moment to say that I came here for the sex mods :sleepy: but stayed for the non adult stuff.

The requests in the adult section still make my day though, learning about fetishes I never knew existed lol

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While this thread is still being major necro-posted, I think I'll use this moment to say that I came here for the sex mods :sleepy: but stayed for the non adult stuff.

The requests in the adult section still make my day though, learning about fetishes I never knew existed lol


Like Fae Cowcats?  :P

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This has been a very interesting read!


"A person with an enough open mind can answer any and I mean any question without getting offended." - ZeKollektor (This is about the truest thing I've heard/read in the whole year so far!)


All in all I must say I was at first puzzled and annoyed at the amount of hateful replies the OP recieved - this thread apparently hit alot of soft spots. ZeKollektor has already said most of what I wanted to say regarding that (and better worded, too!), but I just want to add:


Remember people: There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers! While the OP might be considered childish and naive, that is still no excuse to respond with naievete in return! Be the better person, instead! But in all honesty, I don't believe there was any hidden agenda or sarcasm in HornyScientist's question; I believe he sincerely just wanted to know. Why? Because, for many men, women ARE a complete and utter mystery. They have been for me my entire life, up until but a year or two ago.


FoggyZerani came along and wrote a very detailed and enlightening response to the OPs question, highlighting much of the problem. She made me understand the female perspective alot better than I did before, so thank you for that!


So the conclusion and my 2 c:


I don't believe women have a lower sex drive or are somehow "less" horny than men; from what I've heard, and experienced, women are just as horny as us guys. But due to centuries of social stigma and, quite frankly, an unjust perception of how women should be and behave, they have become masters (mistressess? Non-native english-speaker here!) of not only hiding it - but the fear of being branded a slut keeps women from letting loose and enjoying sex the way men do.


It's quite frankly a very sad state of affairs. This forced behavior of females everywhere leaves uneducated males confused, clueless, and yes, even hateful (of women). I believe it's our task as males to liberate our females by not thinking "what a slut!" when we see a healthy a dose of cleveage! It takes alot of guts for a woman to go against the general concensus in this matter, but it is what must be done. For what it's worth, free, sexual women have my respect, and the others have...my understanding.


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I'm a female on LoversLab, and I came here for the sex mods. Hell, I came for the beasty and monster-action mods, and I have no qualms stating it openly. I originally found LL specifically looking for LoversCreature. Before Oblivion and my relative retirement from modding, I was actively involved in modding beastiality action into Neverwinter Nights, basically starting day 1 the toolset was first released.


Beyond that, I have a bigger porn horde than most of my male friends, and a lot of it is shit they'd never own up to looking at even if they had it.


You know why?


Because I like it. It's my taste. It doesn't really have to be any more complicated than that, does it?

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I'm a female on LoversLab, and I came here for the sex mods. Hell, I came for the beasty and monster-action mods, and I have no qualms stating it openly. I originally found LL specifically looking for LoversCreature. Before Oblivion and my relative retirement from modding, I was actively involved in modding beastiality action into Neverwinter Nights, basically starting day 1 the toolset was first released.


Beyond that, I have a bigger porn horde than most of my male friends, and a lot of it is shit they'd never own up to looking at even if they had it.


You know why?


Because I like it. It's my taste. It doesn't really have to be any more complicated than that, does it?


I'd be as honest as you but I find it difficult after having posted several pictures in the "Show yourself" thread. :lol:

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Well it's no secret that I lurve bondage, and have been involved in the BDSM lifestyle in r/l. What initially lead me to this site was ZAZ Resources on the Nexus. The ZAZ Animations continue to be my favorite Skyrim Adult mod. :P

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Good Lord, some of the ladies are attacking HornySientist like a pack of wolves on a lone caribou. Insults aren't needed to get your point across.


The OP set the tone with the "generalizations" asking for a flame war and insults. He was disrespectful of the women and they are responding. If his post is true and sincere then attitudes like the ones he posted are the reason he can't get laid. Women are not "irrational" they are people with depth, feelings and desires. They can have every sort of thoughts and desires that men can have.


His "confusion" is the result of his generalization and classification of "women". Stop, listen, and talk respectfully and in time he will start to learn about women. He will never fully understand a woman. He cannot, nor can any other man fully understand a women. Through listening and patience you will learn what you need to know from a woman in due time.

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Good Lord...


Ive lived among women for a very long time,... so in i way i understand them, but only as much as a man can


It is impossible to fully understand the complexity of another human being, as men dont understand women, women cant fully understand men


I dont think like most men do, i can understand feelings, emotions and deepness of character, which is the quality i most appreciate in others


But fully understanding another is impossible because there is a factor involving unpredictability, you cant categorize everyone by their gender, race or creed, in a manner of speaking, human behavior is ALWAYS irrational (i meant this in a good not-insulting way) because reason and cold mind arent the only factors that affect it.


Im a man, and i DID NOT came here for the sex mods, hell i dont even care for sex mods... i may have downloaded some but only because they were accessible and i wanted to see what it was all about with these mods, and only very few. But most of them, on a personal level make me sick  (dont mean to offend anyone, its just my personal mind, and every mod takes work so i can respect that too, along with other people's personal deviations as long as no real harm is caused)


I really came here asking for regular mods, ripped armors from other games, "illegal" rips and because this site allows more freedom than Nexus. Ive found so many wonderful links here i dont regret it, ive learned to make my own mods and talked to very intelligent people, yes i like sex but i dont live and die for it. My motivations are way beyond that. 


And i think not everyone's motives are the same, but i could bet at least somebody's motivations correspond to mine, probably more women than men, cause men tend to be hornier, but also cant be defined by hornyness alone

Women can get horny as men can get more complex, everyone has their own personal reasons and its better to respect that, from hornyness to being a collector, wanting to talk with other people or looking for something in particular. Everything is possible

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Not sure if people realize this, but sex 24/7 means that you have to deal with another person 24/7. I don't even like dealing with people for more than a few hours, and I'm sure there are many women out there who feel the same (considering this is a mental health, not a gender issue).


Why would you want to limit your sex life to meeting some other asshole's standards?

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Good Lord...


Ive lived among women for a very long time,... so in i way i understand them, but only as much as a man can


It is impossible to fully understand the complexity of another human being, as men dont understand women, women cant fully understand men


I dont think like most men do, i can understand feelings, emotions and deepness of character, which is the quality i most appreciate in others


But fully understanding another is impossible because there is a factor involving unpredictability, you cant categorize everyone by their gender, race or creed, in a manner of speaking, human behavior is ALWAYS irrational (i meant this in a good not-insulting way) because reason and cold mind arent the only factors that affect it.


Im a man, and i DID NOT came here for the sex mods, hell i dont even care for sex mods... i may have downloaded some but only because they were accessible and i wanted to see what it was all about with these mods, and only very few. But most of them, on a personal level make me sick  (dont mean to offend anyone, its just my personal mind, and every mod takes work so i can respect that too, along with other people's personal deviations as long as no real harm is caused)


I really came here asking for regular mods, ripped armors from other games, "illegal" rips and because this site allows more freedom than Nexus. Ive found so many wonderful links here i dont regret it, ive learned to make my own mods and talked to very intelligent people, yes i like sex but i dont live and die for it. My motivations are way beyond that. 


And i think not everyone's motives are the same, but i could bet at least somebody's motivations correspond to mine, probably more women than men, cause men tend to be hornier, but also cant be defined by hornyness alone

Women can get horny as men can get more complex, everyone has their own personal reasons and its better to respect that, from hornyness to being a collector, wanting to talk with other people or looking for something in particular. Everything is possible


Y'see I never get this line of thinking. Like when a woman will say they don't understand men, or when a man well *points up.* When I see another human being sure male and female resonate but don't overwrite the fact that I am looking at another human being. There is no deep profound secret between the sexes as far as I can tell. Sure there are superficial differences, but in the end each and every individual male or female is different. If you just look at someone of the opposite sex as another person it tends to make this whole thing a lot less vexing. Then again I've always felt like the outsider looking in, so I guess it gives me some perspective in that regard. I mean there are plenty of guys i don't get, and there are plenty of women I don't get. But there are plenty of guys I do get, and plenty of women I do get. The trick is breaking it down to an individual level. So in the end there are simply I am comparable with, and people I'm not regardless of sex or gender. Simple. As for cultural standards regarding gender norms, I don't get those at all, and frankly I think they just confuse matters for everyone hence you wind up with this mystical notion that men and women are so different they are almost separate species, which is a load imo.

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Basically all this just confirms what I already know: Humans are complex.

You can't just say all men are all perverts who come here for the sex and all women come here for something else. That's a disservice to both.

Every time somebody tries to tell me men and women must think and act a certain way, people will turn up that utterly disprove that.



A female pervert.

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