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44 minutes ago, Highborn said:

So, who doesn't agree with you becomes a fanboy because you can't possibly be wrong about this and if the mod doesn't work in your game (but works with almost everyone else) the problem is certainly with the author.


You can whine all you want but it doesn't change the fact that most people don't have the problems you are experiencing. Besides, you don't seem to have the patience or interest in fixing it. I'd say you don't even want help here, by seeing your attitude. 


The mod is a WIP, it says on the first page. The cheat codes aren't always used to fix problems - many people don't want to engage in a difficult fights like Zoe's or the Phantom, and just want to get it over with. And, of course, occasional issues is normal in mods, especially an ambitious one like this. It's still a one person work rather than a studio behind it. However, 40,661 downloads this mod had so far. The amount of people like you complaining and rage quitting aren't big, and doesn't prove your point that the mod is broken.




Thief is surely one of the best mods I saw, in terms of technics.

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18 hours ago, longjohn119 said:

Yet 3 days later I have a very much modded version of this game including the Sexlab Framework, SLEN, Radiant Prostitution, TDF Prostitution and about 20 other Sexlab mods .... graphics mods up the ying yang, basically a complete graphics overhaul, a complete overhaul of the fight mechanics and it's as stable as any game I have ...... Basically all the stuff I had to hold off doing just to make sure this mod didn't break I did over 3 days and am now playing the game crash free and issue free ......  This is the first time I have ever played this game because I was on a gaming hiatus when this came out and I really want to play the game


No the problem is this mod and the poorly scripted fight scenes ...... Don't get me wrong the concept is good, the branching narrative is very good but the author obviously isn't good at scripting fights ..... That's why game developers have teams and specialists for each part and this author needs someone who can script fights to help him out ..... For instance I can code embedded processors but I'm not very good at it because I'm an Electronics Engineer so I do the rough work and turn it over to my Software Engineer .... However if you handed my Software Engineer a soldering station he'd only end up burning himself and maybe burn the building down ...... Neither one of us could get the job done alone, at least not at the level I demand from my products but together we make some of the best Building Control devices in the industry that have never been hacked like most competing systems 





well... you are one person, there are a lot more who can enjoy the mod quite frequently without major issues (or maybe its just them not instantly whining about stuff but figuring it out)

so... ehm.. yes the problem is on your end. Some mods need to be deactivated during a Thief-Playthrough, if you like it or not.

And why are you complaining about badly scripted fight scenes? you do realize this isnt Tekken5 ?! This Mod is NOT about the freakin fighting sequences... Jesus...

Are you also complaining about the little car trunk in a ferrari? A ferrari is not about how much you can transport with it. Neither is Thief about gracious fistfights.


Sooo.. ehm... yea... did I mention this amazing mod comes for free? pretty hateful yackety yack for something coming to you for free...


and one more thing: this is still a WIP.


But hey, what do I know... I wish you good luck finding better Mods! Bye bye :)

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It wasn't hateful, it's called Constructive Criticism ...... The fight is so out of balance with Zoe and a couple of others he puts you in God Mode  so you don't get insta-killed by a level 100 witch ..... THAT is OBVIOUSLY a workaround ......


There is 175 pages of problems with this piece of Alpha software which for the most part is good .... except the heavily overscripted fight scenes ........ 


Telling me it's my computer is frankly a bullshit answer and wasn't the least bit helpful  ..... I've been building IBM compatible/x86 systems since the 80's .....  When I first go on the Internet the World Wide Web consisted of a single website at CERN in Europe ......   I heard the exact same bullshit from the Rockstar Fanboys  when the RDR2 PC game flopped at release .... "It works on mine so it must be a problem with your computer" ...... Yet 6 weeks after release RDR2 started working because Rockstar released a patch while nothing at all changed on my computer and by applying Occam's Razor it tells me the problem was NOT MY COMPUTER but sloppy code on Rockstars part ...... 

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47 minutes ago, longjohn119 said:

It wasn't hateful, it's called Constructive Criticism ...... The fight is so out of balance with Zoe and a couple of others he puts you in God Mode  so you don't get insta-killed by a level 100 witch ..... THAT is OBVIOUSLY a workaround ......


There is 175 pages of problems with this piece of Alpha software which for the most part is good .... except the heavily overscripted fight scenes ........ 


Telling me it's my computer is frankly a bullshit answer and wasn't the least bit helpful  ..... I've been building IBM compatible/x86 systems since the 80's .....  When I first go on the Internet the World Wide Web consisted of a single website at CERN in Europe ......   I heard the exact same bullshit from the Rockstar Fanboys  when the RDR2 PC game flopped at release .... "It works on mine so it must be a problem with your computer" ...... Yet 6 weeks after release RDR2 started working because Rockstar released a patch while nothing at all changed on my computer and by applying Occam's Razor it tells me the problem was NOT MY COMPUTER but sloppy code on Rockstars part ...... 

Yeah, the fight with Zoe is unbalanced. I agree with you on that. This is a legit criticism. However, you said the scripted fight was broken, implying it can't be passed without cheating or using console commands, which is not the case. You need to have a high level character and be well equipped to defeat her "fair". Using a workaround because we play in a low level character and want to skip the fight, is different from saying the fight is broken and the author is incompetent making scenes - even if the mod is not about fights. You are having unrealistic expectations if you think this mod needs to have a competent and decent fights, when the original game doesn't even have that. You probably think that if he can't do this "right", he shouldn't mess with it. Well, it's the direction he wants to go with the mod he is sharing with us for free. He tried to make a boss fight different from what we see in the original game, he tried to innovate. Of course it won't appeal to everyone, but hey, you could have pointed it better without sounding like you were shitting at his work.


And no, there isn't 175 pages of just problems. There are many discussion about hidden contents, achievements, different branches, karma required, mod progress, updates, etc. The thread is for everything, not only troubleshooting. And besides, many people that had "problems" found easy solutions or the problems weren't even problems to begin with.


And we are not saying that your computer is the problem, it's probably your mod setup - even ENBs and .ini edits can cause instability. Every modded Skyrim is a different "game" that can have incompatibilities that are difficult to track. When you have a ctd or a scripted scene that is not working as intended, it's probably because the game, especially modded, is very sensitive to conflicts. And you are dealing with a modder (just one, it's not even a team like most big and praised quest mods), much less a company. So, yeah, a mod this big and WIP will get problems here and there, but it's playable. We're here to help people that want to play it, but if you want to give up because it's too much of a headache, feel free to do so, it's understandable. 


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At any time from the fourth day onward, you can opt to have sex with Vilgen again to try to bring his total price down from 10 to 9.5 gold.  The best way to actually win this is to have sex with Bobo or work in the brothel for a day, then during the minigame stay on the slowest speed.  There is a side quest associated with this minigame that is currently not implemented, so for now it's effectively just something you can do for flavor.

@brewmasterhal how can make my character have sex with Bobo again?

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21 hours ago, geraldofrivia said:

@brewmasterhal how can make my character have sex with Bobo again?

Are you asking academically?  If you've had sex with Bobo once then the relevant variable has been set - there are no repeats with Bobo.  Per Dogma's description, since the aforementioned minigame isn't yet implemented there's simply a variable that is set by participating in either of the sex scenes that makes the Vilgen minigame winnable.  Once the sex training minigame is implemented (probably in v1.0 but I don't think we have definitive confirmation) these triggers will likely be removed.

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On 2/2/2020 at 6:41 AM, longjohn119 said:

Yet 3 days later I have a very much modded version of this game including the Sexlab Framework, SLEN, Radiant Prostitution, TDF Prostitution and about 20 other Sexlab mods .... graphics mods up the ying yang, basically a complete graphics overhaul, a complete overhaul of the fight mechanics and it's as stable as any game I have ...... Basically all the stuff I had to hold off doing just to make sure this mod didn't break I did over 3 days and am now playing the game crash free and issue free ......  This is the first time I have ever played this game because I was on a gaming hiatus when this came out and I really want to play the game


No the problem is this mod and the poorly scripted fight scenes ...... Don't get me wrong the concept is good, the branching narrative is very good but the author obviously isn't good at scripting fights ..... That's why game developers have teams and specialists for each part and this author needs someone who can script fights to help him out ..... For instance I can code embedded processors but I'm not very good at it because I'm an Electronics Engineer so I do the rough work and turn it over to my Software Engineer .... However if you handed my Software Engineer a soldering station he'd only end up burning himself and maybe burn the building down ...... Neither one of us could get the job done alone, at least not at the level I demand from my products but together we make some of the best Building Control devices in the industry that have never been hacked like most competing systems 





ok boomer

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7 hours ago, Highborn said:

the current patreon exclusive version? Yes, Dogma always release an English version, although he uses google translation - but it's understandable. @brewmasterhal is still working on his version of the translation I believe.

Do I need to refresh it or something like that in the mod MCM ?

I played, and it stoped abgain just after Runa chat in the main hall.

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52 minutes ago, Delzaron said:

Do I need to refresh it or something like that in the mod MCM ?

I played, and it stoped abgain just after Runa chat in the main hall.

You need to use a clean save after a new update, using a save that didn't have previous Thief version installed should work. But the new content is a side quest with Burd, if you help him and he survives the Arena, he should greet you in a few days with a proposal. There is still no story progression after you meet Runa. That will be the next update that is currently being developed.

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On 2/3/2020 at 12:24 PM, longjohn119 said:

It wasn't hateful, it's called Constructive Criticism ...... The fight is so out of balance with Zoe and a couple of others he puts you in God Mode  so you don't get insta-killed by a level 100 witch ..... THAT is OBVIOUSLY a workaround ......


There is 175 pages of problems with this piece of Alpha software which for the most part is good .... except the heavily overscripted fight scenes ........ 


Telling me it's my computer is frankly a bullshit answer and wasn't the least bit helpful  ..... I've been building IBM compatible/x86 systems since the 80's .....  When I first go on the Internet the World Wide Web consisted of a single website at CERN in Europe ......   I heard the exact same bullshit from the Rockstar Fanboys  when the RDR2 PC game flopped at release .... "It works on mine so it must be a problem with your computer" ...... Yet 6 weeks after release RDR2 started working because Rockstar released a patch while nothing at all changed on my computer and by applying Occam's Razor it tells me the problem was NOT MY COMPUTER but sloppy code on Rockstars part ...... 

I find this funny.  Clearly you don't understand how to beat Zoe.  God Mode was enable not to keep the character from being "insta-killed" but so he can introduce other mechanics.  I have never had a problem beating Zoe without cheating.  If you notice, in the battle with Zoe you have essentially infinite mana.  


Zoe is most easily beat using the Firebolt spell.  There are multiple cues during the battle so you know when Zoe is vulnerable.  If you stand in one place you will get clobbered.  You have to learn the arena as if you leave it you die.  Healing potions are a thing, so maybe you should carry a few.


You are like people that jump on the Dark Souls boards and complain about it being a difficult game.  There is a bit of a learning/mastery curve.  


People use cheats against Zoe because they aren't interested in the battle scene.


If you want to complain about something that is unbalanced in the game try the sniper that kills the imperials.  That scene could use a bit of polish.  The arena battles in the last chapter need a little polish as well.


Additionally, maybe you should try using Occam's razor on you own load order.  This mod works best if you strip down you mod load to the bare minimum that you can stand.  It is a script heavy mod and the Skyrim engine is being pushed with this mod.  The front page lists a number of mods that don't work with this one.  It is easy to extrapolate from that list other mods that might conflict.


I use Mod Organizer and it is very easy to figure out where to look for problems.  Most of the time, people are using animations from other mods that are unnecessary and that causes the most grief.


Also, expertise in building computers doesn't translate into modding Skyrim, so kind of a non sequitur.  Additionally, not only does no one care about your WWW story, no one believes it either.  No one is telling you it is your computer.  No one cares about your RDR2 stories either -- more non sequiturs.  They are telling you it is your mod load that is the problem.  Your problem solving skills seem to be the issue here.  Start with a simple mod load and then add stuff.


There is something like 100,000 plus mods for Skyrim.  It is not possible for anyone to predict the behavior of how they will interact.


Try using FINIS XXL.  Use a basic ENB.  Enabling an ENB correctly is probably the #1 thing you can do to increase the stability of the 32-bit Skyrim engine.  Setting up Mod Organizer properly takes a bit of work, but it makes modding much easier in the long run.  To setup a profile to run Thief from scratch takes me a few hours of tinkering with both my mod install order and the load order in Skyrim.  LOOT is a great tool for getting the load order correct.  Use TES5Edit to clean any mods you use that get flagged by LOOT.  Don't install any animations not required by Thief.  Do all of this and Thief is stable.  I can run the game for hours with no crashes or other problems.  Since you are a "computer expert" you probably know you should be running of an SSD -- preferably a NVMe SSD.  Finally, don't install Skyrim (or Steam for that matter) in the default Program Files location.  


If after you do all of this and still have problems then let us know.  Otherwise you are whinging about basically a free mod that only costs your time.  If you aren't even willing to put in your time to get it working with your mod load, then maybe you should give up modding altogether.


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On 2/3/2020 at 8:24 PM, longjohn119 said:

It wasn't hateful, it's called Constructive Criticism ...... The fight is so out of balance with Zoe and a couple of others he puts you in God Mode  so you don't get insta-killed by a level 100 witch ..... THAT is OBVIOUSLY a workaround ......


There is 175 pages of problems with this piece of Alpha software which for the most part is good .... except the heavily overscripted fight scenes ........ 


Telling me it's my computer is frankly a bullshit answer and wasn't the least bit helpful  ..... I've been building IBM compatible/x86 systems since the 80's .....  When I first go on the Internet the World Wide Web consisted of a single website at CERN in Europe ......   I heard the exact same bullshit from the Rockstar Fanboys  when the RDR2 PC game flopped at release .... "It works on mine so it must be a problem with your computer" ...... Yet 6 weeks after release RDR2 started working because Rockstar released a patch while nothing at all changed on my computer and by applying Occam's Razor it tells me the problem was NOT MY COMPUTER but sloppy code on Rockstars part ...... 

I did not blame your PC for the problem, but rather your modlist, which is entirely in your hands ;)

one bad line can make a tonload of code-writing go down the toilet, its the same with the mods and every single line within our ini files.

if skyrim modding teaches us one thing, then its how some things/mods/lines strangely influence one another although there are no logic boundaries there.

And obviously all your "since 80s experience" doesnt help much (and I dont know how its actually relevant)

its at least as illogic to critisize a mod and its coding on matters while it works for a lot of people.


And the Zoe fight is hard. FOR A CHANGE! I dont know how it is for others but I seldomly ever come across any game still showing real challenges.

are we really that dependend on easy playthroughs? Whats wrong with a hard challenge? whats wrong with actually failing for a while until we actually did spend some thought on how to overcome an obstacle?

It has become a common thing in the game-industry to present us "easy joy by easy tasks". I actually enjoyed that ONE moment which didnt go "click click, move, click, victory"

which doesnt mean I wasnt swearing and even facing frustration. but thats just more of a proof how little frustration tolerance we have left.


obviously this mod moves you (us), especially with the hard and challenging stuff. Be thankful for it! Too many games are just fast food and will soon be forgotten by us gamers. This one probably wont. Thats how good it is, with and maybe even because of the hard times it gives us.

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The animations of this mod itself cause much more ctd possibility than other mod could do,causing the process of playing the mod is likely to be full of ctds.Is that my own issue?

This is a Sexlab mod,so it was naturally for me to use other Sexlab animations to add some choice,but the ctds have been keeping me from doing so.

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1 hour ago, Ezzerat said:

The animations of this mod itself cause much more ctd possibility than other mod could do,causing the process of playing the mod is likely to be full of ctds.Is that my own issue?

This is a Sexlab mod,so it was naturally for me to use other Sexlab animations to add some choice,but the ctds have been keeping me from doing so.

I ve had some troubles with this mod, mostly because other mods did collide. but I havent had a single CTD due to the dogma animations.

But I also dont know how you would "add some choice" within this mods animations because these animations are scripted and are not meant to present choices/alternatives.

Mixing anything into this mod is NOT a good idea and probably a highway to CTDs en masse

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32 minutes ago, junior55 said:

hi, does anyone know how to fix the camera when the scene with 2 bandits? 

i'm curious about how the scene is in the tent ,i use TFC but it doesnt work

To be clear, there is a part of the scene that it's supposed to not show the inside because the actors are still aligning. Then it should rotate so you can see what's happening. But if you can't see nothing at all, like actos being invisible, you might try customizable camera or another camera mod on nexus that allows you to adjust the distance in the scenes.

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17 minutes ago, Highborn said:

To be clear, there is a part of the scene that it's supposed to not show the inside because the actors are still aligning. Then it should rotate so you can see what's happening. But if you can't see nothing at all, like actos being invisible, you might try customizable camera or another camera mod on nexus that allows you to adjust the distance in the scenes.

i use customizable camera, but the subtitle not show...

how to fix that?

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38 minutes ago, junior55 said:

i use customizable camera, but the subtitle not show...

how to fix that?

If you only changed the camera distance you should be able to see the subtitles. You can't toggle any type of free camera without losing the subtitles. It's an engine limitation.

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I think the lunar nirnroot quest is broken in several ways right after you collect it.


1. after the message "I need to get back to Zoe" where you move to the exit the cavein starts and the message appears "I need to wrap myself up" (what the hell does this even mean?) upon which the character moves back to the spot where the nirnroot was. This effectively blocks the PC in that spot since you missed the very small window during which you could escape and you can't move back out again because the cavein dust has a push/stagger effect on you, pressing you even further against the backwall until the timer runs out and you die


2. if you use the debug cheat to take control the cavein effect will spawn on you even if you descended the "stars" into the bigger cave and continue make you stagger until the timer runs out and you die


3. even if you manage to get to the exit to the cave before the timer shows up the gases there will turn into the cavein dust and just push you back into the cave and trap you


I've re-tried this stupid stage for over 20 times now, tried everything, past COC-ing myself out of this cell (and the one time I tried it worked, but then the screen went and stayed black even though I could bring up the console) there is no way to survive and get out.


EDIT: Skyrim is usually a game I played after another game caused me to rage, but this time it's Skyrim causing me to rage and fucking making me really angry cause I can't get out, finish this quest and everything I tried gets thwarted by the quest script. The most annoying is this fucking cavein bullshit that keeps spawning on me even though I've moved away from where it should be, it keeps following me like a fucking stalker. Sorry for profanity, but I've got a headache and after re-trying the same fucking few seconds over 30 times now to always get screwed over and have to repeat it with no success has me contemplating violence against innocent computer paraphernalia.

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56 minutes ago, user9120975435 said:

I think the lunar nirnroot quest is broken in several ways right after you collect it.


1. after the message "I need to get back to Zoe" where you move to the exit the cavein starts and the message appears "I need to wrap myself up" (what the hell does this even mean?) upon which the character moves back to the spot where the nirnroot was. This effectively blocks the PC in that spot since you missed the very small window during which you could escape and you can't move back out again because the cavein dust has a push/stagger effect on you, pressing you even further against the backwall until the timer runs out and you die


2. if you use the debug cheat to take control the cavein effect will spawn on you even if you descended the "stars" into the bigger cave and continue make you stagger until the timer runs out and you die


3. even if you manage to get to the exit to the cave before the timer shows up the gases there will turn into the cavein dust and just push you back into the cave and trap you


I've re-tried this stupid stage for over 20 times now, tried everything, past COC-ing myself out of this cell (and the one time I tried it worked, but then the screen went and stayed black even though I could bring up the console) there is no way to survive and get out.


EDIT: Skyrim is usually a game I played after another game caused me to rage, but this time it's Skyrim causing me to rage and fucking making me really angry cause I can't get out, finish this quest and everything I tried gets thwarted by the quest script. The most annoying is this fucking cavein bullshit that keeps spawning on me even though I've moved away from where it should be, it keeps following me like a fucking stalker. Sorry for profanity, but I've got a headache and after re-trying the same fucking few seconds over 30 times now to always get screwed over and have to repeat it with no success has me contemplating violence against innocent computer paraphernalia.

I think you play through the mod update without clean install. I had a similar problem. I fixed it by doing a clean install and starting the mod with no play-through history. I think it's because of the old scripts and a newer version of the mod. Try this, uninstall the mod, run FNIS, make a clean save, then install the mod and run FNIS. And be patient and play it through. Hope it helps.

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3 hours ago, Highborn said:

If you only changed the camera distance you should be able to see the subtitles. You can't toggle any type of free camera without losing the subtitles. It's an engine limitation.

i got it, i want to ask again...

is it possible to make our mouth character open when BJ scene?

in my game, my character's mouth is closed while her tongue is out (its funny xD)

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