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Billyy's SLAL Animations (2024-6-1)

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I got weird problems with this animations... as soon as i activate it in sl loader it corrupts my savegame (any save from that point on wont work.. it even crashes save tool).  No errors in fnis. Strange. When i remove animations and go back to old save game, its all good from that point on.

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Ok fixed the missing wolf rock furniture animation, you just need to go to Data/SLAnims/ and click SLAnimGenerate.pyw (need python to open it)


after that there will be sexlabanimation loader check the categories and find Billy_creaturefurniture(NEED BUILD)  click it then click the Build Category, its done :)


here's the pic if you still confuse


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Ok fixed the missing wolf rock furniture animation, you just need to go to Data/SLAnims/ and click SLAnimGenerate.pyw (need python to open it)


after that there will be sexlabanimation loader check the categories and find Billy_creaturefurniture(NEED BUILD)  click it then click the Build Category, its done :)


here's the pic if you still confuse


and you may need to run the "GenerateFNISforModders.exe" on "meshes\actors\character\animations\Billyy_CreatureFurniture\FNIS_Billyy_CreatureFurniture_List.txt" before running the "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe"


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Wow, are you santa? Is this christmas? This just seems too good to be true. Thank you very much! You are amazing Billyy!

Srsly wtf so many animations, and they are good too!

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i can't make work the furniture animations, for example, the sabercats do the animation but there is no rock so my character just stands there doing nothing until the animation ends. can some one help me please?


Oops, I forgot to add the rock object to the file. I updated the furniture file, so you can re-download it and in theory the rock should appear.


I don't see anything immediately wrong that would cause just the female to not animate. Does anyone else have this issue?



Now it works at its perfection, awesome animations dude, i hope to see more in the future.

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Awesome work Billyy and thanks for releasing these.


I had a quick question- I can't seem to get any of your 3p animations to work- wolf, skeever, sabrecat and bear.   All your other animations work perfectly and any other 3p or multi-actor animations such as falmer or rieklings work as well.


Do you know how I can get them to work?  I have untamed and mass matchmaker installed and neither of them will trigger a 3p scene even if I turn off any other animations.



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Awesome work Billyy and thanks for releasing these.


I had a quick question- I can't seem to get any of your 3p animations to work- wolf, skeever, sabrecat and bear.   All your other animations work perfectly and any other 3p or multi-actor animations such as falmer or rieklings work as well.


Do you know how I can get them to work?  I have untamed and mass matchmaker installed and neither of them will trigger a 3p scene even if I turn off any other animations.




Try using regular matchmaker or Defeat / Scent of Sex to trigger unusual 3p animations.

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Awesome work Billyy and thanks for releasing these.


I had a quick question- I can't seem to get any of your 3p animations to work- wolf, skeever, sabrecat and bear.   All your other animations work perfectly and any other 3p or multi-actor animations such as falmer or rieklings work as well.


Do you know how I can get them to work?  I have untamed and mass matchmaker installed and neither of them will trigger a 3p scene even if I turn off any other animations.




I would think Mass should work unless it does not do multiple creature anims, since there were none when it was developed. If regular matchmaker doesn't work (cast on wolf1, cast on wolf2, cast on self - I have been successful with this) you can also use Sexlab Tools.

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If you're still having issues with the rock animations try downloading the Furniture SLAL again (I'll add version numbers in the future so it's clearer). I tested the most recent file on a fresh Skyrim install and it worked fine, so it should be ok now.



Awesome work Billyy and thanks for releasing these.


I had a quick question- I can't seem to get any of your 3p animations to work- wolf, skeever, sabrecat and bear.   All your other animations work perfectly and any other 3p or multi-actor animations such as falmer or rieklings work as well.


Do you know how I can get them to work?  I have untamed and mass matchmaker installed and neither of them will trigger a 3p scene even if I turn off any other animations.




Try using regular matchmaker or Defeat / Scent of Sex to trigger unusual 3p animations.



Try this. I'm not sure how mass matchmaker works, but in theory my animations shouldn't work any different than anyone else's. I know the regular matchmaker works, it's how I test my animations in-game.


Anyone else with other odd issues make sure you're not going over fnis or Sexlab's animation limit. Other than that, I can't say much, they shouldn't act any differently than any other SLAL pack, and I've used my SLAL packs across multiple Skyrim installs for a long time without any issues.

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  Thank you, these look really good, and I am very happy to see, more Creature diversity.


I don't want to see this stuff in real life, but in digital fantasy, I find it very unique, and, an absolute fun adult fetish, for one's imagination.


Thank you so much for sharing these.

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Think a friend of mine will just love those wolf animations. Any chances for werewolf stuff, or is it a bit out of reach at the moment? Since surprised by lack of double penetration with them or legit consensual animations (woman gives the werewolf permission/werewolf isn't simply forcing themselves upon their 'prey'). Unless their stuff makes it very difficult to do those kinds of animations.

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Think a friend of mine will just love those wolf animations. Any chances for werewolf stuff, or is it a bit out of reach at the moment? Since surprised by lack of double penetration with them or legit consensual animations (woman gives the werewolf permission/werewolf isn't simply forcing themselves upon their 'prey'). Unless their stuff makes it very difficult to do those kinds of animations.


Coincidentally werewolfs are one of the creatures I've worked on that I’m looking at to release next. Lack of a DP animation likely has more to do with the fact that working with 3 or more actors is a huge pain. Their large junk does defiantly lead to complications with animations, though more specifically anything oral related. I’m not sure what to do with any oral stuff I have for them, generally it’s a clipping nightmare if you want any more than the tip in.


I know Anubis made a few stellar animations for werewolfs that definitely have more of a consensual feel to them.


which wolf did "naughty bit" skin you use?


they seem to be unaligned on my game


I used the default one from more nasty critters. Misalignment will occur if you let sexlab scale the wolf which happens if you are using “even actor heights”, or “potential CTD fix”. Generally speaking scaling and creatures do not mix well.

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Yeah i think we need more werewolf animation because in Skymomod, immersive creature there's so many new creature that using werewolf skeleton :) , that junk of werewolf is quite large too sometimes its clipping, i agree Anub made the werewolf animation really great in consensual or non consensual, the oral thing is really hard to fit on it, i think maybe another ground pound, holding or another non consensual still fit to the werewolf animation. The even actor heights are the problem for certain creatures such as  horker, chaurus(its become bigger), ash hopper, wolf, dragon etc, even after you check it in sexlab framework its still misalignment, the problem is skyrim itself i guess :-/  


One more thing there's werewolf replacers mod, you wont get bored if there are many new creatures in one skeleton  :D


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