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Guest Redabyss

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Hey first of i just want to say that almost no one start uploading animations that look professional, i still dont. You will get better with each animation you do, and staying on one animation until it's perfect wont help. Because you will learn new things from each animation you do. That said, of course you want to finish your animation so im going to try give you some tips and tell you how i work.


First I make a simple loop, a loop that is the core of my animation, For the most part 3 key frames. If it looks ok, i'll add or move around keyframes to get a better flow. Because having all bones locked in the same keýframe makes them look stiff.


For example, i might make the pelvis and leg bones move a couple of frames after the rest of the body, giving it more flow. (This took me a long time to realize) I think the attached gif shows it alright. On both characters the pelvis and bellow move differently from the rest of the body.


If the upper body have keyframes at  0-10-20 , the pelvis and legs have at 3-13-23. Now this have created a more "advanced" loop.


I also make sure to only keep the locked in keyframes on bones that i actually use. Because later when i have looped the animation 40 times, i can creat things that dont loop with the original loop. Like arm movements, head movements or the mouth. Smaller details.


If i explained it well, i dont know, but i think you can try this, like using the wrist move a little independently from the rest of the arm. Making the motion a little more like a wave. 




Here we go. ISo far I have 2 and while they technically are decent looking enough, m a total perfectionist so I really want to make these animations look professional before uploading them. Problem is her left hand and stiff body, I havent been able to mimic the storking motion you would use when rubbing something.






I think the problem is the pose is a bit innatural (the hand is too much twisted) and maybe the animation is too slow.

Try moving the keys "pelvis" and "spine" from frame to frame, so the whole body moves, giving the idea of a not still stance :)



Thanks! I will probably redo the animation to a better looking one. Zorak, I dont usually loop animations because I havent been able to loop and animation without it being stiff so maybe if you have some tips that would be great :). So what I normally do is to keep shifting as many bones as I can, usually in a 15 frame interval.

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Well one tip could be that the loop will look stiff. But ones you copy the loop to loop many times you can start to add details to the whole animation and not just the loop. That will take away a lot of the stiffness. And the thing i talked about before also helps with giving the loop more flow.   And only key frame the bones that actually move/rotate. That will leave the others open for easier editing.

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Hello! Sorry to bother yall again but I have a problem. I'm creating a standing solo anim but I have trouble animating the foot and pelvis area without it looking like its swerving. How do I animate the foot and pelvis area to make the animation look more fluid without creating a swerve of the hip kind of thing.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.

Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here:  http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/   and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?



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Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.


Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here: http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/ and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?




Hi :)


I've seen these rigs and they do look very good! I've not gone for these myself as I tried them and found it very different to maneuver, it's taken sometime to get used to what I got so I stuck with it :)


Not to say you can't try it out and see what happens :)

I'm not sure if the male rig has a penis though, if not then it's a bit of a down side

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Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.

Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here:  http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/   and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?




I use these rigs for animating non-adult stuff. I like them, they can produce some pretty fluid movement once you get used to how they work. They have bones for things that are normally a huge pain to animate, like fingers.


The maindownsides to them are that 1) you have to locrot the control rig AND the rig every time, which isn't difficult, but a bit tedious. 2) The arms are a bit awkward, especially if you want to bring the hands up to the face while simultaneously keeping the elbows close to the side. 3) the male rig does not have a penis, but you can append the penis mesh to the rig yourself, just an extra step.


This is just my experience with it, hope it's helpful in some way :)

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Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.

Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here:  http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/   and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?




I'm learning Blender (tutorials and I'm seriously thinking about paying for a course) and I had a hard time using the basic "rigs". I tried to create my own rig and it did not go the way I wanted . Kijiko rigs (although it has its limitations) are easier to use for me. I'm working on a smoking animation (I decided to start with non-adult animations). I'll post when I finish.

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Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.


Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here: http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/ and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?




Hi :)


I've seen these rigs and they do look very good! I've not gone for these myself as I tried them and found it very different to maneuver, it's taken sometime to get used to what I got so I stuck with it :)


Not to say you can't try it out and see what happens :)

I'm not sure if the male rig has a penis though, if not then it's a bit of a down side



Thanks for your answer Rlo, please would you tell me what rig are you using...... the default ones?.....the ones included in the WW guide?



Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.

Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here:  http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/   and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s'>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?




I use these rigs for animating non-adult stuff. I like them, they can produce some pretty fluid movement once you get used to how they work. They have bones for things that are normally a huge pain to animate, like fingers.


The maindownsides to them are that 1) you have to locrot the control rig AND the rig every time, which isn't difficult, but a bit tedious. 2) The arms are a bit awkward, especially if you want to bring the hands up to the face while simultaneously keeping the elbows close to the side. 3) the male rig does not have a penis, but you can append the penis mesh to the rig yourself, just an extra step.


This is just my experience with it, hope it's helpful in some way :)



Thanks a lot for your explanations, I think I'm gonna try these rigs and see what I get.





Hi everybody


When I tried to make my own animations, one of the bigest problem was the rigs, because when I moved the pelvist then feet moves too, so it was very dificult to make a good animation.

Now I found these amazing rigs made by Kijiko here:  http://kijiko-catfood.com/pose-helper-for-sims-4-studio/   and I wanted to know I anyone has used them to work with WW.


Here is a video about this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kS2R1esXE&t=4s


Do you knew these rigs?




I'm learning Blender (tutorials and I'm seriously thinking about paying for a course) and I had a hard time using the basic "rigs". I tried to create my own rig and it did not go the way I wanted . Kijiko rigs (although it has its limitations) are easier to use for me. I'm working on a smoking animation (I decided to start with non-adult animations). I'll post when I finish.



thanks for your answer doxian.....I think I will make a try with these rigs, I also think that these rigs could make easier to make better animations.


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I also make sure to only keep the locked in keyframes on bones that i actually use. Because later when i have looped the animation 40 times, i can creat things that dont loop with the original loop. Like arm movements, head movements or the mouth. Smaller details.

hi Zorak! could you tell more about this? i'm not sure i understand how exactly to do it, maybe you could add some Blender screenshots?



So i will talk about how i make my loops.

So basically i work a lot with the dope sheet summary to get more flow.

I start to key the whole rig so the dope sheet (to the left) Looks like this.


There is some screenshots and gifs, so i keep it in a spoiler so not everyone have to load them. 






All bones are locked in the key frame.


Then i delete the key frames that are not unique, so it looks like this.



Always keep the first frame on the whole body as it needs the information to know how does parts are supposed to be in the start of the animation.


So the motion look like this at this point.


Or this.




All the motion happening at the same time, a little mechanical.


But moving the key frames for just certain bones a couple frames forward will get it more flow.  The dope sheet looks like this then.




How much you separate them is up to you, how you want it to look.

At this point i only loop through the last 3 sections/ 6 keys.

So first, the original whole body frame, then one section to make sure the information before the loop is accurate, so the first frame and the last frame of the looping is the same while you experiment.  later you will lock in the first frame of the loop and the last of the whole animation to make sure they are the same. so it can loop.


But we are talking about the one loop now.


Doing just that little change will give the animation more flow.



 On the one below, i moved the pelvis and legs bones, and the head bone something like 2 frames just to get more flow in the animation.



After this I might work on the lips as well if it is a blowjob.


And a gif showing how it might look, not in sync with the head (not on the same frame) So it looks like it reacts to the friction between the penis and the lips, being dragged around.



It is a small detail but can be exaggerated even more.




So after this you can make it loop a bunch of times and add details on the bones you haven't touched. Like the eyebrows, making expressions or moving the head and arms that you don't use.  In the attached gif you can see the male, who don't move a lot originally, do some added movement that isn't part of the loop.



Hope this explain it! ^^





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  • 2 weeks later...




thanks for your answer doxian.....I think I will make a try with these rigs, I also think that these rigs could make easier to make better animations.




Hey Jony.


This is my first attempt at creating an adult animation. I used kijiko rigs and I think its easier to create expressions. 



Certain positions do not look cool (LEGS!) 




Lord, I need to practice.

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is there any tips to keep the feet while moving the pelvis ?


This is exactly what drives me insane :(.


If possible, please check out the modified rig in my signature. It's not a perfect solution, but it makes the adjustment afterward A LOT less of a hassle.

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is there any tips to keep the feet while moving the pelvis ?


This is exactly what drives me insane :(.


If possible, please check out the modified rig in my signature. It's not a perfect solution, but it makes the adjustment afterward A LOT less of a hassle.




Wow, you did a really good job with that! I spent days trying to figure out IK, it was fun, but nothing useful came of it :P

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Wow, you did a really good job with that! I spent days trying to figure out IK, it was fun, but nothing useful came of it :P


Thanks. I had a hard time with it too, since the way the bones are set up is different from the tutorials that us newbies use :D. Uploaded the male version too. Hope this can help :D

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