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[mod] Noxbestia's Darkest Perversions

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Something in the slows down the game to a crawl


WARNING: Horrible slowdowns are indeed confirmed!  I am looking into this and have already found some, but not all, of the culprits.  The initial ones I fixed were tied back to the recreation of version after I tore it apart the other day.






Frankly I noticed it immediatly after switching versions but I cant say what is causing as I have no coding/modding skills



Even after fixing the most glaring problems, there is still a notable slowdown about every 20 days.  Dark World itself has a minor slowdown about once a month.  These are in comparison to the game running without any mods.  I will continue to search out this problem but for now, I strongly recommend against using the preview version of for any kind of real game play.  Expect an updated preview version today, however.

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The Second Preview Version of

NoxBestia's Darkest Perversionsα has been uploaded!

This version is compatible with CK2 version 3.7.1 or 3.7.2.






As I have been saying in the forums, this is just a preview version, not a full alpha release.  It seems to be functioning well enough that it doesn't blow up within the first dozen years of a test game.  A lot of the fixes and changes I have been describing since are active.  Some of the new stuff is partially active.  


The NPC trap system is functioning.  It will even remove beards from anyone (but Muslims for some reason I can't figure out yet).  


The player variant of the trap system begins a large event, but I have neither finished writing it or coding it, so it is nothing but a few pages of tease right now.


There have been a lot of new traits added to support the new kink tracker, but right now they don't really do anything and most don't even have icons that are more than a brown button.


While the new kink tracking system is in there, it is not ready for use or even basic testing.  The core code seems to be working as expected, but I don't have any of the localisation for it added and there are logic errors causing stuff to display wrong in the message system.  If you are a modder you can look at the code if you are curious, but it hasn't really been cleaned up yet.

  • the code for the engine itself is all in <mod>/common/scripted_effects/NoxScriptedKinkTracker.txt
  • the code for the non-working "reward" display system starts at line 2550 of <mod>/events/NoxRape_events.txt


I expect that most of any free time at work tomorrow will be spent inputting localisation text and working on the PC trap events.  When I get home, I'll be working on cleaning up whatever I get done at work and starting to try to fix the problems with the display part of the kink tracker.  Once I have the trap event finished and can play for 50 years without a crash or major bug, then I expect that I'll go ahead and switch from preview to release.  


Werewolf use & abuse events and any attempt at starting to rework my procreo replacement will have to wait for after  


On the bright side, by the time I get to those, the kink tracker should be debugged and functional and I'll be writing them with it in mind.    :)  



The second preview fixes the painful slowdowns that were in the first preview and it fixes some reversed logic in the display of breast, ball, and penis traits.

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Seeking Input to Fill a Void


After rewriting that title a few times to stop sounding so much like I was one of the desperate sluts I play, I can finally ask the community for some input on a couple of things that need to be put into place as soon as possible


The first item is the price you have to pay to decrease the random exposure to a kink you aren't happy to find out your character is developing.  I want such an action to be a an option for the player, but at a significant cost.  On the other hand, getting an increase in probability is a free decision, though it wont matter much until there are a lot more events that give kink points.  But, I really want the backbone of the system in place before I go wild with events.


When you first find out that your character is developing a kink, you will get an event which will generally have the following text and choices:

PLACEHOLDER: You have had enough experience with ~KINK~ to start to develop your personal preferences.  
Do you wish to focus on the giving side, the receive side, or would you rather walk both paths?

Your current active (dominant) rating in this kink is [~KINK~.GetValue]
Your current passive (bottom) rating in this kink is [~KINK~.GetValue]

Top or bottom, I just love ~KINK~!
I prefer being the one who does the ~KINK~!
I would rather be the one who gets the ~KINK~!
I wish to get away from this path...


I think that the last option should have a steep piety and/or prestige cost, but it will effectively cut your kink_top and kink_bottom scores in half for that kink and set a flag that I can use to lower the chances of certain AI choices in certain (as of yet unwritten) events.
All of this means you may end up getting this event multiple times if you keep getting exposed to the same kink you don't want.  Being a prisoner of a perverted NPC is going to be the most likely cause of getting into this situation, though werewolf bitches and omega males will end up quickly earning certain kink_bottom points pretty fast.
If you ever reach the second stage of your development in a particular kink, you are stuck with it!  You get a new event that says something like , "For woe or weal your continued experience with ~KINK~ has led you to be recognized as a dedicated practitioner of ~KINK~.  Once again it is time to think about whether you wish to focus on the giving side, the receive side, or would you rather walk both paths?"
You then get the same options as before, but the fourth option gets changed to "I may be stuck with this label but that doesn't mean I like it..."; however, since you (presumably) already have a flag set to try to avoid said kink, I am not sure that this will do anything but save you the screen asking about your fantasies for the kink.  I think not accepting a kink that you ahve earned that many combined point in should have a penalty, but at the same time I don't want this to become a major frustration for the player.
Speaking of fantasies, we move on to my second question to the community.  This one may be a hot issue for some people, so if it is, please just back away and let those of us who will enjoy the fantasy have our discussion.  With that said, leaving real-world trauma aside, what should be the penalties applied when characters rape or get raped?  Also, what should be the chance of the (in pornos only) reaction of the person being raped actually enjoying it and falling in love with his/her rapist?
After we get though theses, there is an even more touchy subject I'll want to bring to the community, but I don't want this to get too heated (and not in the good way).
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A slowdown every 20 days you say? I bet it is/was a computationally heavy mtth event with a mean time to happen of a couple weeks (mtth events are evaluated every 20 days).


Correct.  It was a MTTH event with a setting of "days = 28" that I forgot to have the pre-triggers set for.  It is for managing a player who attains the total slut status to be able to auto-whore.  It was fixed with the following two lines of code:


ai = no
has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_all_the_time
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A slowdown every 20 days you say? I bet it is/was a computationally heavy mtth event with a mean time to happen of a couple weeks (mtth events are evaluated every 20 days).

Correct. It was a MTTH event with a setting of "days = 28" that I forgot to have the pre-triggers set for. It is for managing a player who attains the total slut status to be able to auto-whore. It was fixed with the following two lines of code:



ai = no

has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_all_the_time

Would be event more efficient to do the job of that event as a scripted effectwhenecer you give pertinent trait or variable.


Anyway, re: costs of staying away from a kink should be none. Were you going to use a general depravation variable? Justlower that stat when the option to avoid a kink is picked. Lossing prestige or piety would make no sense. Or rather losing or gaining piety depending on if your religion favours or fronws upon that kink. Maybe also opinion penalties with those of the opposite view. (i.e. opinion malus woth furry lover if you are a furry avoider and vice versa).

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Noticed another little oddity, all my sons born since 0.4v2 are diphallic (dont think I ever seen that trait before)


Are they Incubi?  If that is passing to most male (non Incubus) children and one of the parents is not diphallic, then it is a big bug.



Hmm dont remember, the father is incubi (not diphallic) not sure about the kids


EDIT: 2 are incubi and diphallic, 2 are not incubi and diphallic

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A slowdown every 20 days you say? I bet it is/was a computationally heavy mtth event with a mean time to happen of a couple weeks (mtth events are evaluated every 20 days).

Correct. It was a MTTH event with a setting of "days = 28" that I forgot to have the pre-triggers set for. It is for managing a player who attains the total slut status to be able to auto-whore. It was fixed with the following two lines of code:



ai = no

has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_all_the_time


Would be event more efficient to do the job of that event as a scripted effectwhenecer you give pertinent trait or variable.


In this particular case, I don't think so. This event exists so the frequency of the actual event is controlled by which setting a player has set for how much they want to whore.  Here is the entire code of that event:

character_event = {
	id = NOX_yiff.1		# player is on auto-whore!
	hide_window = yes
	ai = no
	has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_all_the_time
	mean_time_to_happen = { 
		days = 28
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.25
			has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_constantly
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.75
			has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_frequently
		modifier = {
			factor = 1.5
			has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_regularly
		modifier = {
			factor = 3
			has_character_flag = nox_is_whorring_occasionally
	immediate = {
		character_event = { id = DWWhoring.500 }
	option = { name = OK } # I like a failsafe!

Anyway, re: costs of staying away from a kink should be none. Were you going to use a general depravation variable? Justlower that stat when the option to avoid a kink is picked. Lossing prestige or piety would make no sense. Or rather losing or gaining piety depending on if your religion favours or fronws upon that kink. Maybe also opinion penalties with those of the opposite view. (i.e. opinion malus woth furry lover if you are a furry avoider and vice versa).

If there is no cost to avoiding a kink, you can indefinitely select option 4 and you will never get that kink trait.  If there is a cost, then you can only get out of it so many times.


Yes and no regarding the general variable.  There are 4 levels of perversion, each represented by its own trait.  Certain actions will give you perversion points.  So, they could possibly be lowered, but that would not affect the individual kink at all.  Also, unless the player is actively trying to increase their perversion level, then it isn't a "cost" at all to loose some perversion points.


EDIT: BTW, I am not meaning to argue with your opinion.  I seriously take into consideration the opinions of everyone who takes the time and effort to reply to me.  I simply wanted to make sure you were fully following my logic, in case that alters your suggestion.

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Noticed another little oddity, all my sons born since 0.4v2 are diphallic (dont think I ever seen that trait before)


Are they Incubi?  If that is passing to most male (non Incubus) children and one of the parents is not diphallic, then it is a big bug.



Hmm dont remember, the father is incubi (not diphallic) not sure about the kids


EDIT: 2 are incubi and diphallic, 2 are not incubi and diphallic



Okay.  The trait "doubledong" has an inherit_chance = 66 built into it, but on top of that I have a new event that has its own 66% chance of assigning to the trait to any male child of an incubus OR succubus.  

# If either parent is a demonoid, a male child has a change of getting doubledong trait
character_event = {
	id = NOX_onActionEvent.39
	hide_window = yes
	is_triggered_only = yes # triggered via on_action (birth)
	trigger = {
		OR = {
			mother_even_if_dead = { trait = lilith }
			father_even_if_dead = { is_father_real_father = yes trait = incubus }
	immediate = {
		random = {
			chance = 66
			add_trait = doubledong

For those that follow the code, you'll notice I forgot the check to make sure the child is male.  Oops!  /laughs  


So... do y'all think 2 in 3 male children of a demonoid ending up with two cocks is too high of a chance, above and beyond the 2 out of 3 who would inherit it from a doubledong father?


EDIT: Remember, I haven't gotten to playtest a lot of these new system I have added since


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IMHO opinion its a bit too common


Thinking about it, I am in total agreement with you there.  So... here is what I propose I'll try next.  I'll drop the event chance to 20% or 1 in every 5 male children of a demonoid parent.  If _either_ the father has the trait doubledong OR the mother is a futa, the chance will be 40%.  If the father has doubledong AND the mother is a futa, this jumps to 80% (which seems way too high if you play like I do with a lot of futa characters running around, but who plays this like *I* do? /laughs).  


Of course if the father is a trap, I drop the event chance of adding doubledong to zero.  (It could still be inherited if the trap father happens to have the doubledong trait, but that should be very rare.)


I await thoughts on these numbers and factors.  I'm not set in stone on any of it except that I want there to be an additional chance for doubledong if at least one parent is a demonoid.

 		random = {
			chance = 20
			modifier = {
				factor = 0
				father_even_if_dead = { is_father_real_father = yes trait = trap }
			modifier = {
				factor = 2
				father_even_if_dead = { is_father_real_father = yes trait = doubledong }
			modifier = {
				factor = 2
				mother_even_if_dead = { trait = futa }
			add_trait = doubledong
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I don't think there should be a price at all, or maybe this kink system is a bit too evolved for what it represent. The non-devious kinks exists already in the form of traits, you can gain some or lose some but they don't represent a major part of the game. So, what would be the price to gain or lose a trait? I don't think you can actually put a price on it other than consequences. You gain or lose a kink because something happened, but it's not really up to the player to chose. Well, exception if you have a sex-dungeon.


Anyhow a good idea could be to not put the chaste aside, and allow players to revert whatever devious things got done with a possible heir or a third party. Factions could be created because they see their liege as a monster of some kind (read about Elizabeth Báthory).


Maybe I miss the point of the kink system though.

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I don't think there should be a price at all, or maybe this kink system is a bit too evolved for what it represent. The non-devious kinks exists already in the form of traits, you can gain some or lose some but they don't represent a major part of the game. So, what would be the price to gain or lose a trait? I don't think you can actually put a price on it other than consequences. You gain or lose a kink because something happened, but it's not really up to the player to chose. Well, exception if you have a sex-dungeon.


Anyhow a good idea could be to not put the chaste aside, and allow players to revert whatever devious things got done with a possible heir or a third party. Factions could be created because they see their liege as a monster of some kind (read about Elizabeth Báthory).


Maybe I miss the point of the kink system though.


Let me start with your last line.  It might actually be the most helpful to me in this dilemma of mine.  With luck, walking though my plans for the kink system and my point for having it will help me decide if I am going down a poor path and that maybe the two people who have commented that it should not have a cost are correct.  Or it might make yourself and/or anyone else rethink their suggestion that there be no cost.


In my mind, what is the point the the kink system?  

  1. I guess the primary reason I have wanted a kink system was so that there would be some way of making it so that the kinds of scenes that a particular player wanted were more likely (but not guaranteed) to occur.  For instance, I love watersports and canine bestiality more than any of the others, so I would obviously make choices to try to get those scores raised so that I would see more of these scenes.  Making the "right" choices would guide the probability of a scene happening more towards scenes with either of those elements.
  2. The secondary reason for the kink system was to give more guidance to NPC reactions.  As others have said, the AI is stupid and I have never been a fan of totally random decisions.  I like things weighted.  But if I weighted everything towards watersports and canine bestiality, then someone who was wanting more food play in their game would loose out.  That leads to the logical question:

So if I envisioned this to give players more control, why restrict their control and want to make avoiding a kink cost anything?

  1. That question, I have been asking myself a lot, and it is part of the reason I bought this dilemma of mine to the people who actually use my mod.  This system was envisioned to let players have more influence over what they wanted to see without giving them full and total control.  In my eyes, a game without stuff happening outside of your control, where everything just goes like you want it because you clicked a button, is boring.  For that I could return to the sex dungeon I was working on when I originally began the game.  You chose to kick off the event, then you chose what kind of scene you wanted.  Then you chose if you were top or bottom.  And on and on.  There were a few minor random things, but mostly it was point and click what you wanted to do next.  A lot of people complained privately to me about it and/or went so far as to berate me for it.
  2. The best example of this I can think of in regular CK2 is when you become a prisoner of the Byzantine Empire.  Your character may spend the rest of his life in prison no matter how much money you have for ransom.  Or you might get blinded or castrated and then released.  That happens and you have to roll with it.  In my eyes, if the option to have your score in a kink your character is developing simply cut at the click of a button with no cost it is like being imprisoned by the Byzantines and being able to click an option to say NO to any attempt at being blinded or castrated by them.

Does that help or muddy the waters further?  Does it leave questions unanswered that you'd like me to address?  Do you have a good counter reason for why a player should have total control without a cost?  Like I said, if I didn't want input and discussion I would just make up my mind and run with it.  :)

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Seeking Input to Fill a Void


I think that the last option should have a steep piety and/or prestige cost, but it will effectively cut your kink_top and kink_bottom scores in half for that kink and set a flag that I can use to lower the chances of certain AI choices in certain (as of yet unwritten) events.
All of this means you may end up getting this event multiple times if you keep getting exposed to the same kink you don't want.  Being a prisoner of a perverted NPC is going to be the most likely cause of getting into this situation, though werewolf bitches and omega males will end up quickly earning certain kink_bottom points pretty fast.


Honestly, I'm with you on the subject of it being at least somewhat costly to avoid kinks that are being forced on my character. In the real world it might not make sense, but in this fantasy universe where (for example) a werewolf in my court is trying to dominate my character sexually, it should be a mental struggle to try and avoid developing the kink that said werewolf wants to impose upon me. It should be costly if I'm trying to avoid it, until I run out of points and succumb. Obviously, if I'm *truly* trying to avoid the kink, I should be doing other things to try and rid myself of the werewolf before he breaks me.


If I'm imprisoned, things are obviously more dire. Unless I can escape, the NPC who holds me captive has all the advantages and is probably going to break me. I think being able to avoid that forever lessens the impact of that situation.



Speaking of fantasies, we move on to my second question to the community.  This one may be a hot issue for some people, so if it is, please just back away and let those of us who will enjoy the fantasy have our discussion.  With that said, leaving real-world trauma aside, what should be the penalties applied when characters rape or get raped?  Also, what should be the chance of the (in pornos only) reaction of the person being raped actually enjoying it and falling in love with his/her rapist?


I think the DWToska mod handled raped and rapist traits very well, and could be a model for you to use. Each trait came with some stat modifiers, and being a rapist brought about negative trait opinions from those related to the victim(s). In general, I think the penalty for being a rape victim should be somewhat severe at first, but should diminish over time unless it's something that happens repeatedly. It almost certainly should come with a prestige hit that, opposite from above, might get more severe the more the character is raped (because he or she is obviously unable to stop it from happening).


Now, I don't know if anyone here is also from the Skyrim / Sexlab modding forum, but if they were and had seen any of my posts over there, they'd probably be able to tell you that a rape victim who starts to enjoy her or his situation is one of my big kinks. It's one I understand is a bit sensitive for some, but I can't help it. ^_^


I don't know what the chance of that happening should be, but I suppose it should at least start relatively low, but maybe ramp up depending on characteristics that the rapist and the victim have. For example, an incubus probably has a certain talent for luring his victims into the 'dark side', and would have a bonus to making his victims start to enjoy it. On the other side, a character who has a rape kink already on their sheet is almost certain to break down before long and stop resisting.. at least, resisting "for real". ^_^


Anyhow, that's all I had for now. I am genuinely intrigued to find out what other thing you are holding back to discuss.

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Speaking of fantasies, we move on to my second question to the community. This one may be a hot issue for some people, so if it is, please just back away and let those of us who will enjoy the fantasy have our discussion. With that said, leaving real-world trauma aside, what should be the penalties applied when characters rape or get raped? Also, what should be the chance of the (in pornos only) reaction of the person being raped actually enjoying it and falling in love with his/her rapist?


After we get though theses, there is an even more touchy subject I'll want to bring to the community, but I don't want this to get too heated (and not in the good way).

Huh. Looks like I missed huge amount of conversation here.

Sorry if this answer is too long... but you do things in quite complicated way. So ill offer complicated answer with more realistic approach.

Anyways. I've seen little complains about "raped" traits be too mild. But... why is character given in some cases negative penalties which don't make sense?

For example: Giving a character -10 general opinion. How does that make any sense? What if character was raped and abused in woods, dungeon or during raid. AND NO ONE was around to see.


That's why I would like to present you with good solution to this: Dynamic rape trait.

Based on various events and actions, character will be given modifier and trait based on how it occurred. But after year or so (much like trait "wounded" is treated) the trait will disappear.


BUT if character was raped yet in another way, targeted action or event WILL REMOVE CURRENT rape trait and apply newest one.


While character has this trait, he/she can't be given rape trait of other origin. That's for balancing purposes, because stacking some of these rape traits would be fatal or absolutely crushing for prestige and piety. Simply said; They wont stack.

But before we begin...


Rape events before were handled pretty similar. After the crime, victim usually got the raped trait and depressed.

Instead of this, ALL RAPED traits will have X% chance after to pop-up an event for character. Percentage chance of this event appearing to raped character will be based on severity of their rape victim trait. IF victim has already stressed trait, it will be immediately replaced by depressed trait after event is triggered.

These events have monthly chance of triggering. This will simulate the willpower and strength of the character.


And based on these character has also rare chance of personality change with another random event.

RAPIST CHARACTER should always get opinion penalty for raping someone.

"RAPIST" trait the opposite trait of all rape traits.



- Lethality (How badly was character emotionally and physically hurt). Usually reflected by health, fertility and personal combat skill. Martial also included.

- Exposure (These determine the public view and shame drawn to character. All based if rape was public or private) Usually reflected in general opinion, prestige and piety. Diplomacy also included.

- Trauma and humiliation (This one may sound very weird, but this is also counted. If event was traumatizing due multiple persons being forced upon victim... or just victim being exposed to degrading rape, it would also reflect upon the. For example... being raped by bunch of dogs is probably worse than being raped by normal human) Usually reflected upon by health. Prestige, fertility and general opinion. Learning also included due inability to amass knowledge because of trauma.

- Scenario opinion (based on general amount of possible scenarios, each trait can be granted opinion boost or penalty due story and background of the rape). Usually determined opinion modifiers.

- Fertilization (Based on event itself. It's not included IN TRAIT. But various events will lead to various chances of getting pregnant with the rapist. Assuming he came into her vagina.


"RAPED" (Standing for uhm... basic rape? Rapist does this to victim. No one was there to point out. No one knows).

"-0.25 health" due initial physical contact and troubles, while victim tried to defend herself/himself. And also counter as psychological damage. This number is low because of survivability. Some players probably dont want their hated character dead after one action or due many other traits stacking all together and killing the victim.

" -0.75 Prestige monthly" Take in account this: No one was there to see it. No one talked about it. So characters prestige can't be hurt that bad. But prestige is powered due character understanding of being a rape victim. That probably isnt anything to gain any prestige or be proud of.

"-0.50 piety monthly" Religous or not, being raped isn't anything good in eyes of the God. Victim will see herself/himself as defiled being. This won't be probably applied to everyone, but still... it's stat punishment.

"+10 Lilith Society/Religion opinion" THIS ONE IS THEORETICAL. If Lilith and Devil worshippers have religion, they may see and like what's been done to a character. See her/him as a sinner.

"-10 sex appeal" Dirty, eyes dark and empty from crying, bruises and scratches all over the body or marks left by bondage. This all isn't pretty and it will sure reflect upon the character.

"-100 opposite trait opinion" (Opposite trait is rapist)

(20% chance to get pregnant with every rape event, which gives this trait)

(10% monthly chance to become depressed)


"PUBLICLY RAPED" (Obviously... This this character has been victim of the public rape. She/he has been raped by crowd, or by single person in frontnof entire court... or castle or even realm. Everyone knows, everyone has at least heard these terrible rumours and no one will speak highly of such being)

"-15 General opinion." This may look like lot, but it's actually done due balancing issues. Why? With humiliation modifier being a thing from Reapers due, player can stack both general humiliation and rape, jacking up the negative of -40 with EVERYONE. With this, so many would try to assassinate the target for no reason.

"-1.25 Prestige monthly" Quite a huge statistical punishment, because of exposure. Everyone knows. Everyone has seen the victim ravaged by the rapist. And this stain won't go away so quickly.

"-1.25 piety monthly" Church doesn't have good opinion of those, which have been defiled. Allowed themselves to be defiled in eyes of God.

"-0.50 health" Being raped by crowd of in front of so many people, family and friends isn't pleasant. If raped by crowd, it probably wasn't pleasant for body due so many participants. And being raped in front of everyonenisnt healthy for mental health.

"+20 Lilith Society/Religion opinion" THIS victim was the public face of humiliation, rape and defilement. ALL before the eyes of God. Such person will be surely liked by devil worshippers.

"-10 Religion opinion" This alone is another opinion of those, who serve the God... And see the victim as defiled (THIS TRAIT MODIFIER ISNT NEEDED, BUT CAN BE ADDED)

"-5 Spouse opinion" Her/his spouse probably loves her/him... But but can't unsee the damage done to her/his beloved.

"-4 Diplomacy" No one will forget what happened. This is why diplomacy will be difficult. They will always speak about the rape... or see the character ss rape victim, not the diplomat.

"-100 opposite trait opinion"

(50% chance of pregnancy due possibility of crowd rape, 20% chance of pregnancy of single rapist)

(35% monthly chance to get depressed)



Important note: If this degrading rape was public, -20 General opinion MODIFIER is applied with the trait. OTHER RAPE ACTIONS WILL REMOVE THIS MODIFIER ALONGSIDE TRAIT DUE BALANCING ISSUES.

With degrading rape... a lot can be meant. Victim could've been raped by big amount of people, left covered in semen on the streets.

She/he could've been raped by animals... or psychologically humiliated and degraded to level of an animal.

"-0.50 health" This is probably very deep emotional trauma leading to stress and depression. Probably never good for mental health.

"-1 Prestige monthly" Others may not see (or they have) victim being degraded or humiliated, but this person has been through all this. And itbisnt prestigious at all.

"-1.50 piety monthly" Probably one of the most harsh piety penalties. But.. This victim was raped by groups, animals and treated like trash. That isn't pious at all.

"+10 Lilith Society/Religion opinion" This character was defiled in many various ways. Her/his body was the instrument of unspeakable sins. And that is good for those, who follow Devil.

"-4 Learning" This person has been degraded as dog bitch, fuck hole for pigs... or worthless trash, Toilet for the semen. Told over And over about her/his stupidly and worthlessness. This all leaving heavy scar. He/she will learn very slowly and have hard time focusing on learning.

"-10% fertility" Even if breeding bitch... or group slut, ALL this degrading rape left body ravaged by men and animals alike. And words like "You're not even good to be bred with animals" didn't help overall mentality.

"-10% Plot power" Character has been degraded, caged and raped. This huge trauma doesn't allow to fully get all her/his powers together and come up with intrigue plan. THIS TRAIT MODIFIER DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ADDED)

No vassal and liege opinion penalties are needed, because that can be compensated by -20 General opinion if degrading rape was public.

"-15 Sex appeal opinion" No one finds pleasant to copulate with woman/man who is Dirty, smells bad or was bitch of an animal.

"-100 opposite trait opinion"

(50% monthly chance to get depressed)

(20% chance to get pregnant... But all based fact, if victim had vaginal sex)

(Degrading rape is unique in quite rare way, because it has chance to monthly trigger trait events.


15% monthly chance to gain content trait.

15% monthly chance to gain humble trait

10% chance to gain "Masochist" trait.)



This character was victim of unspeakable crime. Ravaged by men or women, beaten, mutilated, tortured or nearly killed. All these leave mark and unpleasant trait.


"-1.25 Health" Result of a very harsh treatment and emotional scarring.

"-0.75 monthly prestige" It's not prestigious to be victim of such abuse, but... one also doesn't have much time to think about it, if she's/he's in quite amount of pain.

"+10 General opinion" Sure... This one is weird... But in eyes of common people, victim of such brutality isn't something to despise and laugh at. More so, some people may feel empathy and compassion towards her/him... when all their scars and wounds are shown.

"-4 martial" You probably aren't much of a warrior or tactical genius when BRUTALLY raped and beaten.

"-2 personal combat skill" You can't fight if you're brutally raped and left to suffer.

"-15% fertility" After ravaging her/his insides/genitals or beating up, mutilating and torture, mental and physical condition of body isn't the best for giving birth to children.

"-20 Sex appeal opinion" No one is beautiful when bleeding and full of wounds.

"-100 Opposite trait opinion"

(30% monthly chance to gain depressed trait)

(10% chance to get pregnant)

(Various events may also apply various wounds... That must be taken in consideration when assigning raped trait)

(5% monthly chance to gain Masochist trait)

(2% monthly chance to remove attractive or bombshell trait)



Morbid and dark... But your mod is morbid and very dark. Anyways... this trait is given to victim, which has died from extreme treatment of the rapist. Probably isn't even needed. And may serve as "visual" trait.

This may be also trait given by some kind of sexual execution. Y'know... death by Snu snu.

"-100 health".



Okey... Okey. Let's move to fantasy rape and actual liking of it.


Firstly, we need to give this rape victim trait, which will allow players/AI to see all possible events in "lighter" way.

Here we go.


"Rape Masochist" (Or simply masochist)

This character has learned to accept her/his position as rape slave, rape victim or... Simply person enjoying the rape. Due this, they actually don't feel any hate towards their rapists. These cases of fantasy rape and masochism are quite rare.

"+600 Opposite trait opinion" Okey... this is ridiculous, but very well justified. They will like their rapists, because masochist aren't that common. 600 may seem high, but continuous and unending rape events may add negative opinion... This 600 bonus opinion should slowly reduce chance of masochist actually hating the rapist.

"-1 monthly piety" Those, who voluntarily give in to their lust and let men/women defile their body aren't probably the most pious humans in the history.

"-0.25 health" Small bruises, marks left by bondage or wounds left from time, when character actually hated being raped.

"+2 Intrigue" Those who learned humility and value of humiliation can use their bodies and lessons to trick others into doing their will.

"+1 monthly prestige" This is given due balancing issues. IF character has raped trait... And also masochist, they will lose prestige for no reason. They don't see rape as "bad" thing for them.

"+15 Lilith Society/Religion opinion" They fully embraced pleasure of body defilement.


How to get Masochist trait:

- Fully embracing their rape kink.

- Character may get event, where they can hire thugs to rape herself/himself. If character likes it, they may have chance to gain Masochist trait

- Reapers due humiliation option can have 5% chance to give Masochist trait.

- Degrading and Brutal rape events have X% monthly chsnce to trigger event for the victim in which they gain Masochist trait.

- VERY rare chance to pass it on your children. Some people are simply born as masochist. And this is even deepened if they are in masochistic environment. (5% per parent chance to pass on to your child... as mental kink". AND I KNOW... Such thing can't be genetically passed on child. This is the solution behind being born as masochist.

- Random very rare events may result in becoming masochist.

- Reapers due torture option may also have chance to give Masochist trait with 5% chance.

(These are examples... I'm unfortunately too tired to come with more possibilities)




Okey... Okey. Reactionto whole rape scenarios should include various reactions. I'll reason about them down below.


Physical struggle

If rape is done on bound person... or just unsuspecting victim, they all try to resist. A lot of text should describe the physical struggle. Kicking, punching, full body struggle, hysterical shaking and trying to get out.

In unsuccessful rape try out victim should escape. And be given at least little chance to defend herself/himself with their strength, intellect or tricks.



Rape victim should very likely try to refuse any command... at first.

If rapist is trying to make victim to please him orally, victims should refuse to cooperate with closed mouth.

Spitting on face, various insults are also in place. Don't speaking of hysterical rage and sloppy job.

Victim may simply disobey rapist by doing terrible job at pleasing.



With any attempt comes also desperation and bargain.

Victim should try to bargain for their freedom, should try to reason... or just say "please" over and over.

If unsuccessful, crying should take place.

And if nit crying, than freezing in place and zero cooperation... like a corpse.


Giving in

Some victims may be hsrd at first... but once they realise hopelessness and no way out, they might just listen to rapist and get over with it. And try to enjoy pleasures of flesh.

Some even embracing it fully.



Good point is to... show special events, where rape victim can trick rapist. With that, they can pretend to enjoy the sex. But in the end, just try to run.

Or even fight back. For example: Rape victim biting off penis of her rapist. Or rape victim reaching for a dagger.



Reaction to fantasy rape and masochism?


I won't write any more details, since they can be literally the opposite of rape victims.

But... it should be much like a Stockholm syndrome.


At first, they despise you, but gradually evolve and start liking it.

Events of fantasy rape or becoming masochist should be same.

If player is presented with option to become masochist with rape kink, it should be slow process... With slow evolution towards liking it.

With few "thoughts" events in it. Make character doubt herself/himself. Make him/her wonder if something is wrong.

And describe how they feel different after embracing their kink.

Make it believable by describing, how it probably lost its "passion" once they embraced their masochistic part. Or how it became boring.

Also... making all those rape events from masochist/rape kink perspective as "enjoyable" events isnt ths worst idea.



It took me 3,5 hours to put this together. I hope it helps out or is used in upcoming updates.

Feedback will be very appreciated.


P.S: Sorry for the misspelling and errors. I've been writing this for hours... and here's almost 5 AM. I'm kinda tired.

P.S.S: Rest in pepperoni Noxbestia. Reading such amount of text must be really annoyingly frustrating.

(But i love the possibility of comminuty cooperation and state of current quick progress updates)

That's how it should be done!

P.S.S.S: As im thinking over all this written text... holy shit. My morality must he fucking shattered to write something like this. Feels kinda confusing.

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It took me 3,5 hours to put this together. I hope it helps out or is used in upcoming updates.

Feedback will be very appreciated.


P.S: Sorry for the misspelling and errors. I've been writing this for hours... and here's almost 5 AM. I'm kinda tired.

P.S.S: Rest in pepperoni Noxbestia. Reading such amount of text must be really annoyingly frustrating.

(But i love the possibility of comminuty cooperation and state of current quick progress updates)

That's how it should be done!



Some quick and incomplete feedback.  First, that is a lot of work you did there.  I scanned though it but I have not read read it word for word yet.  I saw some interesting ideas in there that I have to think about how I would work into what I currently have going.


One thing you mentioned early about negative penalties when no one else knows about something?  Traits can be written so that only people matching a specific criteria can see that trait and thus only those people are supposed to be affected by you having it.  I used the same mechanics to assign adult breast, ball, and penis sizes at birth, but until your body goes through puberty those traits are hidden.  Thinks like cock and ball size remain hidden so long as you are a virgin, but once you lose that trait, then "the rumors spread" and anyone can know your endowment.  Breasts aren't so easy to hide so their size becomes known once they come in at puberty.


Long before I put the first version of this mod online, it had 3 traits for brutal rape.  I am sure I based them on one of the other popular mods of the time, but I don't remember which one.

NoxBrutalRaped = {
	opposites =  {
	customizer = yes				
	random = no
	ruler_designer_cost = -20
	inherit_chance = 0
	diplomacy = -3
	martial = -3
	stewardship = -3
	intrigue = -3
	health = -1							# long-term damage was done
	combat_rating = -1
	monthly_character_prestige = -1
	fertility = -0.5					# doesn't want sex as much now
	general_opinion = -5
	opposite_opinion = -100
	spouse_opinion = 5 					# sympathy
	sex_appeal_opinion = -10

NoxBrutalRapedMale = {
	opposites =  {
	customizer = yes				
	random = no
	ruler_designer_cost = -30
	inherit_chance = 0
	diplomacy = -5
	martial = -5
	stewardship = -5
	intrigue = -5
	health = -1							# long-term damage was done
	combat_rating = -2
	monthly_character_prestige = -2
	fertility = -0.25					# doesn't want sex as much now
	general_opinion = -5
	opposite_opinion = -100
	spouse_opinion = 15 				# sympathy
	sex_appeal_opinion = -50			# most women don't want a man who can't defend himself

NoxBrutalRapist = {
	opposites =  {
	customizer = no
	random = no
	inherit_chance = 0
	monthly_character_prestige = 0.1	# from fear inspired
	general_opinion = -10
	opposite_opinion = 5				# tend to develope a sligth fondness or at lest get sadistic joy from their victims
	spouse_opinion = -20				
	sex_appeal_opinion = 5

They are still live in the game, but I don't believe I have any functioning events that actually use them.  In fact, it was to be a part of the sexual manipulation mechanics you mentioned, and part of why there is the option to have a court rapist.


I do like your thought of differing types of rape having different effects, so I will definitely dig into that deeper.  


Anyway, thank you for responding and I will look more into the specifics of what you wrote and give more thought as how what can be best used.

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Depends how far you go with the kinks really. However if the cost to enable/remove a kink is about not hurting the sensitivities of people, then a game setting to turn some on or off should be the better option. Something the player commits to at the start of the playthrough. I don't want to see watersport content in my games, but I have nothing against a character having the kink. By that I mean I don't want to read events about the watersport or scat thing, or rape.


The possible refinement between NPC reactions could be nice. I'm still failing to see the bigger picture, aren't kinks something we chose purposefully and relative fringe? In opposition to traits who are defining what kind of individual a character will be.

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Depends how far you go with the kinks really. However if the cost to enable/remove a kink is about not hurting the sensitivities of people, then a game setting to turn some on or off should be the better option. Something the player commits to at the start of the playthrough. I don't want to see watersport content in my games, but I have nothing against a character having the kink. By that I mean I don't want to read events about the watersport or scat thing, or rape.


The possible refinement between NPC reactions could be nice. I'm still failing to see the bigger picture, aren't kinks something we chose purposefully and relative fringe? In opposition to traits who are defining what kind of individual a character will be.


I'll add rules to censor rape, like the ones for watersports, scat, and so on but all the kinks will exist for the NPCs and any character may develop any of them.  For cases when a player chooses to limit their content, they'll get a black image with the word censored and something similar to the following draft text: 

My apologies for the fourth wall break, but the events that have led to this are censored by rules that have been set by you, the player.  The character has had the trait applied but you will not get to select the choice this event offers nor will you see the resultant event chain(s).


For the second part of your question, you wont directly select any kink for any character.  Events will expose you to kinks and if they are not censored, you will get to chose how your character reacts to the event.  When enough of the corresponding events happens to trigger a kink trait, the character will get that trait.


The flags set depending on what choices are made in a kinky event will influence other events that come up, NPC reactions, and so on.  Of course the NPCs will have their own values set based on how the AI reacts, and that will also affect their behavior.

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