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also umm I need the tri files to make my customs races to use ecm/ece im going to try do u have the vanilla tri files I don't there not in my data folder



Vanilla TRI files?  You mean the morph files used by the vanilla races?  If so, you will need to use BSA unPacker to extract those files from SKYRIM - MESHES.bsa. 

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Ok I Tryed "Elin Race Vampire Glowing Eyes" Now She's got 2 Glowing Spots Up on her Forhead? Turned it off and there still there???


Ho and She's NOT a Vampire!


Ok Fixed it removed Meshes/Actors/2chElin fix/FaceParts/EyeLeftVampire.nif, EyeRightVampire.nif and EyesVampire.nif that did it.



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Ok I Tryed "Elin Race Vampire Glowing Eyes" Now She's got 2 Glowing Spots Up on her Forhead? Turned it off and there still there???


Ho and She's NOT a Vampire!


Ok Fixed it removed Meshes/Actors/2chElin fix/FaceParts/EyeLeftVampire.nif, EyeRightVampire.nif and EyesVampire.nif that did it.





Are those glowing spots blue? If so, it's a common vanilla game bug where you can get Draugr eyes from encountering a Draugr. To fix, go in thirdperson, open console, do player.addspell 000f71d1, exit console, open console, do player.removespell 000f71d1.


I gathered that's the Draugr eyes bug since when I get it, they are on my forehead.

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Just to let you know there's a new Version of Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Version 1.6.9 came out today can get here: http://skse.silverlock.org/

And a New Version of RaceMenu by Expired v1.4.4 can get here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624



Regarding SKSE, just in time.  I'm in the middle of doing an update and enhancement of Kashim's Monli race.  I'll try out SKSE v1.6.9 later.

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Monli Race Edited and Enhanced v3 - BETA 1



I need testers for the updated and enhanced version of Kashim's Monli Race Edited v2.1.  It's stable in my game, I just need people to see how well ECE/CME v9h works with other mods, especially if an older version of Enhanced Character Edit is being used or an earlier version of ECE/CME is being used. 


I have removed most of the bugs with the exception of one, but that can easily be fixed by anyone.


What is included:


  • Monli Race Edited v2.1 (by Kashim) + ECE/CME v9h.  ***You can choose the original Monli ears or the human ears when creating your Monli.  Look for the EARS category.***
  • Includes Race Compatibility Improved "without" the script files.  ECE/CME uses a different script file.
  • x106 skeleton.  Young Teenager height.
  • 3 Preset Slots.  These are the facegen saves.  To use them, do not use the PRESET slider, instead use the next slider marked SLOT LOAD.  You will see a menu with  3 slot options + other options.  Choosing one of the slot options.


  • Game save.  Using this save will start you at the Guardian Stones near Riverwood.  You need to pick a Guardian Stone then meet up with Hadvar.   Extract the game save into your Skyrim Save folder in your DOCUMENTS folder.


1 - When in Character Creation you will see a Character Making Extender error warning.  If you proceed with creating your Monli, the extra sliders may not show up or may not work.



1 - Option #1 - Use the game save I have included.

2 - Option #2 - If you do not want to use the game save, you will have to do the following:

  1. Deactivate CharacterMakingExtender.esp and EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp then start your game.
  2. Make a clean save (with or without first creating your Monli).
  3. Exit the game and now activate CharacterMakingExtender.esp and EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp.
  4. When you load the new save, you will now see a message stating if you want to use the CME morph (.tri) instead of the vanilla morph (.tri).  Select YES.
  5. You can now use the new sliders in Character Creation.


  1. SKSE.  This was made with SKSE v1.6.6, I have yet to test v1.6.9.  http://skse.silverlock.org/



- Monli Race Edited and Enhanced v3 Beta 1

- Game Save.




UPDATE:  Creating Your Own Preset.

After creating your character and giving her a name ( or choose one from the NAME slider), you will see the SLOT SAVE message.  Choose any of the first 3 slots to save the face data.


The face data is stored in the CME_SAVES folder where the game saves folder is located.


You will find files labeled "_1_CommonTriRaces.slot, _2_CommonTriRaces.slot, _3_CommonTriRaces.slot" and so on.  What you need to do is rename each as "MonliPreset1.slot, MonliPreset2.slot, MonliPreset3.slot" then move them to this folder:




Now whenever your in Character Creation, using the PRESETS LOAD slider will bring up the SLOTS (save) window.  Choosing any of the 3 SLOTS will give your Monli the face data (PRESET) that was saved in that slot.


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hello just thought id ask when can we expect the human elins? (im soo excited) ik u said that u will  be bring them out befor gt



Well I've been working on the Monli race.  I just need to see if I can get ECE/CME to work with little to no (going for no) problems.  If anyone who is willing to try the enhanced Monli race then I will know what needs to be done for GT. 


I plan on releasing both versions (with and without ECE/CME) of the new Elins at the same time.  I'm still going to say at or about next weekend, but will release them sooner if and when possible.

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I can test, but I don't have CharacterMakingExtender.esp or EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp. All I have is the new race menu mod posted a few posts ago. Is that an issue?



CharacterMakingExtender.esp and EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp comes with ECE/CME and is included with the edited and enhanced Monli race.  ECE/CME is not compatible with RaceMenu.  RaceMenu will work in game, but the new sliders will not appear.


I'm going to try adding the UI to ECE/CME.  However, should ECE/CME have the RaceMenu type UI, that doesn't mean it will be compatible with RaceMenu.

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Well, I didn't see any difference in the character menu when I loaded the character edit and character making stuff. I guess it's a load order problem...


Anyway, was this race this messy? when installed via NMM, it asked for a LOT of overwrites on my end. When you make the humanoid elin based on this, give it custom folders for EVERYTHING, ok? Including facegen. :/


and seriously hoping for the version without ECE/CME.

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Well, I didn't see any difference in the character menu when I loaded the character edit and character making stuff. I guess it's a load order problem...


Anyway, was this race this messy? when installed via NMM, it asked for a LOT of overwrites on my end. When you make the humanoid elin based on this, give it custom folders for EVERYTHING, ok? Including facegen. :/


and seriously hoping for the version without ECE/CME.



We all know NMM works flawlessly, never any issues with installing or uninstalling any mods.


If you saw no difference, as in new sliders, in Character Creation then installation went wrong or you didn't use the game save I provided or didn't follow the instructions regarding making a game save.


The Monli files are located in the MONLI folder (both Meshes and Textures).  The Character Making Extender files are in the CHARACTERMAKINGEXTENDER folder.  If you already have ECE then it would be those files that would be overwritten + EnhanceCharacterEdit.esp + RaceCompabitility.esm/RaceCompatibility.bsa and some of the scripts.


There is a Monli race without ECE/CME.


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Hm, no, let me see what it tried to overwrite... [for starters, I never head CME or ECE]


race compatibility. Alright that's pretty normal.

data\interface\exported\racesex_menu.gfx - PROBABLY thanks to the skyui-style race menu... hm. this may be the problem

femalehead.nif... I was using ran's mesh.

This race asks to install a skeleton, the first person one. I already have one installed, so yeah, not doing it just for the different heigh. I don't use first person anyway.

oriental race controller... probably my fourth race using this... seriously need to change this.

tri female files, because I'm using better facegen

and some more thanks to ethereal elven overhaul.

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