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13 minutes ago, hana120 said:

Текстура тела странная. Это похоже на пластиковую куклу, я думаю.

wet function redux maximum settings.

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1 час назад хана120 сказала:

Ах хорошо.
Есть ли анимации, которые вы отключаете?
Я деактивирую Rozhimas особенно с баром и все. Это вызывает ctd больше всего на свете.

стандартные отключил,но не все,вылетов с анимациями нет.

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2 minutes ago, Gromilla said:

да, я знаю. Аниматед армори поддерживает эти когти. ну должен как бы:)

поэтому и был тот вопрос.

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41 minutes ago, nappilydeestruction said:

There is a thing called "spoiler tag" please use it.

It does make being able to see all contributions really difficult when you're fighting the lag caused by some members seemingly dumping their entire ss folder on the topic. With respect to those people, if they're a serial offender I block them.

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Jak Greymoon is new to Skyrim. A Lykaios male of strong build, he makes a living hunting and taking bounties in the wild most would find too arduous. But he is right at home in the wilds of the land. He just crossed the border near Falkreath from Cyrodill, with nothing but a bow and his scars of the past, some fresher than others. A full blooded werewolf, he searches for the vampire that killed his father many moons ago rumored to be in Skyrim.


As he enters Falkreath, the town guards give him looks of distrust and disdain, perhaps due to being dressed only in a Fur Kilt like a bandit. As he walks through town many divert their eyes, perhaps due to his intimidating size. Or it could be the dried blood tribal markings on the left side of his scared face. Or the scars themselves all over his body.


Thinking he may have made a mistake, he hears a voice call out as he passes the Inn, "Shor's bones, a handsome man in Falkreath!" He turns to see a woman leaning on the railing. He looks around, thinking she was speaking of another. But he was the only one in view near by...


"You flatter me madame. I was beginning to think there were no kind faces in this town. My name is Jak Greymoon."  "I'm Narri. You look like you seen many places across Tamriel." "Indeed I have. I've just arrived in Skyrim from Cyrodill."


She looked down at him and smiled, "I've half a mind to ask if you'll take me on one of your adventures, but I can't just leave Valga on her own." Jak nods to the Inn behind her. "She is the keeper of this in?" "That she is. Come inside, there is cool mead and warm beds, especially for a handsome man such as yourself." He smiles and followed her inside.


"Welcome to Dead Man's Drink." Valga Vinicia greets him as he enters the main hall. He walks to the counter. "Good day. One Blackbriar Mead, please." He sets the coin on the counter. "Just curious...Has the Jarl posted any bounties recently?" She pulled a flyer from under the counter, "Take a look at this. Some of the Jarl's men came by and left this bounty letter" He took it from her. "Thank you miss. Could I also get a refill of water for my Waterskin?" She smiles, "Sure thing." She takes the waterskin and turns to a barrel on the back wall, filling it with water. She hands it back to him. "Thank you ma'am." He turns to head out the door, reading the letter given to him. 


"If you hear any juicy gossip in town, be sure to share it with me!" He looks back at her and smiles, opening the door and grabbing his bow from the porch as he slings it over his shoulder. He pulls his hood over his ears, pushing them through the holes, and begins to jog down the path, map in hand to rid the Hold of the bandits causing them harm...




That was my first foray into Skyrim for 2020. I've been waiting years for the author of the custom Lykaios race to finish version 2 of them. It wasn't until author of Furry Age of Skyrim @Bad Dog added them and was able to finish her work that they were released, and I was super excited to begin my Skyrim SE playthough of my main from Oldrim. 


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3 hours ago, Dzee said:

It does make being able to see all contributions really difficult when you're fighting the lag caused by some members seemingly dumping their entire ss folder on the topic. With respect to those people, if they're a serial offender I block them.

That Member is a serial offender, they have been told numerous times about doing this before.

they were  even shown how to use the spoiler tool.

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