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Probably been reported already, but anyways.. 


1. Get locked into blindfold. Blindfold effect starts.

2. Get locked into another restraint. Blindfold effect goes away. This is the bug.


I've got a fresh Fallout 4 + DD + Cursed Wasteland -install. In addition, I have the Key Nuker + Key Ring mod. That's all the mods I have now.

I'm not sure if this is a DD or CW issue..


Thanks for the awesome content :)



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Just wanted to say that I've been having so much fun with all the new things you've added into DCW. I will say though, I think it would be cool if when you surrender in combat, or are defeated, it would be a bit more immersive if you end up at a random Red Rocket station. Or atleast somewhere out in the wasteland, like you are left to fend for yourself, bound or not. It's kinda weird being in combat, surrendering or being defeated, and then find yourself standing in dugout inn lol. Either way though, great work! Look forward to what you will do next :D

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Just wanted to say that I've been having so much fun with all the new things you've added into DCW. I will say though, I think it would be cool if when you surrender in combat, or are defeated, it would be a bit more immersive if you end up at a random Red Rocket station. Or atleast somewhere out in the wasteland, like you are left to fend for yourself, bound or not. It's kinda weird being in combat, surrendering or being defeated, and then find yourself standing in dugout inn lol. Either way though, great work! Look forward to what you will do next :D


I agree, it's weird to end up in a random location, sometimes far away. Who carried me there? And why?

I'd rather wake up somewhere nearby. Maybe bound, or otherwise punished for the defeat.

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Some notes and questions, my character was put in a hobble dress and the lockpick and struggle says it's impossible to unlock without the proper key but you can't pick stuff up because of the dress prohibits it. Is this game over for her?


I play on normal difficulty , nude and no damage or resist perks but when I get the slave collar my character feels like a raid boss which kinda feels wrong.


The first 2 times you can find and talk to Jack in Diamond City Market and at the 3rd time you have to do the bread crumb quest, is this intended?


I wish you could skip the dialogue for the NPCs because after the 9th time of getting belted and you know the words by heart or that there were more variation to it.

The pink latex dress has some issues with the hands show up with black spots.  


Overall I love this mod and what it brings



forgot to mention that the black screen issue I had when combat surrender happened seems to be solved for me, I moved FO4 to my SSD and now it seems to work.

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Some notes and questions, my character was put in a hobble dress and the lockpick and struggle says it's impossible to unlock without the proper key but you can't pick stuff up because of the dress prohibits it. Is this game over for her?


Head to the memor den in Goodneighbor - Kimy sells keys for 500 caps each. Though if you don't have enough caps there's always using the console to add a restraints key.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found an interesting bug with DCW in combination with CHCBBEP. The breast physics stop working whenever you get beaten unconscious and wake up somewhere else. I noticed it a moment ago, was wondering, what might be causing it (the message about being beaten unconscious was new to me as well, found it in dcw_main_playerRefScript.psc) and loaded a savegame, where the breast physics still work, opened the console, targeted myself, entered "kill" and yep...physics are gone for some reason. Trying to find something within the papyrus code to see, what the script does and how to re-enable physics.

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I know, that there are no official plans to add MCM support to the mod (at least that's how I understood it), but I went ahead and added it for myself.


It is nothing more than just a single json file, nothing else needed in terms of modifying DD or DCW. MCM support could be added as an optional file, actually.


I attached a screenshot from my attempt.


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I know, that there are no official plans to add MCM support to the mod (at least that's how I understood it), but I went ahead and added it for myself.


It is nothing more than just a single json file, nothing else needed in terms of modifying DD or DCW. MCM support could be added as an optional file, actually.


I attached a screenshot from my attempt.


I don't want F4SE dependency, but it has been suggested to add it as a soft dependency, which I am going to look into. I will still have to design any customization options in a way that the mod remains usable without MCM.

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Guest O.Cobblepot

Hey,really like the idea of added sexual quests and difficulty to the game,thank you,but got small issue when i am out of the cryo pod https://i.imgur.com/bnGMyFE.jpg

Vault suit is fused in the harness,and it looks like a second body is put on my existing body(see the lines on legs),how it can be fixed? :)

When i get pipboy i can undress vault suit,but this second body still there(i see static and breasts with physics at the same time)

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So Kimy; have you got any plans to make a cursed collar equivalent for fallout? 


I know skyrim's is all magic and a god having fun but lore wise a it could easily be a social experiment by a vault tec or institute scientist; how far would someone be willing to go for freedom sort of thing. A vault tec scientist would probably be long dead of course but could end up finding his journal or some such at end of the quest. could even have a parting gift same as the skyrim version

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Well I created very minimal profile to play with this mod. I was able to get through the initial quest and then Jack the Belter quest fine for the

most part. Then I had an idea to go to Nuka World and role play supporting a character that supports the raiders then gets a slave collar put on her

an turned into a sex slave on one of the farms she created. So I added Four play, and Prostitution and Violate to the list. I chose to use my

Institute character as she would be the type to accept the lure of caps and not really care about settlements. So I loaded her up but she and her

lover Curie(you can imagine that role play) already were on a quest so I thought I finished. Well did some playing but no matter how much I looted

happened so I thought maybe the mod wasn't working with an already created character. So I had just cleared Breakheart and stepped out of my X-01

power armor to break down some weapons and the Jack the belter quest started. Now I wasn't able to enter my power armor nor was I able to fast travel

even though I was playing on normal on this character. I enjoyed the surprise and was able to complete the quest just fine and got a slave collar at the

same time as the belter quest. But the slave collar allows me to enter Power armor and I don't think I should be able to.


Just wanted to let you know I am enjoying the mod and am still going to Nuka World now to finish my main idea.

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This mod breaks itself. My character was already wearing a plug when the Jack the Belter quest triggered. Nothing got put on my character. Decided to do the quest anyway for fun. Then later down the road, the Jack the Belter quest triggered again despite already having it. Now I'm actually belted with plugs, and the marker I was following to find Jack has disappeared. I can only hope that I can just talk to John again to force the quest to work again, but that still doesn't change the fact that I now have a belt I can't get off, with plugs that make my character moan every two minutes at a stupidly loud volume that's hurting my ears. If I have to go back to an old save, I'm definitely turning the Jack the Belter quest off. Honestly I don't even like belts anyway...

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Some things I've noticed playing:


Feedback - there's not much of it. I've sometimes gone quite a while without even noticing a new bit of bondage. Skyrim's version of Cursed Loot had a little dialogue popup with a bit of story each time your character was bound, something similar here would be nice - the side-scrolling popups are easy to miss! I could put out a dozen or so of these if you need some writing.

Balance - the effects of individual bits of bondage vary dramatically, from aesthetic to totally crippling. That's not all that ideal. To me the blindfold effect feels pretty good (from a balance perspective), hobbling a character without neutering them. Some kind of effect for the chastity devices is probably needed - making the PC fall over if they run too much, perhaps? OTOH straitjackets are utterly crippling, which is hot, granted. But it can be a mood killer, and it's entirely possible to get stuck in one permanently!

Is it possible to make the Slave Collar event automatically unequip clothes when it fires?

The combat surrender destinations list probably needs a tweak, maybe tied to results. Something like three options - 'good' has the player waking up in a settlement, 'neutral' in Diamond City or Goodneighbor missing an amount or all caps, and 'bad' would be wilderness/abandoned building destinations and in a certain amount of bondage! As-is I never saw the combat surrender equip my character with any gear, but I might chalk that up to having Violate installed.

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Is there some kind of safeword function? I am having an issue with the jack quest line, after talking to him he locked me into a full suit (half expected) and i have been struggling against it for about 10 ingame days and i cant escape the time, talking to him does nothing and i cant do anything but hop like a bunny, it may be enjoyable however i would like a way to get out of it.

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Is there some kind of safeword function? I am having an issue with the jack quest line, after talking to him he locked me into a full suit (half expected) and i have been struggling against it for about 10 ingame days and i cant escape the time, talking to him does nothing and i cant do anything but hop like a bunny, it may be enjoyable however i would like a way to get out of it.

Well you can always make your way to Good Neighbor and buy some keys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I seem to have got myself into trouble. I'm playing with this mod enabled on Survival difficulty, and have accidentally console completed the "Jewel of the Commonwealth" and the "Call to Arms" quest. Was the means to complete the Belted Quest supposed to have occurred during these two quests? If so, how can I now complete the Belted Quest? Thank you, and sorry for the trouble.  :s

I haven't played in a while so I hope I'm not mistaken but there should be a new NPC (can't remember his name but he doesn't have any audible dialogue so have subtitles on) at the Dugout Inn in Diamond City that will give you a few quests to get the belt off.

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