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SexTec (SexLab, SexOut, etc.) - Container thread


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How's the project going? Any breakthroughs? (thanks for the Hard Work CPU, I do hope you come back to us ;)  )


I'm sure when there is something worth talking about with SexTec it will be big news you will not miss it.



I assume that F4SE didn't come to a stable halt, ST would never be able to develope on speed?

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Be so kind, do SexTec so that he considered the coordinates of adjoining of genitals, and models to the actors themselves bent legs or hips moved, according to these coordinates. To not have to, as in SexLab, a lot of time to select the position of the actors in the scene.

Sorry for autotranslator.


Будьте добры, сделайте SexTec таким, чтобы он учитывал координаты соприкасающихся половых органов, а модели актеров чтобы сами сгибали ноги или двигали тазом, сообразно этим координатам, чтобы не приходилось, как в SexLab, долго подбирать положение актеров во время сцены.

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because this is a talk about ST not the guys making it

I completely agree, let keep the focus of this discussion on SexTec. that said, regular updates on the progress being made on SexTec weather it be weekly or monthly regardless of the amount of progress made would go a long way. also I would jest like to say great fantastic work you guys on both Sexout for Fallout NV and SexLab for Skyrim and I am waiting with baited breath for SexTec becase I am shure it will be awesome.

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Be so kind, do SexTec so that he considered the coordinates of adjoining of genitals, and models to the actors themselves bent legs or hips moved, according to these coordinates. To not have to, as in SexLab, a lot of time to select the position of the actors in the scene.

Sorry for autotranslator.


Будьте добры, сделайте SexTec таким, чтобы он учитывал координаты соприкасающихся половых органов, а модели актеров чтобы сами сгибали ноги или двигали тазом, сообразно этим координатам, чтобы не приходилось, как в SexLab, долго подбирать положение актеров во время сцены.

Way too complicated I suspect, though if you have the coding experience to give it a go, go for it.

But it is only a game, not a dedicated virtual sex program.

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I feel like lately Bethesda is just trying to restrict FO4 modding, with the recent M by saves that prevented achievements and such.

I do not believe that this restriction is coming from Bethesda alone. Here's the thing: achievement and trophies on Xbox and PlayStation has been used for promotional purpose: i.e. You can get things based on the trophies you have.


So allowing mods that can make a trophy easier to get make such promotional things harder to justify. My guess is that either Microsoft or Sony (probably both) put the disable trophy condition to allow modding

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Animations are still not possible. And this is the first and most important problem.

how are they not available o.0

is it an issue of formatting, something left out of creation kit, or what o.0



Check the first post of this thread.

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Animations are still not possible. And this is the first and most important problem.

how are they not available o.0

is it an issue of formatting, something left out of creation kit, or what o.0



There's many patches being applied by Bethesda at the moment that changes scripting frequently. It's difficult to construct a script heavy framework when any future updates could throw a wrench in whatever you've designed up to that point.


F4SE has the same issue, except it's easier to modify than a large scale framework like Sexlab was. You'll notice that has to be updated with every game patch - Sextec would be no exception, only it's much bigger and easier to introduce unforeseen bugs, so it's easier to wait until the game is stable and receiving less frequent updates.

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There's many patches being applied by Bethesda at the moment that changes scripting frequently. It's difficult to construct a script heavy framework when any future updates could throw a wrench in whatever you've designed up to that point.


F4SE has the same issue, except it's easier to modify than a large scale framework like Sexlab was. You'll notice that has to be updated with every game patch - Sextec would be no exception, only it's much bigger and easier to introduce unforeseen bugs, so it's easier to wait until the game is stable and receiving less frequent updates.



100% correct.


But there is a good news: probably the animations (at least the simple ones) had a major break through.

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