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Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home (SE/LE)

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CliftonJD - glad to hear consensual sex raises the relationship rank.

My problem is I would not recognize a consensual sex dialog if it bit me - which dialogs are consensual?

Any idea how many times it takes to raise one relationship rank?


as far as i know it should raise the relationship rank everytime after you've reached positive values and it seems after going thru those dialogs to make these screenshots - the consensus is that slaves will consent more when they're afraid


here's some screenshots of the available dialogs and the conditions to get them

  • responses are the dialog links -the dialog is in the parenthesis from there
  • for the conditions a comparison value of 0 means false - the photo names have summarized those conditions - easier to explain from the file name than as posted screenshot images




You sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you. (That makes less sense if I got the gender wrong - but the sentiment is there)

I will have fun testing some of this.




I am satisfied. I took a new slave (Julienne) and worked her from relationshiprank -4 to relationshiprank +4/.

All it took was diligence, perseverance, and a lot of consensual sex.

Now her force greets are those of a lover - much better.

Thanks again!







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Not sure if I can fix the nipple piercings problem... DD has a weird way to handle these devices to say the least, and it interferes with the way HSH handles worn items. And HSH needs to track and restore these items, else you'll end up with naked slaves half the time you zone in and out.

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Hi big fan of this mod but I found a couple of issues. First off, if a slave dies than the pah hsh slot they occupy doesn't seem to clear, so if a slave dies that slot is permanently used.   Actually it appears that I am being told that I cannot keep any more slaves, despit having only 38 slaves, even if I just told a slave already in cell to hit the road and tried to tell them to stay again. Oddly enough I can store slaves in the restless hunter not anywhere else though.

There is also this bug where occasionally a slave in a pah cell will walk up to me and say that the slave has been trained, even if the speaker is a slave with zero training(who obviously can't train anyone). This tends to lock slaves into this dialog which you know makes the slave unusable.

Also occasionally a slave won't show up in the mcm menu, they reappear if you mean to press the snap out if(debug), would it be possible to have so that the debug option available in every dialog, it would be useful when the dialog locked in some conservation.

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Not sure if I can fix the nipple piercings problem... DD has a weird way to handle these devices to say the least, and it interferes with the way HSH handles worn items. And HSH needs to track and restore these items, else you'll end up with naked slaves half the time you zone in and out.


Thanks for investigating! well its sad news but at least I know I can give up them on hsh slaves.

not saying I am not waiting eventually you get flash of insight and make some magic! :D 

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Hi big fan of this mod but I found a couple of issues. First off, if a slave dies than the pah hsh slot they occupy doesn't seem to clear, so if a slave dies that slot is permanently used.   Actually it appears that I am being told that I cannot keep any more slaves, despit having only 38 slaves, even if I just told a slave already in cell to hit the road and tried to tell them to stay again.


There is also this bug where occasionally a slave in a pah cell will walk up to me and say that the slave has been trained, even if the speaker is a slave with zero training(who obviously can't train anyone). This tends to lock slaves into this dialog which you know makes the slave unusable.


Also occasionally a slave won't show up in the mcm menu, they reappear if you mean to press the snap out if(debug), would it be possible to have so that the debug option available in every dialog, it would be useful when the dialog locked in some conservation.


second issue was happening on me with my old save. not on my new game so far. I do not know what was caused that problem, though I had sex slaves mod which didn't allowed me to save game with that mod disabled. it was probably most script heavy mod which I had on old save and not running in new save. also that save should have messed alot because that save was from my vanilla playthough and ran many mod after I start using mods. are you using sex slaves? might worth removing them if you are.

also, that issue started when I was near max capacity (or full, I don't remember correctly). maybe such situation makes something wrong.

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Hi big fan of this mod but I found a couple of issues. First off, if a slave dies than the pah hsh slot they occupy doesn't seem to clear, so if a slave dies that slot is permanently used.   Actually it appears that I am being told that I cannot keep any more slaves, despit having only 38 slaves, even if I just told a slave already in cell to hit the road and tried to tell them to stay again.


There is also this bug where occasionally a slave in a pah cell will walk up to me and say that the slave has been trained, even if the speaker is a slave with zero training(who obviously can't train anyone). This tends to lock slaves into this dialog which you know makes the slave unusable.


Also occasionally a slave won't show up in the mcm menu, they reappear if you mean to press the snap out if(debug), would it be possible to have so that the debug option available in every dialog, it would be useful when the dialog locked in some conservation.


second issue was happening on me with my old save. not on my new game so far. I do not know what was caused that problem, though I had sex slaves mod which didn't allowed me to save game with that mod disabled. it was probably most script heavy mod which I had on old save and not running in new save. also that save should have messed alot because that save was from my vanilla playthough and ran many mod after I start using mods. are you using sex slaves? might worth removing them if you are.

also, that issue started when I was near max capacity (or full, I don't remember correctly). maybe such situation makes something wrong.


(I do have sex slaves, and had it for both this setup and my last mod setup(got a better rig) but) I'm thinking it is the approaching max cap that causes the issue, it happened alot in an old slave which almost always was hitting against the max cap, but the bug didn't show up in latest playthrough till I approached max cap, nothing for the first 60 hours with less than 20 slaves in hsh but in the last 10 hours I started catching alot of slaves under the idea that I would sell them later for use with " and you get a slave"  and stored them in a couple of cells.


This is entirely baseless speculation but I think that having too many slave with some heavy scripts running could cause the mod to lose track of slave it's tracking and might lead to either the slave not showin on the mcm or the "I have trained" bug.

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Hi big fan of this mod but I found a couple of issues. First off, if a slave dies than the pah hsh slot they occupy doesn't seem to clear, so if a slave dies that slot is permanently used.   Actually it appears that I am being told that I cannot keep any more slaves, despit having only 38 slaves, even if I just told a slave already in cell to hit the road and tried to tell them to stay again.


There is also this bug where occasionally a slave in a pah cell will walk up to me and say that the slave has been trained, even if the speaker is a slave with zero training(who obviously can't train anyone). This tends to lock slaves into this dialog which you know makes the slave unusable.


Also occasionally a slave won't show up in the mcm menu, they reappear if you mean to press the snap out if(debug), would it be possible to have so that the debug option available in every dialog, it would be useful when the dialog locked in some conservation.


second issue was happening on me with my old save. not on my new game so far. I do not know what was caused that problem, though I had sex slaves mod which didn't allowed me to save game with that mod disabled. it was probably most script heavy mod which I had on old save and not running in new save. also that save should have messed alot because that save was from my vanilla playthough and ran many mod after I start using mods. are you using sex slaves? might worth removing them if you are.

also, that issue started when I was near max capacity (or full, I don't remember correctly). maybe such situation makes something wrong.


(I do have sex slaves, and had it for both this setup and my last mod setup(got a better rig) but) I'm thinking it is the approaching max cap that causes the issue, it happened alot in an old slave which almost always was hitting against the max cap, but the bug didn't show up in latest playthrough till I approached max cap, nothing for the first 60 hours with less than 20 slaves in hsh but in the last 10 hours I started catching alot of slaves under the idea that I would sell them later for use with " and you get a slave"  and stored them in a couple of cells.



This is entirely baseless speculation but I think that having too many slave with some heavy scripts running could cause the mod to lose track of slave it's tracking and might lead to either the slave not showin on the mcm or the "I have trained" bug.



that's actually proven - we had several problems of the same nature in pahe during the development stages of the renamer that you could lose your slave names with too much scripting and the testers actually reported that they could get those same issues if used on another mod's renamer functions (i think it was sex slaves mod that was mentioned, which might be the issue we have with it, if we're both storing the names in exactly the same manner, it may cause those issue...)


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I have never had my slaves dance.

Is there some animations I have to load?


No, it should just work if you tell them to "keep you company" and if you sit down. But it seems it doesn't work for some people, probably due to a compatibility check in the latest version.


Do you have OSA, TDF or 0SEX installed?

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Melina is disabled after she is delivered, presumable taken across the sea to whoever wanted her. Sold slaves are disabled as well... they could be handed off to And You Get a Slave, perhaps. I have to stabilize that mod a little bit first, though.

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New version uploaded :)



- Support for SerialStrip: slaves ordered to undress will do so with an animation, and can be ordered to take off things one by one, if you have SS installed
- New ways for slaves to greet owner, set this in the MCM menu. Currently there are 4 poses to choose from
- New quest: If you visit the Restless Hunter before starting the questline, Pardo will give you a short quest to get your career started.
- New options for owners with large homes: Set multiple house (room) markers, tell slaves which cell, room and bedroom they belong to. Affects their sandboxing and BDSM routines.
- Support for Pose training: Certain commands increase the slaves Pose training a little.
- Starting at Pose lvl 10, the slave will gain new commands to assume poses, dance, etc. At 50 they will keep their pose when you leave the house. At the moment there are some static poses and dances, in the future there will be pole and table dancing, poses on beds, etc.


About the new room marker functions: there's a new dialogue option that appears at Submission 70: "Attend me slave". Here you can link a slave to a specific Bedroom, House or Cell marker (you need to be fairly close to the marker). When you subsequently order a slave to sandbox, go to their cell, or go to your bedroom, they will go to that specific marker instead of selecting a random one. This way you can spread your slaves around multiple rooms in large homes


Bug fixes:

- PAHE slaves ordered to fight for you will no longer continue to do so when transfered to HSH
- Slaves engaged in sex will no longer escort new slaves to their cell
- Fix for slaves with broken dialogue (slave would repeat only 1 line from a quest, blocking HSH options)
- Prices for house and camp tokens have been lowered somewhat (temporary camp token price has been halved)
- Pardo no longer has dialogue relevant to the slave trade, if the quests have not been completed yet (nor skipped from the MCM menu)

- Fixed an issue with slave-on-slave sex training gains being lost in some cases

- HSH bedrolls are now marked as owned by HSH slaves, so other NPCs won's sleep in them.
- Slaves keeping you company will no longer engage in sex with other slaves

- Unless you decide to skip the questline, Pardo will not sell slaver gear to you until you complete Dispensing Justice

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- New options for owners with large homes: Set multiple house (room) markers, tell slaves which cell, room and bedroom they belong to. Affects their sandboxing and BDSM routines.

Does this mean I can put all the cages in the basement, and still allow slaves to work upstairs in separately loaded spaces?

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Someone else posted an issue with MCM as well. Do you get no MCM at all, no menu for this mod, or an entry for the mod that's just a blank page?


Can you start your game and post a log of that please?


edit: If anyone else has a problem with MCM menu or gets a CTD when loading a save, please post a log and revert back to the previous version (let me know if you need the zip)


If someone is running 1.0 on an existing savegame with no problems, let me know as well :)

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