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How can i make f-f scene use m-f  sl animation  .i already disabled sexlab filter in ME and gay\lesbine filter in sl.?

Iam only having this problem with ME .in other mods like sexlab solutions once i disable the mod filter everything work as intended (f-f use m-f animation)


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​Good heavens! After some 20 hours of trials and tests I finally managed to play the mod! You won't believe what was breaking it, it's a little known mod that I never considered to remove because it's supposed to be only eye-candy with no effect on game mechanics, Hydragorgon Slave Girls http://www.loverslab.com/topic/28253-slave-girls-by-hydragorgon/ Please blacklist it on op to save any poor soul from going thru what I have.

And if anyone has time, please explain how does attaining different levels affect gameplay (I just became novice at 500 septims!), and also whether special jobs are triggered somehow or do I have to do it manually every time?


​​I'd also like to commend Zaira's excellent work. The mod is very well done with clearly lots of effort and creativity. It's the best I've played by far and was worth every minute. Thanks Zaira.


I have Hydragorgon Slave Girls running too... but what's the problem with ME and this Mod?


For a special Job you have to ask for that, so far as i know... and / or put in the MCM Menu the Test - Options on or off.


There is also a Ring, that you can buy, to enter Bandit Camps.. but i dont know how it correctly works with a pimp as whore, i only play the Slave Option.. i will testing this one next time.

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong for the selling as whore scenario. After the outfit intro quest and first encounter at the Riften club, when I later click "Would you like to enjoy some time with me?" and the answer "of course" nothing happens. Furthermore, nothing happens after the note "there's a john looking for a whore". I tried with a totally new game with the latest 17/7 version and also 13/7 on default settings and got directly to Kira and it's always the same issue, only the first encounter works. I also cancelled the quest via cheat and talked to Kira all over again and it's still broken! To be sure I registered her as a pimp in the previous game of course. Also, when I wait or sleep for one hour everything breaks down again and the pub owner and her assisstant forget about me.


I have ME installed as the last mod overrwiting everything else. I'm very miserable as I spent more than 10 hours testing and trying to fix it to no avail. I have Dawnguard and no Enderal, could that be the reason?



​Good heavens! After some 20 hours of trials and tests I finally managed to play the mod! You won't believe what was breaking it, it's a little known mod that I never considered to remove because it's supposed to be only eye-candy with no effect on game mechanics, Hydragorgon Slave Girls http://www.loverslab.com/topic/28253-slave-girls-by-hydragorgon/ Please blacklist it on op to save any poor soul from going thru what I have.

And if anyone has time, please explain how does attaining different levels affect gameplay (I just became novice at 500 septims!), and also whether special jobs are triggered somehow or do I have to do it manually every time?


​​I'd also like to commend Zaira's excellent work. The mod is very well done with clearly lots of effort and creativity. It's the best I've played by far and was worth every minute. Thanks Zaira.


Hm, as I had those problems as well, so now I tried without the Hydra-Slave-girls - and indeed whoring and stuff now works as intended, before nothing happened...So it seems indeed for whatever reason there is a connection/conflict between Hydra Slave Girls and Maria Eden...?

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong for the selling as whore scenario. After the outfit intro quest and first encounter at the Riften club, when I later click "Would you like to enjoy some time with me?" and the answer "of course" nothing happens. Furthermore, nothing happens after the note "there's a john looking for a whore". I tried with a totally new game with the latest 17/7 version and also 13/7 on default settings and got directly to Kira and it's always the same issue, only the first encounter works. I also cancelled the quest via cheat and talked to Kira all over again and it's still broken! To be sure I registered her as a pimp in the previous game of course. Also, when I wait or sleep for one hour everything breaks down again and the pub owner and her assisstant forget about me.


I have ME installed as the last mod overrwiting everything else. I'm very miserable as I spent more than 10 hours testing and trying to fix it to no avail. I have Dawnguard and no Enderal, could that be the reason?



​Good heavens! After some 20 hours of trials and tests I finally managed to play the mod! You won't believe what was breaking it, it's a little known mod that I never considered to remove because it's supposed to be only eye-candy with no effect on game mechanics, Hydragorgon Slave Girls http://www.loverslab.com/topic/28253-slave-girls-by-hydragorgon/ Please blacklist it on op to save any poor soul from going thru what I have.

And if anyone has time, please explain how does attaining different levels affect gameplay (I just became novice at 500 septims!), and also whether special jobs are triggered somehow or do I have to do it manually every time?


​​I'd also like to commend Zaira's excellent work. The mod is very well done with clearly lots of effort and creativity. It's the best I've played by far and was worth every minute. Thanks Zaira.


Hm, as I had those problems as well, so now I tried without the Hydra-Slave-girls - and indeed whoring and stuff now works as intended, before nothing happened...So it seems indeed for whatever reason there is a connection/conflict between Hydra Slave Girls and Maria Eden...?



Sorry, my english is not soo good,... :-( i dont understand whats now the problem with Hydra and ME? ^^


I have reported all the Bug's see last Post's, but i see no problem with Hydra Slave Girls now?! Sorry


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The problem we have is when you try to sell yourself - there is no sex-scene triggering/no dialogue to continue, you ask the guy to buy sex, but then nothing happens.. And only after Hydragon's Slave girls is removed this works...what kind of problem/mod-conflict there is really is, I cannot say, I am not good ad modding or reporting bugs...but I wanted to confirm confused98's findings


Cannot express it any easier ^^

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The problem we have is when you try to sell yourself - there is no sex-scene triggering/no dialogue to continue, you ask the guy to buy sex, but then nothing happens.. And only after Hydragon's Slave girls is removed this works...what kind of problem/mod-conflict there is really is, I cannot say, I am not good ad modding or reporting bugs...but I wanted to confirm confused98's findings


Cannot express it any easier ^^


Oke thanks for the description, now i understand! :-)


But i have Hydra Slave Girls and dont have this problem.. the sex scene's will all work, sometimes you must switch a litte with your char to left or right, then the scene begans to play.


If it not works, in the MCM Menu under Controls release Player,.. but this problem is not often at my game... maybe rare.


I can't speak for the Mod owner, but I think (hope) :-) he's still working on an update, because he's no more reporting anything.



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You can ask for Johns everywhere - but Sex is only triggered in places like Taverns, Cities, Stables, Guilds


About that: Actually sometimes it doesn't work to me inside cities until I don't get inside a tavern/interior.

Always thought was some kind of script lag / stuck / conflict somewhere, but reading above maybe it worth to mention as feedback.


To be specific: In whiterun, start the dialog, the john accept, but the "you are busy" doesn't appear, until I enter somewhere.

Then sometime the scene start or fail (return to 'You are lazy')



I can't remember if the pimp was the tavernkeeper but here the question:

Did you have set that with a brothel/tavern you could only work there, and instead, if your pimp is anyone else you could also work on the streets?


Actually I don't remember any limitation / advice about (except the generic "you work here as a whore", but I've understood it as a 'generic here')

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Whenever you submit to an innkeeper you are not allowed to leave the tavern for more than 4 hours (see MCM). all other NPCs becomes your followers 


Yes, I know that, it's on the description also ;)


I'm asking: If you pimp is an Innkeeper you could start whore interaction only INSIDE the tavern?



Because If I start out of the tavern there's some issues (scene doesn't start until back to the tavern, and then sometimes it works other not).

Eventually, If is that the case, changing a bit the dialogue could solve this 'problem'

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All of a sudden I am forced to kneel (it's a timed thing, not location based as I have tested it in multiple locations, it occurs in a specific time from last save) the screen goes dark for a moment and then it brings me back locked in a cage, or another furniture. With all controls disabled and my gear gone. No NPCs interact with me beyond noticing that I am now bound and demanding to be serviced.

After that animation plays, I am free of the furniture, but I am unable to interact with anything (although can move around). If I recover controls in MCM, I regain controls and all binds come off (but restraints are still locked on because if I try to throw them away, the pop right back on, locked), and gear I had nowhere to be found


I am currently reinstalling the mod to see if that will solve the issue (at least temporarily)

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Hi everybody,


i've running the version 2016/07/16 on my current game. Can i the new version with bug fixes simply install or is a clean save the better way?


my current version run so far without problems, maybe i'm not far enough in this mod to get trouble? (sry, english bad and so :( )




Nochmal in Landessprache:


Hey zusammen,

ich hab bisher die Version 2016/07/16 laufen und würde die neue gerne aufspielen. Nun ist meine Frage ob einfach überschreiben funktikoniert oder das ganze Ding

von vorn starten der bessere Weg wäre.

Bisher habe ich mit der Version noch keine Probleme, Jobs haben funktioniert usw bin aber auch noch nicht sonderlich weit bzw hab noch lange nicht alles ausprobiert was

gehen sollte.





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Hi everybody,


i've running the version 2016/07/16 on my current game. Can i the new version with bug fixes simply install or is a clean save the better way?


my current version run so far without problems, maybe i'm not far enough in this mod to get trouble? (sry, english bad and so :( )




Nochmal in Landessprache:


Hey zusammen,

ich hab bisher die Version 2016/07/16 laufen und würde die neue gerne aufspielen. Nun ist meine Frage ob einfach überschreiben funktikoniert oder das ganze Ding

von vorn starten der bessere Weg wäre.

Bisher habe ich mit der Version noch keine Probleme, Jobs haben funktioniert usw bin aber auch noch nicht sonderlich weit bzw hab noch lange nicht alles ausprobiert was

gehen sollte.




Also ich persönlich installiere alles manual Ordner für Ordner.. ich habs bis jetzt immer überschrieben und hatte bis auf bereits genannte Bug's, welche jedoch nicht daher rührten keine Probleme soweit!


Du kannst aber auch im Skyrim Ordner nach "Maria" suchen und ALLES was diesen Namen trägt löschen und dann eben alles neu installieren, habe ich auch schon mal gemacht, funktioniert auch..


Nicht vergessen danach (nach der Deinstallation!!! und nach der neuen Intallation)!!! FNIS als Admin zu starten!



Liebe Grüße,


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Danke dir für die schnelle Antwort...


Ich nutze Mod Organizer um meine Mods zu installieren oder zu bearbeiten. Mir gings jetzt nur darum ob ein einfaches 'drüber' kopieren bei laufendem Spielstand funktioniert.

Oftmals braucht man ja auch eine Spiel das die 'neue' Mod noch nie zuvor gesehen hat oder so oder eben einen Clean Save

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Danke dir für die schnelle Antwort...


Ich nutze Mod Organizer um meine Mods zu installieren oder zu bearbeiten. Mir gings jetzt nur darum ob ein einfaches 'drüber' kopieren bei laufendem Spielstand funktioniert.

Oftmals braucht man ja auch eine Spiel das die 'neue' Mod noch nie zuvor gesehen hat oder so oder eben einen Clean Save


Bei mir wurden die neuen Optionen beim überschreiben übernommen, brauchte keinen Clean-Save... unter SKSE / Plugins / StorageUtilData hast du deine sofern bereits gemacht gespeicherte Kleidung, diese eventuell vorher wo anders sichern, solltest du nicht alles wieder neu einstellen wollen.


Aja, fast vergessen: solltest du mit diesem Baumeister-Spell Sachen kreiert haben, dann vergiss bei einem neuen Spiel nicht den "MariaBuilder" Ordner zu löschen, ich hatte das Problem, dass ich dann alles doppelt und dreifach da hatte...

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Does anyone know if Spouses Enhanced is compatible with ME?   Just wondering, it seemed to be working fine for me until I lost the ME dialog options.


Just getting back to share that I had to restart many times, but found that the Spouses Enhanced mod does work with ME provided that the regular Skyrim marriage quests and dialog that happen after, are completed before any ME activity.

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I'm having problems with CTD on game save after whipping scenes. I'm using:



-SexLabFramework v162 FULL (CTD fix is selected in MCM)


-Crash fixes


I re-equip clothes after the scene, wait at least an hour, go through several load doors and still instantly crash when I try to save.

Is there something more I need to do?


Any info is welcome. Thank you.

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I'm having problems with CTD on game save after whipping scenes. I'm using:



-SexLabFramework v162 FULL (CTD fix is selected in MCM)


-Crash fixes


I re-equip clothes after the scene, wait at least an hour, go through several load doors and still instantly crash when I try to save.

Is there something more I need to do?


Any info is welcome. Thank you.


I have the same problems with the whipping scene,.. sometimes it works, sometimes the same as you.. I'm using the German version.

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