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Following behavior


After spending some time with my mistress follower, it happens that she begins to not follow me. Even if I warp her to me, she stays where she is. Dialogues works as usal, it's only following that seems broken.


Last time it happened I had a follower from level 1 to level 8 (It's a long time because the follower did most of combat then I levelled slowly).

After clearing bandit fort North of Riften I went to Riften, as our wedding was scheduled. She began to stop following me. She was not with me when I entered Riften, so I used wheel menu to warp her to me. She stood at the gate while I went to Mara's Temple. At the entrance she was not with me, I waited a bit, then warped her to me again.

She entered the Temple by Herself an when I was in, the wedding proceeded without bug.

After I asked her to kiss me, and she complied, I went out and she didn't follow me. Outside after I warped her to me two times, I was attacked by bandit and she didn't move at all (in spite our relationship rank was the best and she was happy).


So, is there a console command to repair her following behavior?


My problem was, after a time my mistress stops talking to me and i was gagged.. no chance


Edit: i had the same problem, but after i moved her to me with the wheel and after fight with an enemy now she's follow me back.



Ok, now i have the same problem too.. my follower is:


it makes the same probs like above, she stops follow me in dungeon and out of them too.. i now have delated her and reload.. now see what happened :)


And a next problem: I have the test functions on, when I ask, may I ask you for something.. as always in the list "Fesseln abnehmen" but I wear no chains!.. no idea what is wrong.

@zaira: ich habe die Testfunktionen ein, wenn ich frage, darf ich euch um etwas bitten.. steht da immer wieder in der Liste "Fesseln abnehmen" aber ich trage gar keine Fesseln!.. keine Ahnung, was da wieder ist.. Das mit den Fesseln abnehmen bleibt sogar, wenn ich einen neuen Begleiter / Herrin wähle.. :(


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Thanks for the detailed instructions krighaur. Are you sure stripping must be done via a key and not simply removing inventory clothes? Because in my experience the instructions keep going after that i.e the game responds either way.


​I think I may be on to something. Apparently only Riften club is broken, whether you register Kira from a previous game or not. I tested another tavern yesterday and to my surprise it was working fine as long as creatures was turned off in SL. Does anyone here have Kira working out of the box in the English version? As in, start a new game and from the dungeon, "Whore of.."  Kira - Riften club, follow assistant's instructions, and then get correct dialogues and responsive NPC's even after waiting 1 hour?


No, it's not broken. There are certain bugs in both prostitution: for local pimp chosen by builder spell (when you get Chantal name) and when you prostitute for the tavern or inn owner, but both quest works fine and aren't broken. I play with two characters with different genders (one is male and other is female) and when I prostitute for myself, prostitution works fine for both genders and NPCs (Johns) always approaching to me.


zaira mentioned several mod's incompatibilities on his OP. You might want to (re)check them and see if there is something that causing your game buggy when it comes to ME mod.

Where is that list of incompatibilities? I can't find it in the op. Also did you try Kira at Riften club and confirm it works?

​I didn't try the builder spell. I only talked to Kira on a previous game and said I'd like to meet her again. How does that differ from the builder spell? I'm also curious to how does local pimp gameplay differ from tavern pimp?

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No, it's not broken. There are certain bugs in both prostitution: for local pimp chosen by builder spell (when you get Chantal name) and when you prostitute for the tavern or inn owner, but both quest works fine and aren't broken. I play with two characters with different genders (one is male and other is female) and when I prostitute for myself, prostitution works fine for both genders and NPCs (Johns) always approaching to me.


zaira mentioned several mod's incompatibilities on his OP. You might want to (re)check them and see if there is something that causing your game buggy when it comes to ME mod.

Where is that list of incompatibilities? I can't find it in the op. Also did you try Kira at Riften club and confirm it works?

​I didn't try the builder spell. I only talked to Kira on a previous game and said I'd like to meet her again. How does that differ from the builder spell? I'm also curious to how does local pimp gameplay differ from tavern pimp?

So called "the list of incompatible mods" was included in "read me file that doesn't exit any more. It wasn't exactly the list of the mods that ME is incompatible with (i called it) but rather suggestions to avoid certain mods that can cause problems to ME - mods like AFT, similar slavery and prostitution mods, Aroused Redux and similar). It existed in previous versions that came with FOMOD installation, but it doesn't any more. Sorry about that. Didn't know it was removed.


As for Kira, yes, I tested prostitution with Kira, Hulda and the inn keeper in Falkreth. Didn't have a problem at all in the areas you are mentioning.

BTW -why did you say to Kira that you'd like to meet her again?! Kira runs the brothel in Riften and as such you could directly say to her: "Do you have some very well payed job for me" (or something like that). If you didn't have that line when talking to her then something is wrong. Something is blocking that dialogue line. (Re)Check your followers mod, SKYUI and SKSE.. I believe you did that but double check, if needed reinstall it, but before you install ME.


I'm not an expert for this mod and cannot tell you what is the problem with your game. All I can say is hat the problems you have do not exist in my game. I know that this cannot comfort you but if the mod is working for many of us (in general with similar or small different bugs because of various mods we all have differently) and it doesn't work for you, than there is obvious sign that something is wrong in your game, you are either missing something, or didn't install it correctly and in order. It is very important to install requirements first before install ME. Same goes for all other mods that co-depends on other mods. Have you posted your log file to zaira?

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I have aroused redux and realistic ragdolls & force. I'll try without them after catching some sleep. And yes I tripled checked all requirements and I have them with ME installed last. How do I generate a log file?


Having all those options with Kira is frustrating. So I could directly hop from the quickstart dungeons via the menu, or I could talk to her and activate her from a previous game and still use the menu (does that change anything?), or I could be free and teleport and talk to her about wanting to earn lots of money, or I could yet talk to her as free about her high paying job. I think the first two options are identical (they include slavery) and the last two options are identical (you're still free), but the mod should've removed redundant options or at least provided an explanation so it doesn't leave users scratching their heads.


IIRC, in one of my tests I tried talking to her about making lots of money and the mod worked. I just freaked out when I found myself sinking into debt so I kept testing the first options i.e hopping directly from the dungeon.


As I was saying, can someone tell me whether there's a difference between working for a tavern owner or for a "local pimp" via the builder spell? Again the op doesn't provide documentation.

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As I was saying, can someone tell me whether there's a difference between working for a tavern owner or for a "local pimp" via the builder spell? Again the op doesn't provide documentation.


From what I have experienced :


- Working for a tavern owner : You must stay at the tavern, except if allowed some free time by the owner


- Working for a pimp : You can wander outside, the pimp will follow you



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I removed arousal redux and pretty much all unnecessary mods. After more hours of testing the game seem to break in two cases: when I turn down a request via "what a bummer" or wait for some hours. Maybe what happens is that the quest gets open but never gets shut when I do this, preventing new quests from working. Also cheating with "release player" doesn't help, and when I try to cheat via "cancel quest" the only available quest is the main one "whore of x", so the open quest theory may be wrong.


To be sure, I don't have the unofficial patch installed because it runs my system out of memory and freezes NMM. Dunno if that matters.

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I love this mod! :-)  Thank you for all your hard work on it. I wonder if it would be at all possible to add something where the mod recognizes events from a pregnancy mod like Beeing Female - maybe you are sold as a slave for the purpose of being 'bred', and a successful pregnancy is a quest objective or something. 


Like I've said in other threads - I'm just an end-user with fuck all for coding experience or mod-creation talent.  I have no idea how simple or complicated something like that would be; just thought it would be a cool feature.


Anyway, I think this is great as is, and I look forward to continuing to play.

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I am just checking the basics... Mainly because I see this is like you first, and only post


do you have all the required mods installed ?


Yes I have everything stated in the first page's installation spoiler. I've also been running a number of mods without problem. I actually even uninstalled Radiant Prostitution because I thought it could be interfering with ME but that didn't fix it.


Also, sometimes only the first encounter works and sometimes nothing at all works. I think it depends on whether I went directly from the house of burden or auction.


By the way I'm running the English version which I think until recently said the whore scenario was only in German. Is the English version broken?



The English version works fine, you have only very few things non translated, and you don't have the voice (available only in german).


For the whore quest you must :

- strip, with defined key (I have experienced that you must redefine this key once in MCM, even if you choose the same key as default key) or with wheel menu

- show your ass (wheel menu)

- show your pussy (wheel menu)

- put on the whore cloth that your pimp gives you (suppose you have previously defined and saved these clothes)


After that if pimp still busy, most of the times it's because he/she want to punish you, then you must :

- undress (key or wheel menu)

- ready yourself for punishment. This is not always the same position, so try kneeling (key or wheel menu) or presenting (wheel menu - don't remember exact term, it's the position where you turn your back toward pimp and put your hands behind your back)


If all this fail, try wait for an hour (T key)


If it fails, open wheel menu choose cheating, then choose stop quest, this open a box with runnig maria's quest, there close the last quest in the list. Return to game, wait for an hour (T key).

If still nothing, repeat above cheat with last quest (when things fail, often you have a punish quest, a tavern quest, and a pimp for quest running)


If all these fail, try starting as a free whore. Don't worry you will be able to play the other option later, but at last you will be able to start enjoying your whore status.


About the number of mods, I run without problem Maria with heavy mods like :

- Death Alternative

- OBIS, Populated road, populated cities, populated fort, Sand of time


- SkyrimLL series : SD+, Hormones, Dialogues

- Skooma whore

- Prison overhaul

- Simple Slavery

for a total of 164 mods


I have played a while with also

- Being female : stopped because my game's script count  became too heavy, and I had many error in log from Being female

- Deviously Cursed Loot : Too much interference with Maria, and unplayable with the hard and numerous encounters (it's not pleasant to find yourself bound or blindfolded when 20 bandits attacks you)


quick thing lol you can cut out populated stuff out your loadorder the new sos include all those as they are now taken over by the sos team. Should relieve some of that papyrus stress

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I get the attached error when activating ME's quick start in NMM. I also get the same error when I have quickstart already activated and trying to activate the main mod. It doesn't make any sense because it thinks they're both the same thing and it always thinks the newer version the one installed! And even then what does "upgrading" means if I already have the new version?


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I don't know if this is intended but sometimes after a prostitution job is finished the NPC just keeps standing there discarding all his daily activities.
I tried testing a bit and noticed that if I offer another job for that NPC then after it is finished, he may get fixed and continue his daily activities normally.


So I am guessing it has something to do with NPC getting stuck in some stage or something in some cases but not all. 

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Wo bekomme ich die Kleidung her


Für das Ponygirl Outfit brauchst du z.B. keinen Harness, der ist automatisch dabei.. wenn du selbst an dieser Stelle etwas speicherst, dann funktioniert die Animation nicht, ansonsten eben wie schon oben gesagt wurde Kleidung selbst zusammenstellen, anziehen und abspeichern.

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zaira - I have "The luxury suite" mod installed and I'm the owner. Everything works fine until I become the Slave for my follower. The very moment I do that, all the girls in that mansion stop communicate with and on try to do it, they all say "You are not suppose to be here." Can you, please, make Luxury suite mod compatible with ME?


Also, that mansion has a lot of potential, many beds, girls bards, inn keeper and similar... maybe it can be a good place for prostitution? I'm not suggestion anything but thinking aloud. :)

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zaira - I have "The luxury suite" mod installed and I'm the owner. Everything works fine until I become the Slave for my follower. The very moment I do that, all the girls in that mansion stop communicate with and on try to do it, they all say "You are not suppose to be here." Can you, please, make Luxury suite mod compatible with ME?


Also, that mansion has a lot of potential, many beds, girls bards, inn keeper and similar... maybe it can be a good place for prostitution? I'm not suggestion anything but thinking aloud. :)


I dont think that this will be work.. ME is ME and your Mod is another one^^ ;)

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Heilige Scheisse Habe Mod jetzt wieder deinstalliert nichts funktioniert Ordnungs gemäss  Kleidung die man erhält erscheinen nicht im Inventar also läuft der Hurenjob nicht an. Als Sklave von irgend jemand steht man nur blöd in der Gegend rum weil nichts mehr passiert. Kein Training

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So quick question, what do I have to do to get the mod's clothes/gear. I installed the mod yesterday and have had no other problems it's just that the mod seems to lack any of the clothes it's supposed to have, for example when I start a new character as free and select an outfit it just spawns me naked. If you'd like other examples just ask I just saw that one as the easiest. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I just really didn't feel like looking through 83 pages to find the answer.

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Ich sags mal frei gerade aus: der Mod ist wirklich gut, aber leider auch immer noch voll von Bugs.. Ende der Durchsage!



Liebe Grüße,


Für das Training benötigst du den Trainer/Auctionator-mod

Damit Kleidung,NPC und BuilderObjekte funktionieren,muß man ME neu starten oder ein neues Spiel anfangen



Das ist so nicht ganz korrekt.. Kleidung und oder Builder Objekte funktionieren bei mir instant, ohne irgendwas neu zu starten.

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Hello again folks.


I've been experimenting with this, and it's looking encouraging but i'm struggling to make things happen relyably.


To start with, our heroine is trying to whore herself out.

I like how the prositution in this is slightly more intersting and complicated than just 'trigger sex scene now'.

...but I can't seem to sell myself to people relyably. I've seen the dialog option, but I can't seem to get it to occur 'on demand' so to speak.

I've found myself a pimp, and they will sometimes give me jobs. But I can't sell myself to strangers.

I'm in the whore's outfit.


I'm probably overlooking something obvious - any ideas what I am doing wrong?

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​Good heavens! After some 20 hours of trials and tests I finally managed to play the mod! You won't believe what was breaking it, it's a little known mod that I never considered to remove because it's supposed to be only eye-candy with no effect on game mechanics, Hydragorgon Slave Girls http://www.loverslab.com/topic/28253-slave-girls-by-hydragorgon/ Please blacklist it on op to save any poor soul from going thru what I have.

And if anyone has time, please explain how does attaining different levels affect gameplay (I just became novice at 500 septims!), and also whether special jobs are triggered somehow or do I have to do it manually every time?


​​I'd also like to commend Zaira's excellent work. The mod is very well done with clearly lots of effort and creativity. It's the best I've played by far and was worth every minute. Thanks Zaira.

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Anyone running prison overhaul with this ? Just wanna make sure. Im currently rebuilding a new loadorder from scratch for some fun times as a slave :)

So quick question, what do I have to do to get the mod's clothes/gear. I installed the mod yesterday and have had no other problems it's just that the mod seems to lack any of the clothes it's supposed to have, for example when I start a new character as free and select an outfit it just spawns me naked. If you'd like other examples just ask I just saw that one as the easiest. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I just really didn't feel like looking through 83 pages to find the answer.

Lilly you have to assign your own clothes. if you check the mcm menu there is a option to load and save outfits. So for instance if you want to use the tavern clothes as a whore outfit all you do is put it on go into the mcm and click the save outfit option choose whore outfit give it a name and click save. From there on that will be the whore outfit. as for piercings and things they are in the dda package you can just get it by using addmenuitem and save them in the same way as for the other stuff its all up to taste.

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Is this the current version? Is this replacing maria eden slavery? If not, what is difference between the 2 mods? As far as I can tell, there is none, except that this mod has been updated more recently, and appears to be more stable and compatible.

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