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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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19 hours ago, theman221 said:

Hey just a little issue I'm having, as a werewolf when I start the go hunting option and I select "I shall seek a new conquest" nothing happens, the window just closes and that's it, any ideas what the issue might be?

That usually happens, if there is no viable target at your court

or maybe the new DLC broke something in that event.

There must be an adult woman (assuming you are an male werewolf) that is less than 50 years old, not already your bitch (and also not an alpha bitch or werewolf herself)

and has one (or more) of these traits: mage,cynical,mystic,lunatic, possessed.

If there is no viable target, this decision just does nothing and closes.

That behaviour was always like that as long as i know this mod.

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2 hours ago, Lubu343 said:

So I really like making a dynasty of werewolves but every time I try it seems like the trait refuses to pass down my line at all. I have the updated mod and the genealogy mod on so I was wondering if anyone else was running into this problem? 

It seems like you only produce werekin children with human partners. You need a werewolf wife/concubine or at least a werekin wife/concubine to get full werewolf children.

If you don't get one from somewhere else, your only way would be to kill all your werekin sons and impregnate your werekin daughters until one produces a werwolf son/grandson for you (hopefully without inbred trait).

I think cheating a little bit to get a werewolf girlfriend from outside your own family might be a better way and don't get human concubines if you want to avoid problems with werekin children.

Depending on your opinion about cheating, you could also just throw the werewolf trait at any girl you want to impregnate

An easy way to do that would be

and give your harem werewolf traits using the mod menu.

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44 minutes ago, Yukinohki said:

It seems like you only produce werekin children with human partners. You need a werewolf wife/concubine or at least a werekin wife/concubine to get full werewolf children.

If you don't get one from somewhere else, your only way would be to kill all your werekin sons and impregnate your werekin daughters until one produces a werwolf son/grandson for you (hopefully without inbred trait).

I think cheating a little bit to get a werewolf girlfriend from outside your own family might be a better way and don't get human concubines if you want to avoid problems with werekin children.

Depending on your opinion about cheating, you could also just throw the werewolf trait at any girl you want to impregnate

An easy way to do that would be

and give your harem werewolf traits using the mod menu.

Thank you very much. I'll have to start a new run again but hopefully this mod will help with that as well as give the damn pics as well. Thank you very much again. 


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Honestly, I think the whole mixed-breed thing without any Mendelian genetics is a pretty dumb idea. In House Irae, if you are a dark elf and have a child with someone who isn't, there's a 50% chance of having a halfelf child, a 25% chance of a purebred dark elf child, and 25% chance of a normal human (or whatever). At least this way the race doesn't go extinct just because you don't have a matching mate.

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You could also modify the DW Genealogy Mod to solve it permanently.

But you need at least a minimal knowledge of modding, understanding what you are doing is helpful.



mother_even_if_dead = {
                    OR = {
                        trait = werewolf
                        trait = werewolf_ancient
                        # A werekin mother cannot birth a true werewolf, thus a challenge to the werewolf clans, and why female werewolves are so important

That part for example limits the birth of werewolf children to pure werewolf mothers. You could just remove it, but that would result in every werewolf/werekin father always producing pure werewolf children, independent of the mother, so modifying this part is a bit more than just removing this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, fickteuch said:

Can you get rid of the traits somehow? I tried deleted all related files but that just seems to mess up the interaction menu.

JK has a point, but are you looking to edit the traits that DK uses or are you looking for traits used by CK?  If it is the latter, then there is a technical help area for questions like that. 


If you are just trying to get rid of traits of specific avatars (you have no posting history here so if this is insulting, it is not my intent), then in teh command screen (accessed by pressing the tilda (`)key) you use the command remove_trait <Trait Name> <Character ID> .   

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Really don't mean to insult anyone, I never thought I'd actually post here, and when I made this account to download mods, I kept getting errors and ended up so frustrated that I used this name... and suddenly it worked lol sorry if I offended anyone!


I just want to get rid of all the DW traits. I like the mechanics of the mods, just could do without the traits.

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6 hours ago, fickteuch said:

Really don't mean to insult anyone, I never thought I'd actually post here, and when I made this account to download mods, I kept getting errors and ended up so frustrated that I used this name... and suddenly it worked lol sorry if I offended anyone!


I just want to get rid of all the DW traits. I like the mechanics of the mods, just could do without the traits.

Traits are the very foundation of DWR. Just about all events/decisions rely on them. If you want to remove the traits, you're looking at a total rewrite of the entire mod, and at that point it wouldn't be that much different from vanilla CK2.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/21/2018 at 2:51 PM, fickteuch said:

I just want to get rid of all the DW traits. I like the mechanics of the mods, just could do without the traits.

The portraits operate off a trait-assignment system. If you remove all the traits, you will break the portraits, assuming DW hasn't rewritten the code differently since the last version I checked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the mod Warcraft Guardians of Azeroth released, could you do a patch to lewd the whole mod ? 

Also, Dark World Reborn,Extras and Beast lovers seems to be working fine with the wow mod,however when it comes to custom characters, such as those created by the events,they don't get the traits that defines their races (human,elf,gnoll,orc etc,).

Which in turn when they try to marry or be told to, they get the ''cannot marry trait'' and event.

It also seems to be incompatible with custom static portraits somehow but I may be wrong.

Everything else seems to be working fine on my end,just the ''cannot marry event'' which needs to be fixed(the picture of Pharah is too good not to marry her).


P.S. if you (or someone else) makes a patch for W:GoA,you gotta make some events for Goldshire :3

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Seeing how lockeslylcrit did a conversion and continuation of sorts regarding Dark World (the new Dark World Fantasy), I'm not going to post any changes to Dark World Reborn. Doing so would just create confusion and that's not desirable.


I am working on a new mod though, and it'll be posted in it's own topic. It won't be dependent on Dark World at all, but should run fine alongside it.


The new mod isn't really lore friendly in the least. For those that enjoyed the old Harley events, the new mod may be of interest to you. If they broke your immersion, then the new mod isn't likely something you'll want to try out, unless you're feeling a little wild.


Look for an update in a few days (which will hopefully be in its own thread at that time).


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/30/2019 at 4:46 AM, Drax70 said:

Then why don't you take over DW again WITH lockeslylcrit and help each other? You both have very creative ideas! Also you could implement your new mod, if you like, in DWF!

I'll be honest. I pondered taking it back over, because Dark World was taken over without my permission, which is pretty taboo in the mod world (and on this site). So, for about sixty seconds I was seething, but then I had to be honest with myself. Sure, I've the itch to add some content, but is that worth any potential drama?


After all I did get bored and moved on, and now it's being used by others for their enjoyment. So I shifted from being seething angry, to just being annoyed. Then after a beer, I figured I'd leave it as it is, and moved from annoyed to accepting. Lockeslycrit tosses out a thanks to me on the front mod page, so it at least acknowledges the work I did to a degree. Folks are using it, and I'm more scratching an itch right now than likely jumping back in whole sale.


I've been playing around with my little Heroes and Villains mod, and it's coming along fine. I've thought a few times about posting what I've got so far, but I risk getting side tracked the first time someone asks for something that sounds cool. This mod will be a stand alone mod, it uses nothing that I made previously in Dark World, and only has some minor compatibility in place with Christianity Mod and Dark World.


Have my ideas disappeared related to Dark World? No, and I've already got a different version I'm using from what I last published, but publishing what I've got would be a conflict of sorts, and I don't think sharing it's really valid since some of the changes are content that Lockeslycrit either cut or changed.


That doesn't mean I won't ever post anything Dark World again. If I do, I'll just package it differently than I have in the past.


Regarding the Heroes and Villains mod, here's what it does so far.

- Adds a Hero and a Villain trait. Any ruler (player included), can potentially opt to take the trait, so the world could become filled with Heroes or Villains leading countries. They obviously don't get along due to a hefty opposite opinion penalty.

- Heroes can construct a Hall and Villains can construct a Lair. There are two types of Halls and two types of Lairs. They're not actual buildings, but tracked as character modifiers.

- With a Hall or Lair, one can recruit henchmen (Villains) or sidekicks (Heroes). The ai can only recruit generic ones, players can recruit named NPCs, such as Harley Quinn, Batgirl, Red Robin, the Vulture, etc.

- When a named NPC dies - they can be rehired/recruited *(this was implemented largely due to the folks that would get upset when Harley would die before they could make her immortal)

- An annual event triggers that has the chance to play a random hero or villain related event for the player. Not all events directly benefit the player. Some benefit the player's teammates. For example - one random event has the player coming across the Vulture being struck by a serious bout of inspiration, which results in the Vulture getting an Inspired Tinkerer benefit that boosts his learning and combat skill for a period.

- I'm presently working on a simple option decision where Heroes or Villains can opt to go on a mission, which gives different bonuses or effects for a period of time. The ai is restricted to not going on a mission more than once a year, to try and keep things from getting too crazy.


When the last bullet is done, and I've more added to the annual event trigger, I'll likely post it, as then if I never touched it again, it'd at least potentially add something interesting that players could enjoy.


Edit: grammar policed myself a bit.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

I'll be honest. I pondered taking it back over, because Dark World was taken over without my permission, which is pretty taboo in the mod world (and on this site). So, for about sixty seconds I was seething, but then I had to be honest with myself. Sure, I've the itch to add some content, but is that worth any potential drama?


After all I did get bored and moved on, and now it's being used by others for their enjoyment. So I shifted from being seething angry, to just being annoyed. Then after a beer, I figured I'd leave it as it is, and moved from annoyed to accepting. Lockeslycrit tosses out a thanks to me on the front mod page, so it at least acknowledges the work I did to a degree. Folks are using it, and I'm more scratching an itch right now than likely jumping back in whole sale.

So here's my side of the whole situation:


Dark World Fantasy first started as a tiny submod to DWR called Dark World Tweaks. So small that it included only three things: prevents the offmap empires from showing up or forming, adding the "Motivate X" decision to both the spiritual leader and the tribal steward, and having a version of Serpent's Purge that allows you to choose if you want to keep the kid or have the poison take effect. This file was submitted October 2nd.


Eventually it grew enough that it had a large discord channel of its own, with other submodders joining in. Tweaks got big enough that I had to start including some DWR files into the Tweaks zip because I didn't yet properly understand file merging. Eventually I just said fuck it, and included the original DWR mod into the Tweaks file and modifying them instead of making new files. This was because A) it was easier for me to make necessary bug fixes and balancing, and B) many of the DWR submodders have expressed interest in continuing their own submods without having to rely on the old DWR code (especially with the upcoming 3.0 Holy Fury patch). So it was unanimously decided that DWTweaks would be the de facto successor to DWR. Also included in DWTweaks was my own dark elven content, which I eventually split off into its own separate mod: House Irae. As an aside, this mod uses virtually nothing from DWR, with the exception of a recolored Elf trait graphic.


Included in DWTweaks was full integration of Dark World Serpent Expansion, as full permission was graciously granted by zia. And that brings us to the crux of the issue involving DWR/DWF: permission. There were discussions with the other modders on if I should fully take up the Dark World mantle as the new successor. I was always not so keen on this idea because in big bold letters on the front page of DWR were "Do not rebrand DWR." I was always watching your profile like a hawk, seeing if you returned so I could ask permission, but the last post by you related to DWR was already half a year old, and the latest post by you anywhere on LL was in August. I didn't know how to contact you because I didn't know if you just abandoned LL or what. Eventually I bit the bullet, and on December 3rd DWTweaks was rebranded as Dark World Fantasy. This decision was mine, and mine alone. I take full responsibility for this. I deeply apologize for going against your wishes. People were still playing the hell out of DWR, and with Holy Fury's resurgence of modding on LL, I wanted to give them an up-to-date experience. Nobody knew how long you were going to be gone for, or if you were going to come back. The decision to rebrand was done out of respect to the Dark World brand, continuing it in your absence, not as a way of usurping you.

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