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Lewd mods and XCOM 2

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Hey I'm currently doing research on how to make eyes glow (for the psi class). I think I've got that part covered. Any idea on how we could integrate new eye meshes? Maybe make duplicates of the existing head meshes and assigning the glowing eyes?


EDIT - Ohhh-kay, that emissive stuff is a little more complicated than I thought. :P

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If you solve this, I just might kiss you!


Ok, so here's a rundown of more details on all the hows, whats, whys, etc. Gonna be a long post, so be ready.


Many of my Mass Effect ports are just gonna be outfit ports, like Jack, Miranda, Kasumi, Shepard's N7 armor for M and F, but many others will be more complex. I figured this all out while working on my Legion model. I found that assigning some of the facial rig bones from the xcom armature (Blender lingo) onto the Legion mesh, it animated in-game quite beautifully. For example, I assigned the vertex groups of the side flip thingies on Legion's head, to the bones "MouthCornerR" and "MouthCornerL". In-game, the animation is still the same base set for soldiers, so whenever an animation moves those vertices, the flips moved accordingly. Applied the same mechanic to the top flips, side flips, and jaw flips, and they all move differently depending on what Attitude you select. It's awesome. Not only in and of itself, but also because it tells me that with enough patience, we can actually port ANY head mesh from ANY game or anywhere really, and apply the proper vertex groups (I'm currently testing this on my Garrus model).


But let's backtrack a little bit. Due to the nature of how the game is built, there are actually only TWO head meshes in the game, one M, one F. They have Morph Sets attached to them, so each archetype can call upon a different morph, but still on the same mesh. So for instance, LatinFace A and AsianFace C, they both call upon the exact same skeletal mesh "BaseHead_F". It's inside the archetype of each, that it's specified what morph to use. I haven't figured out how morphs are created. If you check the upk's, you'll see that there are Static Meshes for each different face, so I guess they're used somehow, maybe, but I have no idea so I can't create or recreate any of it.


This effectively means I can't replace "faces" (called "heads" in the upk), so a workaround is port them instead as "helmets", for the props section. There's a mod in the workshop that makes heads invisible (but not the eyes or teeth, more on this later). That allows us to make a helmet that conforms to the overall shape of a head, and to not worry about clipping issues, just use that invisible head. That'll work for my eventual Garrus port, but it doesn't work for Legion's. Even with the hidden head, the eyes and teeth are still visible while using the Legion's Head (helmet prop, attached img for reference).


That "invisible head mod" only creates new archetypes, no new meshes, and calls upon the same already-existing basehead meshes. The only thing he changed, was that under the property options of the archetypes, there's an option for Material, and he used the HumanShared Material called "Hidden", which is used on all heads, arms, and torsos on vanilla game to avoid cilpping. Pretty smart actually, but it only applies to the skin, not the eyes or teeth.


A potential workaround is to go into the actual basehead mesh's properties, and change the material parameters (4 of them, skin, hidden, eyes, mouth) to all be Hidden. The problem with this, is that then ALL pawns will have invisible heads, or invisible parts. All soldiers, all civilians, all VIPS. That's why I tried creating a new mesh (just a copy of the basehead), but the game crashes just mouse-overing the option in the customization option. I can't just create a new head mesh, I think it needs a morph set as well, and I don't know how to do that.


I also checked the eyes and teeth base archetypes, but they don't have a Material parameter like the basehead does. Well, they do, but they're default set to None, instead of an actual material. Which makes me doubt whether these eye and teeth meshes are actually called up, or if the game uses the eye and teeth meshes found withing the basehead mesh. I also tried making new eyes n teeth archetypes and just adding the hidden material to them, but it didn't work.


We need new ones so it won't affect all characters, but I don't know how to create new ones because they require the morph sets (not even confirmed, just a theory).


That's why the 2 scenarios, we either figure out how to apply that hidden material to the eyes and teeth and let it be an option in the customization window (so it won't affect all), or we figure out how to create new actual Heads (so I can add an "empty" mesh to them, making them "invisible").


As to why it needs to be a head and not a helmet, that's because the helmet always goes on top of the head. So creating an "empty" or "hidden" helmet, will be just like having None selected, the head will still be visible. We need to hide the Head and all it's parts.


In regards to your screenshot, I haven't dared dabble with Materials, but if you can figure out how to make "invisible" material for the eyes (or just use the existing Hidden one found under HumanShared), and let that be an option, say, under eye color, that's half the work done right there. The teeth being the only stupid thing left to solve in this puzzle.


Sorry for the long post, just wanted to be as detailed as I could not only for you, but for anyone reading who might now better understand how this all works, and maybe finding a solution!!


EDIT: looking further into this whole matter, a thought occurred to me. If I'm reading this right, I believe the specialized pawns, Van Doorn, Sid Meier, Beaglerush, they either call up different eye and teeth meshes, or they are the only ones who actually do call upon these vanilla eye and teeth meshes. Maybe there's a (longer, more complicated) way to make this Legion port not a normal soldier, but a specialized one, thus being able to do the traditional work and not have it affect other soldiers, civs, etc. But the coding for making him specialized is just something I don't wanna get into right now. Especially if we can't confirm they actually do call up different eye n teeth meshes/archetypes.


Dear kexx456, thank you for your hard work.

I would like to ask, is your Leg Pack could provide shaved cubic hair version?

I love your mod but I just don't like cubic hair, so is there any way to remove it or you could make a patch for it, thank you.smile.png 

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Hey Kexx


Just started looking at some of the stuff you mentioned and a couple of things that I found:


1. Faces in the game are made by blending animations.


As you mentioned all characters in the game use either the SM_Head_F or SM_Head depending on their gender. All animation for movement, shooting and such are then just applied to the skeleton used in SM_HEAD / _F along with the static addictive animation that is the face morphs. This would also explain the insane amounts of bones in the head.


In attached screenshots I blend the LL_IdleAlertA animation with the ADD_LatMaleA animation and take the output (result) and send it to the animation tree as a single animation. You can find this and see it for yourself in the .ukp BaseHead and open up the AnimTree AT_FaceTest. I believe this is just some leftover legacy from Fireaxis.


I tested that I could use custom Animation Sets for specific faces without any problems.


So if one were to create static animation for the faces we could create new unique faces using the vanilla Base Head.


2. Copy the SM_Head


You talked about making a copy of the SM_Head and just replacing the mesh. The problem with that is that all the references will break. That is why you crash when using your "new" custom SM_Head.


I did get it running with a duplicate (Same name and same references) so it is possible I should think. Ill keep trying for now!


3. Eyes and Teeth


If you look at the BaseHead's references you will find that the materials used are found in the .ukp Materials under the folder Approved. Here you will find the base materials and their functions. The materials are EyesCustomizable_TC, HeadCustomizable_TC, SkinCustomizable_TC and so on. Here you can change stuff like how many colour channels tattoos and scars use and how they are applied.


If you open the EyesCustomizable_TC you can see that it uses a default diff BaseHead.Textures.Eyeball_DIF and then modify it. See attached screenshot.


The teeth / mouth uses the material under the .ukp BaseHead called Teeth. Its parent material can again be found under the Materials .upk and the folder approved as Skin_SD.


So what you could do is simply create copies of this materials and then just make them invisible.


I got a couple of days of free time coming up here Friday -> Monday so ill see if I can help you out there Kexx.


Keep up the amazing work btw!




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Hey Kexx


Just started looking at some of the stuff you mentioned and a couple of things that I found:


1. Faces in the game are made by blending animations.


As you mentioned all characters in the game use either the SM_Head_F or SM_Head depending on their gender. All animation for movement, shooting and such are then just applied to the skeleton used in SM_HEAD / _F along with the static addictive animation that is the face morphs. This would also explain the insane amounts of bones in the head.


In attached screenshots I blend the LL_IdleAlertA animation with the ADD_LatMaleA animation and take the output (result) and send it to the animation tree as a single animation. You can find this and see it for yourself in the .ukp BaseHead and open up the AnimTree AT_FaceTest. I believe this is just some leftover legacy from Fireaxis.


I tested that I could use custom Animation Sets for specific faces without any problems.


So if one were to create static animation for the faces we could create new unique faces using the vanilla Base Head.


2. Copy the SM_Head


You talked about making a copy of the SM_Head and just replacing the mesh. The problem with that is that all the references will break. That is why you crash when using your "new" custom SM_Head.


I did get it running with a duplicate (Same name and same references) so it is possible I should think. Ill keep trying for now!


3. Eyes and Teeth


If you look at the BaseHead's references you will find that the materials used are found in the .ukp Materials under the folder Approved. Here you will find the base materials and their functions. The materials are EyesCustomizable_TC, HeadCustomizable_TC, SkinCustomizable_TC and so on. Here you can change stuff like how many colour channels tattoos and scars use and how they are applied.


If you open the EyesCustomizable_TC you can see that it uses a default diff BaseHead.Textures.Eyeball_DIF and then modify it. See attached screenshot.


The teeth / mouth uses the material under the .ukp BaseHead called Teeth. Its parent material can again be found under the Materials .upk and the folder approved as Skin_SD.


So what you could do is simply create copies of this materials and then just make them invisible.


Do you by chance know how the emissive part works on the eye mesh? :)

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Do you by chance know how the emissive part works on the eye mesh? :)



Yes but changing the EyesCustomizable_TC Mat will affect every human in the game. I have not yet found out have to make custom eyes textures / meshes. That is not what you want right? hehe


If you dont care and just want glowing eyes for all go to the .upk materials and the folder Approved. Here you can open up the EyesCustomizable_TC mat and change every aspect of it. Try playing around with it and see what you can come up with. In case you find the material editor completely confusing and do not know what stuff like "Lerp", "Multiply" and "Param" is then I recommend you go to watch the Unreal Engine 4 tutorial on it (its nearly the same procedure in Unreal Engine 3). Link:


Tell you what ill give it a shot come Friday and see what I can come up with. Fair enough?



Jump to 4 mins in the tutorial for a quick rundown of the material editor.

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Do you by chance know how the emissive part works on the eye mesh? :)



Yes but changing the EyesCustomizable_TC Mat will affect every human in the game. I have not yet found out have to make custom eyes textures / meshes. That is not what you want right? hehe


If you dont care and just want glowing eyes for all go to the .upk materials and the folder Approved. Here you can open up the EyesCustomizable_TC mat and change every aspect of it. Try playing around with it and see what you can come up with. In case you find the material editor completely confusing and do not know what stuff like "Lerp", "Multiply" and "Param" is then I recommend you go to watch the Unreal Engine 4 tutorial on it (its nearly the same procedure in Unreal Engine 3). Link:


Tell you what ill give it a shot come Friday and see what I can come up with. Fair enough?



Jump to 4 mins in the tutorial for a quick rundown of the material editor.


Thanks a lot! Actually I think I already managed to make a custom head with custom (glowing) eyes. The actual glowing part stopped me though. :)


I also found the parameter "HasPsiEyes" which is tied to emissive, but I don't think it causes any glow. Maybe it just causes the switch to the psi eye color when a soldier becomes a psi class?

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EDIT: looking further into this whole matter, a thought occurred to me. If I'm reading this right, I believe the specialized pawns, Van Doorn, Sid Meier, Beaglerush, they either call up different eye and teeth meshes, or they are the only ones who actually do call upon these vanilla eye and teeth meshes. Maybe there's a (longer, more complicated) way to make this Legion port not a normal soldier, but a specialized one, thus being able to do the traditional work and not have it affect other soldiers, civs, etc. But the coding for making him specialized is just something I don't wanna get into right now. Especially if we can't confirm they actually do call up different eye n teeth meshes/archetypes.

The facial animations (and I presume morphs) were set up using a middleware tool called FaceFX, if that's at all helpful in working them out.



Dear kexx456, thank you for your hard work.

I would like to ask, is your Leg Pack could provide shaved cubic hair version?

I love your mod but I just don't like cubic hair, so is there any way to remove it or you could make a patch for it, thank you.smile.png 


Are you actually using it? Both options are available for the base mesh, and some of the alternate meshes. Also it's "pubic", as in found on the pubic mound. "Cubic" means cube-like. :)




And I'd just like to say I like Legion just as he is. :)

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EDIT: looking further into this whole matter, a thought occurred to me. If I'm reading this right, I believe the specialized pawns, Van Doorn, Sid Meier, Beaglerush, they either call up different eye and teeth meshes, or they are the only ones who actually do call upon these vanilla eye and teeth meshes. Maybe there's a (longer, more complicated) way to make this Legion port not a normal soldier, but a specialized one, thus being able to do the traditional work and not have it affect other soldiers, civs, etc. But the coding for making him specialized is just something I don't wanna get into right now. Especially if we can't confirm they actually do call up different eye n teeth meshes/archetypes.

The facial animations (and I presume morphs) were set up using a middleware tool called FaceFX, if that's at all helpful in working them out.



Dear kexx456, thank you for your hard work.

I would like to ask, is your Leg Pack could provide shaved cubic hair version?

I love your mod but I just don't like cubic hair, so is there any way to remove it or you could make a patch for it, thank you.smile.png 


Are you actually using it? Both options are available for the base mesh, and some of the alternate meshes. Also it's "pubic", as in found on the pubic mound. "Cubic" means cube-like. smile.png




And I'd just like to say I like Legion just as he is. smile.png


Oh!, sorry for the wrong word, but I don't understand what you mean 'base mesh'.

I can't see any alternate version.

What I really want is she wearing boots without pubic hair.

thank you for your reply.


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Oh!, sorry for the wrong word, but I don't understand what you mean 'base mesh'.

I can't see any alternate version.

What I really want is she wearing boots without pubic hair.

thank you for your reply.


Ah, no, the boots don't have alternates.


Are there any people currently working on mods that aren't just character model mods?

XCOM and Rule 34 don't seem to have a large overlap on the Venn diagram, at least not where gameplay is concerned. From my understanding the game is easy to mod if you're just adjusting existing things. Adding new things that behave the same as existing things - armor, weapons, accessories - isn't too hard, but making something completely new requires understanding how Firaxis' whole asset pipeline works, and that's a stumbling block for most.


The game does have a healthy modding community though, and there's already a superior replacement mod loader, so someone may eventually create scripts or plugins for Blender/Maya/Max to help import new animations which would be the foundation for any adult mod.


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Man i'm sorry to hear there isn't more for Xcom 2. A mod where aliens fuck you when a soldier is down, or even a reverse game where you capture enemy female soldiers or civilians would be perfect!


It's not out of the question. The aliens are fully playable in both multiplayer and via Mind Control/Dominate. There's also a mod that makes it possible to get a Viper recruit. What it requires is someone with the time and dedication to build a whole new game around it.


People have already hit on using the Viper's Bind ability as a template for sex abilities, but it still requires someone to create paired animations between the human skeleton and all of the various races. It would also require mesh edits for all of them to add the requisite equipment.

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@kexx456These are fantastic! I love being able to have a few aliens on my side that aren't just recruitable enemy mobs. Just throwing this out there but is there any chance of getting a Tier3-looking GLaDOS head for SPARKs sometime in the future to compliment this voicepack? Neither of the T3 heads really fit imo and it's a travesty because fully-armed robot GLaDOS is otherwise the best squadmate. Bar none.


Either way I can't wait to see more of these/more armor options in general. My only lament is that I'm running out of space on my squad...



For anyone wondering you can enable the GLaDOS voice I linked above on SPARK units by opening the GLaDOS mod's XComContent.ini and changing the "Gender=eGender_Female" line to "Gender=eGender_None".


I highly recommend it.


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A few things I've been wondering:


( a) We got some nude women so far, and thats great. What about nude men? How else can I go General Butt Naked on the ayy lmaos


and, if ( a) can be achieved


( B) How about sex between the personnel on the Avenger? Something you can see them doing in the spare time, while you look at the ship.

OMG! I love the idea of the crew being naughty between missions!

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I'm a little late to the party with this one, last time I checked for XCom 2 mods was when BareBareMod just came out. So I've started looking into some of the other stuff people have made.


One that has me really intrigued is the prostitution mod. It's buggy as hell, like buggier than a Bethesda release on day 1. That said, if we can sort out these bugs, the mod itself has massive potential, and it certainly warrants a massive expansion of it's scope. I know literally nothing about coding for Unreal, so I'm out on that aspect of it. But! I read earlier in the thread that he was having some issues with balancing some of the ideas that he had. I think I might be able to help in that department.


If the original author, or anyone else with more experience with Unreal than me, wants to continue their work, or start a derivative project based on the concept. Then by all means, please PM me. I'd be happy to bounce design concepts off the side of your head until you're begging for mercy.

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If you solve this, I just might kiss you!


Ok, so here's a rundown of more details on all the hows, whats, whys, etc. Gonna be a long post, so be ready.


Many of my Mass Effect ports are just gonna be outfit ports, like Jack, Miranda, Kasumi, Shepard's N7 armor for M and F, but many others will be more complex. I figured this all out while working on my Legion model. I found that assigning some of the facial rig bones from the xcom armature (Blender lingo) onto the Legion mesh, it animated in-game quite beautifully. For example, I assigned the vertex groups of the side flip thingies on Legion's head, to the bones "MouthCornerR" and "MouthCornerL". In-game, the animation is still the same base set for soldiers, so whenever an animation moves those vertices, the flips moved accordingly. Applied the same mechanic to the top flips, side flips, and jaw flips, and they all move differently depending on what Attitude you select. It's awesome. Not only in and of itself, but also because it tells me that with enough patience, we can actually port ANY head mesh from ANY game or anywhere really, and apply the proper vertex groups (I'm currently testing this on my Garrus model).


But let's backtrack a little bit. Due to the nature of how the game is built, there are actually only TWO head meshes in the game, one M, one F. They have Morph Sets attached to them, so each archetype can call upon a different morph, but still on the same mesh. So for instance, LatinFace A and AsianFace C, they both call upon the exact same skeletal mesh "BaseHead_F". It's inside the archetype of each, that it's specified what morph to use. I haven't figured out how morphs are created. If you check the upk's, you'll see that there are Static Meshes for each different face, so I guess they're used somehow, maybe, but I have no idea so I can't create or recreate any of it.


This effectively means I can't replace "faces" (called "heads" in the upk), so a workaround is port them instead as "helmets", for the props section. There's a mod in the workshop that makes heads invisible (but not the eyes or teeth, more on this later). That allows us to make a helmet that conforms to the overall shape of a head, and to not worry about clipping issues, just use that invisible head. That'll work for my eventual Garrus port, but it doesn't work for Legion's. Even with the hidden head, the eyes and teeth are still visible while using the Legion's Head (helmet prop, attached img for reference).


That "invisible head mod" only creates new archetypes, no new meshes, and calls upon the same already-existing basehead meshes. The only thing he changed, was that under the property options of the archetypes, there's an option for Material, and he used the HumanShared Material called "Hidden", which is used on all heads, arms, and torsos on vanilla game to avoid cilpping. Pretty smart actually, but it only applies to the skin, not the eyes or teeth.


A potential workaround is to go into the actual basehead mesh's properties, and change the material parameters (4 of them, skin, hidden, eyes, mouth) to all be Hidden. The problem with this, is that then ALL pawns will have invisible heads, or invisible parts. All soldiers, all civilians, all VIPS. That's why I tried creating a new mesh (just a copy of the basehead), but the game crashes just mouse-overing the option in the customization option. I can't just create a new head mesh, I think it needs a morph set as well, and I don't know how to do that.


I also checked the eyes and teeth base archetypes, but they don't have a Material parameter like the basehead does. Well, they do, but they're default set to None, instead of an actual material. Which makes me doubt whether these eye and teeth meshes are actually called up, or if the game uses the eye and teeth meshes found withing the basehead mesh. I also tried making new eyes n teeth archetypes and just adding the hidden material to them, but it didn't work.


We need new ones so it won't affect all characters, but I don't know how to create new ones because they require the morph sets (not even confirmed, just a theory).


That's why the 2 scenarios, we either figure out how to apply that hidden material to the eyes and teeth and let it be an option in the customization window (so it won't affect all), or we figure out how to create new actual Heads (so I can add an "empty" mesh to them, making them "invisible").


As to why it needs to be a head and not a helmet, that's because the helmet always goes on top of the head. So creating an "empty" or "hidden" helmet, will be just like having None selected, the head will still be visible. We need to hide the Head and all it's parts.


In regards to your screenshot, I haven't dared dabble with Materials, but if you can figure out how to make "invisible" material for the eyes (or just use the existing Hidden one found under HumanShared), and let that be an option, say, under eye color, that's half the work done right there. The teeth being the only stupid thing left to solve in this puzzle.


Sorry for the long post, just wanted to be as detailed as I could not only for you, but for anyone reading who might now better understand how this all works, and maybe finding a solution!!


EDIT: looking further into this whole matter, a thought occurred to me. If I'm reading this right, I believe the specialized pawns, Van Doorn, Sid Meier, Beaglerush, they either call up different eye and teeth meshes, or they are the only ones who actually do call upon these vanilla eye and teeth meshes. Maybe there's a (longer, more complicated) way to make this Legion port not a normal soldier, but a specialized one, thus being able to do the traditional work and not have it affect other soldiers, civs, etc. But the coding for making him specialized is just something I don't wanna get into right now. Especially if we can't confirm they actually do call up different eye n teeth meshes/archetypes.


Kexx you can make Morph targets in blender ( import the base head and create  shape keys to it, just remember not to change the basis shape key so you could return to base head for more head shapes )


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@Perraine In theory yes, but I don't know how.


@leggen I'm not sure why it's doing that, it shouldn't happen.


@wizard12 Physics, probably, I know in theory how to do it, but like I said before, my experiments have been mildy glitchy. As for different types of hair, no, gotta actually finish the body first, currently switching to a better crotch mesh.


@Pan ah nice, it's not on my end then. I don't actually know how the slider works, it only sets a higher or lower chance of spawning with customisation from that dlc/mod. I should also rename it I guess :P


@ufjoif you can make it a custom armour if you want, the upk is there, just call the archetype.


Although.....in a theoretical sexframework, a nude armour would allow something like sexout body switching on demand. Someone would have to make that though :P


attachicon.gifBarebaremod.zip Anyway, mini update, no much changed, just added legs without pubic hair. Note I do know that any tier that isn't kevlar won't have bare arms, seeing as I can also fix the arm seams if I re rig them, I'll add them in next time. Oh I've added a line in the ini to *mayyyybe* allow civs to spawn with, I can't really test that properly.


I also noticed the body and legs for some reason have the arm tattoos overlaid on them if arm tattoos are used, I think it's something with material channels that get exported, will need more testing, although if I can figure it out, we get body tattoos :/




if you want to add Physics


breasts blender

breasts Maya

Setting Up a Dynamics Rig System in 3D Max




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Those are great! Thanks for the heads up!


And don't worry guys, I haven't forgotten our little haven here. I'm working a 2.0 pack!




asked around on your AI problem hope that ok,


" from DerBK via /r/xcom2mods sent

לפני 5 שעות

הצג הורה

He'll need to put that ability into a spot on the appropriate AI tree in XComAI.ini

Depending on the ability, there may also be some targeting involved. I suggest looking at the abilities that are already there and seeing how it's done for those. Open up XComAI.ini and search for "Archon::CharacterRoot" to find the right spot (or "Archon_ABA::CharacterRoot", if you are looking at ABA/ABAI).

If it's a new ability, he'll also need to declare the related conditions like "IsAbilityReady-xxx".

It's all a bit difficult to explain, but hopefully it becomes clearer by looking at the AI.ini "


hope that' helps.

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Do you by chance know how the emissive part works on the eye mesh? :)



Yes but changing the EyesCustomizable_TC Mat will affect every human in the game. I have not yet found out have to make custom eyes textures / meshes. That is not what you want right? hehe


If you dont care and just want glowing eyes for all go to the .upk materials and the folder Approved. Here you can open up the EyesCustomizable_TC mat and change every aspect of it. Try playing around with it and see what you can come up with. In case you find the material editor completely confusing and do not know what stuff like "Lerp", "Multiply" and "Param" is then I recommend you go to watch the Unreal Engine 4 tutorial on it (its nearly the same procedure in Unreal Engine 3). Link:


Tell you what ill give it a shot come Friday and see what I can come up with. Fair enough?



Jump to 4 mins in the tutorial for a quick rundown of the material editor.


Thanks a lot! Actually I think I already managed to make a custom head with custom (glowing) eyes. The actual glowing part stopped me though. :)


I also found the parameter "HasPsiEyes" which is tied to emissive, but I don't think it causes any glow. Maybe it just causes the switch to the psi eye color when a soldier becomes a psi class?



So, I fiddled around some with it but it's too complicated for me to understand right away. I definitely need some help with that. :)

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