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Search and Request Thread for FO4 Adult Mods

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I want a fanatical faction group that operates underground, the Breeders or some such name. The core belief of this cult is the world has been bad long enough no one is advancing the species with future generations. This group would use syringers with para darts and do random kidnappings or quick hits on settlements. Kidnappings might last until some medical device says the breeding has its greatest chance to take and the woman is released, settlement raids would be more just quick hits of groups of 3 to 5 and hope for some pregnancies. The Breeders med techs could even have developed fertility boost shots for their agents. I picture them being trained and organized, Institute like, but it could easily be more barbaric. 


What do you think?

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A few general adult mod ideas I thought I'd share:


1 - All companions romancible, plus a deathclaw companion.

2 - Better handcuffs. You and/or your lover can wear them during sex. Enemies might handcuff you and then rape you. Handcuff your favorite shopkeeper to a fence post so you always know where they are. :lol:

3 - Sexualized settlement items. Place items that do sexy or bondage stuff when you or an NPC interacts with them. A bed that can only be used by the player and their lover should definitely be one of these.

4 - Sexualized "pacify enemy" perks. The options for a pacified enemy might include player sex, player rape, player victimization, companion sex, companion rape, companion victimization, etc.

5 - The "Death Alternative" framework and a "Defeat" style mod.

6 - Modular outfits. Examples: Road Leathers can be broken into two pieces - Road Pants and Road Jacket. Vault 111 Jumpsuit - Vault 111 Pants and Vault 111 Jacket. Etc. I think it'd be a little silly to do this as a replacer because then every single NPC would be running around topless. Better to just add them as new pieces. Unless you want them all topless, of course.

7 - Cat's Paw Magazines with actual adult artwork. Even better if the illustrations involve Fallout creatures/characters.

8 - Mutant Centaurs plus sex animations.


Wow that turned into a laundry list fast. Sorry. There's just so many different ways to sex up the game. Whatever you crazy pervs come up with after the tools come out, I'm sure it'll be awesome. Thanks for all your awesome work, people.  :heart:


Number 2 sounds awesome. It would be great to handcuff slaves together in a giant chain along a fence post or something. Maybe using special handcuffs that work with a special wall that locks them in a fuck booth where the ass and both holes are sticking out but nothing else.


For number 4 I think doing something like having the player character bend over facing away from the enemy and tracing their hands up their legs or thrusting their hips forward and doing the helicopter dong would be great as animation for the perk activating.

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For a while now, after coming across the Jane Body for FO4, I've been searching for information about this muscular tonus present in some of the screenies of the mod page:
If possible, I would really like to know, is it a normal map? If so, do you know where can I find it?
I've been too eagerly and compulsively looking forward to finally use it... The only one I found is this (http://www.nexusmods...lout4/mods/9354 ), but it looks much more ripped than that smooth toning!
I believe it may be this 'R.F Female skin' from http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10982/?, but apparently the mod is *sighs* gone from Nexus...   :(
Does anyone know where it can be found, or would anyone be able to share the pertaining files of those normals, for the Jane Body? 
Thanks immensely in advance!



That extreme bodybuilder mod is a normal map but the mod author used Jane Body's incredible array of sliders to actually sculpt the musculature of the character just as you see it, the normal is just adding veins, striations and a bit of extra pop, but the mesh really is that bumpy and lumpy!


However, you can also make the fitness model type, with just the kind of subtle tone that you're liking in the other image - again any normal just adds a bit of extra detail, it's the mesh itself that's mainly responsible for the look.  There are quite a few nice collections of presets for JB, and I'm sure you'll find that other, merely toned bod, out there as a Bodyslide preset.  Most of the stuff that's available is linked in Nightasy's own thread here at Loverslab: - http://www.loverslab.com/topic/57238-nightasy-mods-my-fallout-4-collection/?p=1449827


As to skins, there are a few - as well as the skin that comes with the body, there's Oni, Nuclear Trashy, Phoenix and Lustrous (again, linked to in the thread there), most of them have good specular options too (sweat).


Having come to the Fallout 4 party late, I've just gotten into Jane Body myself, it's absolutely incredible.  The only problem is that there are only like 4 or 5 sets of armor/clothing so far - they're great, but the body needs more to take off, and it needs more revealing stuff too.  But whether you just like a nice bit of athletic tone or a lot of muscle on a female, I'd highly recommend the body, it can do either really well, you'll be amazed. 


My only beef is the overall shape of it, I actually prefer things like Wonder Body and (for Skyrim) Dream Girl, which are more naturalistically-shaped.  But for detail, there's nothing like JB out there.



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Just came up with a few new ideas.

Deathclaw Brood Mare or Brood Mother (depending on preference). You remember the quest in the Salem museum where you find that egg and murder the poor father deathclaw that was trying to get it back? Well what if instead of returning it to the mother, you became the mother and shoved it inside yourself and incubated it until it hatched? Replete with birthing animation of course. You then get a tiny deathclaw companion that follows you around because it imprinted on you, and within a week or so of in-game time becomes fully grown. Maybe using a script that changes the actor size from like 0.25 to 1.00 over a countdown, and once the game realizes the deathclaw has become an "adult" it then rapes you or the closest NPC. Possibly putting another egg in your belly to start the process all over again. Imagine every woman in a settlement being impaled on spiky deathclaw dicks. And possibly a few guys. Eggs don't necessarily need wombs to incubate, after all.


Also, for yourself to become a Mirelurk Queen. Wouldn't it be great if, once you've fucked enough Mirelurks and laid their eggs, that you mutated and had the power of a Queen? Maybe you get a perk with that title, with increased Strength and Agility S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, and the ability to heal while in water using a modified version of the Ghoulish perk. Might also be fun to just drop eggs from between your legs every once in a while to give birth to some hatchlings for backup. Using V.A.T.S. or a holotape maybe?


I also would like to see a Fight Or Fuck Arena. We already have the stuff from the DLC packs for slave collars and team based death matches. Maybe using the Robotics or Hacker perk we could create special slave collars with a hacking menu that would alter the behavior of the NPCs. Or maybe clitoral rings and Jacob's ladders. Or helmets. Whatever doesn't cover up the tits and dicks. With one setting, the NPC becomes submissive and willingly surrenders. With another, they fight until the opponent has about 1/8th of their health and then fucks them. It would be a nice way to decrease the slave population if you're capturing too many raiders, and would be nice entertainment to watch. A sort of payback for the bastards attacking your settlements all the time and getting Preston Garvey to ship your shapely ass off across the map.


Finally, I think I may have figured out the perks page situation. While we can look at perks added through magazines using the Pipboy's stats menu and use that system to list sex perks, it's slow and cumbersome enough already with the vanilla ones. It might be possible to create a second proper perks page, where you can see what you have. Though I know this requires the modders creating the perks page to make a hierarchy, which might be difficult. The idea isn't so much to list them under each letter as it is to just add them as they appear in the load order. I don't know if it's possible, as I haven't been able to figure out the CK enough to do any such thing.

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Okay I already gather that right now this probably couldn't be implemented without a finished F4SE, but how difficult would it

be to add more points on the skeleton that can be blasted or dismembered? I was thinking about how neat it would be if

there was a system that went all the way down to individual digits on the hand and feet kind of depth. Like say you lose some

fingers fighting someone with a knife. Or get your hand blown off by a shotgun. But you live through it and later get a 

cybernetic upgrade like a new hand. I always thought the dismemberment and cybernetic upgrades in the Bethesda Fallout

series was a little bare and could be improved upon. Maybe you lose some fingers or a hand and it gives you a negative perk 

towards combat and charisma. But then you get a new part put in at a shop and that negative buff is removed and replaced

with a higher value instead. Could really open up the roleplay side of the game, especially if there is a mod like Sexist/Derogatory

Guards from Skyrim backing it up. People yelling at you, "Nice arm stumpy!" On the cybernetic side I think it would be nice to

have more visual changes to the character instead of just character buffs and perks. I think it would be pretty neat as well to

have a level where you become more machine than human and people start thinking you're a synth and scavengers hunt you

for very profitable parts.

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 brvtality you could look some disremebering mod on nexus. for a live and armless wastelanders. It would be a good start to your idea.


Yeah the living dismember mod is what gave me the idea for something even more in depth and how it could be

connected to cybernetic enhancements. I think it'll be a neat idea once the F4SE gets topped out. For now its just

spitballing ideas.

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I request a tube style milking/sex machine mod in both standing and and horizontal and trap variants. The trap would do a check to see if the NPC is female if the NPC is not female nothing would happen.

Or it could just start milking a different kind of milk :)
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