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I may not undertand HowsYoMamaSkopeNiTriBodyOdorOutsideStupido, but I have learned a bit about Bethsoft games and computers:


1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.


2. Many mods explicitly specify one of the unofficial patches as masters, and when you replace the individual patches with USLEEP you bork your game if you are running one of those mods. The solution is to find and fix each and every mod, one at a time, with TES5Edit :wacko: OR to continue to use the latest individual patches. Obviously, since the individual patches have the same, exact fixes as USLEEP, it is FAR easier to stick with the separate patches and not worry about which mods do or don't need them as masters.


3. 99.999% of all the published ini tweaks for Skyrim are 100% bullshit (when applied to the latest, legal, properly-patched Steam build of Skyrim) and harmful to your game. Just because you CAN tweak your ini with uGridsToLoad=3287 doesn't mean you SHOULD do that, or even that it helps. With your system, uGridsToLoad=5 should work fine, and 7 would be the max I would even attempt. Also, there is a way to revert your uGridsToLoad setting that may or may not work for you. Worst case scenario: delete your Skyrim.ini, start a new game (because loading a save is not an option for you) and it will create a pristine default Skyrim.ini for you. You may have lost your ongoing playthrough, but hopefully you will have learned to basically stop fucking with your ini files. :wub: I know it took me several game-loss crashes and many hours on the Bethesda forums to finally figure this out.


Hope this might help you.



1. Clear example of someone who uses fairly simple mods. If you ever used a SkyProc, a Merge patch, complex mods like Morrowloot Ultimate that change mods you have installed in addition to the base game, or widespread use of multiple NPC overhauls, such as Remodeled Armor (gives old ladies special non-sexy clothes), Immersive Weapons (gives special weapons to various NPCs), Cutting Room Floor (gives missing keys, letters and thigns to NPCs), Unofficial Patches (likewise fixes these), and extensive NPC overhauls like Inhabitants of Skyrim, you would know that LOOT is very, very often wrong. Some mods like Amorous Adventures LOOT wants to place very high on the load order, and that outright breaks the mod. I spoke with Sharlikran (he's one of the leaders of both the TES5Edit, Wrye Bash and LOOT teams) about this and he said it's not really the LOOT team's job to go around finding out these specifics, LOOT just compares basic records and then orders them with the most successes possible, but if you know how to look at these records yourself - such as via TES5Edit - then you can build an infinitely better load order that will result in far less errors. DO NOT TRUST LOOT, trust LOOT to GUIDE you to build a better load order, but always double check it's work.


2. Wrong again, you do not want to continue with the outdated patches, there are hundreds if not thousands of fixes between those versions, and more and more mods have now changed to require USLEEP instead of USKP etc, so you're going to have this problem anyway, and one of the silliest things you can ever do when modding is not to keep your mods updated as long as they are actually fixing errors rather than adding them (some mods do that as well). What you want to do is to use the USLEEP Swap Masters Script to quickly and painlessly (seriously this took me less than 5 mins, and most of that was spent opening TES5Edit) change the masters from the old patches to the new one. Really you're going to have to do this at some point regardless as more and more mods are changing their master, so just do it, or never again update those mods.


3. Starting a new game doesn't in any way recreate your inis. For that you need to delete your inis as said and start the SKYRM LAUNCHER from steam, that creates the new inis, you don't have to start the game from it, you just need to bring up the launcher with no inis present and it will make new default ones for you. As for Ini tweaks, I would in general agree with you, they are too risky to use, and you shouldn't go over ugridstoload 5 even. As for StableUgirdsToLoad, I used it for a long while, but just recently (as in last couple of months) it has been proven that it has a memory allocation issue that has never been solved that can lead to save corruption and crashes. Since you shouldn't go over 5 anyway, I would suggest not to use that at all. For actually godo ini tweaks, take a look at the Realvision Optional Files and specifically the "Optimized INI Files ugrid 5" now these are by EWI, someone who knows what they are doing, and they contain every tweak to your settings that you should use, and none of those that are risky, I have used these for years and I highly recommend them. Just extract and drop them into your Skyrim folder and overwrite.



Once or if when I get a better GPU i may do this game again. As far as real vision, I was using the grid 7 from there. I'm not sure if it was uninstall old patches to usleep or the grid 7, something wasn't jiving. Also, Id shoot an arrow and it would be like sloww mode then crash, after grid 7 was saved :(. Just too many bugs to have to play around with to get things working.. Maybe someone can help me with load order on left side pane next time I put some mods to it. I will come back to this, but I'm aggravated


When I used to run cbbe and tbpp ect I also didn't have crashes, when I loaded these files to all in one it seemed to be buggy also some where. Maybe It wasn't but, seems when a lot fps drops started I dunno.

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Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.

Then I hopped in-game and got naked except for my nails. This immediately triggered SexLab Aroused, which I have set on max-max-max, and I got 7,392 urgent notices that my desires were driving me (nothing new about that- I'm a slut!) and I needed to have sex. So, reluctantly  :P  I grabbed a guard and got my brains fucked out.


Shut up, NappilyDee. :wub:


What did I do? :angel:

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Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.

Then I hopped in-game and got naked except for my nails. This immediately triggered SexLab Aroused, which I have set on max-max-max, and I got 7,392 urgent notices that my desires were driving me (nothing new about that- I'm a slut!) and I needed to have sex. So, reluctantly  :P  I grabbed a guard and got my brains fucked out.


Shut up, NappilyDee. :wub:


What did I do? :angel:



I felt you thinking slutty thoughts at me  :heart:  as I described my sex break from trying to convert my nails. :D


♪♫ ❤ ♂ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♫♪


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I may not undertand HowsYoMamaSkopeNiTriBodyOdorOutsideStupido, but I have learned a bit about Bethsoft games and computers:


1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.


2. Many mods explicitly specify one of the unofficial patches as masters, and when you replace the individual patches with USLEEP you bork your game if you are running one of those mods. The solution is to find and fix each and every mod, one at a time, with TES5Edit :wacko: OR to continue to use the latest individual patches. Obviously, since the individual patches have the same, exact fixes as USLEEP, it is FAR easier to stick with the separate patches and not worry about which mods do or don't need them as masters.


3. 99.999% of all the published ini tweaks for Skyrim are 100% bullshit (when applied to the latest, legal, properly-patched Steam build of Skyrim) and harmful to your game. Just because you CAN tweak your ini with uGridsToLoad=3287 doesn't mean you SHOULD do that, or even that it helps. With your system, uGridsToLoad=5 should work fine, and 7 would be the max I would even attempt. Also, there is a way to revert your uGridsToLoad setting that may or may not work for you. Worst case scenario: delete your Skyrim.ini, start a new game (because loading a save is not an option for you) and it will create a pristine default Skyrim.ini for you. You may have lost your ongoing playthrough, but hopefully you will have learned to basically stop fucking with your ini files. :wub: I know it took me several game-loss crashes and many hours on the Bethesda forums to finally figure this out.


Hope this might help you.



1. Clear example of someone who uses fairly simple mods. If you ever used a SkyProc, a Merge patch, complex mods like Morrowloot Ultimate that change mods you have installed in addition to the base game, or widespread use of multiple NPC overhauls, such as Remodeled Armor (gives old ladies special non-sexy clothes), Immersive Weapons (gives special weapons to various NPCs), Cutting Room Floor (gives missing keys, letters and thigns to NPCs), Unofficial Patches (likewise fixes these), and extensive NPC overhauls like Inhabitants of Skyrim, you would know that LOOT is very, very often wrong. Some mods like Amorous Adventures LOOT wants to place very high on the load order, and that outright breaks the mod. I spoke with Sharlikran (he's one of the leaders of both the TES5Edit, Wrye Bash and LOOT teams) about this and he said it's not really the LOOT team's job to go around finding out these specifics, LOOT just compares basic records and then orders them with the most successes possible, but if you know how to look at these records yourself - such as via TES5Edit - then you can build an infinitely better load order that will result in far less errors. DO NOT TRUST LOOT, trust LOOT to GUIDE you to build a better load order, but always double check it's work.


2. Wrong again, you do not want to continue with the outdated patches, there are hundreds if not thousands of fixes between those versions, and more and more mods have now changed to require USLEEP instead of USKP etc, so you're going to have this problem anyway, and one of the silliest things you can ever do when modding is not to keep your mods updated as long as they are actually fixing errors rather than adding them (some mods do that as well). What you want to do is to use the USLEEP Swap Masters Script to quickly and painlessly (seriously this took me less than 5 mins, and most of that was spent opening TES5Edit) change the masters from the old patches to the new one. Really you're going to have to do this at some point regardless as more and more mods are changing their master, so just do it, or never again update those mods.


3. Starting a new game doesn't in any way recreate your inis. For that you need to delete your inis as said and start the SKYRM LAUNCHER from steam, that creates the new inis, you don't have to start the game from it, you just need to bring up the launcher with no inis present and it will make new default ones for you. As for Ini tweaks, I would in general agree with you, they are too risky to use, and you shouldn't go over ugridstoload 5 even. As for StableUgirdsToLoad, I used it for a long while, but just recently (as in last couple of months) it has been proven that it has a memory allocation issue that has never been solved that can lead to save corruption and crashes. Since you shouldn't go over 5 anyway, I would suggest not to use that at all. For actually godo ini tweaks, take a look at the Realvision Optional Files and specifically the "Optimized INI Files ugrid 5" now these are by EWI, someone who knows what they are doing, and they contain every tweak to your settings that you should use, and none of those that are risky, I have used these for years and I highly recommend them. Just extract and drop them into your Skyrim folder and overwrite.



Once or if when I get a better GPU i may do this game again. As far as real vision, I was using the grid 7 from there. I'm not sure if it was uninstall old patches to usleep or the grid 7, something wasn't jiving. Also, Id shoot an arrow and it would be like sloww mode then crash, after grid 7 was saved :(. Just too many bugs to have to play around with to get things working.. Maybe someone can help me with load order on left side pane next time I put some mods to it. I will come back to this, but I'm aggravated


When I used to run cbbe and tbpp ect I also didn't have crashes, when I loaded these files to all in one it seemed to be buggy also some where. Maybe It wasn't but, seems when a lot fps drops started I dunno.



Sure I can help you out then. Stop by my guide linked in my sig for some basic stability things.


BUt most likely what happened was that somehow your ugrid got changed, or you changed to USLEEP outside. Honestly you should have held off changing until you started a new game, you should not take out mods mid game if you actually want to keep that save, and that goes especially for ESMs. You definetly should update, but only if you are willing to restart, I would not update any mod mid game actually unless it's providing a fix for an issue you are having. Finish your walkthrough, get ready to start a new character, and then do all of these updates, you will see far less issues. Note that this is only an issue with Skyrim and presumably Fallout 4, you may be coming off Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas or even Morrowind, where changing mods mid game had very little to say as far as your savegame was concerned (you might get naked and hairless, but no more than bringing up chargen and putting on another outfit would fix), that's very different in the Creation engine.

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Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.

Then I hopped in-game and got naked except for my nails. This immediately triggered SexLab Aroused, which I have set on max-max-max, and I got 7,392 urgent notices that my desires were driving me (nothing new about that- I'm a slut!) and I needed to have sex. So, reluctantly  :P  I grabbed a guard and got my brains fucked out.


Shut up, NappilyDee. :wub:


What did I do? :angel:



I felt you thinking slutty thoughts at me  :heart:  as I described my sex break from trying to convert my nails. :D


♪♫ ❤ ♂ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♫♪




Well I couldn't help the fact that a woman would bare her royal glory while keeping her nails in check to get some "me" time to wait for her arousal.  Honestly thinking about was the right thing to do my dear.  I do fancy women who just embraces her sluttiness in style while keeping her nails so fresh. :wub::heart::shy:;)



Herodes hurry it up already with dat 3.0, the wait is killing me :angel::P

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Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.

Then I hopped in-game and got naked except for my nails. This immediately triggered SexLab Aroused, which I have set on max-max-max, and I got 7,392 urgent notices that my desires were driving me (nothing new about that- I'm a slut!) and I needed to have sex. So, reluctantly  :P  I grabbed a guard and got my brains fucked out.


Shut up, NappilyDee. :wub:


What did I do? :angel:



I felt you thinking slutty thoughts at me  :heart:  as I described my sex break from trying to convert my nails. :D


♪♫ ❤ ♂ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♫♪




Well I couldn't help the fact that a woman would bare her royal glory while keeping her nails in check to get some "me" time to wait for her arousal.  Honestly thinking about was the right thing to do my dear.  I do fancy women who just embraces her sluttiness in style while keeping her nails so fresh. :wub::heart::shy:;)



Herodes hurry it up already with dat 3.0, the wait is killing me :angel::P



I have a lot of work with 3.0, I have been too ambitious... patience... is closer :lol: It's getting big, I'm adding more things than in the list...  :( 


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I'll probably end up having to link my mods, I'm sorry, I've been trying for days, I can't get it. I fell like I've tried everything, and searched online for answers. I've completely removed all meshes and textures multiple times and do clean saves and resets, I have everything working perfectly except I can't get the animals to be erect. I've tried everything... Help, anything known to normally cause this?


When you say erect you mean starting animation or their equipment not showing during sex?



The animations work great, but the models are still the non erect (or still sheathed). They don't swap meshes. I thought that creature framework was in charge of that?



Did you try to re-register the animations in the creature framework?

it work for me but sometimes it just go invisible again so i reset them again and they work.




I'm not seeing a creature framework on MCM... I have the latest version.. am I missing something?

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I'll probably end up having to link my mods, I'm sorry, I've been trying for days, I can't get it. I fell like I've tried everything, and searched online for answers. I've completely removed all meshes and textures multiple times and do clean saves and resets, I have everything working perfectly except I can't get the animals to be erect. I've tried everything... Help, anything known to normally cause this?


When you say erect you mean starting animation or their equipment not showing during sex?



The animations work great, but the models are still the non erect (or still sheathed). They don't swap meshes. I thought that creature framework was in charge of that?



Did you try to re-register the animations in the creature framework?

it work for me but sometimes it just go invisible again so i reset them again and they work.




I'm not seeing a creature framework on MCM... I have the latest version.. am I missing something?



Ahh yes this problem....it's easy to fix happens to me every time i install creature frame work.

I got it working by using this http://www.nexusmods...&preview=&pUp=1

cleaned the save file and removed the CreatureFramework.esm and it works like a charm and the menus showed up....along with penises :blush:

Don't forget to close MO when you do this....then reopen it and load the new save that you did not the backup file the program made.

The game will recognize a new MCM menu which will be the frame work.


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Keyser Soze, on 07 Jan 2016 - 7:17 PM, said:snapback.png

@ vyxenne: When you open bodyslide2 there is a tab in the top left, when you click on it it'll open out giving you a list of uunp categories, Click on uunp special here.


Now in the 'preset' box beneath it if you click on that you'll get a much bigger list with all of the unp variants listed. if you click on UNPB here BS2 will be set up to build you a UNPB body with a working vagina. If you click build at the botton it'll build you your 0 and 1 body nifs.


Next you need to build some hands and feet, click on the top right box again and select uunp hands, then click build to build some matching hands. Go back to the box and lastly select uunp feet, click build and you're done. You've just built an entire unpb body made from uunp.


The vagina xml comes pre-attached to the body nifs, however you'd have to add the hdtfingers.xml and the hdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml's yourself. (Weirdly it works better if you attach the fingers.xml to the feet meshes, and the default.xml to the hand meshes. It's not set in stone though, you may prefer to do it the other way around)


Hero has actually already created a thorough guide with pictures on how to do this too. http://www.loverslab...details-at-top/ Scroll down to the spoiler beneath where it says  HOW TO ADD *.XML FILES TO YOUR MESHES:



As for the claws problem, I'm sorry I thought you'd said that they were unpb and you were having problems from there. I've never tried to convert anything from cbbe (don't like it) so I couldn't say, I'm sorry. :(

Keyser, one of my issues is that I can't have sex with my slutty high heels on, which I normally like to do, because apparently the shoes block the xml on the feet from working- so I don't get animations, or collisions, or whatever the foot xml is supposed to be doing.


I can think of three possible solutions to this (other than removing my shoes  :@  ):

  1. Remove the xml from the feet and attach it to some other body part that I normally strip anyway, like my nose :P  (I don't know which body parts xml's can be attached to)
  2. Attach the xml to my shoes, which means the same xml would be attached to my feet AND my shoes at the same time
  3. Re-build my Newmiller Stockings and Heels mod to replace the included feet mesh with Heroe's xml-active feet mesh

Do you have any thoughts on this?







Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.

Then I hopped in-game and got naked except for my nails. This immediately triggered SexLab Aroused, which I have set on max-max-max, and I got 7,392 urgent notices that my desires were driving me (nothing new about that- I'm a slut!) and I needed to have sex. So, reluctantly  :P  I grabbed a guard and got my brains fucked out.


Shut up, NappilyDee. :wub:


What did I do? :angel:



I felt you thinking slutty thoughts at me  :heart:  as I described my sex break from trying to convert my nails. :D


♪♫ ❤ ♂ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♀ ❤ ♫♪



Well I couldn't help the fact that a woman would bare her royal glory while keeping her nails in check to get some "me" time to wait for her arousal.  Honestly thinking about was the right thing to do my dear.  I do fancy women who just embraces her sluttiness in style while keeping her nails so fresh. :wub::heart::shy:;)


Herodes hurry it up already with dat 3.0, the wait is killing me :angel::P



I have a lot of work with 3.0, I have been too ambitious... patience... is closer :lol: It's getting big, I'm adding more things than in the list...  :( 



Take your time, we will all still be here no matter how long you decide or need to take with it. The best part is, be will be here having sex while we wait because you have given us working pussies! :D:heart:


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Keyser, one of my issues is that I can't have sex with my slutty high heels on, which I normally like to do, because apparently the shoes block the xml on the feet from working- so I don't get animations, or collisions, or whatever the foot xml is supposed to be doing.


I can think of three possible solutions to this (other than removing my shoes  angry.gif  ):

  2. Attach the xml to my shoes, which means the same xml would be attached to my feet AND my shoes at the same time

Do you have any thoughts on this?


I am pretty sure that, in the same way that your body armor actually contain/replace your body, your hand and foot items replace those limbs.  So I think that if you attach the XML to your heels then it will work, and it won't be a problem to have it attached to both your body's feet and your footware because the footware replaces your feet.


To help mitigate if my "pretty sure" is catastrophically wrong, make a backup of your feet and footware files before you save over them :)

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Keyser, one of my issues is that I can't have sex with my slutty high heels on, which I normally like to do, because apparently the shoes block the xml on the feet from working- so I don't get animations, or collisions, or whatever the foot xml is supposed to be doing.


I can think of three possible solutions to this (other than removing my shoes  angry.gif  ):

  2. Attach the xml to my shoes, which means the same xml would be attached to my feet AND my shoes at the same time

Do you have any thoughts on this?


I am pretty sure that, in the same way that your body armor actually contain/replace your body, your hand and foot items replace those limbs.  So I think that if you attach the XML to your heels then it will work, and it won't be a problem to have it attached to both your body's feet and your footware because the footware replaces your feet.


To help mitigate if my "pretty sure" is catastrophically wrong, make a backup of your feet and footware files before you save over them :)



Well as it turns out, you are 100% right! I got a lot of help from a friend, who, in a matter of a few minutes, graciously attached the xml's to my shoes! :

Then, I did this!



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Sorry I was away counting slutty sheep. lol


Yeah, I've added the xml to a lot of the glove/boot meshes in my game for this precise reason. (where it seems appropriate anyway)


Glad you finally got most of your issues sorted out Vyxenne. Happy digital shagging!!

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I don't want to make this a new upload mod since it's not mine and the author may not show up, but some of you will probably like this. This is a main menu + loading screen replacer that is done VERY good, it's basically the playboy version of Skyrim that I liked a lot. Now granted a lot of the images are not actually from Skyrim but various 3D Hentai, but it's made in such a way that by now it could be in Skyrim, and resembles a lot that is. The main menu has the Vikings theme/opening, all loading screens are replaced with awesome looking girls in vairous forms of extreme undress. The mod was originally uploaded to Nexus for a couple of days but then it vanished entirely, I'm thinking the Nazis got to it. Let me know if the author shows up and uploads it to LL instead, then I'll take it down and of course if you are the author and want it down, just let me know.


76555909_2016_01_10_00012.jpg76555910_2016_01_10_00014.jpg 76555913_2016_01_09_00036.jpg


Note that these are screenshots from my game with my ENB light settings, not the images from the Nexus. YMMW and all that.


The main menu is a bit bugged, you will probably get only the Bethesda logo and the Vikings song, to fix this install any other non-esp or randomized version of a Main Menu image replacer, like this one then overwrite with this mod, and you'll get the image you are supposed to get.


MEGA Download link to I Love Loading.

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hi evrey one good work you are awesome guys ;) il love you work but  the penis under or  behind  to vagin or hand ,mouth  at the place of inside the vgin or ass and mouth :'( 

i have that i dont understand i have all unstalll and intall and i have that

and my texture replacer sperm dosnt work i have nothing about after sperm ....on my lady ;)





my nexus manager :)




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I don't want to make this a new upload mod since it's not mine and the author may not show up, but some of you will probably like this. This is a main menu + loading screen replacer that is done VERY good, it's basically the playboy version of Skyrim that I liked a lot. Now granted a lot of the images are not actually from Skyrim but various 3D Hentai, but it's made in such a way that by now it could be in Skyrim, and resembles a lot that is. The main menu has the Vikings theme/opening, all loading screens are replaced with awesome looking girls in vairous forms of extreme undress. The mod was originally uploaded to Nexus for a couple of days but then it vanished entirely, I'm thinking the Nazis got to it. Let me know if the author shows up and uploads it to LL instead, then I'll take it down and of course if you are the author and want it down, just let me know.


76555909_2016_01_10_00012.jpg76555910_2016_01_10_00014.jpg 76555913_2016_01_09_00036.jpg


Note that these are screenshots from my game with my ENB light settings, not the images from the Nexus. YMMW and all that.


The main menu is a bit bugged, you will probably get only the Bethesda logo and the Vikings song, to fix this install any other non-esp or randomized version of a Main Menu image replacer, like this one then overwrite with this mod, and you'll get the image you are supposed to get.


MEGA Download link to I Love Loading.


I was able to grab this from nexus before they binned it too. I didn't like the conditions he set to the load screens though, made them appear every time. If that is what he wanted, should have just made them replacers.


After removing the conditions (so the regular ones appear also) I like them a lot better.


I wanted to give them better loading messages, something that described what was shown.

When I opened the nifs so I could side by side with Xedit to write the descriptions I noticed he'd given the nifs absolute file paths too. This doesn't seem to be a problem in-game but it made my eye twitch a bit. Although I'm not fully sure on how the game displayed them... Fixed them all in mine though, and removed about half a dozen duplicates.


The main menu music is rubbish though, so I just dumped that along with the failed menu replacement.

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Main menu music is awesome, I love the Vikings opening theme. It's moody, and fits the image shown even. And takes a moment to replace if you don't like it, and you can overwrite it with another, or disable.


I prefer the loading screens as replacers, so I get them every time. I think the duplicates are there simply to make some images more rare, in 30 levels of play with normal leveling speed and no cheats, I am still occasionally seeing new images. Chesko's lore-based loading screens work fine with it as well, and provides lore messages to it, as you can see in one of the images, may not be fitting to the image but they aren't in the original mod either.


Also I mentioned how to fix the main menu replacer, the problem is just that the Bethesda Skyrim nif gets loaded along with the original blank black screen (it's possible to just remove the logo and leave the black screen), so since the mod is not removing that first, just put another replacer that does, like the one I linked, above it in the MO Load order (or install beforehand if manual or NMM), then this one, then it works fine. Main menu is one of the randomized images with some edits.

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I know how to change the main menu/music, I just prefer the originals though.


It's easy to write new descriptions for some of the images, it'll just take a while is all.


The images themselves are great, well most of them. The one with the girl in front of the sunken towers is of a lower quality than the rest, some of the girls look a little plasticy but mostly they're excellent. I just prefer it for them to show up at random amongst the originals though. I haven't made my Skyrim into a porn game. Well not completely. Spouses enhanced, Amorous adventures and some modified AA dialogues to activate the inconsequential npc hookers + a few of my own, and another modified AA dialogue to have sex with hired followers is all I have. No random rapage or creepy tentacles in my game. :P

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Tonight, for the first time, I decided to take the Vampires' side after bringing Serana home to Volkihar Keep, mostly because I have never done those quests. The first quest involved killing some other vampires and their hell-hounds.


Sadly, the Hell Hounds aren't getting enough sex, because they all have blue balls!


Oh, and schlongs to match.


Is this an SoS problem? I have both Creature Packs installed, as well as SoS-Full.

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