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If the answer is yes (hope, hope) then can anyone recommend the best bsa-unpacking software, given that all of Newmiller's meshes and textures are in a bsa?



Mod Organizer. Go to your archives list and right click to extract. You can also go into the config menu and set it to auto-extract BSA files when installing.



True, but for someone not using MO this would be infinitely easier than swapping managers in an advanced load order and ongoing game; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/247/?



Thank you. There is no way I'm going to MO, and please let's not have that argument in this thread.




*snicker*  Last time I tried using MO, I spent nearly a week trying to unfuck my game.  Took a couple days to figure out how to use the program, then a while to install mods with it, then a day and a half to uninstall the game and reinstall it. 


I dislike MO.  It is too overgrown for my tastes.  If I can't use NMM or manually install mods, then I don't use the mod.  If anyone tells me that I should be using MO, I wanna reach thru the screen and throttle them.   :D

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I thought the whole discussion with your body was about textures, not  meshes.


When I asked about the possibility of having this pussy on my existing UNPB-TBBP body, Heroe told me the only way was to TexBlend the pussy onto it then use NifSkope to "atttach the xmls" (whatever that means)... OR to just set my UNPB slider all the way to the right in UUNP MORPHS and that would do it. It didn't quite do it.


Ever since then I've been struggling to figure out how to convert my UNPB clothes to UUNP since it seemed that I'm stuck with an unwanted UUNP body if I want a working pussy. I definitely want a working pussy, so I'm stuck... and now, all of a sudden, with page after page after page in this thread of instructions on using TexBlend to stitch/glue/weld this pussy onto any other body except the included UUNP body, you're telling me I can have my beloved UNPB-TBBP body back with a working pussy and all collisions as easily as copying some files that I already have on my computer? No need to attach xmls with NifSkope and/or refine radioactive plutonium isotopes or what-the-fuck-ever all the other incredibly complex instructions (or lack of instructions) that this thread has page after page of and/or links to?


<head explodes>



One of us is crazy. I sure hope it's me, and you're really right, and I really just imagined all the preceding convoluted, complex, arcane, inscrutable gobbledy-gook jargon instructions on dragging this pussy, kicking and screaming, onto my UNPB-TBBP body ... and I can really have my UNPB-TBBP body back without giving up my pussy, AND without trying (in vain, so far) to master NifSkope, Outfit Snoody-oh, 3DMocksMe, Photocrap, TexBlonde, HowsYoMammaSkopeBlenderChopperExtractor and Nuclear Physics 101 just to get my slutty clothes to fit again...


Oh, and thanks for the tip on the KS HDT hair. I had KS styles installed, but they weren't HDT-enabled and were generally not as good looking (to me) as the Apachii styles, so I uninstalled them. I didn't know they had done some HDT ones, so I will def. try those out.


Also, Tamriel Reloaded (2K) is downloading as I type this, but I'm not sure I can easily figure out what mods it's going to replace so I can uninstall them... I understand it will replace the 3 Bethesda HiRes packs, but I also have a TON of "better rocks" and "lush grasses" and "Spookier Mines" and "Riften Redone" mods which may be just "texture mods" or may be more than that (the lush grasses must surely have meshes too, they're not just painted onto the ground, they actually stand up and wave around in the breeze). I'll try to figure it out, and thanks for the tip.





Well keep in mind this is UNPB-HDT not TBBP and actually is just UUNP trying to look like UNPB. This is exactly the same body as you would get with bodyside, with a few tweaks. There is no guarantee your clothes will still fit.


Okay, your character's body is determined by the torso item you wear, usually a cuirass, this item automatically comes with a mesh of it's own independent from whatever mesh your body is. Say you are currently using the zeroed sliders UUNP body you just had, but you then put on a UNPB-TBBP outfit, even if it's a thong, hell you could put it in a piercing. Your body is then reshaped to UNPB-TBBP, and anything that would fit that body now fits you. You take off said chest piece, your body bounces back to UUNP Zero again. If you were wearing something that fits one body but not the next and not part of the cuirass item, like stockings or long nails, they no longer fit you and clip. Note that even if said cuirass item is a belly piercing, it's enough to stop the HDTVag from working during scenes, the game will think you're wearing fully covering body armor. So if you choose to solve your issue this way, you need to have Sexlab take the item off during scenes, along with probably anything else you are wearing.


Also note that for the remodeled armor, you should keep the UUNP one and not change to UNPB, and instead open Bodyslide again as Administrator, under Outfit/Body choose "Unified UNP Special", under Preset choose "UUNP - UNPB". Now hit "Batch Build" at the bottom, then in the list that comes up deslect anything that isn't an outfit, for me the Immerisve Armors show up as well as the normal ones and the DeserterX ones like Merta, Sotetta etc whcih all have UUNP meshes. Deselect the bodies that will also be slected by scrolling through the list, click okay, wait. When it's done, exit, you're done, all UUNP outfits you have have been fitted to UNPB in your game, and with a mod like Soulgem Oven or Deadly Drain your breasts and belly will be able to grow and show in those outfits, unlike most UNPB outfits which lack this benefit (if you downloaded uglykidcid's huge equipment merger and conversions here that has the same qualities, but is prefitted to XP32 style UNPB with belly node). If you don't care about those kind of alterations and don't use pregnancy mods or the like, use your old outfits just fine, in that case get a UNPB general replacer set.



I do a lot of mix-n-matching. For example, I wear hip-hugger jeans from one mod with a schoolgirl top from another mod. So I am well aware that what I wear determines which body I have at any given moment. As long as my body and ALL of my clothes and armors were UNPB-TBBP, which they were until I installed this mod and a few of Gamefever's UUNP conversions, I could mix and match my perky li'l ass off and it all looked great.


Now, when I try to wear my Newmiller heels and/or stockings on my nude body, or with any of the UUNP conversions, the heels block my pussy activity (how weird is THAT?) from working and the stockings clip badly on my legs. :@:angry:


So, my objective is to return to a state where body-type and all clothes match so I can wear anything I want and still be OK. Since it seems that this pussy only works on UUNP-Special bodies, my objective is to convert my UNPB-TBBP wardrobe to UUNP-HDT AND find some way to have sex with my heels on.


Nanato posted UUNPfeetXPMSE feet from Bazinga that allegedly solve the sex-with-heels-on problem, but then Heroe jumped in and said NO YOU WILL BE GLUED TO THE FLOOR IF YOU USE THOSE FEET. So. Back to Square One.


I don't want to spend hours and hours extracting Newmiller's Heels from their cozy little BSA and struggling through Heroe's or some other tutorial to attach the "I'm fucking now even though I'm wearing shoes so please activate my pussy okthxbye" xml's to each of the Heels with NifSkope (which I tried to use once and gave up after 3 hours) if I can't ultimately wear them anyway because I don't know how to convert them from UNPB-TBBP to UUNP-HDT. One of my concerns is that these heels already have 'HDT High Heels' xmls attached... and I have no clue if "work my pussy, bitches" xmls can be attached in addition to those.


So my plan is

  1. Convert ALL of my UNPB-TBBP wardrobe items (all body slots?) to UUNP-Special HDT without losing bounce-n-jiggles AND without having to hand-brush each and every item's mesh in OS.
  2. Solve the "You can't fuck me even though I want you to because I have shoes in my pussy"  :blink:  problem somehow.

Unfortunately, I don't yet know of a way to convert UNPB-TBBP armor/clothing items to UUNP-Special-HDT, especially the HDT part- I do not want to lose bounce-n-jiggles in the conversion process. (Yes, I read what you wrote above, but still have concerns about whether your instructions are AFTER I have copied Heroe's UNPB body into my game, or just set my UNPB slider to max in UUNP MORPHS, which seem to me to be two ways to achieve the same result: a UUNP body masquerading as a UNPB body).


The Outfit Studio tutorials I have found don't cover it. The questions I have posted on various Bodyslide threads don't get answered (except for one, which Ousnius kindly answered- but it was about feet, not body slots, and didn't mention the whole dueling-HDTs conundrum).


So thanks, and sorry I still don't have a clear plan in my head as to *exactly* how to get from here to where I want to be. Until I see a way to get my clothes to fit without losing bounce-n-jiggles or HDT-High Heels AND some way to fuck with shoes on, I'm not going to risk my game by stabbing in the dark.

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Vyxenne, I have 80%'ish of all the female in my game as unpb (Some followers and the bijin girls have different BUT also uunp-special enabled bodies)


uunp special ISN'T a shape in and of itself. UUNP-UNPB is visually pretty much identical to regular unpb, your claw things would work seamlessly. You don't have to change anything.


Just use the extra files Hero put in the with mod if you don't want to learn how to add xml data to the nifs. (even though it IS extraordinarily easy to do)


Taken directly from the first post -

"Q: Can I build my own body on Bodyslide 2 and get HDT Vagina and collisions?

A: Yes, but you have to select on Body/Outfit: Unified UNP Special, Unified UNP Hands and Unified UNP Feet, build them with your preferred preset and attach manually the XML to every body part."


Although actually Hero has already uploaded a lot of body types made from uunp special with the mod. So you only have to find them, copy them and paste them in place.

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Vyxenne, I have 80%'ish of all the female in my game as unpb (Some followers and the bijin girls have different BUT also uunp-special enabled bodies)


uunp special ISN'T a shape in and of itself. UUNP-UNPB is visually pretty much identical to regular unpb, your claw things would work seamlessly. You don't have to change anything.


Just use the extra files Hero put in the with mod if you don't want to learn how to add xml data to the nifs. (even though it IS extraordinarily easy to do)


Taken directly from the first post -

"Q: Can I build my own body on Bodyslide 2 and get HDT Vagina and collisions?

A: Yes, but you have to select on Body/Outfit: Unified UNP Special, Unified UNP Hands and Unified UNP Feet, build them with your preferred preset and attach manually the XML to every body part."


Although actually Hero has already uploaded a lot of body types made from uunp special with the mod. So you only have to find them, copy them and paste them in place.

Well, my Kaw's Claws are CBBE, not UNPB, and they give me wrist gap-seams since I switched to UUNP. I actually used Outfit Studio to remove the "Caliente Hands" from my Kaw's Claws and add the UUNP-Special reference hands and overwrite the old meshes... but I think I screwed up- I still have gap seams and I think I should've used Heroe's mod hands as installed in my game instead of the Reference hands in OS because I don't think the Outfit Studio Reference Hands have the right xml's attached for this mod. I played for a couple of hours last night (translation: I got laid for a couple of hours last night ♀ ❤ ♂ ) and it didn't seem to me that I was getting finger-to-boobs and finger-to-pussy collisions while wearing my nails. PS: I ALWAYS wear my nails. :shy:


I appreciate your re-quoting the sticky, but I can and do read quite well, and my problem is not that I can't read it or didn't notice it- I simply do not understand it:


"you have to select on Body/Outfit: Unified UNP Special, Unified UNP Hands and Unified UNP Feet"

Is this in NifSkope, Bodyslide or Outfit Studio? Does it mean to select these meshes from a Reference dropdown list, or select them from the actual installed body, hands and feet meshes in my game? Since those meshes have a _0 and a _1 variant, which one do I choose? For the hands do I chose the 3rd person hands, the first person hands, or both, one after the other?


"build them with your preferred preset"

I am completely lost here. What does "build them" mean? What is a "preferred preset" and where would I find one?


"attach manually the XML to every body part"

What is "the xml?" Which xml file goes with which body part? Does "every body part" mean Left Hand, Right Hand, Left Foot, Right Foot, Left Breast, Right Breast, Belly, Left Glute, right Glute, Neck Stub, Vagina, Anus, Kneecaps...  :P  Without a path and file name (for each one, assuming they are different xml files for each body part) this is simply gibberish to me.


And again I ask: is there a difference between

A. copying the UNPB body meshes from this mod's Body Types folder into my game as Sacremas has suggested


B. just running the UNPB slider to max in Racemenu's UUNP MORPHS section as I did  weeks ago per Heroe's instructions


The truth is that I have no problem with how the UUNP-Special Zeroed Sliders body looks, although I did like my UNPB-TBBP shape just a little better. All of my anguish is over eliminating my wrist-gap seams when wearing my nails and getting all my UNPB-TBBP clothes to not only fit but keep their TBBP/HDT bounces, jiggles and 'HDT High Heels' movements.


If I'm understanding this correctly, the end result of what you and Sacremas are trying to explain in piece-parts to me is that I will have a UUNP body masquerading as a UNPB body? So now my Gamefever UUNP conversions (3 of which I didn't have before and REALLY like!) will no longer fit but all my UNPB stuff will? (Yes, Sacremas has already told me how to get my Gamefever conversions to work with UUNP-UNPB.)


Finally, it's not that I "don't want to learn NifSkope," it's that I don't understand what to do with it. Again, I can't "attach the xml's to all the body parts" without knowing specific details: Path and file names for "the xmls" and a list of specific body parts and which xml to attach to it.


Thanks and sorry I don't get what's apparently obvious to you guys who have done all this before.


EDIT to add: Just copied the 9 UNPB files from Heroe's mod into my game. Now I'll see if it helped or hurt.

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After doing a complete re-install so I can fully appreciate this mod (always been devoted to 7B but i wanted to try UUNP for a while) all I can say is Thank You! This mod has completely revolutionized the game for me since the other HDT vaginas were always unreliable at working.


It works perfectly with animations as Ralof is demonstrating to my character.


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For everyone here who are lazy or don't understand how to make a uunp body work, heroesdeleyenda is a real MVP :)

I do wonder though if that bleak enb you are using would look on a standard ingame screenshot would look like, for example inside an inn without all perfectioning.

My enb (realvision i think, does look a bit too dark in my opinion indoors, and dont know a way to boost it).


With RealVision you are probably using Climates of Tamriel and ELFX as well. If you try without these or adjusting them, you will see a very different result.


Predator vision works, otherwise try this;


Increase AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorDay and AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorNight in enbseries.ini.

if you are using Option B, ELFX, try to deactivate the ELFX enhancer or install ELFX without ELFX enhancer.


I'm running Realvision, CoT, ELFX, HD/HiRes textures everywhere and 217 other active plugins on my i5 3570K 8GB with GTX970 4GB (3.5 usable). I have HDT everything on myself, including the usual TBBP, plus this mod's pussy, HDT earrings and usually HDT hair, although lately I tend to wear a non-HDT hairstyle that I think is sexy. I get a reliable 50-60 FPS with Fraps running, and my Skyrim looks amazing.


My interiors are much darker than vanilla, which I think makes them look a lot more believable. You can see this on the stairs at about the one-minute mark in this short video:



I also have a Candlelight Ring, a Detect-Life ring and a combo Candlelight + Detect Life Ring, plus a bunch of torches hotkeyed in SkyUI's Favorites menu for instant access. As Sacre Bleu  :P  said, the Candlelight Ring is great for sex scenes, and can be used along with the Rail Lights that are included in this mod.




I'm running nothing now, tired of the CTD's from mods or easily corrupted game saves or beshista bugs, and I'm not freaking gonna try to play this game default after seeing what modding does, I deleted 50 GB of skyrim sh%&. So I guess im not going to get to see new mod release from all in one. ah well maybe in the future. GL to all  5 photos I have left of my girl :(





What a shame. She is (was?) beautiful! I wear the same "ghost" robes sometimes, only I don't wear panties or a thong because I'm a slut.


Sorry you got so frustrated that you rage-wiped all your mods. I don't know how many mods you were running, but I'm currently running 220 active plugins (according to LOOT) and no merged/bashed patches, on a high/mid-range machine, with a solid 50-60 fps with Fraps running, and almost no CTDs whatsoever. I do get an occasional (once a week, maybe?) CTD during a SexLab "Use Nearby Bed" animation, but absolutely none due to mod conflicts.


You just have to read the descriptions (and the readmes, and the forums) for each and every mod you install to try to minimize incompatibilities. You also have to back up your entire Skyrim installation frequently in case something happens that you can't recover from, including the stuff in Documents and Appdata, so you can restore and only lose a week instead of having no fallback and rage-quitting.


The payoff is a completely stable and reliable Skyrim despite a ton of mods. I got FO4 on release day, but have only played it a little due to the lack of mods- FO4 really looks quite crappy (environment and people) without mods. After the GECK is released I'm sure all of that will change. But meanwhile, there is no place I'd rather be than in my own little private version of Skyrim.


You should try again. Your girl is too pretty to give up on.



Win 7, 8 or 10?



Computer Name: BAD_GIRL :cool:

Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4

CPU: i5 3570K Overclocked to 4.0GHz

Cooling: Liquid

Chipset: Intel

Sound Card: Integral Intel HD Sound


GFX: GTX 970 4GB (3.5GB)

System Drive C: 64GB SSD

Games Drive G: 264GB SSD

Archive/Utility Drive E: 2TB HDD

Internal Backups Drive F: 1TB HDD

External Backups Drive H:: 1TB HDD USB

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

220 Plugin Load Order:



  0  0 Skyrim.esm

  1  1 Update.esm

  2  2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

  3  3 Dawnguard.esm

  4  4 Falskaar.esm

  5  5 Wyrmstooth.esp

  6  6 Dawnguard - Textures.esm

  7  7 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

  8  8 HearthFires.esm

  9  9 HearthFires - Textures.esm

 10  a Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

 11  b Dragonborn.esm

 12  c Dragonborn - Textures.esm

 13  d Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

 14  e SharedSeranaDialogue.esm

 15  f FoxHome_X.esm

 16 10 Dragon Break.esm

 17 11 0db2SECOND.esm

 18 12 hdtHighHeel.esm

 19 13 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm

 20 14 SexLab.esm

 21 15 AOM.esm

 22 16 ApachiiHair.esm

 23 17 ApachiiHairFemales.esm

 24 18 ZaZAnimationPack.esm

 25 19 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm

 26 1a RaceCompatibility.esm

 27 1b SexLabAroused.esm

 28 1c PubicMeshColorRE.esm

 29 1d Heels Sound.esm

 30 1e EFFCore.esm

 31 1f HighResTexturePack01.esp

 32 20 HighResTexturePack02.esp

 33 21 HighResTexturePack03.esp

 34 22 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

 35 23 AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp

 36 24 MashupUNP.esp

 37 25 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

 38 26 LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp

 39 27 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

 40 28 ELFX - Exteriors.esp

 41 29 ELFX - Dawnguard.esp

 42 2a ELFX - Dragonborn.esp

 43 2b Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp

 44 2c RealisticWaterTwo.esp

 45 2d ELFXEnhancer.esp

 46 2e AutoHarvest2.esp

 47 2f AzarHairPonyTail 03 - Havok.esp

 48 30 RealShelter.esp

 49 31 RBB - Snowy New Lands Merge.esp

 50 32 SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp

 51 33 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp

 52 34 SMIM-Merged-All.esp

 53 35 Dragon Falls Manor.esp

 54 36 ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp

 55 37 AsharaSkyrimCharacterPresetsReplacer.esp

 56 38 TavernClothes-MTM.esp

 57 39 Get Out Of My Way.esp

 58 3a Draconic Bloodline.esp

 59 3b Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp

 60 3c DudestiaOutfitChanger.esp

 61 3d Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

 62 3e FISS.esp

 63 3f PATCHDragon Break.esp

 64 40 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

 65 41 Marriable Serana.esp

 66 42 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp

 67 43 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

 68 44 SOS - Shop.esp

 69 45 Gwelda Armor Pack.esp

 70 46 Luxury Collection.esp

 71 47 Luxury Collection Vendor.esp

 72 48 FNISspells.esp

 73 49 No Hood.esp

 74 4a CharGen ECE Morphs.esp

 75 4b BlacktalonArmorV11UNP.esp

 76 4c kuzak-bodyandstockings.esp

 77 4d BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp

 78 4e MeridaHair.esp

 79 4f Katarina Outfit - UNPB BBP.esp

 80 50 Mini Vamps.esp

 81 51 Huntress.esp

 82 52 VendorSaleDelay-Gone.esp

 83 53 Infinite Gold For Merchants.esp

 84 54 FullBootForKKSA.esp

 85 55 NailsUNP.esp

 86 56 NewmillerHighHeelsBlck.esp

 87 57 StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp

 88 58 HDTEarring.esp

 89 59 DAO Morrigan's Robes.esp

 90 5a ScarletDawnArmor.esp

 91 5b LeatherThiefArmor.esp

 92 5c Serana.esp

 93 5d LeftHandRings.esp

 94 5e UNP Leather Clothes.esp

 95 5f FS_UltimateAssortment.esp

 96 60 TS_RogueOutfits.esp

 97 61 Blade and Soul Negligee.esp

 98 62 SeraphineHuntedArmor.esp

 99 63 Hair Physics Project.esp

100 64 UnreadBooksGlow.esp


101 65 HDTHair_Sky201.esp

102 66 npchairoverhaul.esp

103 67 NewVampChainsArmorReplacer.esp

104 68 HDTTESTEarring.esp

105 69 Newmelv.esp

106 6a Marriable Serana HF.esp

107 6b 0db2patch.esp

108 6c VioLens.esp

109 6d SpousesEnhanced.esp

110 6e TemptressVixen.esp

111 6f The Ningheim.esp

112 70 The Ningheim - Followers.esp

113 71 Tauriel The Hobbit.esp

114 72 SkyUI.esp

115 73 Kate.esp

116 74 MF_RadiantProstitution.esp

117 75 DanarielStormbow.esp

118 76 KS Jewelry.esp

119 77 Bijin Warmaidens.esp

120 78 AMatterOfTime.esp

121 79 Schoolgirl Mashup - UNPB BBP.esp

122 7a bm_SimpleAction.esp

123 7b DWISSglasses-plain.esp

124 7c towConversation.esp

125 7d DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp

126 7e Clean  Invisibility Effects plus Eyes Fix - Chameleon Version.esp

127 7f Minou's Wigs.esp

128 80 IridumEyes2.0.esp

129 81 VesWhoreOutfit.esp

130 82 Northgirl.esp

131 83 SFO - Dragonborn.esp

132 84 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp

133 85 RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp

134 86 Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp

135 87 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp

136 88 Vivid Landscapes.esp

137 89 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp

138 8a ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

139 8b ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp

140 8c CoT-WeatherPatch.esp

141 8d TrueStorms.esp

142 8e TrueStorms-CoT-WeatherPatch.esp

143 8f Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp

144 90 CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp

145 91 mintylightningmod.esp

146 92 ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

147 93 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp

148 94 CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40.esp

149 95 CoT-WeatherPatch_NL1.esp

150 96 TrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.esp

151 97 MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp

152 98 Better Dynamic Snow.esp

153 99 Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp

154 9a Hoop Earrings.esp

155 9b SexLabMatchMaker.esp

156 9c HepsyBasicWearsUNPCM.esp

157 9d LadyKdCirclets.esp

158 9e Osare GothicLolita.esp

159 9f Hip-huggers.esp

160 a0 doahair.esp

161 a1 Niahs Hair V6.esp

162 a2 Kaw's Claws.esp

163 a3 RaceMenuOverlays.esp

164 a4 AK_RM_Tattoos.esp

165 a5 Bouncy-Bodices-Booties-Belts-Stockings.esp

166 a6 Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp

167 a7 NewmNecklaces2.esp

168 a8 Emfy Cleric Robes.esp

169 a9 RBB - Row Boats - Hearthfire Hotfix.esp

170 aa NewJewelleryGems.esp

171 ab SchoolgirlOutfit.esp

172 ac AOM.esp

173 ad HTBWigsApachiiSkyHair.esp

174 ae RingOfCraft-10000.esp

175 af DanceTogether.esp

176 b0 SpousesEnhanced_Serana.esp

177 b1 RSRainCOT.esp

178 b2 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp

179 b3 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp

180 b4 SexLab Sound FX Replacer.esp

181 b5 NusbieVoices.esp

182 b6 Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp

183 b7 Dual Sheath Redux.esp

184 b8 AsharaDimonizedDress.esp

185 b9 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp

186 ba Brows.esp

187 bb NonSexLabAnimationPack.esp

188 bc Kate - AnimPack TBBP.esp

189 bd RaceMenu.esp

190 be RaceMenuPlugin.esp

191 bf SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp

192 c0 TDF_AP_IndHookersPlug_In.esp

193 c1 SexLab TDFAP - Requiem Blue Aura Fix.esp

194 c2 FNIS.esp

195 c3 SLAnimSpeed.esp

196 c4 Brawl Bugs CE.esp

197 c5 RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp

198 c6 12FemaleBrows.esp

199 c7 SexLab_SOS-Stapon.esp

200 c8 RailLight.esp

201 c9 Bijin Wives.esp

202 ca Bijin NPCs.esp

203 cb Tiwa44_Minidresses_Dragonborn.esp

204 cc Tiwa44_Minidresses.esp

205 cd EFFDialogue.esp

206 ce UIExtensions.esp

207 cf AddItemMenu.esp

208 d0 fox39 Armor.esp

209 d1 XPMSE.esp

210 d2 SOSRaceMenu.esp

211 d3 FNISSexyMove.esp

212 d4 Merta Assassin Armor.esp

213 d5 Tembtra Thief Armor.esp

214 d6 Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp

215 d7 Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp

216 d8 Merta Black Rose Armor.esp

217 d9 DraugrSkirts.esp

218 da RSPatch.esp

219 db Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp





My system is very close to yours down to the mobo even, I run a OC i7 3770K @ 4.1 L cooled. But my gpu is 660 ti 3gb card. I build this years back and just got back on pc again after years  when I saw modded skyrim. I guess load order is easily taken care of by Loot but mod order on left pane with mod organizer was tough for me to know what goes where sometimes... Maybe Ill try again once I get 970 or higher but right now I dunno. It got so glitchy, I loaded the legendary patches and took out the unofficals maybe that caused it dunno, when I shot arrows it would always ctd now, I loaded some 7 cell .ini and i read from enb it was great buy once you saved you couldn't step down to 5 cell modified cell ini just up 9 ect. Who knows i spend most my time fixing other ppls work or trying to get this to work, and never even played the game. when i did I would get to level 25-30 and have to restart cause ctds lol


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@ vyxenne: When you open bodyslide2 there is a tab in the top left, when you click on it it'll open out giving you a list of uunp categories, Click on uunp special here.


Now in the 'preset' box beneath it if you click on that you'll get a much bigger list with all of the unp variants listed. if you click on UNPB here BS2 will be set up to build you a UNPB body with a working vagina. If you click build at the botton it'll build you your 0 and 1 body nifs.


Next you need to build some hands and feet, click on the top right box again and select uunp hands, then click build to build some matching hands. Go back to the box and lastly select uunp feet, click build and you're done. You've just built an entire unpb body made from uunp.


The vagina xml comes pre-attached to the body nifs, however you'd have to add the hdtfingers.xml and the hdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml's yourself. (Weirdly it works better if you attach the fingers.xml to the feet meshes, and the default.xml to the hand meshes. It's not set in stone though, you may prefer to do it the other way around)


Hero has actually already created a thorough guide with pictures on how to do this too. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/52650-get-vagina-working-with-collisions-new-update-see-details-at-top/ Scroll down to the spoiler beneath where it says  HOW TO ADD *.XML FILES TO YOUR MESHES:



As for the claws problem, I'm sorry I thought you'd said that they were unpb and you were having problems from there. I've never tried to convert anything from cbbe (don't like it) so I couldn't say, I'm sorry. :(

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Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.


This will only work if we don't want to adjust any sliders after selecting a preset or if we are using a custom preset. Could you clarify exactly which .xmls need to be mapped to each of the nifs (i.e., hands, feet and body each need different xmls mapped don't they?).


Edit: Ok so looking at the files in nifskope it seems to me that femalebody -> hdtVagina; femalehands ->defaultBBP; and femalefeet -> hdtFingers. Am I missing anything or will this work?


Also based on my current mod priority, your mod overwrites the tri files from female facial animations. Can female facial animations safely overwrite your tri files or do they do the same thing?


On a related note, when you create a new body in bodyslide it also generates tri files for the hands, feet and body. Does anything need to be done with these, or do I just let them overwrite the tri files in your mod?



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Unfortunately, I don't yet know of a way to convert UNPB-TBBP armor/clothing items to UUNP-Special-HDT, especially the HDT part- I do not want to lose bounce-n-jiggles in the conversion process. (Yes, I read what you wrote above, but still have concerns about whether your instructions are AFTER I have copied Heroe's UNPB body into my game, or just set my UNPB slider to max in UUNP MORPHS, which seem to me to be two ways to achieve the same result: a UUNP body masquerading as a UNPB body).


Okay clearly you are misunderstanding something.


"Batch Build" only builds your CLOTHES! Not your body. You would have to hit the big "Build" button to build your body mesh usign that tool, but you don't want to do that because then you would have to attach XML blah blah, and HeroedeLeyenda already did that for you, so for your body (and the Bijin bodies, I suggest to give them the same body) just copy and paste from the 00_Bodytypes/UNPB folder in the 7z to the place I said, and XML is already attached. Really there's nothign more beyond this, at least on this part, your nails and the sex in boots are another matter entirely, but Heroede already said he was goign to do that for v3.




By the way in addition to deleting them, remember to go into Skyrim on Steam and unsubscribe from the High Res DLC, or Steam might notice it's missing and redownload it.


I haven't "subscribed" to anything from the Steam Workshop since the day after they "updated" a mod unannounced and bricked my game. That fiasco took me 3 days to fix and taught me to never EVER "subscribe" to anything from Steam. I even have my "keep this game up to date" options turned off for all games except FO4 even though it's unlikely at this point that Skyrim would be updated.


Also, I'm still in the dark as to the definition of "them," meaning I have many mods that are not intuitively, or even logically, named... which makes it exceptionally difficult to find and uninstall "landscape/environment retexture mods that duplicate features in TRHD" so that I can install Tamriel Reloaded. Just saying "all of them" is all well and good, except that I don't know which ones "all of them" are in some cases. Also, some of them (notably, but not limited to, the ones containing parallax textures) required patches for OTHER mods, and/or ini tweaks such as "fixparallaxerrors=1" or something similar to that.



Again misunderstanding; Not the Steam Workshop, from Bethesda, which you are subscribed to.


Open your Library, right click Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Choose "Properties", go over to "DLC" where the High Res DLC will be listed along with possibly Hearthfires, Dawnguard and Dragonborn, uncheck the High Res DLC. This way it will not be downloaded again when you start the Skyrim launcher if you need to reconfigure something at some point.


As for the rest, do not worry about it. If it has a ESP plugin, uninstall it, if it doesn't just install Tamriel Reloaded HD and overwrite everything, then install the patch for your lighting overhaul (RLO or ELFX), then install optionally JK's Skyrim as I said, then go in game and see how it looks. Really it doesn't have to be more complicated than this.

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For everyone here who are lazy or don't understand how to make a uunp body work, heroesdeleyenda is a real MVP :)

I do wonder though if that bleak enb you are using would look on a standard ingame screenshot would look like, for example inside an inn without all perfectioning.

My enb (realvision i think, does look a bit too dark in my opinion indoors, and dont know a way to boost it).


With RealVision you are probably using Climates of Tamriel and ELFX as well. If you try without these or adjusting them, you will see a very different result.


Predator vision works, otherwise try this;


Increase AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorDay and AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorNight in enbseries.ini.

if you are using Option B, ELFX, try to deactivate the ELFX enhancer or install ELFX without ELFX enhancer.


I'm running Realvision, CoT, ELFX, HD/HiRes textures everywhere and 217 other active plugins on my i5 3570K 8GB with GTX970 4GB (3.5 usable). I have HDT everything on myself, including the usual TBBP, plus this mod's pussy, HDT earrings and usually HDT hair, although lately I tend to wear a non-HDT hairstyle that I think is sexy. I get a reliable 50-60 FPS with Fraps running, and my Skyrim looks amazing.


My interiors are much darker than vanilla, which I think makes them look a lot more believable. You can see this on the stairs at about the one-minute mark in this short video:



I also have a Candlelight Ring, a Detect-Life ring and a combo Candlelight + Detect Life Ring, plus a bunch of torches hotkeyed in SkyUI's Favorites menu for instant access. As Sacre Bleu  :P  said, the Candlelight Ring is great for sex scenes, and can be used along with the Rail Lights that are included in this mod.




I'm running nothing now, tired of the CTD's from mods or easily corrupted game saves or beshista bugs, and I'm not freaking gonna try to play this game default after seeing what modding does, I deleted 50 GB of skyrim sh%&. So I guess im not going to get to see new mod release from all in one. ah well maybe in the future. GL to all  5 photos I have left of my girl :(





What a shame. She is (was?) beautiful! I wear the same "ghost" robes sometimes, only I don't wear panties or a thong because I'm a slut.


Sorry you got so frustrated that you rage-wiped all your mods. I don't know how many mods you were running, but I'm currently running 220 active plugins (according to LOOT) and no merged/bashed patches, on a high/mid-range machine, with a solid 50-60 fps with Fraps running, and almost no CTDs whatsoever. I do get an occasional (once a week, maybe?) CTD during a SexLab "Use Nearby Bed" animation, but absolutely none due to mod conflicts.


You just have to read the descriptions (and the readmes, and the forums) for each and every mod you install to try to minimize incompatibilities. You also have to back up your entire Skyrim installation frequently in case something happens that you can't recover from, including the stuff in Documents and Appdata, so you can restore and only lose a week instead of having no fallback and rage-quitting.


The payoff is a completely stable and reliable Skyrim despite a ton of mods. I got FO4 on release day, but have only played it a little due to the lack of mods- FO4 really looks quite crappy (environment and people) without mods. After the GECK is released I'm sure all of that will change. But meanwhile, there is no place I'd rather be than in my own little private version of Skyrim.


You should try again. Your girl is too pretty to give up on.



Win 7, 8 or 10?



Computer Name: BAD_GIRL :cool:

Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4

CPU: i5 3570K Overclocked to 4.0GHz

Cooling: Liquid

Chipset: Intel

Sound Card: Integral Intel HD Sound


GFX: GTX 970 4GB (3.5GB)

System Drive C: 64GB SSD

Games Drive G: 264GB SSD

Archive/Utility Drive E: 2TB HDD

Internal Backups Drive F: 1TB HDD

External Backups Drive H:: 1TB HDD USB

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

220 Plugin Load Order:



  0  0 Skyrim.esm

  1  1 Update.esm

  2  2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

  3  3 Dawnguard.esm

  4  4 Falskaar.esm

  5  5 Wyrmstooth.esp

  6  6 Dawnguard - Textures.esm

  7  7 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

  8  8 HearthFires.esm

  9  9 HearthFires - Textures.esm

 10  a Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

 11  b Dragonborn.esm

 12  c Dragonborn - Textures.esm

 13  d Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

 14  e SharedSeranaDialogue.esm

 15  f FoxHome_X.esm

 16 10 Dragon Break.esm

 17 11 0db2SECOND.esm

 18 12 hdtHighHeel.esm

 19 13 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm

 20 14 SexLab.esm

 21 15 AOM.esm

 22 16 ApachiiHair.esm

 23 17 ApachiiHairFemales.esm

 24 18 ZaZAnimationPack.esm

 25 19 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm

 26 1a RaceCompatibility.esm

 27 1b SexLabAroused.esm

 28 1c PubicMeshColorRE.esm

 29 1d Heels Sound.esm

 30 1e EFFCore.esm

 31 1f HighResTexturePack01.esp

 32 20 HighResTexturePack02.esp

 33 21 HighResTexturePack03.esp

 34 22 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

 35 23 AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp

 36 24 MashupUNP.esp

 37 25 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

 38 26 LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp

 39 27 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

 40 28 ELFX - Exteriors.esp

 41 29 ELFX - Dawnguard.esp

 42 2a ELFX - Dragonborn.esp

 43 2b Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp

 44 2c RealisticWaterTwo.esp

 45 2d ELFXEnhancer.esp

 46 2e AutoHarvest2.esp

 47 2f AzarHairPonyTail 03 - Havok.esp

 48 30 RealShelter.esp

 49 31 RBB - Snowy New Lands Merge.esp

 50 32 SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp

 51 33 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp

 52 34 SMIM-Merged-All.esp

 53 35 Dragon Falls Manor.esp

 54 36 ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp

 55 37 AsharaSkyrimCharacterPresetsReplacer.esp

 56 38 TavernClothes-MTM.esp

 57 39 Get Out Of My Way.esp

 58 3a Draconic Bloodline.esp

 59 3b Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp

 60 3c DudestiaOutfitChanger.esp

 61 3d Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

 62 3e FISS.esp

 63 3f PATCHDragon Break.esp

 64 40 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

 65 41 Marriable Serana.esp

 66 42 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp

 67 43 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

 68 44 SOS - Shop.esp

 69 45 Gwelda Armor Pack.esp

 70 46 Luxury Collection.esp

 71 47 Luxury Collection Vendor.esp

 72 48 FNISspells.esp

 73 49 No Hood.esp

 74 4a CharGen ECE Morphs.esp

 75 4b BlacktalonArmorV11UNP.esp

 76 4c kuzak-bodyandstockings.esp

 77 4d BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp

 78 4e MeridaHair.esp

 79 4f Katarina Outfit - UNPB BBP.esp

 80 50 Mini Vamps.esp

 81 51 Huntress.esp

 82 52 VendorSaleDelay-Gone.esp

 83 53 Infinite Gold For Merchants.esp

 84 54 FullBootForKKSA.esp

 85 55 NailsUNP.esp

 86 56 NewmillerHighHeelsBlck.esp

 87 57 StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp

 88 58 HDTEarring.esp

 89 59 DAO Morrigan's Robes.esp

 90 5a ScarletDawnArmor.esp

 91 5b LeatherThiefArmor.esp

 92 5c Serana.esp

 93 5d LeftHandRings.esp

 94 5e UNP Leather Clothes.esp

 95 5f FS_UltimateAssortment.esp

 96 60 TS_RogueOutfits.esp

 97 61 Blade and Soul Negligee.esp

 98 62 SeraphineHuntedArmor.esp

 99 63 Hair Physics Project.esp

100 64 UnreadBooksGlow.esp


101 65 HDTHair_Sky201.esp

102 66 npchairoverhaul.esp

103 67 NewVampChainsArmorReplacer.esp

104 68 HDTTESTEarring.esp

105 69 Newmelv.esp

106 6a Marriable Serana HF.esp

107 6b 0db2patch.esp

108 6c VioLens.esp

109 6d SpousesEnhanced.esp

110 6e TemptressVixen.esp

111 6f The Ningheim.esp

112 70 The Ningheim - Followers.esp

113 71 Tauriel The Hobbit.esp

114 72 SkyUI.esp

115 73 Kate.esp

116 74 MF_RadiantProstitution.esp

117 75 DanarielStormbow.esp

118 76 KS Jewelry.esp

119 77 Bijin Warmaidens.esp

120 78 AMatterOfTime.esp

121 79 Schoolgirl Mashup - UNPB BBP.esp

122 7a bm_SimpleAction.esp

123 7b DWISSglasses-plain.esp

124 7c towConversation.esp

125 7d DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp

126 7e Clean  Invisibility Effects plus Eyes Fix - Chameleon Version.esp

127 7f Minou's Wigs.esp

128 80 IridumEyes2.0.esp

129 81 VesWhoreOutfit.esp

130 82 Northgirl.esp

131 83 SFO - Dragonborn.esp

132 84 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp

133 85 RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp

134 86 Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp

135 87 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp

136 88 Vivid Landscapes.esp

137 89 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp

138 8a ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

139 8b ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp

140 8c CoT-WeatherPatch.esp

141 8d TrueStorms.esp

142 8e TrueStorms-CoT-WeatherPatch.esp

143 8f Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp

144 90 CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp

145 91 mintylightningmod.esp

146 92 ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

147 93 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp

148 94 CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40.esp

149 95 CoT-WeatherPatch_NL1.esp

150 96 TrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.esp

151 97 MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp

152 98 Better Dynamic Snow.esp

153 99 Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp

154 9a Hoop Earrings.esp

155 9b SexLabMatchMaker.esp

156 9c HepsyBasicWearsUNPCM.esp

157 9d LadyKdCirclets.esp

158 9e Osare GothicLolita.esp

159 9f Hip-huggers.esp

160 a0 doahair.esp

161 a1 Niahs Hair V6.esp

162 a2 Kaw's Claws.esp

163 a3 RaceMenuOverlays.esp

164 a4 AK_RM_Tattoos.esp

165 a5 Bouncy-Bodices-Booties-Belts-Stockings.esp

166 a6 Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp

167 a7 NewmNecklaces2.esp

168 a8 Emfy Cleric Robes.esp

169 a9 RBB - Row Boats - Hearthfire Hotfix.esp

170 aa NewJewelleryGems.esp

171 ab SchoolgirlOutfit.esp

172 ac AOM.esp

173 ad HTBWigsApachiiSkyHair.esp

174 ae RingOfCraft-10000.esp

175 af DanceTogether.esp

176 b0 SpousesEnhanced_Serana.esp

177 b1 RSRainCOT.esp

178 b2 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp

179 b3 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp

180 b4 SexLab Sound FX Replacer.esp

181 b5 NusbieVoices.esp

182 b6 Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp

183 b7 Dual Sheath Redux.esp

184 b8 AsharaDimonizedDress.esp

185 b9 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp

186 ba Brows.esp

187 bb NonSexLabAnimationPack.esp

188 bc Kate - AnimPack TBBP.esp

189 bd RaceMenu.esp

190 be RaceMenuPlugin.esp

191 bf SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp

192 c0 TDF_AP_IndHookersPlug_In.esp

193 c1 SexLab TDFAP - Requiem Blue Aura Fix.esp

194 c2 FNIS.esp

195 c3 SLAnimSpeed.esp

196 c4 Brawl Bugs CE.esp

197 c5 RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp

198 c6 12FemaleBrows.esp

199 c7 SexLab_SOS-Stapon.esp

200 c8 RailLight.esp

201 c9 Bijin Wives.esp

202 ca Bijin NPCs.esp

203 cb Tiwa44_Minidresses_Dragonborn.esp

204 cc Tiwa44_Minidresses.esp

205 cd EFFDialogue.esp

206 ce UIExtensions.esp

207 cf AddItemMenu.esp

208 d0 fox39 Armor.esp

209 d1 XPMSE.esp

210 d2 SOSRaceMenu.esp

211 d3 FNISSexyMove.esp

212 d4 Merta Assassin Armor.esp

213 d5 Tembtra Thief Armor.esp

214 d6 Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp

215 d7 Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp

216 d8 Merta Black Rose Armor.esp

217 d9 DraugrSkirts.esp

218 da RSPatch.esp

219 db Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp







I guess load order is easily taken care of by Loot


I loaded the legendary patches and took out the unofficals maybe that caused it dunno


I loaded some 7 cell .ini and i read from enb it was great buy once you saved you couldn't step down to 5 cell modified cell ini just up 9 ect.




I may not undertand HowsYoMamaSkopeNiTriBodyOdorOutsideStupido, but I have learned a bit about Bethsoft games and computers:


1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.


2. Many mods explicitly specify one of the unofficial patches as masters, and when you replace the individual patches with USLEEP you bork your game if you are running one of those mods. The solution is to find and fix each and every mod, one at a time, with TES5Edit :wacko: OR to continue to use the latest individual patches. Obviously, since the individual patches have the same, exact fixes as USLEEP, it is FAR easier to stick with the separate patches and not worry about which mods do or don't need them as masters.


3. 99.999% of all the published ini tweaks for Skyrim are 100% bullshit (when applied to the latest, legal, properly-patched Steam build of Skyrim) and harmful to your game. Just because you CAN tweak your ini with uGridsToLoad=3287 doesn't mean you SHOULD do that, or even that it helps. With your system, uGridsToLoad=5 should work fine, and 7 would be the max I would even attempt. Also, there is a way to revert your uGridsToLoad setting that may or may not work for you. Worst case scenario: delete your Skyrim.ini, start a new game (because loading a save is not an option for you) and it will create a pristine default Skyrim.ini for you. You may have lost your ongoing playthrough, but hopefully you will have learned to basically stop fucking with your ini files. :wub: I know it took me several game-loss crashes and many hours on the Bethesda forums to finally figure this out.


Hope this might help you.

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Is More Nasty Critters really required for creature sex as stated in the OP or will Sexlab Aroused Creatures also work?  Thanks.


Aroused is just scripting. You need/want MNC for the meshes and such for both of them to function. Otherwise you're just going to have a vanilla dog dryhumping you (no "equipment") lol.

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1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.



I have run into one SINGLE instance of LOOT (and every other load order tool I've ever tried) having to force me to manually override.


I was using a mod to change the mannequins into female form statues.  if I didn't move the esp, it would force it to load the statue.esp before some other mods that used mannequins and wouldn't apply that texture to them.


I don't blame LOOT or the other programs...not directly, it's the master list positioning, and I have no clue what to do to change that. 


There are likely some other mods out there that suffer from that too.  Not sure if it's the mod author or something to do with master list updating.

Link to comment



1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.



I have run into one SINGLE instance of LOOT (and every other load order tool I've ever tried) having to force me to manually override.


I was using a mod to change the mannequins into female form statues.  if I didn't move the esp, it would force it to load the statue.esp before some other mods that used mannequins and wouldn't apply that texture to them.


I don't blame LOOT or the other programs...not directly, it's the master list positioning, and I have no clue what to do to change that. 


There are likely some other mods out there that suffer from that too.  Not sure if it's the mod author or something to do with master list updating.



Loot has upsides and downsides to the way it does things. It basically checks the mods for what they change and sorts based on that. Unfortunately that means that certain mods always get placed in the wrong spot in mod-heavy installs simply because they're assumed by LOOT to be a "base" mod and gets placed at low priority. Some of the big overhauls can sometimes have issues with this.


USUALLY it gets it right though.


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1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.



I have run into one SINGLE instance of LOOT (and every other load order tool I've ever tried) having to force me to manually override.


I was using a mod to change the mannequins into female form statues.  if I didn't move the esp, it would force it to load the statue.esp before some other mods that used mannequins and wouldn't apply that texture to them.


I don't blame LOOT or the other programs...not directly, it's the master list positioning, and I have no clue what to do to change that. 


There are likely some other mods out there that suffer from that too.  Not sure if it's the mod author or something to do with master list updating.



Loot has upsides and downsides to the way it does things. It basically checks the mods for what they change and sorts based on that. Unfortunately that means that certain mods always get placed in the wrong spot in mod-heavy installs simply because they're assumed by LOOT to be a "base" mod and gets placed at low priority. Some of the big overhauls can sometimes have issues with this.


USUALLY it gets it right though.




1 out of 200+ mods ain't so bad.  haha

Link to comment

@ vyxenne: When you open bodyslide2 there is a tab in the top left, when you click on it it'll open out giving you a list of uunp categories, Click on uunp special here.


Now in the 'preset' box beneath it if you click on that you'll get a much bigger list with all of the unp variants listed. if you click on UNPB here BS2 will be set up to build you a UNPB body with a working vagina. If you click build at the botton it'll build you your 0 and 1 body nifs.


Next you need to build some hands and feet, click on the top right box again and select uunp hands, then click build to build some matching hands. Go back to the box and lastly select uunp feet, click build and you're done. You've just built an entire unpb body made from uunp.


The vagina xml comes pre-attached to the body nifs, however you'd have to add the hdtfingers.xml and the hdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml's yourself. (Weirdly it works better if you attach the fingers.xml to the feet meshes, and the default.xml to the hand meshes. It's not set in stone though, you may prefer to do it the other way around)


Hero has actually already created a thorough guide with pictures on how to do this too. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/52650-get-vagina-working-with-collisions-new-update-see-details-at-top/ Scroll down to the spoiler beneath where it says  HOW TO ADD *.XML FILES TO YOUR MESHES:



As for the claws problem, I'm sorry I thought you'd said that they were unpb and you were having problems from there. I've never tried to convert anything from cbbe (don't like it) so I couldn't say, I'm sorry. :(

Thank you for this explanation, it actually helps me to understand the process, even though I'm not going to use it for this particular issue.


Into my mod on 00_Bodytypes folder you can get any body you can create on bodyslide with all attached (all 39 bodies), no need to build anything. Replace the meshes from the body you want on Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/ and you are done.

I did this. It worked just fine, and my Newmiller stockings fit again! *swoons* NO UNPB >> UUNP CONVERSION REQUIRED! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!


Sadly, I still had wrist seams when wearing my Kaw's Claws. When I took them off, the wrist seams disappeared. YAY! So now my priority became converting the Kaws Claws from CBBE to my new UUNP-UNPB body. Here is what I did:

  1. Opened Bodyslide2
  2. Opened Outfit Studio
  3. Hit the "New Project" icon at the top left
  4. Navigated to ..\Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\Character Assets\femalehands_1.nif (Heroe's UNPB hands that I copied in from the mod), selected it and hit [Next]
  5. Browsed to ..\Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Claws\ClawsAquaF_1.nif (the first of 10 colors of nails) and selected it
  6. Named my project "ClawsAquaF UUNP-UNPB-HDT" and hit [OK]
  7. Selected the hands that came with the Claws- CalienteHands1st.nif or something similar- and pressed Delete, leaving only Heroe's UNBP hands and the actual nails
  8. Hit Sliders > Conform All
  9. Hit Save Project As and accepted the project name I had entered in Step 6 above
  10. Hit OK.
  11. Repeated Steps 3-10 for the remaining 9 colors of nails: Black, Blue, BrRed, DkRed, Gold, Green, Pink, Purple and Silver
  12. Closed Outfit Studio
  13. Hit "Build" in Bodyslide
  14. Right-clicked one of the choices and hit "Select None"
  15. Selected "ClawsAquaF UUNP-UNPB-HDT" and hit [OK]
  16. Watched the notice showing successful build on ClawsAguaF_0.nif and ClawsAguaF_1.nif
  17. Repeated Steps 13-16 for the remaining 9 colors of nails
  18. Closed Bodyslide
  19. Got a Corona out of the refrigerator
  20. Touched myself a lot as I drank it

Then I hopped in-game and got naked except for my nails. This immediately triggered SexLab Aroused, which I have set on max-max-max, and I got 7,392 urgent notices that my desires were driving me (nothing new about that- I'm a slut!) and I needed to have sex. So, reluctantly  :P  I grabbed a guard and got my brains fucked out.


Shut up, NappilyDee. :wub:


Sadly though, I still have wrist gaps with the nails on, but not with them off, despite using the exact same hands mesh with them on as I use with them off! So now, I am completely baffled as to why. Some questions:


  • The Caliente Hands that are included with the CBBE Nails are labeled such that they lead me to believe they are first-person hands. However, the nails are clearly visible in 3rd person as well. Should I be concerned about this? Is it possible that this is the reason I still have wrist gaps with the nails despite using the exact same meshes as I'm using without the nails, i.e. my UUNP-UNPB hands copied from Heroe's mod? I can't find any 1st-person hands in 00_BodyTypes in Heroe's mod. Plus, even if I could find 1st Person hands in Heroe's mod somewhere, I doubt that they would have the xml attached, which defeats my entire purpose.
  • The nails themselves are labeled "CBBE Nails" when I view them in Outfit Studio, which implies that there may be something unique to CBBE about the 10 little pips of color, as unlikely as that sounds to me. Is it possible that changing the hand meshes isn't enough, and I must do something to the nails component themselves even after replacing the hands?
  • I was following an Outfit Studio armor conversion tutorial to convert my nails. Should I have done any additional steps in Outfit Studio beside Sliders > Conform All? Copied bone weights (WTF-ever those are)? Vacuumed under the couch? Fed the dog? Howled at the moon? Something?
  • After I converted all 10 colors in Outfit Studio, all I did in Bodyslide was hit [build]. Should I have first selected something in one of the Bodyslide drop-down menus, some reference or nif file or WTF-ever? If so, what? And just for me, why?


My little head is exploding because I do not understand how I could possibly still have wrist gaps with my nails on when they are using the exact same hands that I have with them off. They look *exactly* like they did before I converted them, when they had CBBE hands- nothing whatsoever has changed.

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Is More Nasty Critters really required for creature sex as stated in the OP or will Sexlab Aroused Creatures also work?  Thanks.


Aroused is just scripting. You need/want MNC for the meshes and such for both of them to function. Otherwise you're just going to have a vanilla dog dryhumping you (no "equipment") lol.



Thanks, I was confused about what MNC replaced.  I see now it supersedes and includes Sexlab Nude Creatures (which I have installed), but not SAC.


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I may not undertand HowsYoMamaSkopeNiTriBodyOdorOutsideStupido, but I have learned a bit about Bethsoft games and computers:


1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.


2. Many mods explicitly specify one of the unofficial patches as masters, and when you replace the individual patches with USLEEP you bork your game if you are running one of those mods. The solution is to find and fix each and every mod, one at a time, with TES5Edit :wacko: OR to continue to use the latest individual patches. Obviously, since the individual patches have the same, exact fixes as USLEEP, it is FAR easier to stick with the separate patches and not worry about which mods do or don't need them as masters.


3. 99.999% of all the published ini tweaks for Skyrim are 100% bullshit (when applied to the latest, legal, properly-patched Steam build of Skyrim) and harmful to your game. Just because you CAN tweak your ini with uGridsToLoad=3287 doesn't mean you SHOULD do that, or even that it helps. With your system, uGridsToLoad=5 should work fine, and 7 would be the max I would even attempt. Also, there is a way to revert your uGridsToLoad setting that may or may not work for you. Worst case scenario: delete your Skyrim.ini, start a new game (because loading a save is not an option for you) and it will create a pristine default Skyrim.ini for you. You may have lost your ongoing playthrough, but hopefully you will have learned to basically stop fucking with your ini files. :wub: I know it took me several game-loss crashes and many hours on the Bethesda forums to finally figure this out.


Hope this might help you.



1. Clear example of someone who uses fairly simple mods. If you ever used a SkyProc, a Merge patch, complex mods like Morrowloot Ultimate that change mods you have installed in addition to the base game, or widespread use of multiple NPC overhauls, such as Remodeled Armor (gives old ladies special non-sexy clothes), Immersive Weapons (gives special weapons to various NPCs), Cutting Room Floor (gives missing keys, letters and thigns to NPCs), Unofficial Patches (likewise fixes these), and extensive NPC overhauls like Inhabitants of Skyrim, you would know that LOOT is very, very often wrong. Some mods like Amorous Adventures LOOT wants to place very high on the load order, and that outright breaks the mod. I spoke with Sharlikran (he's one of the leaders of both the TES5Edit, Wrye Bash and LOOT teams) about this and he said it's not really the LOOT team's job to go around finding out these specifics, LOOT just compares basic records and then orders them with the most successes possible, but if you know how to look at these records yourself - such as via TES5Edit - then you can build an infinitely better load order that will result in far less errors. DO NOT TRUST LOOT, trust LOOT to GUIDE you to build a better load order, but always double check it's work.


2. Wrong again, you do not want to continue with the outdated patches, there are hundreds if not thousands of fixes between those versions, and more and more mods have now changed to require USLEEP instead of USKP etc, so you're going to have this problem anyway, and one of the silliest things you can ever do when modding is not to keep your mods updated as long as they are actually fixing errors rather than adding them (some mods do that as well). What you want to do is to use the USLEEP Swap Masters Script to quickly and painlessly (seriously this took me less than 5 mins, and most of that was spent opening TES5Edit) change the masters from the old patches to the new one. Really you're going to have to do this at some point regardless as more and more mods are changing their master, so just do it, or never again update those mods.


3. Starting a new game doesn't in any way recreate your inis. For that you need to delete your inis as said and start the SKYRM LAUNCHER from steam, that creates the new inis, you don't have to start the game from it, you just need to bring up the launcher with no inis present and it will make new default ones for you. As for Ini tweaks, I would in general agree with you, they are too risky to use, and you shouldn't go over ugridstoload 5 even. As for StableUgirdsToLoad, I used it for a long while, but just recently (as in last couple of months) it has been proven that it has a memory allocation issue that has never been solved that can lead to save corruption and crashes. Since you shouldn't go over 5 anyway, I would suggest not to use that at all. For actually godo ini tweaks, take a look at the Realvision Optional Files and specifically the "Optimized INI Files ugrid 5" now these are by EWI, someone who knows what they are doing, and they contain every tweak to your settings that you should use, and none of those that are risky, I have used these for years and I highly recommend them. Just extract and drop them into your Skyrim folder and overwrite.

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I may not undertand HowsYoMamaSkopeNiTriBodyOdorOutsideStupido, but I have learned a bit about Bethsoft games and computers:


1. Trust LOOT. It is light years ahead of what BOSS was. I'm running 220 active plugins and not ONCE have I actually had to override LOOT's sort order! Some mod authors specify a load order for their mods, and LOOT says "No, this order works better." LOOT is right. The mod authors do not see your enitre load order and all the dependencies, but LOOT does. Trust LOOT.


2. Many mods explicitly specify one of the unofficial patches as masters, and when you replace the individual patches with USLEEP you bork your game if you are running one of those mods. The solution is to find and fix each and every mod, one at a time, with TES5Edit :wacko: OR to continue to use the latest individual patches. Obviously, since the individual patches have the same, exact fixes as USLEEP, it is FAR easier to stick with the separate patches and not worry about which mods do or don't need them as masters.


3. 99.999% of all the published ini tweaks for Skyrim are 100% bullshit (when applied to the latest, legal, properly-patched Steam build of Skyrim) and harmful to your game. Just because you CAN tweak your ini with uGridsToLoad=3287 doesn't mean you SHOULD do that, or even that it helps. With your system, uGridsToLoad=5 should work fine, and 7 would be the max I would even attempt. Also, there is a way to revert your uGridsToLoad setting that may or may not work for you. Worst case scenario: delete your Skyrim.ini, start a new game (because loading a save is not an option for you) and it will create a pristine default Skyrim.ini for you. You may have lost your ongoing playthrough, but hopefully you will have learned to basically stop fucking with your ini files. :wub: I know it took me several game-loss crashes and many hours on the Bethesda forums to finally figure this out.


Hope this might help you.




1. Clear example of someone who uses fairly simple mods. If you ever used a SkyProc, a Merge patch, complex mods like Morrowloot Ultimate that change mods you have installed in addition to the base game, or widespread use of multiple NPC overhauls, such as Remodeled Armor (gives old ladies special non-sexy clothes), Immersive Weapons (gives special weapons to various NPCs), Cutting Room Floor (gives missing keys, letters and thigns to NPCs), Unofficial Patches (likewise fixes these), and extensive NPC overhauls like Inhabitants of Skyrim, you would know that LOOT is very, very often wrong. Some mods like Amorous Adventures LOOT wants to place very high on the load order, and that outright breaks the mod. I spoke with Sharlikran (he's one of the leaders of both the TES5Edit, Wrye Bash and LOOT teams) about this and he said it's not really the LOOT team's job to go around finding out these specifics, LOOT just compares basic records and then orders them with the most successes possible, but if you know how to look at these records yourself - such as via TES5Edit - then you can build an infinitely better load order that will result in far less errors. DO NOT TRUST LOOT, trust LOOT to GUIDE you to build a better load order, but always double check it's work.


2. Wrong again, you do not want to continue with the outdated patches, there are hundreds if not thousands of fixes between those versions, and more and more mods have now changed to require USLEEP instead of USKP etc, so you're going to have this problem anyway, and one of the silliest things you can ever do when modding is not to keep your mods updated as long as they are actually fixing errors rather than adding them (some mods do that as well). What you want to do is to use the USLEEP Swap Masters Script to quickly and painlessly (seriously this took me less than 5 mins, and most of that was spent opening TES5Edit) change the masters from the old patches to the new one. Really you're going to have to do this at some point regardless as more and more mods are changing their master, so just do it, or never again update those mods.


3. Starting a new game doesn't in any way recreate your inis. For that you need to delete your inis as said and start the SKYRM LAUNCHER from steam, that creates the new inis, you don't have to start the game from it, you just need to bring up the launcher with no inis present and it will make new default ones for you. As for Ini tweaks, I would in general agree with you, they are too risky to use, and you shouldn't go over ugridstoload 5 even. As for StableUgirdsToLoad, I used it for a long while, but just recently (as in last couple of months) it has been proven that it has a memory allocation issue that has never been solved that can lead to save corruption and crashes. Since you shouldn't go over 5 anyway, I would suggest not to use that at all. For actually godo ini tweaks, take a look at the Realvision Optional Files and specifically the "Optimized INI Files ugrid 5" now these are by EWI, someone who knows what they are doing, and they contain every tweak to your settings that you should use, and none of those that are risky, I have used these for years and I highly recommend them. Just extract and drop them into your Skyrim folder and overwrite.



Well, let's just agree to disagree then:


1. LOOT is loading my Amorous Adventures at 66/220. It works perfectly there. I use at least one Skyproc, for Dual Sheath Redux. I am a "clear example" to be sure- of someone who does not understand NifSkope and other such tools, but calling me "a clear example of someone who uses simple mods" is just rude.


2. I didn't say continue with the outdated patches. Since you like confrontational rudeness, you are "wrong again." (why would you come at me like this? Are you having a bad day?) I clearly said "the latest versions of the individual patches." According to their authors they are (or were the last time I read them) as updated as USLEEP, the only difference being the packaging.


3. I apologize for omitting the fact that Skyrim must be launched using its launcher (and not the SKSE launcher.) Thats still no excuse for jumping rudely in my face when I'm trying to help someone and encourage them to stay with Skyrim instead of giving up.

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Hi, I'm having some trouble with texture neck seams. Whichever textures I choose from the installer, they all end up having neck seams though some look better than others (Beautiful and Sexy looks best), and the body texture seems "stretched", and doesn't look like 4K textures (Running the game on a 4K monitor). I've attached a screenshot. Is there any way to fix this neck seam? I've tried it with the UNP Texture Blender, but the seam remained, I also tried photoshop with no avail. Seems like the body textures differ from the head and never seam to match. It's like the face is a 4K texture and the body substantially lower res.




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Well, let's just agree to disagree then:


1. LOOT is loading my Amorous Adventures at 66/220. It works perfectly there. I use at least one Skyproc, for Dual Sheath Redux. I am a "clear example" to be sure- of someone who does not understand NifSkope and other such tools, but calling me "a clear example of someone who uses simple mods" is just rude.


2. I didn't say continue with the outdated patches. Since you like confrontational rudeness, you are "wrong again." (why would you come at me like this? Are you having a bad day?) I clearly said "the latest versions of the individual patches." According to their authors they are (or were the last time I read them) as updated as USLEEP, the only difference being the packaging.


3. I apologize for omitting the fact that Skyrim must be launched using its launcher (and not the SKSE launcher.) Thats still no excuse for jumping rudely in my face when I'm trying to help someone and encourage them to stay with Skyrim instead of giving up.



1. Amorous Adventures relies entirely on quests being the vanilla way, if any mod changes those quests in any way, Amorous adventures quests break, without you knowing this is the fault until you run into the quest and it doens't fire off as it should, which you would only know by reading the walkthroughs of quest stages if you haven't already played it in proper load order. By putting it at the end of the load order regardless of what LOOT says, Amorous ignores these changes and works regardless, and so do the mods that want to change those quests. You are not seeing any of this because either you haven't run into one of those quests yet, or because you do not have one of these more advanced mods that change mechanics such as dragon soul absorbtion, changes quest stages to insert other quests of their own, or gives you the option to skip or abort the quest, aka more advanced mods. And Dual Sheath is a horrible example of a Skyproc, because it only changes values and looks up your weapons, I'm talking about one like Everyone's Different, ASIS, Perkus Maximus, or Requificator, and then only if you had NPC appearance overhauls or something that you would genuinely notice it when it's wrong, like a Bijin girl having vanilla head with a grayface and bijin body, this is because the SkyProc looks for the record it cares about, mainly the combat changes or USKP changes, then ignores everything any appearance overhaul wants to do to the character, and you get a grayfaced troll instead of a beauty. The only way to avoid this is by knowing your way aorund TES5Edit, inclduing being able to apply changes from USKP; Immersive Weapons and other mods to apperance overhaul mods like Bijin. I'm not saying that to insult, I'm saying it because you actually aren't using any particularily advanced mods at all in your load order, so you have never run into it, hence i'm not saying this to educate you I'm saying this to clarify your misinformation to others who migth use more advanced mods.


2. I'm only having a bad day when people are being ignorant. "Obviously, since the individual patches have the same, exact fixes as USLEEP, it is FAR easier to stick with the separate patches and not worry about which mods do or don't need them as masters." Okay so which one is it, do you update to the version of the mod that needs USLEEP, do you stick with the USKP one, or didn't you have any mods that actually required USKP? You need to know these things. If you actually didn't have any mods with USKP as a master (very easy to find out, just untick it in your load order and try to start skyrim, if it crashes before the menu shows up no harm except you know you need it) then you can just delete the old unofficial files and download latest USLEEP, if you had ones you should find out which ones that was, use that script I linked, and change to USLEEP anyway. Really as I said it takes less than 5 mins to change over to the new master, you just run a script from TES5Edit and it does it for you. I can write a step by step guide if the Nexus one is confusing.


3. I am just saying you had it wrong. Due to both SKSE and Mod Organizer allowing you to start the game without ever opening the Launcher (I haven't had mine open in years) it was wrong information. Trying to start "a new game" rather than "the skyrim launcher" will lead to an immediate crash without those ini files, and surely help with the frustration of a potential quitter?

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