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Just spotted this in the log (I assume it's from DDe 1.70, not sure if it's significant as everything is working


[01/31/2016 - 01:43:32PM] ERROR: Method iDDeVersionGet not found on iddeconfig. Aborting call and returning None
    [alias PlayerAlias on quest iDDeMCMConfig (46000D63)].iDDeConfigStartup.CheckVersions() - "iDDeConfigStartup.psc" Line 24
    [alias PlayerAlias on quest iDDeMCMConfig (46000D63)].iDDeConfigStartup.OnUpdate() - "iDDeConfigStartup.psc" Line 14

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Function RequestManipulateDevice(actor akActor, armor device, bool equipOrUnequip, bool skipEvents = false)
	Int Id = ModEvent.Create("DD_ManipulateDevice") ;Or "DDx_ManipulateDevice" for DDx
	If (Id)
		ModEvent.PushForm(Id, akActor)
		ModEvent.PushForm(Id, device)
		ModEvent.PushBool(Id, equipOrUnequip)
		ModEvent.PushBool(Id, skipEvents)
Event Request_ManipulateDevice(Form akActor, Form device, bool equipOrUnequip, bool skipEvents = false)
	Actor Act = akActor as Actor
	Armor Dev = device as Armor
	If (Act != None && dev != None)
		ZadLibs.ManipulateDevice(Act, Dev, equipOrUnequip, skipEvents)  ;or ZadxLibs

With a RegisterForModEvent("DD_ManipulateDevice", "Request_ManipulateDevice") For DDi

And RegisterForModEvent("DDx_ManipulateDevice", "Request_ManipulateDevice") For DDx


...have fun ;)

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I see, so in your example when would I call RequestManipulateDevice function to create the ModEvent?

Thanks. :blush:



RequestManipulateDevice(actor akActor, armor device, bool equipOrUnequip, bool skipEvents = false)


You call the complex SendModEvent



RegisterForModEvent("DD_ManipulateDevice", "Request_ManipulateDevice") For DDi

RegisterForModEvent("DDx_ManipulateDevice", "Request_ManipulateDevice") For DDx


You Tell which event trigger when recived that Modevent.


And with The event you give access to ManipulateDevice Function in ZadLibs (or Zadxlibs)

Depending on what you want to do...


I suggest to connect to DDx because you have the access of ALL the devices at once (The Manipulate Devices of DDx is connected to the DDI)


You're welcome (and by the way, if you add this it will helpful also to me :P)



EDIT: obviously change the names of the Modevent in something more adequate.

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I can see this mod as an easy way to get different items from different mods equipped rather than going through the console. So far my problem is that the save slot for custom outfit is blank for me, any idea on what could be the issue? I tried restarting the DDe mod from the debug menu with no result.





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In my mod, I'm trying to access some config data from prison overhaul but I get some compiler errors from iDDE :


I just inserted this line in my script :

xpoConfig property xpo auto


and when I compile :


D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeLibs.psc(847,33): SD_DeviousArmBinder is not a property on script _sdqs_enslavement or one of its parents
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeLibs.psc(851,34): SD_Collar is not a property on script _sdqs_enslavement or one of its parents
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeLibs.psc(853,34): SD_PunishPlugA is not a property on script _sdqs_enslavement or one of its parents
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeLibs.psc(855,34): SD_PunishPlugV is not a property on script _sdqs_enslavement or one of its parents
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeConfigBase.psc(251,2): SetInputDialogStartText is not a function or does not exist
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeConfigBase.psc(259,3): SetInputOptionValue is not a function or does not exist
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeConfigBase.psc(362,15): AddInputOption is not a function or does not exist
D:\Skyrim HD\Data\Scripts\Source\iDDeConfigBase.psc(362,5): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)


I have :

dde 1.70

pop 7f


skyui 5.0

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