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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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Nice so it was about giving it more time. 2. and 4. could be wrong if collisions were still on and measurement was affected by terain or bed. Perhaps giving it bit of time there as well?

Using the MoveTo function I posted a week ago has conquered the bed freeze and radical chair scaling, both. So the delay isn't necessary (at least, I don't think it is).


I'm not done. The target NPC's scaling is always wrong on the first try as far as I can tell. It will be taller than it should be if the NPC is normally shorter than the player, shorter than it should be if the NPC is normally taller than the player.


My change fixed the chair and bed problem, but the initial scaling on an NPC will still be slightly wrong, no matter if the NPC was standing, sitting or sleeping.


Doing some more tests. I'll have to convert the plugin back into an ESP to try some other stuff.


PS: I'm not sure collisions matter. IK chains might matter, but CEO, being an animator, would know more about that than I do.

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The target NPC's scaling is always wrong on the first try as far as I can tell. It will be taller than it should be if the NPC is normally shorter than the player, shorter than it should be if the NPC is normally taller than the player.



I think i noticed something like that but cant really confirm. Also it wasnt always fail on first try. It was more random.


Collisons matter for actor positioning. At least thats what i discovered after doing lots of tests.


Now when you fixed starting scaling issue what happens on arrange? Do they have proper scaling or is something broken there as well?


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Now when you fixed starting scaling issue what happens on arrange? Do they have proper scaling or is something broken there as well?

Not fixed yet. Only fixed chairs and beds. Will update.


Update: I am no longer certain it is just one scaling issue. It may be two separate ones.


1. Minor scaling issue with standing target actor being too short if naturally taller than the player or too tall if naturally shorter than the player. This only occurs on a first attempt per actor, but not every first attempt (for me it's about 80% of the time, but this ratio could vary depending on the player character's height verses common target NPC heights). Second attempts always scale correctly. Attempts are counted by gaming session, not game loads. Meaning, scaling can fail on an NPC the first try, but it will not fail again on that NPC unless you quit the game. When reloading a save (without quitting) inside the same cell as the previously 0S'd NPC, scaling attempts will always be correct, as if a first try has already been attempted. I believe this is because the pertinent magic effects have not been dispelled.


2. Major scaling issue with the T-Pose not being applied fast enough to measure an NPC in a chair. I sort of brute force fixed this and it has the side benefit of fixing sleeping NPCs.


If both scaling issues had the same cause, my fix should have fixed both. It did not.


I also have other issues to discuss with CEO but I'm going to PM because I feel like I'm flooding this thread.

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Thanks Migal and Kinky for investigating this and I'm looking forward to seeing your findings Migal. So I know, this just started this last update?


There are things about oheight that just might never be perfect due to Skyrim limitations but this sounds like more of a larger bug then an accuracy thing. I do believe it's the only way to get precision alignment / scale at a high  accuracy that's needed for things like blowjob alignment etc.




I finished up the final bit of code on stuff I had to do to prep for launch so the script outside of this bug that's in the works is complete. Have some time to polish until launch now.

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CEO about SortTiebreaker setting... what happens if i set it to 0? Is it then disabled? Your description only explains 1 and 2.


I think nothing, I was planning some other things to break the tie with but kept hitting some issues with framework related stuff for other OSA modules where it might cause complications so I pulled the plug. I think what I did was that entry doesn't need to be there at all and 0 is supposed to simulate it not being in the ini file at all, but 1 winds up doing the same thing.

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CEO about SortTiebreaker setting... what happens if i set it to 0? Is it then disabled? Your description only explains 1 and 2.


I think nothing, I was planning some other things to break the tie with but kept hitting some issues with framework related stuff for other OSA modules where it might cause complications so I pulled the plug. I think what I did was that entry doesn't need to be there at all and 0 is supposed to simulate it not being in the ini file at all, but 1 winds up doing the same thing.



Ok that explains the code you showed. So only value of 2 makes this setting enabled. Thanks.


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So I know, this just started this last update?

Kinky might be in a better position to answer. I used to use 1.63 but didn't investigate it much because I knew you were working on a new build. I didn't actually start working with later versions until 1.8r4. The scaling issue has definitely been there since 1.8r4 but I don't remember if it was in 1.63.


I do not believe the CTDs on load existed in 1.63. It has definitely existed since 1.8r4, although 1.8r4 threw a log error when it happened and 1.8r7 does not (I'm currently tracking it with debug.trace or I wouldn't know if 0SA was responsible for the CTD). If you finally got your logs working, this will do the same for you:


In _oActro.psc

event OnGameLoaded(string c, string a, float t, Form z)
debug.trace("0S _oActro OnGameLoaded started...")
debug.trace("0S _oActro OnGameLoaded finished...")
In _oActra.psc

Event OnGameLoaded(string c, string a, float t, Form x)
debug.trace("0S _oActra OnGameLoaded started...")
debug.trace("0S _oActra OnGameLoaded finished...")
In _oActraga.psc

Event OnGameLoaded(string eventName, string zAnimation, float numArg, Form sender)
debug.trace("0S _oActraga OnGameLoaded started...")
ActorLight(Actra, "Remove", OSO.OLightSP, OSO.OLightME)
FactionClean(Actra, OSO.OFaction)
ActorUnlock(Actra, PlayerRef)
packageClean(Actra, OSO.OPackage)
Actra.SetAnimationVariableBool("bHumanoidFootIKDisable", false)
debug.trace("0S _oActraga OnGameLoaded finished...")
As I said in my PM, the traces indicate _oActra.psc's OnGameLoaded is the only one that ever gets fired, but there may be some logical reason for that.


Edit and correction: I started working with 0SA at 1.08D3. Prior to that it was 1.063. Everything I discussed here has definitely been there since 1.08D3.

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I cant say for sure but i think troubles with height started when measurement was introduced so it could be demo 5.

I think demo 4 was when collision issues were finaly solved and actor positioning was perfect (also scale).


After that I was busy with esg slots and getting slot 31 to work so wasnt really testing scenes to much. And it was random situations that actors didnt have proper height so i thought it was script lag or something but reported this in demo 7 as i noticed it happens way to often and i knew migal was already complaining about it and having a dwarf character.


Demo 7 seems to be the one that makes me crash the most though (i think even 6). Getting famous FootIk error immidiately on loading save that didnt have 0sex before. Usualy i would have to create another save with 0sex installed and then that save would crash on load sometimes. With demo 7 i have to go coc qasmoke before loading clean save otherwise most of the times that save crashes.

Also this is first time that i noticed actra on active effects.

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Demo 7 seems to be the one that makes me crash the most though (i think even 6). Getting famous FootIk error immidiately on loading save that didnt have 0sex before. Usualy i would have to create another save with 0sex installed and then that save would crash on load sometimes. With demo 7 i have to go coc qasmoke before loading clean save otherwise most of the times that save crashes.

Also this is first time that i noticed actra on active effects.

I agree that the most recent build is crashing more than previous ones. Although, it's not always meh321's erroneous foot IK message. Now it mostly just CTDs on load, particularly if I'm loading a save in a cell where I'd previously run a scene. Sometimes, I get past everything into the game, but my toon is in the T-Pose (which isn't really a T-Pose, the arms are angled down like the raw 3D model). If I then try to move the toon, I'll CTD after a short distance. I ran into a ton of this trying to debug the scripts, but I doubt my meager changes were causing it, because the same code doesn't crash my own mod (and it is run in multiple places). The problem is, I never did testing under these exact circumstances before (same one or two game saves, testing standing, sitting, sleeping, change code a little, rinse, repeat, etc.), so it might have been like this in previous versions, but my testing wasn't as severe.

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Demo 7 seems to be the one that makes me crash the most though (i think even 6). Getting famous FootIk error immidiately on loading save that didnt have 0sex before. Usualy i would have to create another save with 0sex installed and then that save would crash on load sometimes. With demo 7 i have to go coc qasmoke before loading clean save otherwise most of the times that save crashes.

Also this is first time that i noticed actra on active effects.

I agree that the most recent build is crashing more than previous ones. Although, it's not always meh321's erroneous foot IK message. Now it mostly just CTDs on load, particularly if I'm loading a save in a cell where I'd previously run a scene. Sometimes, I get past everything into the game, but my toon is in the T-Pose (which isn't really a T-Pose, the arms are angled down like the raw 3D model). If I then try to move the toon, I'll CTD after a short distance. I ran into a ton of this trying to debug the scripts, but I doubt my meager changes were causing it, because the same code doesn't crash my own mod (and it is run in multiple places). The problem is, I never did testing under these exact circumstances before (same one or two game saves, testing standing, sitting, sleeping, change code a little, rinse, repeat, etc.), so it might have been like this in previous versions, but my testing wasn't as severe.



So that means this is where T-pose is comming from... i thought it was other mod causing this.

Well it makes sense now :D Now i feel dumb reporting t-pose issue to other mods topic. Actualy its strange that i was only seeing T-pose when i succesfully loaded with the other mod installed, also with that other mod i was getting crash on qasmoke as well... or maybe just coincidence.


Still in my case most of the time i get FootIk error so only safe way in game is through qasmoke.

Going to test without 0sex to try to confirm this.


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I think the TPosed NPCs is related to just a quantity of animations. I've always got that like 5% of the time I start my Skyrim, completely random I never change my load order etc. Starting up again works generally. (Player is fine but all NPCs are in a TPose, 5-10 seconds later the game crashes.)


The rest of the crashes I guess have to do with onLoad dispel(). That's the only new thing that's changed since 1.06 and 1.07 in terms of what Papyrus is expected to do. It could just be there's no textbook answer to it and papyrus just doesn't like that and goes nuts. They default game has an OnLoad effect but it only effects the player's actor script. Maybe there's a reason they omitted having a larger load event. (My initial guess would be that's a lot of npcs in that case but with OSA it's only the total of npcs with an actra running on them which is most likely substantially less unless you hook up with everyone in one session.)


I'd say it was translateTo but that's always been there.


Kinky to confirm, what you are describing is happening on a pre-OSex save that is getting OSex for the first time?


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I now loaded that same clean save without 0sex and didnt get any error i even did a run from riverwood inn to whiterun on a stormy weather and there was no crashes.


That pretty much confirms that 0sex was reason for those crashes.


I dont think its about quantity of animations coz before i had  sexlab + non sexlab animation pack + more nasty critters + defeat + 0sex

And i was never getting T-posed actors, i would only ocasionaly get footik error.


Tests i did past few days were with only 0sex installed and then run on clean save (no 0sex scripts inside it so you can call it virgin save :D ).


Actualy i do have some other animations for magic casting, running and such but Fnis reports total number of 211 so that shouldnt matter.



On load dispell thingie could be reason for this. What is it dispelling? What is actra (active magic effect) doing?


While testing and blaming other mod i newely installed today i was gliding and jumping in T-pose through riverwood and only humans (and elves) were affected by this issue. Dog and chicken were still normal.

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Wasn't able to make NMM register version 7 (while it had no problem with version 4 ... )


After a lot of pondering I tried to upgrade my NMM; I was so sure it wouldnt work. And it was a mess, as predicted. So I succeded in going back to previous version.


Sorry can't try out your mod as long as I don't understand the problem.


edit :


ok. problem comes from the  "0Sex_OSex_Intimacy, Romance, and Sex - Copy.omod" file. Is it important or can I get rid of it?

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Wasn't able to make NMM register version 7 (while it had no problem with version 4 ... )


After a lot of pondering I tried to upgrade my NMM; I was so sure it wouldnt work. And it was a mess, as predicted. So I succeded in going back to previous version.


Sorry can't try out your mod as long as I don't understand the problem.


edit :


ok. problem comes from the  "0Sex_OSex_Intimacy, Romance, and Sex - Copy.omod" file. Is it important or can I get rid of it?


Thats just an empty text file but it is important for mod to work. Why do you think your problem comes from there?


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I now loaded that same clean save without 0sex and didnt get any error i even did a run from riverwood inn to whiterun on a stormy weather and there was no crashes.


That pretty much confirms that 0sex was reason for those crashes.


I dont think its about quantity of animations coz before i had  sexlab + non sexlab animation pack + more nasty critters + defeat + 0sex

And i was never getting T-posed actors, i would only ocasionaly get footik error.


Tests i did past few days were with only 0sex installed and then run on clean save (no 0sex scripts inside it so you can call it virgin save :D ).


Actualy i do have some other animations for magic casting, running and such but Fnis reports total number of 211 so that shouldnt matter.



On load dispell thingie could be reason for this. What is it dispelling? What is actra (active magic effect) doing?


While testing and blaming other mod i newely installed today i was gliding and jumping in T-pose through riverwood and only humans (and elves) were affected by this issue. Dog and chicken were still normal.


Oh, so that's the reason why i've been getting those FootIk error crashes recently.


i was trying to get some help from groovtama to aid me on that issue because i thought it was an error from the new version of his skeleton, no wonder why he didn't respond :P

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O.o! Been following this for a while now, getting exited for June 1st!


What's on June 1st? So curious now~



CEO will officially release the new version. Months and months of hard labor will be unleashed upon the Nexus :)

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Wasn't able to make NMM register version 7 (while it had no problem with version 4 ... )


After a lot of pondering I tried to upgrade my NMM; I was so sure it wouldnt work. And it was a mess, as predicted. So I succeded in going back to previous version.


Sorry can't try out your mod as long as I don't understand the problem.


edit :


ok. problem comes from the  "0Sex_OSex_Intimacy, Romance, and Sex - Copy.omod" file. Is it important or can I get rid of it?


Hi Cema,


When you load your game in Skyrim OSA will scan that folder and record the name of each file in that folder that is a file type .omod. There's nothing inside of them it's the title of the file which is supposed to let the game know what is installed. The file is important but you can most likely get away with not having it for now however I'd obviously like this to work with NMM since it does have a purpose.


I see I made a kind of error there by leaving the - Copy at the end. I'm not sure if this is the problem but it technically should be called just "0Sex_OSex_Intimacy, Romance, and Sex.omod." it could be a character in the name that NMM doesn't like " , " comma for example, or maybe it's told to only install certain types of files and the .omod file type isn't on it's approved list. There's this also  0Sex_0MF.oplug which NMM seemed to accept so that leads me to believe that maybe it's the , in the file name that NMM doesn't like. If you still have the setup available to test Cema could you try 0Sex_OSex_Intimacy Romance and Sex.omod without the commas like so and if that doesn't work 0Sex_OSex.omod.

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Are we getting pre release version today? Have you managed to fix those issues?


Hi Kinky yes but in the evening when I get home after a few changes based on Migal's notes. I'm not sure if the issues are fixed but at the least they will most likely be improved. 

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is there a orgasm feature or a button to ejaculate like in sexlab? 

Also will there be sperm textures after the orgasm if there is one in the demo?

i apologise if this question is a hassle. sowie, maybe i shud just wait til the final version comes out. :/

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