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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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As to why CEO is not getting them it could be that he doesnt have Crash Fixes by meh321 installed in which case he would never get FootIk error message.

It could also be that he has more powerfull machine then 2 of us. If this errors are happening coz of memory issues then if he has more powerfull machine he would also not get them as much or at all.

I doubt it's a machine horsepower issue. Mine is an i5 12GB RAM 970GTX. Doesn't suck, but probably not worse than most common users would be running. Although, it is Win10, which is not beneficial for Skyrim graphics.


The Foot IK error from Crash Fixes is only an error trap for what would otherwise be a plain old CTD. Meaning, if you didn't have Crash Fixes installed, you would be getting a vanilla CTD instead of the Foot IK error message (which meh321 says is not actually a foot IK issue, but something else he can't yet identify). I am in no way suggesting anyone should run without meh321's Crash Fixes for any reason other than testing. Dude is a miracle worker.

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Awesome work Ceo! I'll have to start taking a look at the OSA example. Also looking forward to the completed voice acting pack! Exciting times haha!

Hi Proxy, thank you! Since I've already made you make and test your module in like 3 different data formats why not send me your final files and I'll do the retype for the module's basic folders for you, the gist of the system is the same so you already know how to do it all, and it would just be some busy work for you to get caught up, I can rename the stuff in under 10 minutes wouldn't be a problem. Having some real proof that OSA can take modules would help get others trying it I think so I'd like to help in any way i can get your module live to show it's possible.




Hi Migal,

Thank you, that path might be the way but I did a similar version right before I switched to OHeight on the same premises of if they don't = scale set them and run that for both. I recall it took me a while to figure out something was wrong but there is something there that's going to go wrong with the math. Let me see if I can dig out the versions that did that so I can compare notes, it's possible you have it structured in a different way that prevents the eventually problems I hit with it.


If I recall it was either nudging the height by the amount they are over or under 1.0 everytime (for base or char scale can't remember) or it wasn't setting it up for things with weird scales like orcs right, something along the lines of setting scale would set both their scales for example 1.0 1.3 setscale 1.5 becomes 1.5 1.5 (something like that)


let me see if I can find my records and compare and see if that gives any hints.




Hi !

First of all, thanks for this mod CE0 !


I just installed the mod on a totally clean save, with all requirements and I have a strange bug : my character is a man and I can't interact with women but I can interact with other man ... I want the opposite, I'm not a gay man lol

Someone can help me ?

Thanks Tony,

You will need an XPMSE skeleton installed, any actor that doesn't have an SKSE skeleton will not be valid for the scene so it doesn't start. It's a little overkill since technically you can have a scene just fine without an SKSE skeleton but it helps lock out a lot of weird things from being considered actors and also XPMS skeleton is pretty much a unanimous considered an upgrade to the vanilla skeleton (I think) and is used by a lot of stuff so I think it's just overall good to have.




For now after all this testing i would say Skyrim Reloaded is not conflicting since im getting same crashes even without it. With all this random errors it seemed like i was only getting them when Skyrim Reloaded is installed but now with more tests it seems only issue is 0sex itself.


As to why CEO is not getting them it could be that he doesnt have Crash Fixes by meh321 installed in which case he would never get FootIk error message.

It could also be that he has more powerfull machine then 2 of us. If this errors are happening coz of memory issues then if he has more powerfull machine he would also not get them as much or at all.




Yea I don't use Crash Fixes and my system is kind of beast so those could both play into it. I have been thinking maybe it's something about the crash fixes. I did put a few very small safety things around the onload event in the 1.08 I put on nexus after the pilot test here, might or might not help. The crashing definitely isn't as wide spread as I thought it would be on nexus but traffic is fairly low though since most likely anyone interested that doesn't check this a lot doesn't really know anything happened. Haven't had reports of the crash but it seems there are a few stating it not working with reloaded however it seems here it is possible?

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I doubt it's a machine horsepower issue. Mine is an i5 12GB RAM 970GTX. Doesn't suck, but probably not worse than most common users would be running. Although, it is Win10, which is not beneficial for Skyrim graphics.


The Foot IK error from Crash Fixes is only an error trap for what would otherwise be a plain old CTD. Meaning, if you didn't have Crash Fixes installed, you would be getting a vanilla CTD instead of the Foot IK error message (which meh321 says is not actually a foot IK issue, but something else he can't yet identify). I am in no way suggesting anyone should run without meh321's Crash Fixes for any reason other than testing. Dude is a miracle worker.


Ah i was thinking it was machine power since mine isn't anywhere near what you have (Dual core cpu and 4 GB Ram) also Win 10. But if even you are getting same issues then problem is obviously something else.


While crash fixes only report footik issue they also change/fix some things that are not changed in ceo's game. Maybe one of those other settings is cousing problems while fixing some other issue.

I cant really get rid of that mod since im getting over 50 FPS inside and arround 25 outside, it fixes lots of stutering issues too. Like you said he is miracle worker.




Yea I don't use Crash Fixes and my system is kind of beast so those could both play into it. I have been thinking maybe it's something about the crash fixes. I did put a few very small safety things around the onload event in the 1.08 I put on nexus after the pilot test here, might or might not help. The crashing definitely isn't as wide spread as I thought it would be on nexus but traffic is fairly low though since most likely anyone interested that doesn't check this a lot doesn't really know anything happened. Haven't had reports of the crash but it seems there are a few stating it not working with reloaded however it seems here it is possible?


It could be that those tiny things you included helped a bit but game still seems way to random when its about 0sex. My final test for checking compatibility issues with Skyrim Reloaded was to see if i can load coc qasmoke with both installed (it used to crash there every time) but it loaded fine. So they can coexist together which is good news. Bad news is 0sex crashes way to much on its own. So i would remove that part from mod description on nexus at least till more people start complaining about incompatibility.

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Also for information on the crash since you guys are investigating I'll explain the actionscript side of what happens.


The onGameLoaded event is a lot of the times is not really going to do much.


The only things that are registered for it are actra actraga and actro. Any actor you've OSexed with that session gets an actra, any actor currently in a scene that's actually taking place has an actraga and one actor in each scene gets an actro (that serves as the coordinating hub).


When scenes end the actraga and actro are dispelled at the end of the scene, in the case that the game is saved with a live scene happening they would be removed in the onload event and the script would do it's normal unlocking stuff to let the actor move around again and have ai control.


The player is always given an actra right on game load however, so onGameLoad will always pick up the players actra. Remove it then reapply a new actra. 

The actra onGameLoaded results only in a self.dispel()


the actraga and actro has some turning off stuff it needs to do but it should be more uncommon that those are being removed on gameload since generally they would already have been closed out.




When the UI first turns on (Game Load or new session) it does a few things.


- Sends OnPreBoot

-Papyrus gets the ID designation of the UI widget ( oGlyph = oi.widgetId )

-Papyrus gets the client Language from Skyrim.ini and sends it to the UI.

-UI registers the language and loads up the appropriate language document

-Tells the UI that it's ready for more

-UI goes ahead with it's setup at this point 


The UI in setup sends 2 events to papyrus

-Once it's read the key.ini it tells Skyrim to get the keys

-Skyrim records the values of those keys. ( in OKEY[] array)

-It also casts a fresh Actra on the player here, since the keybinds are bound in the player's actra (it gets slightly upgraded when casted on the playerRef) The script has to make sure the keys are setup before casting the player's actra.


-Once it reads the act.xml it tells Skyrim to bind keys for casting actions

- Skyrim binds for each modules trigger key and records an index number for that key so the UI knows what module the keypress was for. Module trigger keys are bound in the persistent quest, general keys (up down left right ok yes tog etc.) are bound in the player's actra.




I'll try installing crash Fix and see if it starts causing the issue it would be issue then trying to remove it most likely

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Are you testing on a specific actor more than one time during the same gaming session? Have you tested on an actor currently under the effects of RaceToScale furniture (bar stool, rail lean marker, bed)?


Yeah I tested on many actors/races/genders, the nodes do scale up/down when RaceToScale furniture is in use.  I would guess that the problem with not using NetImmerse node scale checking is that GetScale does not compensate for race scaling afaik (for example, High Elves are base 1.08 and Breton Females are 0.95); GetScale returns 1.0 for both races in that case.


Here is the script I was using for testing if you would like to try out some options and/or integrate it into a solution of your own:



Place in _oOmni.psc:

osaByKey(StageID(), KBind.Find(KeyPress), PlayerRef, GlobalPosition, OSPELL, OME, OFaction, OPackage, OBlankStatic, glyph)

;place above osaByKey (or comment out osaByKey line to skip osa for testing)
place NodeDistanceTest()
Function NodeDistanceTest()
    ;node names can be taken from skeletons in NifSkope
    ;NodeDistance(PlayerRef, "AnimObjectA", "CharacterBumper") ;not as reliable
    ;NodeDistance(PlayerRef, "AnimObjectB", "CharacterBumper") ;best 3d, or z axis if actor is "upright"
    NodeDistance(PlayerRef, "CME Tail Spine [Spn0]", "CME Tail Spine1 [Spn1]") ; very good 3d
    NodeDistance(Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef(), "CME Tail Spine [Spn0]", "CME Tail Spine1 [Spn1]")

float Function NodeDistance(ObjectReference ref, string NodeA, string NodeB)
    bool fail = false
    If !NetImmerse.HasNode(ref, NodeA, false)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole(ref + " does not have NodeA: " + NodeA)
        fail = true
    If !NetImmerse.HasNode(ref, NodeB, false)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole(ref + " does not have NodeB: " + NodeB)
        fail = true
    If fail
        return -1.0
    float rx = NetImmerse.GetRelativeNodePositionX(ref, NodeA, nodeB, false)
    float ry = NetImmerse.GetRelativeNodePositionY(ref, NodeA, nodeB, false)
    float rz = NetImmerse.GetRelativeNodePositionZ(ref, NodeA, nodeB, false)
    float d = Math.sqrt((rx*rx) + (ry*ry) + (rz*rz))
    MiscUtil.PrintConsole(ref + " (rx,ry,rz) ~ d: \"" + NodeA + "\" to \"" + NodeB + "\" (" + rx + "," + ry + "," + rz + ") ~ " + d)
    return d




If you comment out the recommended line you can run around doing things in Skyrim hitting 0 to take measurements of yourself or actors under your crosshair.


Maybe a combined solution would work best? Your "end RaceToScale" followed by node measurement could be ideal.


There are a few things in your script:


The original actor scale might not be 1.0, so it should be stored before you modify it and passed along to be reset instead of assuming 1.0 scale:

Actra.SetScale(1.0) ; no kidding.  This is all there needs to be.

Is this for Nord NPCs? If so, there are other race/genders that would also need similar checks as they are not all 1.0 either.

if fNaturalScale != 1.03
	fScalingFactor = (1.03 / fNaturalScale)
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For now after all this testing i would say Skyrim Reloaded is not conflicting since im getting same crashes even without it. With all this random errors it seemed like i was only getting them when Skyrim Reloaded is installed but now with more tests it seems only issue is 0sex itself.


As to why CEO is not getting them it could be that he doesnt have Crash Fixes by meh321 installed in which case he would never get FootIk error message.

It could also be that he has more powerfull machine then 2 of us. If this errors are happening coz of memory issues then if he has more powerfull machine he would also not get them as much or at all.

I also have the constant CTD on loading with version 1.081. Just some facts:

-I have no Skyrim Reloaded (and never had, i don't know what is it).

-I have the Crash Fix too, but i set IKCrashWarn=0 in it's ini file, because this option does not actually fix anything, it just shows an useless annoying warning. So IMHO better to disable this option, which does nothing, but as i noticed, it too often interrupts the game even in the moments, when the game itself not actually was going to crash.

-Deleting CrashFixPlugin.dll not helps too. With or without it, OSex 1.081 anyways has 100% crash on load.

-Updating FNIS from version 5.5 to the latest version 6.2 does not help.

-Updating Nioverride to the latest version 3.4.4 does not help.

-Updating SkyUI from 4.1 to the latest version 5.1 does not help.

-Old version 1.063 worked fine in my game. But the new one i tried on the completely clean save, which was created before usage of any version of OSex. All files of the previous version also was completely deleted from my data folder (i just restored the old data folder from the backup, which was made before any version of OSex).

-Also i think this CTDs absolutely not depends from the less or more powerful machines, i have 32GB RAM and GTX Titan X with 12GB VRAM, but with version 1.081 i still have a 100% CTD on loading screen or in 1-2 seconds right after loading.

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Also for information on the crash since you guys are investigating I'll explain the actionscript side of what happens.


The onGameLoaded event is a lot of the times is not really going to do much.


The only things that are registered for it are actra actraga and actro. Any actor you've OSexed with that session gets an actra, any actor currently in a scene that's actually taking place has an actraga and one actor in each scene gets an actro (that serves as the coordinating hub).


When scenes end the actraga and actro are dispelled at the end of the scene, in the case that the game is saved with a live scene happening they would be removed in the onload event and the script would do it's normal unlocking stuff to let the actor move around again and have ai control.


The player is always given an actra right on game load however, so onGameLoad will always pick up the players actra. Remove it then reapply a new actra. 

The actra onGameLoaded results only in a self.dispel()


the actraga and actro has some turning off stuff it needs to do but it should be more uncommon that those are being removed on gameload since generally they would already have been closed out.




When the UI first turns on (Game Load or new session) it does a few things.


- Sends OnPreBoot

-Papyrus gets the ID designation of the UI widget ( oGlyph = oi.widgetId )

-Papyrus gets the client Language from Skyrim.ini and sends it to the UI.

-UI registers the language and loads up the appropriate language document

-Tells the UI that it's ready for more

-UI goes ahead with it's setup at this point 


The UI in setup sends 2 events to papyrus

-Once it's read the key.ini it tells Skyrim to get the keys

-Skyrim records the values of those keys. ( in OKEY[] array)

-It also casts a fresh Actra on the player here, since the keybinds are bound in the player's actra (it gets slightly upgraded when casted on the playerRef) The script has to make sure the keys are setup before casting the player's actra.


-Once it reads the act.xml it tells Skyrim to bind keys for casting actions

- Skyrim binds for each modules trigger key and records an index number for that key so the UI knows what module the keypress was for. Module trigger keys are bound in the persistent quest, general keys (up down left right ok yes tog etc.) are bound in the player's actra.




I'll try installing crash Fix and see if it starts causing the issue it would be issue then trying to remove it most likely





In selected area inside spoiler im worried about infinite loop possibility. Give, remove, give... remove?


I remember that i was getting FootIk error a lot when i had creature framework installed.

It used to do cloak spell to scan for all actors and it started on game load as well (cant remember if it was T-pose also).

Later author of CF included 3 or 4 sec delay on load, but even that was to heavy for me and was throwing extra popup errors so i removed that mod.


Also is it at game load when 0sa catches informations about esg, gender, and height or is it on sex start? If on sex start then you also have some problem there coz it doesnt always work.


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Greate mod! Thank you, greate CEO!


All worked perfectly.

But I have problem with scaling young woman and girls. I have a problem with girls, whose growth is less than growth of the protagonist (0.7-0.9 setscale). At the start they become in 1.2 - 2 times higher of my character, it's scary. If a girl the same height with the hero, all worked normal.

And I have another big problem - my hero can't let come. How about the cum to face of girl and not only. How about orgasm?

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Greate mod! Thank you, greate CEO!


All worked perfectly.

But I have problem with scaling young woman and girls. I have a problem with girls, whose growth is less than growth of the protagonist (0.7-0.9 setscale). At the start they become in 1.2 - 2 times higher of my character, it's scary. If a girl the same height with the hero, all worked normal.

And I have another big problem - my hero can't let come. How about the cum to face of girl and not only. How about orgasm?


Hi Sed,

Thank you for the nice comments.


I intentionally shut down small actors due to morality reasons, even if it comes at the cost of shutting out dwarves and other legit short races. It sounds like you are speaking about the end result however as they will be grown to the standard height on starting the scene. There is one major bug I couldn't solve yet for launch that we are working on right now in this thread to fix and it's regards to scale. The further an actor is from the ideal scale to start you'll notice more and more deviation in size during the scene. Starting the scene a second time with the same actor might fix this in some cases. 


Orgasms will be returning soon, they are in the works and now that coding development is slowing down I'll have a lot more time to animate and make these things happen.

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Also for information on the crash since you guys are investigating I'll explain the actionscript side of what happens.


The onGameLoaded event is a lot of the times is not really going to do much.


The only things that are registered for it are actra actraga and actro. Any actor you've OSexed with that session gets an actra, any actor currently in a scene that's actually taking place has an actraga and one actor in each scene gets an actro (that serves as the coordinating hub).


When scenes end the actraga and actro are dispelled at the end of the scene, in the case that the game is saved with a live scene happening they would be removed in the onload event and the script would do it's normal unlocking stuff to let the actor move around again and have ai control.


The player is always given an actra right on game load however, so onGameLoad will always pick up the players actra. Remove it then reapply a new actra. 

The actra onGameLoaded results only in a self.dispel()


the actraga and actro has some turning off stuff it needs to do but it should be more uncommon that those are being removed on gameload since generally they would already have been closed out.




When the UI first turns on (Game Load or new session) it does a few things.


- Sends OnPreBoot

-Papyrus gets the ID designation of the UI widget ( oGlyph = oi.widgetId )

-Papyrus gets the client Language from Skyrim.ini and sends it to the UI.

-UI registers the language and loads up the appropriate language document

-Tells the UI that it's ready for more

-UI goes ahead with it's setup at this point 


The UI in setup sends 2 events to papyrus

-Once it's read the key.ini it tells Skyrim to get the keys

-Skyrim records the values of those keys. ( in OKEY[] array)

-It also casts a fresh Actra on the player here, since the keybinds are bound in the player's actra (it gets slightly upgraded when casted on the playerRef) The script has to make sure the keys are setup before casting the player's actra.


-Once it reads the act.xml it tells Skyrim to bind keys for casting actions

- Skyrim binds for each modules trigger key and records an index number for that key so the UI knows what module the keypress was for. Module trigger keys are bound in the persistent quest, general keys (up down left right ok yes tog etc.) are bound in the player's actra.




I'll try installing crash Fix and see if it starts causing the issue it would be issue then trying to remove it most likely





In selected area inside spoiler im worried about infinite loop possibility. Give, remove, give... remove?


I remember that i was getting FootIk error a lot when i had creature framework installed.

It used to do cloak spell to scan for all actors and it started on game load as well (cant remember if it was T-pose also).

Later author of CF included 3 or 4 sec delay on load, but even that was to heavy for me and was throwing extra popup errors so i removed that mod.


Also is it at game load when 0sa catches informations about esg, gender, and height or is it on sex start? If on sex start then you also have some problem there coz it doesnt always work.




Hi Kinky, I don't think the infinite loop is there, the onload event goes out first which kills actra on the player then after keybindings are figured out it casts a new actra which registers for the new keys. A Spell would reapply itself if it's double casted so worst case if timings somehow got crazy off it would cast a new actra and reregister for keys again but then would remove the actra so keybindings wouldn't work but that would only happen once and I don't think it can because of some timing things I put in to manage it.


There is one thing I've noticed in developing this. The locking in place process, once an actor is unlocked entirely something happens after they take the first step. In prior versions I've noticed differences if you end a scene and cast a scene right away without taking a step as the player character as opposed to if you walk one step at least and then cast again. I believe there is some kind of flag in Skyrim that changes after a first step in regards to one of the things in the unlocking process. Maybe somehow this can be saved with the game and cause problems.


We'll figure this out though don't worry. Do you remember what demo exactly started the crashing? The test results seem random as to when a crash happens or doesn't is there any pattern you are noticing that makes it happen more or less?




Also is your plumber position dom thrusting, or sub moving their head sucking.

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With XPMSE, the mod working fine, yeah!

Well, then perhaps you are just more lucky than me. But XPMSE also does not helps against the CTDs.


After reading your post i restored again my data folder from the backup. Then i updated my old XPMS to XPMSE and installed it's additional requirement - Realistic Ragdolls Force. Then i tried to load the clean save first with updated skeleton, FNIS, SkyUI and Nioverride - all the latest versions, but without OSex, to ensure that this save loads perfectly after updating all the requirements mentioned above.


Then i installed again the OSex 1.081 - the result again is negative - almost always CTD during loading screen (approximately 80% of attempts to load), or even if the save loads successfully, it anyways instantly freezes and then crashes during 1-2 seconds after it is loaded. Instant crash after loading the save happens with 100% probability.


Perhaps the new version of OSex depends also from some another minor requirements, which was by lucky coincidence installed in your game and in CEO's game, but not installed in the games of other people like me, and which he just forgot to mention in the requirements.


Or maybe it conflicts with some of the other 253 mods installed in my game, but i think this supposition has lower probability, because old version 1.063 works good in my configuration of the game.

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For now after all this testing i would say Skyrim Reloaded is not conflicting since im getting same crashes even without it. With all this random errors it seemed like i was only getting them when Skyrim Reloaded is installed but now with more tests it seems only issue is 0sex itself.
As to why CEO is not getting them it could be that he doesnt have Crash Fixes by meh321 installed in which case he would never get FootIk error message.
It could also be that he has more powerfull machine then 2 of us. If this errors are happening coz of memory issues then if he has more powerfull machine he would also not get them as much or at all.

I also have the constant CTD on loading with version 1.081. Just some facts:
-I have no Skyrim Reloaded (and never had, i don't know what is it).
-I have the Crash Fix too, but i set IKCrashWarn=0 in it's ini file, because this option does not actually fix anything, it just shows an useless annoying warning. So IMHO better to disable this option, which does nothing, but as i noticed, it too often interrupts the game even in the moments, when the game itself not actually was going to crash.
-Deleting CrashFixPlugin.dll not helps too. With or without it, OSex 1.081 anyways has 100% crash on load.
-Updating FNIS from version 5.5 to the latest version 6.2 does not help.
-Updating Nioverride to the latest version 3.4.4 does not help.
-Updating SkyUI from 4.1 to the latest version 5.1 does not help.
-Old version 1.063 worked fine in my game. But the new one i tried on the completely clean save, which was created before usage of any version of OSex. All files of the previous version also was completely deleted from my data folder (i just restored the old data folder from the backup, which was made before any version of OSex).
-Also i think this CTDs absolutely not depends from the less or more powerful machines, i have 32GB RAM and GTX Titan X with 12GB VRAM, but with version 1.081 i still have a 100% CTD on loading screen or in 1-2 seconds right after loading.





Same thing here I did everything you did as well still crash on load every time. Until I tried deleting my skyrimprefs.ini and that made it able to boot up once but if I try loading it again I'll get a crash. It's very odd. 

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Relating to both of your posts let's figure this out. I use a light modded Skyrim so if it is a conflict it's likely a result of a mod as opposed to not having one. Here's my installed list of everything that isn't a texture:


unoffical Skyrim Patches

SafteyLoad <---------------------

OneTweak <--------- Could be one of these

MyCustomSKSE.ini <-------- pasted at bottom



Realistic Ragdoll Force

Birdsofskyrim (Definitely not this)

skyBirds (Yes I like birds)




Dual Sheath Redux Patch


Morning Fogs.esp






** I stuff a bunch of meshes into 0S.esp where I canabilze mod stuff I like and put custom npc /followers which is why you don't see equipment and SoS in my load order but those are in there but I don't think relevant to this.


I also have my SKSE.ini in my load order with the following settings:






The display is for high texture make up. The rest idk but I suppose I had a reason to put them in there at some point, can't remember.




Sorry you are having trouble here Scorpion,

There might be two things at play. There's a boot crash that can occur if the UI can't get all the information it needs this would be related to having in the past certain mods installed like less intrusive hud II etc. What this will look like is a freeze that happens 2-3 seconds after loading into the game, you'll see your PC and the world but just for an instant then the screen will freeze and you'll have to alt tab delete out of it.





To confirm everytime you delete your skyrimprefs.ini it will work?

If you get it working and then hit load it stops working?

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Hi Kinky, I don't think the infinite loop is there, the onload event goes out first which kills actra on the player then after keybindings are figured out it casts a new actra which registers for the new keys. A Spell would reapply itself if it's double casted so worst case if timings somehow got crazy off it would cast a new actra and reregister for keys again but then would remove the actra so keybindings wouldn't work but that would only happen once and I don't think it can because of some timing things I put in to manage it.




Also is your plumber position dom thrusting, or sub moving their head sucking.



Im sure you protected it from happening but since ive seen T-pose not happening even though its there on start of animation coz of not enough time for papyrus to process things it could happen that our "weaker computers" get stuck on load in same way and that something is skipped. For test you could simply increase those timings a bit to see if it helps us against crashes.


I think crashing issues started with demo 6 and 7. As you have read from my testing i cant really find any patern it happens at random even if i repeat same actions. This is why i think it could be script lag that either does or doesnt play the script like it should.


Plumber its dom thrusting but if you can make it semi-romantic (where both enjoy it) instead of violent looking that would be great. Something like this:








And if i can get bonus one i would like something like this too :P








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GetScale does not compensate for race scaling afaik (for example, High Elves are base 1.08 and Breton Females are 0.95); GetScale returns 1.0 for both races in that case.

I don't for a second think I can teach you something about writing code. But, I might be able to shine some light on some things I recently learned about the way GetScale and SetScale really work.


Maybe GetScale in the console returns 1.0 for all actors. GetScale() in papyrus does not. It returns (the actor form's height setting) * (the race form's height setting per sex). Check out the screenshots I posted. All the ones with a messagebox saying "Natural Scale" are nothing more than the GetScale() funciton saved to a var. I performed the tests on NPCs whose race, sex and actor height I'd looked up in the CK and written down so I could verify the GetScale() results with a calculator.


Maybe a combined solution would work best? Your "end RaceToScale" followed by node measurement could be ideal.

I know it would work, so long as your bone code works. I tested the RaceToScale portion of the code a week ago with CEO's current scaling method and it resolved miscalculations based on RaceToScale, while not resolving the general miscalculation. If CEO prefers to stick with bones because it's a less radical change to his codebase, he should try your solution. He's going to have to deal with bones anyway because of SOS. My solution, while reducing use of NetImmerse, would by no means completely eliminate the need for it. Assuming your solution works, the only real advantage of doing it my way is that it is less complex and reduces code overall.



The original actor scale might not be 1.0, so it should be stored before you modify it and passed along to be reset instead of assuming 1.0 scale:

Actra.SetScale(1.0) ; no kidding.  This is all there needs to be.
Is this for Nord NPCs? If so, there are other race/genders that would also need similar checks as they are not all 1.0 either.

if fNaturalScale != 1.03
	fScalingFactor = (1.03 / fNaturalScale)


If what you're saying is true, my code wouldn't have worked on the Breton, Imperial and High Elf (who also have non-default actor heights in the CK) in the screenshots I provided. But it does work. It is easier to understand if you forget what you know about race, actor height and sex. We are dealing with an objectreference's size here, which in the case of actors, is originally derived from all those things, but the result is a simple objectreference scale number. That number and the target number is all we need for calculations. Another way of putting it; ignore why a basketball is bigger than a softball and focus on the size of each ball.


The hard part was figuring out what SetScale is actually doing under the hood. Which is not something mentioned on the CK wiki.


The SetScale function itself performs a multiplication calculation.


SetScale(1.0) = (Original Object Scale * 1.0).


SetScale(1.5) = (Original Object Scale * 1.5).


Any number you feed it is going to be multiplied by the original object scale. The original object scale is a constant per actor per gaming session. It is derived from (height * race sex), but is in reality the scale the objectreference was at the beginning of the gaming session.


CEO's ideal dom scale is that of a male nord. So, my code needs to make the actor the size of a male nord. That simple calculation does it unless the actor is already the size of a male nord. It looks like there is just division taking place. There is both division and multiplication taking place, because SetScale itself multiplies.


SetScale() is not cumulative. When you scale something with SetScale(), it looks at the object's original scale. It does not look at its current scale (unless the original scale and current scale happen to be the same, which is the case on all first scaling attempts). All your math has to be based on the assumption that the object's original scale is the multiplier. So, when scaling an object to be different than its original scale, you must calculate the percentage difference between the original scale (which on first attempts is also the current scale) and the ideal target scale. But, when you want to revert the object back to its original scale, you don't need to calculate at all, because the object's original scale is always the multiplier. That's why all I needed to revert scaling back to natural was SetScale(1.0), which does nothing more than tell the object to be its original scale.


Later today I realized I didn't test for a scenario where someone had used the console to change an actor's scale and then baked that change into their game save. I do not know if SetScale() will consider the game save scale to be the original scale (I suspect it will), or if it will consider the scale derived from CK settings to be the original scale. If the former, my method works the same. If the latter, the scaling for animation would work, but it would then undo the scaling change the user had made in the console that was saved in his game. Frankly, I could care less. I just saved some NPC modder the headache of explaining why his NPC beautification mod is producing mesh separation at the neck, because a user was playing with console commands before downloading his NPC mod.

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I'm going to be honest with you guys and say that I'm doing my own tests on this too but scale in Skyrim is such a beast that I might need additional helping in a clear code that absolutely solves this problem if you guys are close and stumble upon it. I just mean there's a lot going on and I'm having trouble seeing how to take this all and apply it to the script to solve this problem since it's so complex. We've had a lot of discussion and many code examples but before I can implement I'll need more guidance just because I'm having a hard time seeing how all the pieces go together and what part of what example is working or isn't.


In some cases I also know that scale methods will produce reliable results a lot of the time but under certain circumstances will start doing weird things because I did a lot of development on this pre resorting to Oheight so hit a lot of those walls one by one but can't quite remember the cause and reasons for failure of different approaches. I'm not saying these will hit the same one's I just mean that scale has hidden suprises on a lot of paths that can show up even if not apparent.


My own tests are trying to go back to whatever demo didn't have this problem and seeing what exactly started it happening.



Scale is so crazy in Skyrim I might need help making this all clear in how to implement exactly if we are going to pull this off, there's a lot going on so I'm confused where exactly to start on testing to get a 100% perfect solution implemented. Beth really went over the top on scale this could all be so simple, I suppose having a combined race and character scale is the crux or at least the math that applies it combined with not having access and control to both of those floats through papyrus or being able to set them individually. 

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Green= i have it

White= i dont have

Red= Dangerous



unoffical Skyrim Patches  ------------> I have combined version USLEEP

SafteyLoad <---------------------   ------> No longer needed with crash fixes v 10 and UseOSAllocators=1 inside crashfixplugin.ini

OneTweak <--------- Could be one of these

MyCustomSKSE.ini <-------- pasted at bottom



Realistic Ragdoll Force

Birdsofskyrim (Definitely not this)

skyBirds (Yes I like birds) --------> causes save bloat




Dual Sheath Redux Patch


Morning Fogs.esp


















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Need a test of the plugin system to see if it's working. It's the same wiz sex as before just installed a plugin. No change to animations yet but I will have it fully animated within a week or two and then release it. Anyone that has time let me know if it works please? It's linked on this post.






Also thanks Kinky, it seems like you are matching what I have at least since anything grey has nothing to do with start up it seems like. I really like birds so I'm sad that birds causes a problem. Honestly I did read that and people were complaining about it and saw some patches and things but it just got too confusing. The problem with those kind of mods for me (environmental, lod and static boosters etc.) Is they have all like a 10 step foundation of patches for each other. USEMP requires the ELFX Patch that then needs the USEMP ELFX patch on the SIM Patch and then the SIM SEUMP Patch for ELFX Patch only if using the ELFx Patch for dawnguard that needs the SIM Patch if you are using the Windmill LOD Patch for SEUMP but half of those patches use an alternate patch if you are using Climate of Tamriel etc. In order to begin getting it setup I need to make a detailed chart of how the load order should be to make it all work and not just overwrite everything that I'm trying to upgrade. So I'm just like Fuck It I'll just get bugged out birds then.

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I don't for a second think I can teach you something about writing code. But, I might be able to shine some light on some things I recently learned about the way GetScale and SetScale really work.


Maybe GetScale in the console returns 1.0 for all actors. GetScale() in papyrus does not. It returns (the actor form's height setting) * (the race form's height setting per sex). Check out the screenshots I posted. All the ones with a messagebox saying "Natural Scale" are nothing more than the GetScale() funciton saved to a var. I performed the tests on NPCs whose race, sex and actor height I'd looked up in the CK and written down so I could verify the GetScale() results with a calculator.

Actually feel free to teach me if I am wrong, no one is perfect  :).  I had forgotten that GetScale/SetScale work differently in papyrus vs. console.


Later today I realized I didn't test for a scenario where someone had used the console to change an actor's scale and then baked that change into their game save. [...]

Actually I should have been more specific, as that was the exact situation I was referring to rather than a baked in scale difference.  Personally when I make followers for myself I usually leave them at 1.0 scale in the .esp and then set it later in console based on how big I think they should look, what armor, etc.


If ignoring the bone sizes can be made to work reliably then I'd say go for it.  I have only been looking at different bone measurements as a means to eliminate the need for any forced T-Pose etc. that is performance dependent and could cause reliability issues.

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Hi Kinky,

Yes it should autodetect and go as long as you put the files in place and run FNIS. Consistency is fine will do that until I finish linking up the rest of the animations. Did it work ok?


And yes I thought that graphic came out good, maybe I will put in a help option and bring up something like that with a list of keys it might help.

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