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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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Just tested 1.08 demo 6


Chickens or other animals no longer make game unplayable.

New cowgirl doesnt have exit path but now you are able to close 0sex.

New animation in wizard sex for start jerk off while floating looks nice, fast blowjob one seems to fast for floating.

Tiebreaker now properly asigns taller actor with dom role.

Weapon unequip properly removes its icon from list of choices.


New keys in key.ini not sure what they do:



New options to hide esg slots (ill have to test this more).


Unequipping is broken. I couldnt unequip guard helm, there was no choice at all. my player character only had choice to remove weapon. main menu unequipping works but i had option showing unindentified item that is using all slots character has equipped with some items.

Slot 31 still seem to be problematic. (ill have to test all this more with my custom esg)

Redressing can mess up 0sex if you start another scene while character from previous scene is still redressing. For example first time character from first scene stopped redressing and didnt know what to do next, 2nd time while guard was still redressing scene with new NPC started but there was no visible UI. I was able to exit 0sex and start over.




Also face light started on sub but not on dom character on sex start. Not sure if its a bug or intended.

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Just tested 1.08 demo 6


Chickens or other animals no longer make game unplayable.

New cowgirl doesnt have exit path but now you are able to close 0sex.

New animation in wizard sex for start jerk off while floating looks nice, fast blowjob one seems to fast for floating.

Tiebreaker now properly asigns taller actor with dom role.

Weapon unequip properly removes its icon from list of choices.


New keys in key.ini not sure what they do:








New options to hide esg slots (ill have to test this more).


Unequipping is broken. I couldnt unequip guard helm, there was no choice at all. my player character only had choice to remove weapon. main menu unequipping works but i had option showing unindentified item that is using all slots character has equipped with some items.

Slot 31 still seem to be problematic. (ill have to test all this more with my custom esg)

Redressing can mess up 0sex if you start another scene while character from previous scene is still redressing. For example first time character from first scene stopped redressing and didnt know what to do next, 2nd time while guard was still redressing scene with new NPC started but there was no visible UI. I was able to exit 0sex and start over.


Hi Kinky,

Thanks for the feedback as always. WizSex is the same but I remembered I had some breaks in the xml files and fixed them up when translating, still a lot of animation to go, some of it is done just needs an export I'll see how much I can patch before launch. I might delay wiz sex another week to give me time to complete it after I launch on nexus and to get a second surge of interest.


The new keys are stuff that aren't in yet but some of them will be soon. Basically my plan for everything. These are more advanced features and optional in usage: Some of them will most likely be cut as keys and put into the right panel menu, but Inspect Vanish, Hud and Quick will most likely become perm keys.


-Inspect is a key for outside of scenes that lets you look at profile, story, other data, and manage equipment of actors. It will also be used to initiate observation mode and join into a scene that can be converted to a 3-way for example when I have that functionality in. You'd inspect an actor in the scene and it will show profile data but one of the options would be to observe which would let you UI control an npc npc scene.


- Vanish will hide the UI for screen shots and sometimes reading console is a pain when the UI doesn't go away.


- HUD will be overlays that show data on screen. Like arousal score, spank damage etc. maybe xray also. HUD will toggle through or hide different overlays for different actors


- Option will be for quick short cuts to things, like TFC.


- Quick will be a customizable quick bar that takes plugins. This is where i'll put your orgasm anytime button and you can stick stuff like fast undress on this too etc. if you want to save time


- Book will come when I let the user set keybinds in the UI. Besides binding spells to a hotkey you can bind it to a cross shape UI that you can call up. For scenes that you don't need instabutton starts for you can put them in your book and bring up the UI and cast from there. Obviously this doesn't matter much since OSex is the only OSA module but might help in the future.





For stripping I did some testing now and it seems to all be working so I'll keep looking. I did a lot to the script to try to figure out when the player is in the script or not to be able to hide the UI, this will benefit NPC NPC scenes so a majority of the work is almost there. I'm assuming there was some kind of hole in the script where I missed having this check go all the way through. Do you remember anything specific you did that around, like arranging the actors, now that I think about it I most likely did not make arrange actors switch who it thought the player character was etc. I'll see what I can find.


Unequip menu I'm not sure about. I'll check for that also. Are no esg-specific options showing up at all for anyone except for the Undefined options (+ the default menu stuff)? Undefined is everything that doesn't fall into an esg character I need to rename it to something and have it use that instead.


I'll fix slot 31 now. Is there a specific item you are testing on that I would have access to so I know exactly how to recreate it? 


Thanks Kinky!

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Ill go for another round of testing with my custom esg setup but before that to answer about slot 31: It was always problem with hood, cape and dragon priest mask. Try to equip one of those items then unequip it with main menu unequip options. It will fail.

As for stripping you can see from screenshot that guard still has helm on and my character is fully dressed but no options to undress any item.

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Ill go for another round of testing with my custom esg setup but before that to answer about slot 31: It was always problem with hood, cape and dragon priest mask. Try to equip one of those items then unequip it with main menu unequip options. It will fail.

As for stripping you can see from screenshot that guard still has helm on and my character is fully dressed but no options to undress any item.


Got it Kinky thanks, I see what you mean. I have a similar problem on mine where sometimes my male will not redress their cuirass. I think it's something to do with items that have multiple slots assigned to it, like it's only registering for one slot and overwriting others. I'll see what I can find, it's a little mysterious but most likely an easy fix once I find the culprit.

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Event OnTPoseSpam()
        ;---------- new ----------
	if (Actra.GetSitState() > 2)
		Actra.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), (40 * Math.Sin(Game.GetPlayer().GetAngleZ())), (40 * Math.Cos(Game.GetPlayer().GetAngleZ())), 0.0, abMatchRotation = false)
	debug.sendanimationevent(Actra, "OSA_TPose")
The goal is to get the NPC out of a chair prior to your measuring routine.  The added code should do that.  It will put the NPC directly in front of the player, standing up.  I realize this would have to be adjusted for multiple actors and I might need a different approach for laying down furniture such as beds, but I'd want to see if this works first.  Theoretically, you could also remove the "if (Actra.GetSitState() > 2)" and just run the ResetRoot and MoveTo on standing NPCs.  It should kill any animation they are currently running and hopefully reduce the number of times the spamming would be required (if it still needs to be spammed).



I'm still looking into this and appreciate this very much Migal. I haven't got around to including it yet I need some help understanding some things.


1. My trig sucks, can you explain the purpose of your angle adjustments and checks so I can apply this. Math.Sin.  Math.Cos and abMatchRotation


2. ResetRoot a kind of special animation? What does it do once applied?



Relating to this I had a hell of a time making the lightning bolt coming from the ground effect, that you see in some Wizard Sex scenes, and also casting from their hands outwards. They all will have it just only the early one's in the chain do now.


Basically I wanted to place an object at a location tied to a math generated circle around the actor. The math behind this to generate XY coordinates seemed like it would require 20 lines of papyrus with tons of stuff and checks to pull off, plus my sin, cos and pi math are super weak. It's the kind of thing that could happen every second or two and would destroy papyrus most likely so I decided to screw doing it math based.


Now it's based on a bone node that I animate to spin around the actors. (NPC Item3 I believe) and the cast occurs from wherever that is towards the defined node of the actors body. Time consuming from an animating export point of view but the math just seemed to heavy and complicated even if I did invest enough time to clearly understand the math and implement it right.


It also had an effect on casting out of hands, like in the first scene of wiz sex where bolts go outward from their hands. I couldn't calculate the actors rotation well enough to place a targeting object at 90 and -90 degrees of the actor etc. it also becomes complicated because it always assumes they are at the 0,0,0 tpose and not their current animated postion. Those casts are also now done by putting another bone out there in the animation that is serving as the casting point or targeting point.


ResetRoot nulls the after effects of any previously played animation and/or breaks actors out of looping animations, including animations triggered automatically by furniture. A dancing NPC or an NPC doing the wave-the-mug-around animation should immediately stop when issued ResetRoot.


The MoveTo formula simply places the targeted actor directly in front of the player, about an arm's length away, at the same vertical height. If the last parameter was abMatchRotation = true, the targeted actor would also end up matching the player's rotation.


My math also sucks, but I have a modding partner with strong math fu. He's the one I go to with bizarre trig or calc questions. We were having an email conversation about your skeleton node measurement today.


This is the case I made to him: Math evidence suggests your T-Pose is not being consistently applied prior to measurement. The Root is a point between the two feet. The head is a vertical bone from roughly the neck up through the head. If the actor is not in a T-Pose, the measurement will be radically altered by the actor sitting or lying down. It will be slightly altered by one of the actor's feet being higher than the other due to terrain and IK chains. All three of these scenarios appear to happen sometimes, which indicates the T-Pose is not always fully applied before measurement under all circumstances. My previous code suggestion would attempt to force the issue with a sledgehammer by yanking the actor out of a chair and putting them in front of the player. If the problem is script or animation lag, a more simple solution might be just adding a little wait time prior to measurement. Something like:


Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string zAE)

			UnRegisterForAnimationEvent(Actra, "0STPOSE")
			string[] OHeight = new string[2]
			OHeight[0] = FormID
			OHeight[1] = NetImmerse.GetRelativeNodePositionZ(Actra, "NPC Root [Root]", "NPC Head [Head]", false)
			oi.oSS(".com.skyActraOHeight", OHeight)
			Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Actra, "IdleForceDefaultState")
			ActorMeasured = True
wait.(0.4) would just be a starting point for testing. Ideally, it would work at wait(0.1). If it does work but causes a visible T-Pose, we could recruit my friend to offer some math that gets around the T-Pose altogether, but requires significantly more calculation (multiple bones and the Pythagorean Theorem).


If I could figure out how to access the RaceToScale furniture animation flag, this would be comically easy. Unfortunately, I haven't yet learned if it is stored in the animation files or entirely interpreted in Skyrim.exe (and I'm sure I'm not the first one to ponder the question).

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Thank you so much Migal that all makes sense, and very thorough. It's a shame really because such a simple thing could easily have been done in papyrus but we just can't get that information to output accurately. Now it takes a beast of a function to even begin to get close. Especially now the UI would have a lot more power if it could just pull all an actors data in one call instead of waiting around until papyrus can get to doing the whole process of measuring.


Only thing I can help with/point out there is that I believe root node is the base node for the "COM" node which is the main first bone in the hierarchy. It attaches to the pelvis area and everything else comes off of that. I think the  leg position will not effect this. it's the spot placed on what the game will return as the actor's Z position. However if the foot IK triggers it might set the position of their head differently if the animation adjusts so that's a good point, I have a IK disable in my script and I'll see if it's being called before the TPose occurs and yea any deviation in the head placement from the TPose when the measurement occurs will make significantly incorrect measurements.


I'll give it a go now. The ResetRoot sounds really promising as the functionality i was trying to work around. One issue might still be that the incorrect measurement is a result of things happening directly after and not before. Like if they are told to sheath their weapons, they might sneak in the TPose with weapons out then instantly start blending to the sheath weapon animation which might occur before the measurement concludes, this could apply to sitting etc. also. I don't think sheath for example makes papyrus stop until complete, I think it just gives the command then keeps on going but I could be wrong.

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Ill go for another round of testing with my custom esg setup but before that to answer about slot 31: It was always problem with hood, cape and dragon priest mask. Try to equip one of those items then unequip it with main menu unequip options. It will fail.

As for stripping you can see from screenshot that guard still has helm on and my character is fully dressed but no options to undress any item.


Got it Kinky thanks, I see what you mean. I have a similar problem on mine where sometimes my male will not redress their cuirass. I think it's something to do with items that have multiple slots assigned to it, like it's only registering for one slot and overwriting others. I'll see what I can find, it's a little mysterious but most likely an easy fix once I find the culprit.



In case of hoods only slot they have asigned to them is slot 31 (hair).


Normaly i would simply add slot 31 as another option to your esg.xml in order for 0sex to allow me to unequip and equip item from that slot. Problem is that slot (31) is always shown in menu and usualy shows whatever item actor has equipped on the head - inside slots 31(hood, dragon priest mask, hat) or 42 (helm ,circlet).


So in short: hood is only taking slot 31.

Esg button for slot 31 is showing items from slots 31 and 42 (if nothing is in slot 31 it will show 42)

Esg button for slot 31 cannot unequip item from slot 31.


Anyway in another test i was able to undress (animations) armor from Lydia, but there were no options for necklace and ring.

Player character again only had option to undress (animations) weapon.


Then i went to main menu and this was showing for player character, same as in previous test.

(this probably shows that something is wrong and why items are not recognized properly for undressing. Notice only items not on this slots are 31- hood and weapon/magic that i was able to unequip by using animations)




As mentioned before i used Tiebreaker =2 during this tests. I will try with 1 instead and see if that fixes things.


Also while tiebreaker =2 setting works properly by asigning proper role to actors, sometimes its not giving them proper height (the one you decided to give them), so sometimes they are almost equal height. Usualy restarting scene fixes things.


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Hi Kinky, thanks I'm going over this now. Yes that should all be categorized by ESG if working correctly. Can you post your esg.xml if you've made any changes on it so I can see also while testing?


New stuff like Rings Necklace Earrings, should be showing up correctly in ESG, but only earrings will get an icon atm the rest will be black circle but they should have an entry none the less. They will not have animations yet to remove them.


at the very least gloves and rings should be going in since I know in my defaults they are set at:


<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="rings" s="36"/>
and that seems to align with your set up based on the screenshot. Cuirass and boots also.
Can anyone else that can set up ESG confirm if they are getting things to display in menu?
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This is latest esg that i had while testing.





<name weapon="Weapons" shield="Shield" helmet="Helmet | Circlet" cuirass="Cuirass" gloves="Gloves" boots="Boots" cape="Cape" amulet="Amulet" ring="Ring" stockings="Socks" intlow="Subligar | Briefs" inthigh="Undershirt" misclow="Lower Body Accessories" miscup="Upper Body Accesories" miscarms="Arm Accesories" pants="Pants"/>

<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>
<esg id="shield" s="39"/>
<esg id="cuirass" s="32"/>
<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="boots" s="37"/>
<esg id="cape" s="46"/>
<esg id="amulet" s="35"/>
<esg id="ring" s="36"/>
<esg id="stockings" s="54"/>
<esg id="intlow" s="45"/>
<esg id="inthigh" s="56"/>
<esg id="misclow" s="53"/>
<esg id="miscmid" s="49"/>
<esg id="miscup" s="48"/>
<esg id="miscarms" s="59"/>
<esg id="pants" s="52"/>


<esg s="61"/>
<esg s="52"/>


<name weapon="Weapons" shield="Shield" helmet="Circlet | Helmet" cuirass="Cuirass" gloves="Gloves" boots="Boots" cape="Cape" amulet="Amulet" ring="Ring" stockings="Stockings" intlow="Panties" inthigh="Brassiere" misclow="Lower Body Accessories" miscup="Upper Body Accesories" miscarms="Arm Accesories" pants="Pants | Skirt"/>

<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>
<esg id="shield" s="39"/>
<esg id="cuirass" s="32"/>
<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="boots" s="37"/>
<esg id="cape" s="46"/>
<esg id="amulet" s="35"/>
<esg id="ring" s="36"/>
<esg id="stockings" s="54"/>
<esg id="intlow" s="45"/>
<esg id="inthigh" s="56"/>
<esg id="misclow" s="53"/>
<esg id="miscmid" s="49"/>
<esg id="miscup" s="48"/>
<esg id="miscarms" s="59"/>
<esg id="pants" s="52"/>



<esg s="61"/>
<esg s="52"/>





I added 52 to exception for testing. I thought it would hide slot 52 from main menu unequip but it didnt.


In my first test i used your original esg that comes with latest beta. I had same results as in last screenshot.

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Hi Kinky, Thanks!

Still looking into other things as to why the menu isn't showing up. Is it definitely a clean save? I need to wait to see if menu isn't functioning for all before figuring out where to look for the problem. Is that same effect of all items being put into Undefined happening for all actors or only some?



<esg id="helmet" s="30"/>

<esg id="helmet" s="31"/>

<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>


Would adding something like to your helmet fix the issue? The guard for example I believe is wearing something in slot 30 so adding more of your helmet slots might fix that problem at least?


There's going to be cases where without changing the slots yourself manually that it can't always align perfectly, but it's the only way I could see to have the potential to always have the animations be true to exactly what the user was wearing. 


I think the slot you are referring to 31 is a special case where it returns hair so this might need some kind of exception. Let me check some things out. However I think it might only display the hair if a new hair is equipped, meaning the 32 is where the naked body is for example but it only returns 32 if you have something equipped in 32 which overwrites the body.



Also just for testing sake you can remove <name> as it's been put in it's own ini and there some new slots that aren't in there. I don't see that being the cause of this problem though.

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I run the game now with sortTieBreaker=1 and everything was fine. Except for slot 31. That behaves the same as described above.

I will try to alternate few more times between 1 and 2 to confirm this. This time i was able to unequip helm from guard and he reequipped it after scene ended.


It is definately clean save with no sex mods at all (i made it yesterday coz sexlab is getting an update, defeat got one, 0sex is getting one so wanted to be able to test fresh).


Helms are slot 42. that esg button is working with no issues (i can equip and unequip helms). Hoods have issues. I could add slot 31 hood to esg for testing but i think i did that before and it didnt do anything. Will try again.


Slot 31 is special in some way and doesnt function like other slots.


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Wow finaly progress. I got it to unequip.

So aparently i had to add slot 31 to esg.xml. This is my new esg.xml.






<name weapon="Weapons" shield="Shield" helmet="Helmet | Circlet" hood="Hood" cuirass="Cuirass" gloves="Gloves" boots="Boots" cape="Cape" amulet="Amulet" ring="Ring" stockings="Socks" intlow="Subligar | Briefs" inthigh="Undershirt" misclow="Lower Body Accessories" miscup="Upper Body Accesories" miscarms="Arm Accesories" pants="Pants"/>

<esg id="hood" s="31"/>
<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>
<esg id="shield" s="39"/>
<esg id="cuirass" s="32"/>
<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="boots" s="37"/>
<esg id="cape" s="46"/>
<esg id="amulet" s="35"/>
<esg id="ring" s="36"/>
<esg id="stockings" s="54"/>
<esg id="intlow" s="45"/>
<esg id="inthigh" s="56"/>
<esg id="misclow" s="53"/>
<esg id="miscmid" s="49"/>
<esg id="miscup" s="48"/>
<esg id="miscarms" s="59"/>
<esg id="pants" s="52"/>


<esg s="61"/>
<esg s="52"/>


<name weapon="Weapons" shield="Shield" helmet="Circlet | Helmet" hood="Hood" cuirass="Cuirass" gloves="Gloves" boots="Boots" cape="Cape" amulet="Amulet" ring="Ring" stockings="Stockings" intlow="Panties" inthigh="Brassiere" misclow="Lower Body Accessories" miscup="Upper Body Accesories" miscarms="Arm Accesories" pants="Pants | Skirt"/>

<esg id="hood" s="31"/>
<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>
<esg id="shield" s="39"/>
<esg id="cuirass" s="32"/>
<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="boots" s="37"/>
<esg id="cape" s="46"/>
<esg id="amulet" s="35"/>
<esg id="ring" s="36"/>
<esg id="stockings" s="54"/>
<esg id="intlow" s="45"/>
<esg id="inthigh" s="56"/>
<esg id="misclow" s="53"/>
<esg id="miscmid" s="49"/>
<esg id="miscup" s="48"/>
<esg id="miscarms" s="59"/>
<esg id="pants" s="52"/>



<esg s="61"/>
<esg s="52"/>





Issue with unequipping is fixed but slot 31 still says undefined while in theory it should say Hood. Also Lydia has elven helm equipped and esg button 31 for her says elven helm. and it also unequips that helm. She also has button for slot 42 that unequips that helm.






I dont get it. I tried to run the game now again with sortTieBreaker=2 and i didnt get the error i got first 2 times (1 esg button showing all equipement). This time everything was fine. So im not sure whats going on there.

I keep loading same save file.

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Hi Kinky,

Glad it's getting there. You'll have to add the names into the /translate/ folder in esg_english for them to show up, you can delete those two <name> blocks in your esg.xml because it's no longer used, the translation file is where the esg names are located now. Make sure to add a regular and Category version. It's still it only going to be functioning in menu since the hood isn't a slot I've animated for specifically so this setup does work but it's more of just a menu visual facade. You would have to include it in the helm category to have it be removed through animation so we'll have to figure out a way still to solve this issue.


What I mean is this will work all the way up until undressing but the undressing scenes need to know the exact slot they are looking for in order to appear and to know what slot to remove and none of them at the moment will be removing hood. Where as if hood falls under the helmet category it will work, the animation itself is a "taking a helmet off" kind of animation and I would like to make a hood one at some point. 


Helmet is kind of a tricky category because it encompasses a range of slots in Skyrim (Hood Circlet Helm, and sometimes Hair and Long Hair) so one animation can't really cover all the bases which I'd like to expand on but ideally esg should work as long as all those things are put under the helmet category.





Also Kinky if you are noticing different effects on the same game but different times loading. There is a chance of this: When the game loads the UI boots, the timing of how it boots needs to be exact or it looks for information before it has all the information it needs to find the next information correctly. This got more crucial in the latest version. I've put things in place to try to structure it the best I can but it's possible I missed something. This could result in unpredictable micro timings of things making one thing load before it's supposed to causing an issue. Before I had the checks in for example the game would only be translated half the time for me while I was developing this demo patch. That's what I tried to control but if I didn't totally succeed you might notice some variation each game, meaning there's a bug somewhere I missed and will need help finding.

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Emn..i can't figure out how to get to the new cowgirl animation..can u guys give me a hint? pls


you can side menu (Num Enter) > click NAVIGATE > Scroll through the buttons until you see the one called cowgirl and it will take you there automatically. 


Sorry I reread this: There's no new cowgirl this patch Kinky was referring to the one that goes no where at the moment from the standing scenes. It's like a pre cowgirl scene meant to be a bridge to quickly get there. (not done yet)

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Emn..i can't figure out how to get to the new cowgirl animation..can u guys give me a hint? pls


you can side menu (Num Enter) > click NAVIGATE > Scroll through the buttons until you see the one called cowgirl and it will take you there automatically.


Yea i did that..and there are old animations..Kinky said something about the new one..or did i get something wrong and there is no new cowgirl? Haha..Forgive me for the glory of Dyndolod if i misunderstood something.

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Its confusing that now even sortTieBreaker=2 doesnt mess up esg slots like in that last screenshot and it happened first 2 times.

Was pretty sure that was the reason why it got confused, but guess not. Ill check translate thingies thanks.


Anyway i guess only issue that remains is with starting new scene while actors from previous one are still redressing.

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Emn..i can't figure out how to get to the new cowgirl animation..can u guys give me a hint? pls


you can side menu (Num Enter) > click NAVIGATE > Scroll through the buttons until you see the one called cowgirl and it will take you there automatically. 


Sorry I reread this: There's no new cowgirl this patch Kinky was referring to the one that goes no where at the moment from the standing scenes. It's like a pre cowgirl scene meant to be a bridge to quickly get there. (not done yet)


Oh..got it. Thx, man:)

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This is my new esg.xml that should be good for everyone using vanilla items + cloaks of skyrim:

Location:    \meshes\0SA\_0S\Config






<esg id="hood" s="31"/>
<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>
<esg id="shield" s="39"/>
<esg id="cuirass" s="32"/>
<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="boots" s="37"/>
<esg id="cape" s="46"/>
<esg id="earrings" s="43"/>
<esg id="necklace" s="35"/>
<esg id="ring" s="36"/>
<esg id="glasses" s="44"/>
<esg id="stockings" s="54"/>
<esg id="intlow" s="45"/>
<esg id="inthigh" s="56"/>
<esg id="misclow" s="53"/>
<esg id="miscmid" s="49"/>
<esg id="miscup" s="48"/>
<esg id="miscarms" s="59"/>
<esg id="pants" s="52"/>


<esg s="61"/>


<esg id="hood" s="31"/>
<esg id="helmet" s="42"/>
<esg id="shield" s="39"/>
<esg id="cuirass" s="32"/>
<esg id="gloves" s="33"/>
<esg id="boots" s="37"/>
<esg id="cape" s="46"/>
<esg id="earrings" s="43"/>
<esg id="necklace" s="35"/>
<esg id="ring" s="36"/>
<esg id="glasses" s="44"/>
<esg id="stockings" s="54"/>
<esg id="intlow" s="45"/>
<esg id="inthigh" s="56"/>
<esg id="misclow" s="53"/>
<esg id="miscmid" s="49"/>
<esg id="miscup" s="48"/>
<esg id="miscarms" s="59"/>
<esg id="pants" s="52"/>


<esg s="61"/>





And here is esg_english.ini for that.

Location:    \meshes\0SA\_0S\Translate






weaponCategoryFemale= "Weapons"
hoodCategoryFemale= "Hood"
helmetCategoryFemale= "Helmet | Circlet"
shieldCategoryFemale= "Shield"
cuirassCategoryFemale= "Cuirass"
glovesCategoryFemale= "Gloves"
bootsCategoryFemale= "Boots"
capeCategoryFemale= "Cape"
ringCategoryFemale= "Ring"
pantsCategoryFemale= "Pants | Skirt"
stockingsCategoryFemale= "Stockings"
intlowCategoryFemale= "Panties"
inthighCategoryFemale= "Brassiere"
misclowCategoryFemale= "Lower Body Accessories"
miscupCategoryFemale= "Upper Body Accessories"
miscarmsCategoryFemale= "Arm Accessories"
earringsCategoryFemale= "Earrings"
necklaceCategoryFemale= "Necklace"
glassesCategoryFemale= "Glasses"
bodyPiercingCategoryFemale= "Body Piercing"

[Noun Female]

weaponFemale= "weapon"
hoodFemale= "hood"
helmetFemale= "helmet"
shieldFemale= "shield"
cuirassFemale= "cuirass"
glovesFemale= "gloves"
bootsFemale= "boots"
capeFemale= "cape"
ringFemale= "ring"
pantsFemale= "pants"
stockingsFemale= "Stockings"
intlowFemale= "panties"
inthighFemale= "brassiere"
misclowFemale= "leg accessories"
miscupFemale= "upper accessories"
miscarmsFemale= "arm accessories"
earringsFemale= "earrings"
necklaceFemale= "necklace"
glassesFemale= "glasses"
bodyPiercingFemale= "body piercings"
weaponFemale= "weapons"


weaponCategoryMale= "Weapons"
hoodCategoryMale= "Hood"
helmetCategoryMale= "Helmet | Circlet"
shieldCategoryMale= "Shield"
cuirassCategoryMale= "Cuirass"
glovesCategoryMale= "Gloves"
bootsCategoryMale= "Boots"
capeCategoryMale= "Cape"
ringCategoryMale= "Ring"
pantsCategoryMale= "Pants"
stockingsCategoryMale= "Socks"
intlowCategoryMale= "Subligar | Briefs"
inthighCategoryMale= "Undershirt"
misclowCategoryMale= "Lower Body Accessories"
miscupCategoryMale= "Upper Body Accessories"
miscarmsCategoryMale= "Arm Accessories"
earringsCategoryMale= "Earrings"
necklaceCategoryMale= "Necklace"
glassesCategoryMale= "Glasses"
bodyPiercing= "Body Piercing"

[Noun Male]

weaponMale= "weapon"
hoodMale= "hood"
helmetMale= "helmet"
shieldMale= "shield"
cuirassMale= "cuirass"
glovesMale= "gloves"
bootsMale= "boots"
capeMale= "cape"
ringMale= "ring"
pantsMale= "pants"
stockingsMale= "socks"
intlowMale= "undergarments"
inthighMale= "undershirt"
misclowMale= "leg accessories"
miscupMale= "upper accessories"
miscarmsMale= "arm accessories"
earringsMale= "earrings"
necklaceMale= "necklace"
glassesMale= "glasses"
bodyPiercing= "body piercings"
weaponMale= "weapons"





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Is exclude going to exclude only animations/buttons from UI or also menu items from main menu?

How can i exclude for example boots (slot 37)?

I would like to exclude them from main menu too. For example slot 40 (tail) will probably never be used by any item, also 52 is slot that SOS is managing and i would like to exclude/hide that from 0sex as well.

In my example i have amulet in esg. Now i noticed you have necklace in translate. In theory i could keep translate file like this but im not sure if you have icon for necklace. In that case "amulet" would not have icon so i would have to change esg "amulet" to "necklace"?


Hi Kinky,

The main goal of ESG is to tell Skyrim what type of clothing each piece is so undressing and redressing animations based on different clothing can accurately play.  It's best to use the official ESG categories because that's the only thing that will be looked at when it's deciding what to dress/undress. You can add them like you're doing but since they aren't official esg categories they will only show up in lists categorized as you did but they will not have an impact on animated dressing or redressing.


I'd make your amulet "necklace" since it's an official ESG category. Chances are I'll make an undress or dress necklace animation. If I do your necklace would only be recognized if it was categorized as necklace. Amulet would make visual icons appear in the Right panel menu etc but they should conform to one of my official default esg types if animations are going to connect and undress them. It will apply to icons too in that only official categories are going to get icons so it's best to put everything under an official category.


I would turn your amulet into esg necklace in that case.


In theory things that don't have esg defined should be hidden except in the slot overview menu where it shows all the equipment in an overlay list. If you don't want tails or sos and they aren't assigned to any esg slot then they should not show up outside of the undefined category which is going to be hidden at launch.


Exclude is to prevent things from being removed when you do REMOVE ALL | so people's wigs and SoS don't come off when they use that. It doesn't effect the nav options that show up since you have control in ESG what you put in those slots you'd only be registering ESG for things you official consider clothing.


Hopefully that helps I'm sorry Kinky I might be confused at what you are asking for.

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Thanks ill update above post then to match it. (use necklace instead of amulet).


Slot 40 is as you can see not inside of my esg but it shows when cloak is equipped as undefined. (cloak is taking this slot to prevent clipping with tail and main slot for cloak - 46). Also undefined slot 61 shows on lydia. If all undefined is hidden then this would no longer be issue.


That did help thanks! :)




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Thanks ill update above post then to match it. (use necklace instead of amulet).


Slot 40 is as you can see not inside of my esg but it shows when cloak is equipped as undefined. (cloak is taking this slot to prevent clipping with tail and main slot for cloak - 46). Also undefined slot 61 shows on lydia. If all undefined is hidden then this would no longer be issue.


That did help thanks! :)


NP Kinky, this was a help to me too.


What's happening i think is the cape is made to fill a few slots, lets just say for example the cape was set up to use 31 32 33.


The UI notices the actor has an item in slots 31 32 33, it doesn't know it's all one piece but it considers the character to have equipment in all 3 slots.


It then checks to see if each item is in an esg so only the slot that is your cape slot would return as being associated to an esg. It puts the rest into undefined. (Even though it's all one thing) Technically undressing any of them would remove the entire thing. When Undefined is gone all that should be gone too with ESG only displaying things you've actually registered.

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Using non english version of skyrim and getting freeze on start. Copy and rename things in "Translate" folder didnt help


Can you please try it from a completely new game or a save that definitely has never had OSex installed to test.


It still freeze after like 5 sec

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Using non english version of skyrim and getting freeze on start. Copy and rename things in "Translate" folder didnt help


Can you please try it from a completely new game or a save that definitely has never had OSex installed to test.


It still freeze after like 5 sec



Freeze happens when you load the game or when you start 0sex?


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