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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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How about adding some type of control overlay on the screen when you're engaging someone? I'm not sure if the Skyrim engine or ENB supports it in the first place, but it'd be a cool thing to have. There's just so many keys and possibilities you've got going on that it gets kinda overwhelming. Maybe I'll get used to it after a while, I dunno.

Regardless, this is an amazing mod dude. You're also a really nice person, so that's a plus too. Keep up the great work bud

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Im getting an error in fnis

This is it

Reading 0S0
ERROR(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array.
I dont really know what could be causing it, it only happens when I have 0s0 enabled in mod organizer that this happens



you need to update your FNIS to the latest 5.5 version

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I cant believe how well you got the animations to line up on my end. I'm not even using a body remotely close to yours.  I truly did not think this was possible. This single mod makes sexlab (at least with humanoids) completely irrelevant.


Furthermore, this is the best animation mod in Skyrim, period. This makes all the other animations look so stiff (even combat ones). There is a certain "weight" to the movement, not found anywhere else in the game. Holy shit!

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This doesn't seem to work too well with Female vs Female.


I agree with this, and we need some lesbian animations! My followers are all girlfriends, so trekking to the nearest town for fresh meat wouldn't be very necessary if we could just play with each other.


thank you so much @CEO OS :D

and please add more animations











Then again, fresh meat doesn't look so bad right now. Good stuff as always, pajiman  ^_^

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This is truly remarkable. Kudos for all the hard effort into this project.



This doesn't seem to work too well with Female vs Female. Will there be a to do list in the future for this? I noticed that UP9-Ds when FvF they are kinda far apart from each other and I didn't notice any hotkeys for positioning each character to bring them closer or farther apart (if necessary). And will there be support for this and SOS UNP in the future?



There's some challenges with FF in a few senses. I will tackle it in time but as of now the scene is almost entirely Male Female driven and will have sub average alignment in Futa mode. I wrote a response elsewhere on the system I am trying to figure out to address this if you want to see. FF will come and I see your point, it's something I'd very much like to have:




This is something I've been thinking about a lot and in comes down to a system decision instead of animation. The version you have downloaded I'm classifying as MF meaning male female but I will if time allows add a female female plugin that has it's own animations based on 2 actors both with female anatomy. I will borrow some from the scenes but this would mostly be a new web of animations entirely. This is a ways off but I might start a small addition to this sooner then later to at least have the ground work be there. The challenge is also that there is two types of desires looking for FF animations, Futa, and pure FF. The goal is to find an option that makes nice results for all tastes here without making production time be incredibly long. I do want to have the system be such that I can rapidly always be adding new scenes and animations.


In terms of Female Female in a Futa sense:

The community has put a lot of work in the female body and as it animates 10 times better and can come much more to life in Skyrim. Animations done for the male look very masculine and stiff when applied to a female and female animations on the male look very girly. I believe animation assets in Skyrim, if they are going to be lively and representative, really have to be gender specific.


In Skyrim any animation generated is set in stone in terms of how they are placed and moving. There is an option to apply alternative animations by having the script check the gender: 


1. Have an alternative animation for female in the male position. The script would detect if the actor actually is male or female and load the corresponding animation. While possible this is an intense amount of animation and would make the time line get much longer for each upgrade in animations. Most likely if I do this I will only do it on the animations that really need the most help when put in a female female setting. 




-To summarize, in time I will add a Female Female anatomy web of animations (FF plugin) that can be accessed featuring animations and positions of both actors having female anatomy.


-I will add positioning mode so you can change the XYZ coordinates of actors to make female actors function better in a futa sense.


-I will add an option to disable anatomy scaling of the male to allow Futa to preform better, and in time give it it's own custom scaling values that line up with the current animations as well as possible while using SoS unp



Great stuff. Just found some conflicts with immersive first person view which you might want to check out. It seems that when you're in ifpv, all actions will be resisted by the sub. The way to get over this atm is to untoggle ifpv and then retoggle it post position/speed change. Also had the animation where you are in missionary with both legs held, stall on me. Seems to be working find otherwise


Thanks for the nice comments!

To be honest I don't play in first person mode at all, and have limited testing in it. I would appreciate any advice or help in setting this up better to work in someway in first person mode to how first person users would like it. Once things settle a bit I will take some time to look into first person mode. Generally I TFC to obtain the first person view I'm looking for but there might be potential you are bringing up that I am missing. 


I believe that the missionary scene was fixed in 1.04 it was "speed 2 of missionary ankles up" that was missing an animations. Please let me know if this isn't the case and you are on 1.04 so I can look into it further.

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i don't know what happen in update Fnis 




and i check details show this


See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.Exception: Application-defined or object-defined error.
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
   at GenerateFNISforUsers.FNIScommon1.FNIScommon.ReadAnimationFile(String AnimListFile, Int32 Anzmod, Boolean SKip_CC)
   at GenerateFNISforUsers.GenerateFNISUsers.Main()
   at GenerateFNISforUsers.GenerateFNISUsers.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/TSEV%20Skyrim%20LE/Data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 11.0.50709.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Runtime.Remoting.dll
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
    <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

How can fix this problem my lord T .... T
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Hey, what visual mods are you using for the gifs? Could you please edit them into the OP? Sorry if I missed it.


Those are the nicest looking gifs I've seen regarding the visuals, even without any animations.


Edit: I just read some of your Tumblr where you mentioned that this can't be explained.


I'm curious if you could just say the top 5 most important mods you use - for example I would say SG Female Textures Renewal and CBBE are basically what make the females in my game look like what they do. For males it's Better Males faces and SOS. Then AOF Believeable Hair for both as a 5th place finisher. I am not talking about an ENB or lightning mod for screenshots. Just their faces and bodies. Thanks.


Here's my mod list that I run however 98% of it has nothing to do with bodies in the gifs: (Crude unfinished page just typed out my list for some people that asked.) Putting it here just in case. The Long Eye lashes mod I only use as part of character creation in making followers I don't use it persistently in my game. Also dark dungeons and ELFX are optional with the ENB. I wouldn't use dark dungeons for GIFS or Screen archery, only in a player through sense.




Being in a cave by a fire pit with facelight on (Or the lights in my mod) and an ENB is the biggest step to making them look better I find. There are other places you can find with similar results this is just one case. Location and the lighting types in the area are a majority of it.


Poupouri ENB is godly for skin in my opinion. Changes up everything makes skin look so good, it's doing most of the work.


Lowering the Fov is huge too, 50 works sometimes but generally shots look a lot better as this number goes down.


Body Texture:


My bodies are custom but any UNP variation will look similar to one range or the other of them.


Bodies I use Real Girls or True Daughters of Skyrim, however I usually use the body texture for it you can access with photoshop if you download the resource and disable all dirt and sunburn layers. It's a very nice texture either way but generally I don't need all the dirt and sunburn in gifs.


Bjin Wives has some standard textures for the bodies but some I was not able to find anywhere else. I might just not be thinking straight and they are commonly available but I checked as much as I could for the sources and couldn't find anything exactly the same. Potentially you might be able to get some decent diffuses from it I like using a few in there a lot.


Normal Maps are just as important as the diffuse, especially for the face. I start with creamy, true daughters or milk drinkers normals and add muscles from other packs to them with photoshop if I need to, usually just the abs, sometimes some back and arms and where the thighs meet the stomach. Generally you want to keep all of each type as a set for example all 3 diffuses as a set but you can mix any set of diffuses and normals that you want. They are sometimes custom made for their normals but generally you get good results a majority of the time no matter what is mixed.



Sweaty/Wet/Oily can help in a lot of situations if you use an ENB. I have a guide on setting it up but it's time consuming and the system itself to do it is not very friendly / adaptive. There potentially is a way to have this controlled by scripts and no need to do it on the spot which I stumbled on in Expired's plugin but I imagine if it was possible it would have been done already. I'm going to look into it when I have more time.




Face is just babe craft in character creation can take hours messing with things just keep trying. If you want a more pin up feel: look up a real life make up guide for how to "contour" to get an idea for the spots to focus on, the tone you pick has to be nice for their specific skin tone however. Always go subtle with it and low alpha though even just a tiny amount helps a lot. SKSE fix for hi-res makeup and warpaint of course.


Covergirls or Better Make Up I believe I use both work good. I keep all make up masks on hand though and mix them up, sometimes painting on the make-up in photoshop to the .dds, this only works for custom followers though.)




Male is SoS anatomy but anything goes for it's body, I didn't spend to much time on my stud, pretty much any hi-res skin texture will make pretty good results, but I don't spend much time with making the boys so you'll most likely be able to find better instructions on making them look awesome elsewhere, I wish mine were stronger. Basically SoS cock with anything from the howtowaifu male guide will produce something similar to mine.


If there's anything I can offer more specifically please ask and I'll be happy to help, that's the gist of what I do though in my gifs.



Also, vaginas! Basic vaginas are just textures from SG Female Textures Renewal. They look nice at a distance, but in animations, freaking horrible!

Suggestions please? What does CEO 0S use?



I don't use Physics Vagina on my bodies just a regular mesh that is part of the body. Textured in the body texture but I have got some images sent to me and reports that it does work on Physics versions and it seems to line up ok for the most part. A few said the standard male size is to large and causes it to look like the Vagina is getting destroyed. This will be fixed when scaling has a toggle. The main reason I chose that size is because Skyrim hands are huge and I couldn't get anything smaller have two hands on it and get a decent stroke going.

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This is like SexLab? 


It doesn't interfere with SexLab. Think of 0Sex just like any spell in the game. My goal is to just make the most engaging virtual sex in Skyrim that I can, focusing on the realism of the scene, player control of the scene, and eventually allowing participants to have a unique feel in how they act and what they do and how they look during sex. The platform itself that I made is not just for sex but any kind of seamless, player driven animations that can benefit in the same way from it as sex can. I made this originally just for myself to play custom scenes but perhaps anyone looking for complex scenes like this could relate to my own goals and hopefully enjoy it or make their own scenes with this as a foundation. I believe seamless animation projects like this are to large scale to be thought of as being incorporated into a modular framework sense but that doesn't mean they can't be accessed by mods, that parts very straightforward, i mean more in that they benefit from having freedom to make the scene exactly what you want, and can benefit a lot from having their own custom assetts, and by not having to conform to a system.


My only intentions here is making a helpful animation tool in this case and featuring on it in this case Skyrim Virtual Sex, as strong as I can make it. In terms of other mods using it  however it's all in one spell so any mod can cast my spell to enter the scene anywhere they want as long as my mod is installed in the Skyrim directory. It's as simple as it gets in terms of being accessed by other mods but I do feel the controls are to demanding to expect a player to just dive into without knowing how to use it or taking time to learn it in advance. Any mod that wants to, has the capacity to easily trigger the 0Sex scene, if they want to.


Most likely the furthest I personally will go with 0Sex in terms of communicating information is having it output the result of the scene so external events or stories can change after sex depending on how the scene played out. SexDentity could record the impact scenes had as well and the actor might be different on the next encounter. Like a GTA style romance plot etc.It walks a line between a mini game and something immersive however. I'd prefer it to just be immersive but think functionality like this would be a positive thing.




Great! thanks for the detailed explanation! it sounds great! 



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First off, amazing job and congrats on the popular launch. The animations look fantastic and the recognition is every bit deserved.


Since people keep bringing up SexLab here as if it were a competitor, I feel like I should finally chime in here as author of SexLab. I intended to do so sooner when you posted this thread, as I've been following your development for a few months now, back when the preview was originally posted on your tumblr. Truly it can't be said enough that you've done a great job with the animations here, both in terms of animation quality and managing to tie them all together so seamlessly on the script end.


Unlike what many appear to think here, and as you seem to have said on this matter yourself in previous posts; I'm mostly going to echo a similar sentiment here, but feel absolutely free to disagree if I'm misinterpreting here. 0Sex and SexLab are entirely different beasts, and are in no way competing. At least not as it seems to me currently. This was my assumption beforehand when I first took notice of your tumblr preview, and going over the current 0Sex scripts more or less confirms my assumptions.


The difference between 0Sex and SexLab should be obvious, I think. It's versatility (SexLab) vs focus (0Sex). SexLab's goal is to provide as much customization and capability to other modders or animators as possible. 0Sex seems to me more focused on nailing animation transitions, which comes at the cost of both versatility and the capability to let other modders expand and hook into it's functionality, beyond letting them dictate when to start an animation between 2 actors. Which one might argue makes calling 0Sex a framework a bit of misnomer. In it's current form it's more of a "reusable effect" - Which isn't to say that's a bad thing, it's ultimately just petty semantics at the end of the day. It genuinely does completely nail immersion more that SexLab ever has in terms of visual quality and immersion. And for a lot of users, that's more than enough and in that case I invite them to try out 0Sex instead of my own SexLab.






As an aside from all that, transitions are something I've been flirting with the idea of in SexLab for over a year at this point, and are definitely the killer feature here, in my opinion. Sadly though I haven't been able to rope in an animator willing help me give it a shot, as it seems insurmountable every time in terms of number of animations needed to make it work decently in SexLab between 110+ different sets of animations. So if you don't mind, CEO 0S, I'd like to ask permission to use your current transition animations, as a means for me to resume development of transitions in SexLab. I've also got some ideas to include the capability of adding heavily scripted animations with a similar style/setup as 0Sex into SexLab, assuming you're okay with that.


Alternatively, another option I've thought of is adding functionality to SexLab to allow a sexlab mod to "defer" a scene to 0Sex whenever the play has it present.


In any case, interested to your thoughts on future development, SexLab+0Sex interoperability, animation re-use permissions,  or whatever else.



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Thanks for the nice comments!

To be honest I don't play in first person mode at all, and have limited testing in it. I would appreciate any advice or help in setting this up better to work in someway in first person mode to how first person users would like it. Once things settle a bit I will take some time to look into first person mode. Generally I TFC to obtain the first person view I'm looking for but there might be potential you are bringing up that I am missing. 


I believe that the missionary scene was fixed in 1.04 it was "speed 2 of missionary ankles up" that was missing an animations. Please let me know if this isn't the case and you are on 1.04 so I can look into it further.



Hey no worries. I brought it up because it's a well used mod and the current version is untoggleble by default. Might save some ppl the trouble of wondering what's wrong :) I'm already using 1.04 nad double checked the animations again for that, it's working now. Might be an anomaly (too many scripts). Btw, I saw your flow chart, is it normal that when I initiate the animations the position starts with the sub stroking the dom rather than both standing? Still figuring out the controls XP

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As an aside from all that, transitions are something I've been flirting with the idea of in SexLab for over a year at this point, and are definitely the killer feature here, in my opinion. Sadly though I haven't been able to rope in an animator willing help me give it a shot, as it seems insurmountable every time in terms of number of animations needed to make it work decently in SexLab between 110+ different sets of animations. So if you don't mind, CEO 0S, I'd like to ask permission to use your current transition animations, as a means for me to resume development of transitions in SexLab. I've also got some ideas to include the capability of adding heavily scripted animations with a similar style/setup as 0Sex into SexLab, assuming you're okay with that.
Alternatively, another option I've thought of is adding functionality to SexLab to allow a sexlab mod to "defer" a scene to 0Sex whenever the play has it present.
In any case, interested to your thoughts on future development, SexLab+0Sex interoperability, animation re-use permissions,  or whatever else.


The Versatily of Sexlab + The Quality of 0Sex, is it too much to dream?


Sexlab mods are already far better than any Hentai games out there, and recently these Hentai games couldn't even scrach the quality presented by 0Sex. If the two can get together, I think you will bankrupt sex games industry or at least push the giant leap they are needing.


What I mean is, congratulations, and keep the great work, everybody.

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Interchangeable use of 0Sex animations in Sexlab would be awesome. I get why people like the precise control of 0Sex, but I also think these anims would work really well with the Sexlab approach where animations advance automatically but you can alter it in minor ways. If the mix of animations and speeds was dynamically generated (by situation, dialog choices and pc / npc characteristics) you'd get a lot of variation out of these amazing animations :)

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As an aside from all that, transitions are something I've been flirting with the idea of in SexLab for over a year at this point, and are definitely the killer feature here, in my opinion. Sadly though I haven't been able to rope in an animator willing help me give it a shot, as it seems insurmountable every time in terms of number of animations needed to make it work decently in SexLab between 110+ different sets of animations. So if you don't mind, CEO 0S, I'd like to ask permission to use your current transition animations, as a means for me to resume development of transitions in SexLab. I've also got some ideas to include the capability of adding heavily scripted animations with a similar style/setup as 0Sex into SexLab, assuming you're okay with that.
Alternatively, another option I've thought of is adding functionality to SexLab to allow a sexlab mod to "defer" a scene to 0Sex whenever the play has it present.
In any case, interested to your thoughts on future development, SexLab+0Sex interoperability, animation re-use permissions,  or whatever else.


The Versatily of Sexlab + The Quality of 0Sex, is it too much to dream?


Sexlab mods are already far better than any Hentai games out there, and recently these Hentai games couldn't even scrach the quality presented by 0Sex. If the two can get together, I think you will bankrupt sex games industry or at least push the giant leap they are needing.


What I mean is, congratulations, and keep the great work, everybody.



Yeah well its gonna be exclusive to Skyrim only however due to the fact that the code was built on Skyrim's "limited" "crappy" port.


But yes I agree with you , the Versatility of Sexlab plus the Quality of 0Sex is an awesome combination.

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Hi Ashal,


Thank you for the very kind words and all the work on your inspirational framework and projects and what you do for the Skyrim community as well as letting this be a home for my mod.


I agree with everything you said. SexLab furthers the development community, allows everyone to partake in it and develop for, and is an amazing framework. 0Sex is much more just a lone wolf study, it's ability to contribute or co-develop with is much harder and possibly non-existent. I'm new to scripting and don't have the experience, skill, or talent  to make something on the level you are capable of. I'd say focus vs versatility is well said (but most likely is giving me way to much credit at that to even compare the two). 


You can absolutely use any of my animations, setups, or ideas to incorporate the functionality into SexLab. I'm sure with your skills a vastly better system could be made then mine for handling seamless and it could be done in a way everyone can partake in and develop for. Even if it makes 0Sex obsolete I'm completely fine with it. I think anyone that is interested in 0Sex would be much happier if there was a way to access a system like it but also take part in all the time, passion and commitment put into SexlLab and it's great mods and animations.


If it seems like a better solution to just link it to 0Sex I would be happy to incorporate what is needed into my code to facilitate the hand off and return and provide information that SexLab might need. A note on this is that I use a very inhouse mod setup for content and 0SActions is a culmination of a lot of things that my game depends on. No matter what I will need 0Sex to stay independent as it's a platform I use for any kind of animation or scene, basically all my custom quests depend on it. (However, if there's no other way I'll try my best)


I will keep pursuing 0Sex and exploring the ideas mentioned in my post and new concepts to enhance virtual sex in Skyrim and of course generating more animations for the 0Sex animation web. If there's anything in the future that you see as something that has interoperability potential your'e welcome to use it. Anything that my project can offer to further SexLab and all the work the community has put into it would make me happy.


From an animating standpoint I agree that it would be impossible to generate the transitions for all of SexLabs animations even if they only shared one common root point to transition from, unless the creators went back and did them. Making the transitions is a 0 to ~2 on the fun scale. How to logically find a common ground between seamless scenes made by many animators is a challenge I can't figure out at the moment. The library metaphor i mentioned in this thread is the best solution i could come up with. The high hkx count they generate and what will happen at 9999 also is something. Having the ground work and means for it to happen though would most likely push the solution and assets needed to fix all of that.


Thank you again very much Ashal, anything you want to use is yours and any adjustments I can make or ways I can help let me know.



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First off, amazing job and congrats on the popular launch. The animations look fantastic and the recognition is every bit deserved.
Since people keep bringing up SexLab here as if it were a competitor, I feel like I should finally chime in here as author of SexLab. I intended to do so sooner when you posted this thread, as I've been following your development for a few months now, back when the preview was originally posted on your tumblr. Truly it can't be said enough that you've done a great job with the animations here, both in terms of animation quality and managing to tie them all together so seamlessly on the script end.
Unlike what many appear to think here, and as you seem to have said on this matter yourself in previous posts; I'm mostly going to echo a similar sentiment here, but feel absolutely free to disagree if I'm misinterpreting here. 0Sex and SexLab are entirely different beasts, and are in no way competing. At least not as it seems to me currently. This was my assumption beforehand when I first took notice of your tumblr preview, and going over the current 0Sex scripts more or less confirms my assumptions.
The difference between 0Sex and SexLab should be obvious, I think. It's versatility (SexLab) vs focus (0Sex). SexLab's goal is to provide as much customization and capability to other modders or animators as possible. 0Sex seems to me more focused on nailing animation transitions, which comes at the cost of both versatility and the capability to let other modders expand and hook into it's functionality, beyond letting them dictate when to start an animation between 2 actors. Which one might argue makes calling 0Sex a framework a bit of misnomer. In it's current form it's more of a "reusable effect" - Which isn't to say that's a bad thing, it's ultimately just petty semantics at the end of the day. It genuinely does completely nail immersion more that SexLab ever has in terms of visual quality and immersion. And for a lot of users, that's more than enough and in that case I invite them to try out 0Sex instead of my own SexLab.
As an aside from all that, transitions are something I've been flirting with the idea of in SexLab for over a year at this point, and are definitely the killer feature here, in my opinion. Sadly though I haven't been able to rope in an animator willing help me give it a shot, as it seems insurmountable every time in terms of number of animations needed to make it work decently in SexLab between 110+ different sets of animations. So if you don't mind, CEO 0S, I'd like to ask permission to use your current transition animations, as a means for me to resume development of transitions in SexLab. I've also got some ideas to include the capability of adding heavily scripted animations with a similar style/setup as 0Sex into SexLab, assuming you're okay with that.
Alternatively, another option I've thought of is adding functionality to SexLab to allow a sexlab mod to "defer" a scene to 0Sex whenever the play has it present.
In any case, interested to your thoughts on future development, SexLab+0Sex interoperability, animation re-use permissions,  or whatever else.


imo a collaboration between sexlab and 0Sex, will be the best of both worlds looking forward to this tho.

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Hi thank you for these comments and sorry for the delay in replying,

I thought these were all really good points. I can't make a scene react the instant of key press it's pretty foundation in my script, basically the loop needs to play out especially for other things to come, like sounds and more elaborate facial expressions, so there most likely will always be a weight time of between 0 to 2 seconds. I think you're idea of a signifier when you reach the end is awesome, as no matter how much I fill out the scenes there will always be dead keys that do nothing as you approach the end of the chains or just certain positions. I will find a way to incorporate this as I believe it will make things less confusing. Thank you!



How about adding some type of control overlay on the screen when you're engaging someone? I'm not sure if the Skyrim engine or ENB supports it in the first place, but it'd be a cool thing to have. 


Hi Mrheadhopper

Thank you for these very nice compliments. I agree a UI would be amazing, it's certainly a dream, especially if it's clickable. If a vertical scrolling transparent overlay of my map could appear on screen with a toggle press, especially if it could be clickable that would be really nice, simpler things could be a wow style quest log on the left or right that just listed all moves or boxs with graphics in them with (not the same style but similar to the fall out guy) showing what moves were available would be sleek as well especially if they are clickable.


There's very limited information on setting up a UI like this on line however. I'm generally a quick learner and resourceful but haven't been able to get my feet on the ground with learning how to do this or dissecting other mods. If someone would be willing to show me the basics of connecting it up I could take it from there and do most of the work. I think it is a relatively shady area of what Skyrim is capable of and might have a lot of obstacles in the way.



how i put my hands on her head during blowjobs like the gif? 


You need the patch here in my OP to be installed also to activate that scene. Press Dpad Up a few times from the very start scene or from the hand job scenes.




Sexlab mods are already far better than any Hentai games out there, and recently these Hentai games couldn't even scrach the quality presented by 0Sex. If the two can get together, I think you will bankrupt sex games industry or at least push the giant leap they are needing.


Skyrim modding community definitely can crush whatever is available I think and have it be immersed in a sandbox world where anything else people want to do is possible as well. Combined with the customizable close to photorealism graphics achievable. 

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I think this mod's staggeringly good. I'm really astounded at how it's suddenly blown up in our lives only a few short weeks after the main man announced his intentions. Here it is, and it fucking rocks!


I'm so, so looking forward to seeing how this develops. Thanks man. 

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Hi Ashal,


Thank you for the very kind words and all the work on your inspirational framework and projects and what you do for the Skyrim community as well as letting this be a home for my mod.


I agree with everything you said. SexLab furthers the development community, allows everyone to partake in it and develop for, and is an amazing framework. 0Sex is much more just a lone wolf study, it's ability to contribute or co-develop with is much harder and possibly non-existent. I'm new to scripting and don't have the experience, skill, or talent  to make something on the level you are capable of. I'd say focus vs versatility is well said (but most likely is giving me way to much credit at that to even compare the two). 


You can absolutely use any of my animations, setups, or ideas to incorporate the functionality into SexLab. I'm sure with your skills a vastly better system could be made then mine for handling seamless and it could be done in a way everyone can partake in and develop for. Even if it makes 0Sex obsolete I'm completely fine with it. I think anyone that is interested in 0Sex would be much happier if there was a way to access a system like it but also take part in all the time, passion and commitment put into SexlLab and it's great mods and animations.


If it seems like a better solution to just link it to 0Sex I would be happy to incorporate what is needed into my code to facilitate the hand off and return and provide information that SexLab might need. A note on this is that I use a very inhouse mod setup for content and 0SActions is a culmination of a lot of things that my game depends on. No matter what I will need 0Sex to stay independent as it's a platform I use for any kind of animation or scene, basically all my custom quests depend on it. (However, if there's no other way I'll try my best)


I will keep pursuing 0Sex and exploring the ideas mentioned in my post and new concepts to enhance virtual sex in Skyrim and of course generating more animations for the 0Sex animation web. If there's anything in the future that you see as something that has interoperability potential your'e welcome to use it. Anything that my project can offer to further SexLab and all the work the community has put into it would make me happy.


From an animating standpoint I agree that it would be impossible to generate the transitions for all of SexLabs animations even if they only shared one common root point to transition from, unless the creators went back and did them. Making the transitions is a 0 to ~2 on the fun scale. How to logically find a common ground between seamless scenes made by many animators is a challenge I can't figure out at the moment. The library metaphor i mentioned in this thread is the best solution i could come up with. The high hkx count they generate and what will happen at 9999 also is something. Having the ground work and means for it to happen though would most likely push the solution and assets needed to fix all of that.


Thank you again very much Ashal, anything you want to use is yours and any adjustments I can make or ways I can help let me know.




You guys deserve a Nobel prize or something better! I love this community.

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You guys deserve a Nobel prize or something better! I love this community.




I fully agree. Some mod authors tried to sell their stuff. These guys here are about to merge their hard work to create something even better, for free, for everyone. You are heroes. Also, PLEASE, are you going to support Fallout 4 with something similar? Pretty please? ^^'

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