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Radiant Prostitution 3.2.2 (29-Oct-2015)

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- NPC prostitutes now receive gold whenever they perform.




Fucking Awesome -

Does this mean I can stalk the wenches, watch them do their business, then steal their hard-earned gold when they're busy with the next customer?

I've always dreamt of playing a thief that did exactly that - pickpocketing people's trousers and purses when they're temporarily stripped and set aside to be abandoned by their owners... If so, it'd be absolutely diabolical. :D

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random question, my good mr wraith:  are there supposed to be some dance animations involved in the mod?  theres options in the mcm for dance animations, and i often get "strip and begin" options, but everyone just stands there until the  actual sex starts, then they do the regular strip animations.  just curious if maybe i'm missing some fnis moves or something.


Which MCM options are you referring to, specifically?


RP doesn't have any FNIS behaviour files, so there aren't any custom animations in the mod. However, there is an empty PerformDance() function in the code, so I assume one of the previous authors was going to add something like that, but it never got implemented.




Fucking Awesome -


Does this mean I can stalk the wenches, watch them do their business, then steal their hard-earned gold when they're busy with the next customer?


I've always dreamt of playing a thief that did exactly that - pickpocketing people's trousers and purses when they're temporarily stripped and set aside to be abandoned by their owners... If so, it'd be absolutely diabolical. :D


If the game allows you to pickpocket someone while they're in a SexLab animation, then yes, you can do exactly that. :)

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random question, my good mr wraith:  are there supposed to be some dance animations involved in the mod?  theres options in the mcm for dance animations, and i often get "strip and begin" options, but everyone just stands there until the  actual sex starts, then they do the regular strip animations.  just curious if maybe i'm missing some fnis moves or something.


Which MCM options are you referring to, specifically?


RP doesn't have any FNIS behaviour files, so there aren't any custom animations in the mod. However, there is an empty PerformDance() function in the code, so I assume one of the previous authors was going to add something like that, but it never got implemented.





ah, gotcha.  no worries, was just curious.  thanks!

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To provide a Papyrus log open up your Skyrim folder (probably Programfiles/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim) and find Skyrim.ini, scroll down to about 3/4 of the way to the [Papyrus] section, find Enable Logging and Enable Trace, change them both to 1. Change them back to 0 when your logging is done as papyrus logging takes up some amount of resources. Your logs are put in My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script.


To fix your problem go to the second page of Radiant's MCM menu with a listing for Radiant Quests, it should be 8 or 9, hit Reregister quests now. If it doesn't work make sure you're using the latest version, as well as the latest version of JContainers; http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24777-jcontainers/


Also drop by my modding guide and read the first page of the thread if you want to expand your modding knowledge a little bit and maybe get a more stable game. :) /Shamelessplug.


Also when WraithSlayer slays his wraiths, he uses Ninjitsu probably.

What am I looking for in the papyrus log related to Radiant Prostitution? This is a mountain of text and I don't want to blind you all with it. Is there anything I can ctrl+f to get right to what would be helpful?

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What am I looking for in the papyrus log related to Radiant Prostitution? This is a mountain of text and I don't want to blind you all with it. Is there anything I can ctrl+f to get right to what would be helpful?



It's always best to provide the entire Papyrus log as a file attachment in your post. More often than not, I'm not looking for just one specific line of text related to RP, but rather going through the SexLab framework logs to spot any any possible anomalies, as well as try to figure out if other mods you may have installed might be causing problems.

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What am I looking for in the papyrus log related to Radiant Prostitution? This is a mountain of text and I don't want to blind you all with it. Is there anything I can ctrl+f to get right to what would be helpful?



It's always best to provide the entire Papyrus log as a file attachment in your post. More often than not, I'm not looking for just one specific line of text related to RP, but rather going through the SexLab framework logs to spot any any possible anomalies, as well as try to figure out if other mods you may have installed might be causing problems.



It's always best to COMPRESS the log as a file attachment in your post.


Seriously, since the log is a text file and has a huge amount of repetitions it compresses dramatically and that saves everyone on upload, download and storage.



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It's always best to COMPRESS the log as a file attachment in your post.


Seriously, since the log is a text file and has a huge amount of repetitions it compresses dramatically and that saves everyone on upload, download and storage.


Papyrus logs are typically smaller than 1MB, but I suppose that adds up rather quickly with a lot of people doing it, so I can see why storage might be an issue for LL. Maybe I shouldn't be sending files as attachments in PMs, then... :mellow:

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Oh just to be sure, I've noticed that a papyrus log isn't generated on a CTD. Would you still get good information out a log if the quest completed successfully?


The Papyrus log is generated at the start of your game session, and is written in real-time as you play. If your game crashes, you should still have Papyrus log data of everything leading up to the crash.


And no, a log of the quest being successfully completed won't help. I need a log of when it does go wrong (crash/freeze/etc). While the log won't say what caused the CTD, it'll tell me at which point in the quest it crashed, and what the SexLab and RP scripts were doing at the time, which will help in pinpointing the cause of the problem.


Also, for everyone having CTD issues with RP or other SexLab mods when an animation is supposed to start, I recommend updating to SexLab 1.60, as it includes bugfixes that might help.

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Oh just to be sure, I've noticed that a papyrus log isn't generated on a CTD. Would you still get good information out a log if the quest completed successfully?


The Papyrus log is generated at the start of your game session, and is written in real-time as you play. If your game crashes, you should still have Papyrus log data of everything leading up to the crash.


And no, a log of the quest being successfully completed won't help. I need a log of when it does go wrong (crash/freeze/etc). While the log won't say what caused the CTD, it'll tell me at which point in the quest it crashed, and what the SexLab and RP scripts were doing at the time, which will help in pinpointing the cause of the problem.


Also, for everyone having CTD issues with RP or other SexLab mods when an animation is supposed to start, I recommend updating to SexLab 1.60, as it includes bugfixes that might help.


If you are having CTDs, the Papyrus log will NOT usually tell you anything about the crash and the most recent activity in the log may not even reference the actual cause.


This thread (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/46913-how-to-debug-ctd/?do=findComment&comment=1174832) tells how to get information about CTDs that IS useful for identifying the source problem.

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If you are having CTDs, the Papyrus log will NOT usually tell you anything about the crash and the most recent activity in the log may not even reference the actual cause.


This thread (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/46913-how-to-debug-ctd/?do=findComment&comment=1174832) tells how to get information about CTDs that IS useful for identifying the source problem.


I'm aware that the function call that causes the crash won't be in the log. But any log output prior to that will, which is already valuable information to point me in the right direction, assuming it's a RP specific issue and not something completely unrelated.


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Oh just to be sure, I've noticed that a papyrus log isn't generated on a CTD. Would you still get good information out a log if the quest completed successfully?


The Papyrus log is generated at the start of your game session, and is written in real-time as you play. If your game crashes, you should still have Papyrus log data of everything leading up to the crash.


Hmm, something may be set wrong then. Because unless I close the game down I don't get a papyrus log.

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If you are having CTDs, the Papyrus log will NOT usually tell you anything about the crash and the most recent activity in the log may not even reference the actual cause.


This thread (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/46913-how-to-debug-ctd/?do=findComment&comment=1174832) tells how to get information about CTDs that IS useful for identifying the source problem.


I'm aware that the function call that causes the crash won't be in the log. But any log output prior to that will, which is already valuable information to point me in the right direction, assuming it's a RP specific issue and not something completely unrelated.


Maybe, there are a lot of mods that spew loads of information into the log that can be completely unrelated to whatever causes the actual crash and whatever causes the crash may itself never even use the log.

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Speaking of crashes I am getting them too. I am doing the 2 on 1 home delivery quest. I will provide 4 logs. The first 3, the first guy finishes and then after a while waiting for the second guy to begin, the function error occurs. The 4th time, the second guy does me then it crashes with the function call error. They still converse though. I have Sexlab 1.6 installed and RP 3.2.1






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Speaking of crashes I am getting them too. I am doing the 2 on 1 home delivery quest. I will provide 4 logs. The first 3, the first guy finishes and then after a while waiting for the second guy to begin, the function error occurs. The 4th time, the second guy does me then it crashes with the function call error. They still converse though. I have Sexlab 1.6 installed and RP 3.2.1


Log 0 and 2 indicate you crashed after RP fetched an animation list, but possibly before the SexLab thread tried to start animating. This might have something to do with the functions RP is using to build SexLab threads, as they are quite messy with many nested conditions, and may be trying to start a SexLab thread in a broken state in some specific situations. I'll refactor these for the next release of RP.

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OH MY GOD, YOU ARE MY HERO!  that did it!  thank you soooooo much :)  the scene finished!!!!


i can't tell you how much i appreciate your dedication to this mod, and just how patient and helpful you are (even to mod idiots like me).  this is my favorite mod in the game, and i can't thank you enough.  wasting your time looking through other people's problems isn't your job, and you do it without asking for anything.  thank you, thank you, thank you  :heart:


You're welcome. :)


Seeing as that solved the problem, the compatibility issue is clear:


Radiant Prostitution needs to play a SexLab animation 5 times in a row,, one for each creature in that cell. The way it does this is by starting the first animation with a special flag, then waiting until SexLab broadcasts a AnimationEnd event with that flag, at which point it starts the second animation, and so on until all 5 are done. If, at any point, Aroused Creatures also attempts to start a SexLab animation, RP may get an error because it can't start its own animation while the actors are already busy. This is what was causing the infinite animations, it was basically AC starting them one after the other after breaking RP.


So with that in mind, assuming you'd prefer to keep both RP and AC active, you could check if Aroused Creatures has an MCM that allows the mod to be toggled off temporarily. If it does, all you have to do is disable it at the start of an RP quest involving bestiality, then toggle it back on at the end. This should allow both mods to co-exist without stepping on each other's toes. Also, in the future I may look into automatically toggling Aroused Creatures on and off depending on whether there's a RP quest active.



Also, if you like, you may reinstall Spectator Crowds, as it looks like it wasn't the culprit here. However, given the very very VERY high amount of Papyrus that mod was generating, I would recommend against it for two reasons: 1) A mod with that many constant script errors has a negative impact on script and general game performance. 2) It makes your Papyrus log practically unreadable due to all the error spam.


after i finish this quest, i'll reactivate aroused creatures.  spectator crowds i can live without.  not that big of a deal.  if aroused creatures doesn't have a toggle off function, i can always deactivate it before the quest, not an issue at all.


thanks again for the help!  i HOPE (for YOUR sake) i have no more questions on this thing!  i'm sure you're sick of my crap  :D  :P



By now you have uninstalled and possibly reinstalled some very heavy scripted mods, so what I want you to do is the following;


First go to skyrim/data and look for a SKSE folder, if you don't have it, make it. Create a new file with notepad if you don't have it called SKSE.ini and copy/paste the following into it;










The ClearInvalidRegistrations is what's important but the rest of it will help your game out a lot. Now once you have done that, load your latest save, wait for maybe 10-20 seconds, then save in a new slot. Now download this; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?


This is a program so just unzip it somewhere you will find it again rather than install it as a mod. Fire it up, click load and point it towards the alst save game you have. Click [FixScriptInstances] then [Del. Broken Actives]. You'll see a lot of scary text on screen, this is the program getting rid of the damaged and left over stuff in your save. Once you're done hit [sAVE]. Your old unmodified save will still be present as a save called Backup.


Go in game and load up your game and everything should work as it should, and you should have a much more stable game as well.

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OH MY GOD, YOU ARE MY HERO!  that did it!  thank you soooooo much :)  the scene finished!!!!


i can't tell you how much i appreciate your dedication to this mod, and just how patient and helpful you are (even to mod idiots like me).  this is my favorite mod in the game, and i can't thank you enough.  wasting your time looking through other people's problems isn't your job, and you do it without asking for anything.  thank you, thank you, thank you  :heart:


You're welcome. :)


Seeing as that solved the problem, the compatibility issue is clear:


Radiant Prostitution needs to play a SexLab animation 5 times in a row,, one for each creature in that cell. The way it does this is by starting the first animation with a special flag, then waiting until SexLab broadcasts a AnimationEnd event with that flag, at which point it starts the second animation, and so on until all 5 are done. If, at any point, Aroused Creatures also attempts to start a SexLab animation, RP may get an error because it can't start its own animation while the actors are already busy. This is what was causing the infinite animations, it was basically AC starting them one after the other after breaking RP.


So with that in mind, assuming you'd prefer to keep both RP and AC active, you could check if Aroused Creatures has an MCM that allows the mod to be toggled off temporarily. If it does, all you have to do is disable it at the start of an RP quest involving bestiality, then toggle it back on at the end. This should allow both mods to co-exist without stepping on each other's toes. Also, in the future I may look into automatically toggling Aroused Creatures on and off depending on whether there's a RP quest active.



Also, if you like, you may reinstall Spectator Crowds, as it looks like it wasn't the culprit here. However, given the very very VERY high amount of Papyrus that mod was generating, I would recommend against it for two reasons: 1) A mod with that many constant script errors has a negative impact on script and general game performance. 2) It makes your Papyrus log practically unreadable due to all the error spam.


after i finish this quest, i'll reactivate aroused creatures.  spectator crowds i can live without.  not that big of a deal.  if aroused creatures doesn't have a toggle off function, i can always deactivate it before the quest, not an issue at all.


thanks again for the help!  i HOPE (for YOUR sake) i have no more questions on this thing!  i'm sure you're sick of my crap  :D  :P



By now you have uninstalled and possibly reinstalled some very heavy scripted mods, so what I want you to do is the following;


First go to skyrim/data and look for a SKSE folder, if you don't have it, make it. Create a new file with notepad if you don't have it called SKSE.ini and copy/paste the following into it;









The ClearInvalidRegistrations is what's important but the rest of it will help your game out a lot. Now once you have done that, load your latest save, wait for maybe 10-20 seconds, then save in a new slot. Now download this; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?


This is a program so just unzip it somewhere you will find it again rather than install it as a mod. Fire it up, click load and point it towards the alst save game you have. Click [FixScriptInstances] then [Del. Broken Actives]. You'll see a lot of scary text on screen, this is the program getting rid of the damaged and left over stuff in your save. Once you're done hit [sAVE]. Your old unmodified save will still be present as a save called Backup.


Go in game and load up your game and everything should work as it should, and you should have a much more stable game as well.




Not knocking your advice and I am NOT an expert, but wanted to chime in that I tried to save clean using this program you linked and followed instructions to the 'T'.  While it stopped all CTD issues I had, about half the mods I use no longer worked properly.  I even tried a new game and got the same thing.  Especially when it came to the way that Sexlab Defeat/ sanguine's debauchery + / Devious Captures worked together.  Sexlab defeat now rarely performs and when it does, it immediately sends my into capture blackout directly after the rapes, even if it is the 1st time.  I've tried numerous times to get this fixed and no one has responded (not in this thread cause it's not the place for it). 


Just giving my experiences with that save cleaner.

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That's when you reload that backup save.


And if it persists in a new game, then it's not save cleaner that did it, because in a new game save cleaner hasn't touched anything at all. You did something else around the same time that that messed up these things.

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Ever since updating to the Aug 20th version (almost?) all the men seem to be gay.  Not sure if that is a problem with your mod or the new sexlab version because I updated both at the same time.  However it makes "work" annoying though because all the men only want anal and every man that watches (I also have the spectator addon) reacts negatively which I have never experienced before.

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Ever since updating to the Aug 20th version (almost?) all the men seem to be gay.  Not sure if that is a problem with your mod or the new sexlab version because I updated both at the same time.  However it makes "work" annoying though because all the men only want anal and every man that watches (I also have the spectator addon) reacts negatively which I have never experienced before.


What do you mean, the men are gay? :P


If you mean that men aren't approaching your female character, this is due to a bug that occurs when you have your M-F approach chance to less than 100%. You can fix it by raising it back to 100%, grabbing the hotfix in this post, or waiting for the next update of the mod.


As for the spectator add-on(?!), I assume you mean Spectator Crowds. That's not something RP has any control over as far as I know.

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i have same problem but with SL 1.60 installed, Devious cursed loot 4.10 and your latest Radiant prostitution build. in both mods (DCL and yours) men turned to gay and only female customers were avaible and no chance to get them back to normal. going back to SL 1.59 solved the problem.

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WraithSlayer, you were right about RP using SL settings for stripping by default.


The writing is pretty good, new jobs range from interesting to bizarre. I especially like the "nope, not doing that" dialogue options and some NPCs like the farmhand getting angry over refusal.


One suggestion: change the innkeeper's "You know the drill" line to "You know how this works" or something.

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 i want to ask something very carefully becasue i always ask this and the answer is always the same : no

sure i could save this question then, but at least i want to have asked it.

before that another simple question : does this mod now runs solid ? is it really smoothly playable without frustrating malfunctions ?


if yes, then my main question is : can you add tasks and home visits with zaz animations used ? are you ready for a bdsm prostitute ?

(i said the usual answer is no and i dont expect anything else here)

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 i want to ask something very carefully becasue i always ask this and the answer is always the same : no

sure i could save this question then, but at least i want to have asked it.

before that another simple question : does this mod now runs solid ? is it really smoothly playable without frustrating malfunctions ?


If you're looking for a flawless mod, then the answer, like you assumed, will always be no, because: 1) I don't have a QA team working on this. 2) You could easily have mods in your load order that affect or outright break RP; this is not something I can preemptively fix, it's just the reality of playing a heavily modded game.


With that said, the main reason I picked up this and the other two mods in my sig, was to fix their remaining bugs and ensure everything works like it should. I've done some progress, but there are still some kinks left to work out. Namely, the most problematic issues right now are occasional crashes in a few quests when a SexLab animation starts, and the home jobs sometimes sending you to a locked house.



if yes, then my main question is : can you add tasks and home visits with zaz animations used ? are you ready for a bdsm prostitute ?

(i said the usual answer is no and i dont expect anything else here)


That's something to keep in mind, considering Zaz is already required for one of the random quests.

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