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Yes, it does. It works flawless with any other mod which i tried. (Sex Slaves & S.L.U.T.S., but to test your mod i uninstalled Sex Slaves and started a new game)


Everything installed in MCM? ZaZ animations registered?

Do you have sexlab arousal active?



Yes, everything is fine, SLA is active and ZaZ is registered.

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Yes, everything is fine, SLA is active and ZaZ is registered.


After "Yes, why not" actually comes just a stinknormal Sexlab animation, no extra stuff. There may be also an issue with the skeleton. I had it after I set up a test system 1 month ago, then reinstalled XPMS and it worked. But you say, Sexlab works fine...

Try to test  it with Sexlab matchmaker, I guess

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Yes, everything is fine, SLA is active and ZaZ is registered.


After "Yes, why not" actually comes just a stinknormal Sexlab animation, no extra stuff. There may be also an issue with the skeleton. I had it after I set up a test system 1 month ago, then reinstalled XPMS and it worked. But you say, Sexlab works fine...

Try to test  it with Sexlab matchmaker, I guess



I used the mod Sex Slaves before, i just uninstalled Sex Slaves and started a new game with your mod.


My PC even had sex before she was collared (one time started by SLEN and one time started by Sexlab Solutions), i didn't change the configuration, so if Sex Slaves, SLEN and Sexlab Solutions work just fine i assume that your mod should work well too, i just need to check the papyrus log to see what went wrong. Right now i can't upload the log and i can't check if it happens again (after all it could be that it just was a "hiccup" in the game ;) )

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My PC even had sex before she was collared (one time started by SLEN and one time started by Sexlab Solutions), i didn't change the configuration, so if Sex Slaves, SLEN and Sexlab Solutions work just fine i assume that your mod should work well too, i just need to check the papyrus log to see what went wrong. Right now i can't upload the log and i can't check if it happens again (after all it could be that it just was a "hiccup" in the game ;) )


You don't want me to come to Cologne and give you some spanking, don't you? :)


Noticed something in version 1.1.1

I am just ordered not to wear any armor, but no rule appears in the journal. And when testing, I get shocked when I try to wear armor, thus the rule works fine.


It's ok. I disabled the rule updating

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Since you're already using SL Aroused, how about making the effects scale with the arousal? Like, full effect at 70+, no or penalty at <20. Would be fun to keep it high all the time :D


And how would you handle you dom's sex demands? :)



I don't see it as an issue. You'll just need a way to increase your horny-ness. Wearing some DD stuff (I guess), or being exhibitionist (there's an option in SLA) should suffice. If not, then it is a reason to add such a way ;)



Using "Blush while Aroused" has a "think dirty thoughts" feature, which allows your character's arousal to slowly increase over a minute or two. The maximum arousal threshold can be configured. So, if you wanted to, you could set the arousal threshold to 80 or 100 to force your character's arousal to increase to those levels.



I do recommend that mod, the blush setting is highly configurable (shape, saturation, ect.) Adds a slight bit of immersion, not to mention that it's handy for raped-when-aroused mods or gain-perks-when-aroused.



EDIT: By "immersion", i mean being able to check character arousal without pressing "N".

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Question: Should there be any mcm from this mod? I can't configure this mod at all, i know only that this mod is running because i found the book and could start the quest (and got my PV enslaved)


There isn't.

Mostly because I don't see anything which needs to be configured here. It's a dynamic relationship, if you have something to tell to your Dom, just tell it in dialogue.

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A few minor issues. After killing a dragon the binding of the hands happens too quickly. Your weapons are still drawn, you're trying to loot the dragon and your hands get tied all at once. A few times it resulted in losing player control.


When putting on or taking off the hood, would it be possible to have more of a grace period in the timing allowed. Say about 5 or 10 minutes give or take. (or even more) At that time of the day all you're doing is checking the clock and game time changes fast. If a dom event or forced sex scene starts near that time you're screwed. Both ways. I missed by one minute at one time and got zapped.


When your hands get tied after killing a dragon and you travel to say Riverwood, the unbind dialogue doesn't show up. If you go to Whiterun the dialogue is there so it seems like you have to change cells for it to trigger. Not sure if that's intended.


When wearing the collar only, all sex scenes are at random from just kissing to lesbian. But when wearing the hood all scenes are aggressive. Not sure if the collar is missing a tag or something.


Thanks Alexvkj, sorry for stirring the pot earlier in my posts. I really enjoy playing the mod.


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A few minor issues. After killing a dragon the binding of the hands happens too quickly. Your weapons are still drawn, you're trying to loot the dragon and your hands get tied all at once. A few times it resulted in losing player control.


When putting on or taking off the hood, would it be possible to have more of a grace period in the timing allowed. Say about 5 or 10 minutes give or take. (or even more) At that time of the day all you're doing is checking the clock and game time changes fast. If a dom event or forced sex scene starts near that time you're screwed. Both ways. I missed by one minute at one time and got zapped.


When your hands get tied after killing a dragon and you travel to say Riverwood, the unbind dialogue doesn't show up. If you go to Whiterun the dialogue is there so it seems like you have to change cells for it to trigger. Not sure if that's intended.


When wearing the collar only, all sex scenes are at random from just kissing to lesbian. But when wearing the hood all scenes are aggressive. Not sure if the collar is missing a tag or something.


Thanks Alexvkj, sorry for stirring the pot earlier in my posts. I really enjoy playing the mod.


That's okay. I appreciate any feedback :)

About the issues:

1. Dragon kill effect was a bad idea and is removed for 1.2. The quest triggers now when you have looted more than 80% of your carrying capacity.

2. You're right. I'll give 1 game hour time for "lights out". With the new buffs, penalties on the submission score are just too hard.

Apart from that, do you like the game?

3. You hands may be freed in any location which has a LoctypeCity-Keyword. I'm not sure if Riverwood counts, but Whiterun or any hold capital definitely. I'm really interested now how the location-keywords set in DLC and most of all, in unofficial DLC like Falskaar :)

4. For the sex animations I look only for zbfWornWrist to decide between ZaZ and vanilla Sexlab. As I said earlier, proper Sexlab handling is not a priority yet



BTW. Because of your feedback I come on a nice idea. When it's implemented you may want to check your clock more often :) Or even get a screen widget

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A few minor issues. After killing a dragon the binding of the hands happens too quickly. Your weapons are still drawn, you're trying to loot the dragon and your hands get tied all at once. A few times it resulted in losing player control.


When putting on or taking off the hood, would it be possible to have more of a grace period in the timing allowed. Say about 5 or 10 minutes give or take. (or even more) At that time of the day all you're doing is checking the clock and game time changes fast. If a dom event or forced sex scene starts near that time you're screwed. Both ways. I missed by one minute at one time and got zapped.


When your hands get tied after killing a dragon and you travel to say Riverwood, the unbind dialogue doesn't show up. If you go to Whiterun the dialogue is there so it seems like you have to change cells for it to trigger. Not sure if that's intended.


When wearing the collar only, all sex scenes are at random from just kissing to lesbian. But when wearing the hood all scenes are aggressive. Not sure if the collar is missing a tag or something.


Thanks Alexvkj, sorry for stirring the pot earlier in my posts. I really enjoy playing the mod.


That's okay. I appreciate any feedback :)

About the issues:

1. Dragon kill effect was a bad idea and is removed for 1.2. The quest triggers now when you have looted more than 80% of your carrying capacity.

2. You're right. I'll give 1 game hour time for "lights out". With the new buffs, penalties on the submission score are just too hard.

Apart from that, do you like the game?

3. You hands may be freed in any location which has a LoctypeCity-Keyword. I'm not sure if Riverwood counts, but Whiterun or any hold capital definitely. I'm really interested now how the location-keywords set in DLC and most of all, in unofficial DLC like Falskaar :)

4. For the sex animations I look only for zbfWornWrist to decide between ZaZ and vanilla Sexlab. As I said earlier, proper Sexlab handling is not a priority yet



BTW. Because of your feedback I come on a nice idea. When it's implemented you may want to check your clock more often :) Or even get a screen widget


Thanks alexvkj. I really do like the game and it looks like it's about to get even better. Looking forward to the next release.  :)

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Thanks for the hard work and sweet mod.

  Now for my 2 cents.


I like the punishment when your bad or dom feels like it . now this said can you maybe take a look how xaz has done his whipping and punishment for prison overhaul...and toss in a few  beatings for the more unruly lolas ?


and also perhaps a pimp you out scenario where they tell you to go to the closest bar and work while they drink and party. (forgive me if this is implemented already)


And you would be my Hero if you can make a way for a allied dom to take you to a bandit camp/fort for some fun. I use puppetmaster ( and your mod works perfect with it btw ) to get a vile mean master.

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Couple of teasers for 1.2


Looks great :)


Was missing the kneeling pose already, didn't feel right if the PC is enslaved and the Owner sits that the slave would look down on the Owner ;)


Btw, is there a way to disable the (vanilla) behavior that NPC ask the PC "What do you want?" or "What is it?" if the PC stands next to them? In normal play this is already annoying, but if you try to keep the PC close to the Owner you go nuts if you hear this billion times xD

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Ok, tried it again and now everything worked just fine, no CTD (so it was really just a "hiccup").


A bit later i tried the dialog option "Let's test something"....nice, in case you want to skyrocket the submission score ;) (from 0 to 50 in less than 20 seconds xD)


That works even better with "set vkjsubmissionscore to XX" in the console. You need a real update for the change to take effect though

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A great mod, more freedom then Maria Eden, if can add follower use PC to prostitution is batter, or trigger some prostitution quest from other prostitution mod.


And in Oblivion, a mod named LoversBrute, it's add some special followers in game, but I can't found it in loverslab now...

1. a Orc warrior in jail, very strong and obscene, talk to jailer and pay bail can become a follower, demand sex now and then or after battle.

2. a Prince in palace, very weak but rich, he can offer PC many golds for travel with PC, but if injured in battle, he will rape PC when PC go to sleep.

3. a statue beside a lake, if PC skinny dipping in lake he will approach PC become a follower, he is good at assimilate magic attack, if get too much magic attack, he will rape PC after battle and give PC some time limit buffs.

4. a male slave, talk to his mistress and buy him. Strong? I don't remember specific...

Hope this helped.

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1.2 is here.


The major improvement on the core system: you now can effectively prevent the random events from firing. All you have to do is to offer your service actively once in roughly 1,5 game hours. There will be a notification when the option is available. So if you don't want to be disturbed in your adventuring, do your slave duties first.

Thanks to a discussion with chadorjan I came on that idea.


The other thing - there are buffs. A lover stone effect will be given for 8 hours after you receive a spanking (if you are submissive, you may ask your dom for this). A lord stone effect is given if you pass the second threshold. So keep your submission score high and have fun.

To jaberwocky my thanks for suggestions. It's not over yet :)

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Sorry, its just ugly and an eyesore and my char is already next to naked. Im running with DD expansion/captured dream items. So its basically the stellar opposite to rusty iron. I also altered the height of my char with different throat size which results in clipping.

How do I get rid of the model? By deleting the nif, its replaced by some other one. Or is there some other way to get rid of it? (cant use ck)



Ok, got rid off the model. It was overwriting the original zaz collar, by getting rid of simplecollar_go _0 _1 from zaz it went invisible.

Sorry if I sounded rude, but I spent so much time to get things looking good, I cant throw it away so simple.

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