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Male/Female - Works as intended

Male/Male - Works as intended

Female/Female - Works as intended

Female/Male - Works with NPC-NPC but not the PC acts as normal but sex wont trigger both actors just stand there



So basically it works but not with Female/PC(Male) some reason all goes right but sex wont start

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the design and Tools folder I have them copy something somewhere?


In fact you don't need them at all. However, the file preset_calculate.xlsx may be useful for you if you want to set up NPCs accordiing to your own preferences.

Where you put "Design and Tools" or if you put it anywhere at all it doesn't really matter.

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I got a annoying issue atleast i consider it annoying sometimes dead npcs get picked up by this mod both static dead (ie a dead body placed by beth or a mod im using) and by npcs ive killed I dont know if anyone else has noticed this,


It's not supposed to happen (anymore)


What version you are using?

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Oh i definitely fucked em it was rare but i def noticed it late last night i had just killed 3 bandits near serpentstone island at the shipwreck I just looted one of the chests and was walking back up the ship when it happened. How do i know for sure he was dead? He wasn't animating right.

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the design and Tools folder I have them copy something somewhere?


In fact you don't need them at all. However, the file preset_calculate.xlsx may be useful for you if you want to set up NPCs accordiing to your own preferences.

Where you put "Design and Tools" or if you put it anywhere at all it doesn't really matter.



ah ok, thanks for the enlightening answer. but I gave up, it works nothing with me. ;)

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hmm i am actually wonderin what happens if i unchek all placeholders my pc an put him submission atribute and arousal tresshold needed to start act 0 XD . submissive dominant not sure what that atribute combination makes but ill definatelly test it with faitfull and victim when npc pc rape works ;)

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the design and Tools folder I have them copy something somewhere?


In fact you don't need them at all. However, the file preset_calculate.xlsx may be useful for you if you want to set up NPCs accordiing to your own preferences.

Where you put "Design and Tools" or if you put it anywhere at all it doesn't really matter.



ah ok, thanks for the enlightening answer. but I gave up, it works nothing with me. ;)



I am truly sorry for my light being too dark for you :blush: . May Azura forgive my uselessness and incompetence. I will try my best, however, to improve and to master the art of GivingAnswersThatActuallyHelpAnyone. :angel:

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 I demand Japanese fans :D


It will take some time for your mod to attract attention from the Japanese,

since I neglect to translate and to supply them with the translation in Japanese

(although I posted the notice). 


Besides, It's about 0600 early in the morning in JST...


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I'm drunk so nothing I say cannot be taken seriously. However, I appreciate you saying that.


When the mod works, I will make it into a format that can be translated to all languages.


I love 99% of you all and the remaining 1% I am willing to learn to love. I'm just lonely my wife is at some party tonight... maybe with a redguard or something so I need you all.

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