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Bad Dog’s WIP Log

Bad Dog

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Aargh, fuck it. These werebears are whipping my ass.


There are two I'm working on in addition to the base DLC2 werebears. (They're in MNC, but I'm redoing them because I want a flaccid model and I want them to match the others. Sue me.) And I realize this was exactly the case I said I'd never have where multiple races can use the same nif. Why lovestodoiforgetwhatitwas needed to create a whole race just for an additional skin texture I have no idea, but by this point in the mod he knew what he was doing. Maybe there's additional behavior on them or something.


And I get brilliant and make a nif for the meat & 2 veg from the same file as the body texture, just moving the UV map around in nifscope till it looks good. The erect version uses a separate file for the shaft from the balls so it's all good. (The MNC texture was a weird-ass thing that wasn't even square or a power of 2. I fixed it. It might have worked in-game, but nifskope didn't like it.) So now I've got pretty good brown penis meshes.


And I create texture sets for the black and snow werebears that will apply different texture files to those nifs. And I create three armor addons, brown, black, and snow, and I apply the texture sets and it looks good in CK. I set the race to be the right one with no addon races.


And I create ONE werebear penis armor which refers to all three AAs. My theory is, the engine will pick the one that matches the wearer's race.


And it WORKS, almost. The proof:








Works, except, as is more obvious in-game than in the pics, that the different textures aren't being applied. Everyone's brown.


Not the end of the world, it just means the different AA's aren't being applied the way I thought they would. Fall back to a different peen armor for each race. So I create them, assign the right races to each, fix the races on the AA's so they only are for one race, and kick off the game.


And everybody's neutered.


I whacked at this about a million different ways by now, including sticking the peen on the base mesh so there's no wizardry there, and the goddamn beasts are still neutered. Not a clue what's going on.


Well, except that part of keeping this log is as a way to think through things and it actually works. So maybe taking all the races off the peens was a bad idea... maybe I should go back to having all those random races that were in the SIC models. No reason that should make a difference, but this is Skyrim after all. 


So enjoy the pics lads and lasses because that's all you're getting today and I can't reproduce them. I'm going to bed.

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@Yolobomber  You shouldn't see an fps drop unless you turn the number of spawns up.  You can even turn them down a fair bit as well. What you might see is a bit of papyrus lag if you leave the random cell respawner on, or if you play on a low end machine sometimes ore guardians will cause a bit of that too. 

When turning the random respawner off, make sure you set the sliders to whatever default spawn times you want then click the set new defaults button. If you don't click the button sometimes it will bug and reset a cell as soon as you leave it. 

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I dealt with the werebears by ignoring the whole mess and doing the skeever werebeast. And OMG, he's tiny!






But he's big where it counts.





Skeever says please...




...so what the hell.








I'll re-address the werebears next and now that the skeever is sorted, I bet I can make them behave too.

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Thanks for the good words. Always appreciated, tho I don't forget that none of this work is actually mine--I'm just putting together textures and meshes made by others.


Today I whacked the werewolves with the fuck-it-I'm-starting-over stick and now they work. I never was able to make having multiple AA's work. There's a weird field on the snow werebear race entry indicating that the race wears werewolf armor. Maybe this is screwing things up, but I wasn't going to start hacking it to see.


So we have brown:






That's beauty and the beast right there. Brown werebears are Dragonborn standard and in MNC. I made a separate BDIC entry in SLNC for them and you can choose whichever you prefer. Unfortunately the limp dicks show up hardly at all because the bears have a lot of hair down there. I didn't try to fix it. Given the visibility of the junk, I might not think my variation is worth keeping.


There's black bears:






And snow bears:






You can see how his cock pokes through the hair there. It doesn't look great but I took a few goes at improving it and only made it worse, so I left it as is.


I now have ONE (1) (one) (just one) one creature left to go--a shoggoth on the werewolf model. He poses some interesting questions because his UV map is very different and he has tenticles, which makes one wonder what he's packing Down There. I fussed at him a bit, he was uncooperative, and I decided I was rushing the job. So I'm gonna quit and save him till I'm fresh.



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Well if you have trouble with multiple AA check the bodyslots they are assigned to. And then check in the .nif if the same body slot is actually set there. Had a similar problem back when I worked with the dragons.



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Ya, getting that right was a big deal when I was getting the peen and body equipped both on the same creature. Now I'm trying to equip several choices for the same body part on an armor and get the engine to choose based on race. Dunno if it just doesn't work that way or if something about the setup of these particular parts doesn't allow it.

Shit, who promoted me to "senior member"? I ain't ready for that shit.

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All right, boys and girls I present the shoggoth:





With a closeup of what he's packing:





And that completes my first pass through the mod. In celebration, here's a whole bunch of nudity and gratuitous sex:








Oh yeah, I said I'd give you more boobies. With boobies:









I don't think she liked it much.




Now I'll walk through the mod with TES5Edit looking for stupidities and the file structure ditto, make some release notes, pack it up and post version A0.1 here.


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Are there any female stylized creatures within the pack?  Just asking cause if it's possible and if it's something you'd be interested in doing as well then I'd like to add a little request which happens to be adding a penis model to them as well (The female creatures)?  If it's not your thing then totally understandable however.  Also great work on what you're doing.

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Bad Dog's Immersive Creature Addon
This mod adds genitalia to all the new creatures from the Skyrim Immersive Creature Mod on Nexus.
Because all the creature animations we have are male (except spriggans), all animals are assumed to be male. Spriggans always take the female role, even the ones who are male in SIC. Except the giant spriggans, who are all male. Even the females.
Version A0.1
Very much WIP. This is the first test release, mostly to make sure nothing blows up. I don't know why it would, but SIC is more complicated than you might think so usual disclaimers apply: Don't use it on a game you care about, don't install without a mod manager so you can de-install it, etc.
A0.1 (this version): All animals that have animations have junk and will engage in sex (with limitations, see below). The animations come from More Nasty Critters (which itself packages animations from other mods). A quick test to determine whether there are animations for a creature in game is to hit it with a SexLab MatchMaker spell. If you're told the spell fizzles, there are no animations for that creature.
A0.2: All junk matches its owner and creatures don't change skin or clothing when they go into action.
I may do intermediate releases if I fix all members of a race and there's a clean package to upload.
A0.3: Mesh modifications to some of the junk to better fit the owner.
B0.4: Bugfixes and clean up
V1: First and probably last stable release. I ain't doing this again.
Vanilla. Use MO. 
Skyrim Immersive Creatures, both files. So you need Dawnguard and Dragonborn both, and no bitching about it, just pay up to Bethesda. How many hours of pleasure have they given you?
More Nasty Critters
And all their prerequisites. Check their prerequisites.
Good to have with this mod
SexLab Aroused Redux (or the original, but redux works fine for me)
SexLab Wear and Tear (ouch! ouch!)
SexLab Cumshot
SexLab Matchmaker
And of course the body replacer of your choice.
Known bugs and limitations
Don't report any of these if you see them in game. I know; I'm working on it.

  • Equipped junk may not match its owner in color or style
  • Some creatures may change appearance when they go into action.
  • Goblins are likely to keep their clothes on for sex, and not to have junk. They're uncooperative like that. 
  • Humanoid creatures (golden saints and dark seducers are two) tend to keep their clothes on, tho they are fully equipped.
  • Creatures based on the vampire lord (wings, upright stance, often wearing a long apron) tend not to take their clothes off. They should be equipped, tho.

Reporting problems
This is WIP and if you download it, you should be ready to help improve it.
Always give me the last screen or two of your papyrus log and any animal or sex mods in your load order (or the whole thing dumped from MO). Spoiler tags, please, if you load them here. If you don't know how to get either of those things, maybe you should wait until the mod's more stable.
CTD: I don't expect it to cause a crash, but hey. You may find CTDs that don't seem to be part of your normal Skyrim experience </snark>. One scenario that would not surprise me is that you're running across the landscape and suddenly CTD with no warning and nothing special in the log. If that happens, tell me exactly where in the Skyrim world you were and what time it was (Skyrim time) and I'll try to track it down. (Exactly as in, "The slope above the lake south of Riverwood just above where that bear is always fishing.")
Misbehaving creatures: Tell me what it's doing and try to get me the baseID. Hit, ~ , click on the creature, read the baseID off the screen. Then hit ~ again and get the fuck out of there before he nails you. Useful also to know where you were in Skyrim and what time.
This mod contains essentially no original work. It's all mix and match of stuff made by other people. All credit goes to them:
lifestorock - Skyrim Immersive Creatures (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24913/)
dentarr - More Nasty Critters http://www.loverslab.com/topic/32953-more-nasty-critters/
lordescobar666 - SexLab Nude Creatures http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/441-sexlab-nude-creatures/ 
Ep1cL3w7z - Creature Framework http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1622-creature-framework/
Dayelyte, Gone, Panicforever, Xandero  - animations
diarawr, Gone, Leito86, Shocky, SkyMoMod - models


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I hate to say it, but I can't find a reference to the shoggoth... he's not in a leveled list that I see. Maybe there's a spell or something that summons him.


@HeatSeek, I've been doing animated fantasy creature dicks for the last month. I'm not going to get all judgy about a little futa. I have female falmer shamans and female giant spriggans, both of which will take the male role. I've been planning on making them look as artificial as possible--I'm gonna give the spriggan a fence post for a strapon, if I can--but I suppose I could go the other way.

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