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[Sims3][WIP] KinkyWorld v0.37 [Updated: May 3rd 2019]

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4 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

The hash tags are metric!!!

That was very clever. I had no idea when it came to computing that everything wasn't 'metric'.


I was re-reading recent older pages to make sure 'no one was left behind' as it really sucks if looking for help and feeling ignored. When I reread your post with the 'plan' I kept thinking about the humor surrounding that in the game I posted a video from. As you can tell, it's reached meme status.


Take your time and enjoy creating. We all know how things turn out when rushed - the Sistine Chapel fresco's might be a great example. Imagine Michelangelo's feelings after finishing the first piece and looking at the rest of the ceiling....  'Gonna be here awhile' is the only way to keep from feeling overwhelmed.





Does anyone else with the Nightlife expansion and KW installed notice Paparazzi no longer take photo's? Or is it just me, and something in my game setup? I used to hate them a long time ago, but I actually miss them now, and don't remember doing anything drastic to rid them from game other than opting out of the celebrity system.


^ Okay. By enabling celebrities and populate celebrities in Sims options, they are taking photo's again.^

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5 hours ago, landess said:

I was re-reading recent older pages

No one else does!

5 hours ago, landess said:

Take your time and enjoy creating.

That's the key... enjoying doing it... I enjoy making things, and do it for fun. Mostly, it's honestly for me. If I want something that I can't find, I try to make it myself. If it turns out good enough, I upload it here. But if making stuff became something tedious, or I felt I had to upload something on some imaginary time frame, it wouldn't be a fun hobby anymore, but an unpaid job that I would grow to hate. Thinking about it, that's probably why people like L666 just disappear.


And, I got very lucky that it was Josh Q that answered my first post about making open-bottomed dresses. I learned, not only technical information, but an attitude and philosophy toward making stuff. Yes, I will become frustrated when things don't go as I thought they would, but Josh told me that even for him, he may have 9 fails and one that he would upload... no one ever sees the fails... I have MANY!!!

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25 minutes ago, EvoGull said:

I got it working.

Great! As jdw6 said, not sure how anything worked before. Also not sure what your game folder looks like with STEAM, but you can see that both landess' and my folders are set up the same.


Time for you to have fun!

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15 hours ago, landess said:

OnikiKay is French. The mod is a work in progress. If it's a problem, one has a couple choices.  Use an older version (.375 works for me), become a Patreon and msg OnikiKay herself, or use google translate and replace the French parts with the language of your choice in the mods XML's (I don't get that deep, so while it might sound simple - I have no practical experience).


The mod isn't actually abandoned. It's on the back burner of the authors 'to-do' list while keeping the newer versions behind a paywall. No need for me to go into it again, as I have already done so a few times in one of the many previous pages.


ONIKI_KinkyWorld_0.37 (Build 375).7z 10.99 MB · 32 downloads


(If I had my way, it would be translated to Simlish)

ahhhh i just discovered the mod so i figured it was abandoned cus most people have moved on to sims4. XD thank you for this info! Also idky but when i try to fix the settings it wouldnt let me go to settings for kinky world. :(

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7 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

game folder looks like with STEAM

Steam keeps the body of the x86 files within it's own folder so the platform can do it's thing with all the games purchased on it. Any of the files located in Documents (for Windows OS) will be the same for anyone, DISK/Steam/Origin/Ubisoft/etc.


3 hours ago, NaughtyVampy said:

i just discovered the mod



Seriously though - this is one of the deepest mods ever made. Even Skyrim and Fallout would need several mods combined to get close to what this one does. It's big, brutal and doesn't play nice. But there's nothing else like it - ANYWHERE on ANY game.


That said, if you have problems, just ask, but Trust me, the answers are 99.9% sure to be here already. Use the search feature in your local browser search engine first, instead of the one here. The one here can get a lot of unrelated results without hierarchy so you'll have to be specific and experiment with wording. I'm just an old simmer whom has the time and I feel, experience to help.

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8 hours ago, EvoGull said:

I got it working.

You are an inspiration!


Took the time to communicate till everyone was on the same page, and understood what was required. Now go forth, be fruitful, and multiply...





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22 hours ago, landess said:

Here is my location

Ack! That desktop! My eyes!!! The horror!!! :lol: I've actually seen worse. Mine doesn't even have the recycle bin icon on it.  (continuing thought from elsewhere... did you loose your 'Snipping Tool' yet, for some bloody fricking reason MS thought adding some new unwanted/unnecessary program 'Snip & Sketch' that sounds cloud-based was a good decision.... gaaaahhhhhhh)
Anyway... back to humor attempts:  that desktop being so busy might explain the "cranky" part. ? 

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17 hours ago, landess said:

Does anyone else with the Nightlife expansion and KW installed notice Paparazzi no longer take photo's?

I've actually never noticed a single Paparazzi with KW, even though I've had it enabled... but after seeing your question realized I probably found a way to disable them in TS3 via mod (I'm guessing NR SP, but maybe something else).  I'll have to try to remember to look for that, but they were annoying little piss ants who were (like e'erything else EA) overdone, so I had to have found a way to prevent them.  (It's not in game options, but I see I used some of ShimrodsMellowPaparazzi126.package so that might be it)

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3 hours ago, landess said:

The one here can get a lot of unrelated results without hierarchy so you'll have to be specific and experiment with wording

Yep. Although being sure to manually select the "this topic" radio button from the search pop-over does limit getting results for Skyrim or TS4 (or tons other stuff). Just a nature of the Invision software.

If you use DuckDuckGo, doing a search like this (putting what you are looking for where the underlines are) will help limit things, and is how you search a specific site w/ that search engine:

+site:loverslab.com "sims 3" ___________


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6 hours ago, NaughtyVampy said:

Also idky but when i try to fix the settings it wouldnt let me go to settings for kinky world. :(

Huh? Which settings were you trying to fix? There aren't any language settings that I know of (just looked in the game options... which has me wondering: how does someone change the language of TS3?).


If you couldn't get to the KW settings at all, then we've got a different issue.  But it wasn't sounding like that was what you were trying to do.  However, I wanted to check.


I see a few posts from you regarding using a Mac.  This mod does use the Microsoft .Net 3.5 library.  But I have seen others playing TS3 w/ this mod on macs, so it's not impossible. You just might have to do weird things. Back in 2018, with one of the versions back then to be able to see the kinky selfies & photos, I read that you needed to turn off "Retina Display" in your options.  Not sure how much (of a pain) that is, or even if that's even possible these days.  Hopefully other Mac users will pop in and help out.  There's gotta be a few ? 




Back to language: What I've seen more is people wanting one of the translated languages, but getting English instead.  I know, though, that I did see a bit more French with a couple different dialogs. I just treated it as "simlish" and let the sims enjoy.



[[[ this got very programmer techie... sorry ]]]

22 hours ago, landess said:

replace the French parts with the language of your choice in the mods XML's (I don't get that deep, so while it might sound simple - I have no practical experience).

It's actually a bit more complicated than this, since the language strings aren't stored in normal XML files. s3pe lists them as STBL files. One could use the grid view and probably be OK. Not sure if using a text editor on the stuff it shows on the right would really work. Somewhere on (probably) ModTheSims there's a String Editor program that would be the more "proper" way of doing it.  There's also the chance that the stuff which does show as French is hardcoded in the DLL code...

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1 hour ago, jdw6 said:

Ack! That desktop! My eyes!!! The horror!!!

You will go blind if you see my CC workshops! 7 on this laptop alone... the newest ones, of course. Folder after folder after folder, with a few sub-folders inside of sub-folders!!! OY! I was up to 10 on the old laptop. Most of that stuff was awful, but it got me started. ) Probably more crap than landess' sims packages files!!!

1 hour ago, jdw6 said:

I've actually never noticed a single Paparazzi with KW, even though I've had it enabled

I know with Late Night, there's an option for paparazzi in the options menu after the game loads and Nraas register can set the number of paparazzi and you can even choose them.

1 hour ago, jdw6 said:

but they were annoying little piss ants

Ah! But my demon girls LOVE paparazzi... taste like chicken! It's a constant renewable food supply for them. )

23 minutes ago, jdw6 said:
23 hours ago, landess said:

replace the French parts with the language of your choice in the mods XML's (I don't get that deep, so while it might sound simple - I have no practical experience).

It's actually a bit more complicated than this

The only language setting I can think of for TS3 is during game set up...


Although, I just googled "how to change language in sims 3" and there's a bunch of stuff. This is just one of the "how to" videos... 


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2 hours ago, jdw6 said:

Ack! That desktop! My eyes!!! The horror!!! :lol: 

To each their own. I have all my old disks going back to the 90's available to view as one would with books on a bookshelf. Since the advent and my use of the digital download format, I missed having my game library view-able at a glance. My only option and also 1-click simplicity, was to have anything I am currently using ON my desktop, not stuffed away in another location. (I actually like the newest Steam library page-kinda gives me what I want, and it follows the same concepts you see in the newer services like UBI and Origin)


If anyone ever opens the fridge before deciding what to eat, should be able to relate. Other toads I've had the misfortune to deal with think it's some kinda ego thing - I swear people nowadays can kiss my ass. Now THAT explains the cranky part :) 


I live alone, and my system isn't shared. It's a tool like anything else, and sometimes I wonder why I even bother with desktop backgrounds....


Plus: People tend to be curious, though some to the point of being very 'snoopy'. If someone here tells me they didn't actually like looking at what I have on my desktop, then they are a rare breed, or lying....    At my age I could give a rats ass when it comes to what a bunch of people think concerning my personal life - go get your own!


Disclaimer - none of the comments here are pointed to anyone in particular. If you 'think' it applies to you, well sorry, it probably doesn't.


>>> As far as the language thing in recent discussion, I believe it relates to the dialogue box that appears when KW interactions like 'grope' are used. Since it's not simlish, it does take me 'out of the game' somewhat, so I generally enter/tab through it as quickly as I can. (definitely a patreon request)<---- It was exactly this particular KW addition that had me realizing this mod was starting to go sideways....

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2 hours ago, landess said:

To each their own.

think it's some kinda ego thing - I swear people nowadays can kiss my ass. Now THAT explains the cranky part :) 

hehehe yep. to quote a sportscaster who I used to watch regularly (but oddly found annoying) "I kid, 'cause I care". (or, maybe paraphrase is more accurate)

ego thing? nah.  ne'er in a million years would I think *that* about someone. But yep... people (in the general sense) these days have me turning to more places like this, and living in my simuniverse more than the real one... ok, there might be other reasons for that, but this ain't no $500 an hour shrink's couch. lol



2 hours ago, landess said:

the dialogue box that appears when KW interactions like 'grope' are used

Oh, right... the grope thing is definitely where I saw it.

BTW, is there really a "point" to the popup, pause the game, you can't type or do anything in it "dialogue box"?  I disabled it, half expecting not to see the text I didn't really care too much about, but (and this half was right) half expecting to find it in the notifications in the top right -- which is where all that goes to.  The dialogue box broke the game immersion far more than encountering un petit texte en français possibly from my highschool Spanish.  (a little text in French)  But I can see why people would want to change it.


BTW, if and when I ever get to that particular "where the heck is this and can I fix it" to-do list item, I'll let y'all know where 'bouts it is.



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4 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

You will go blind if you see my CC workshops! 7 on this laptop alone... the newest ones, of course. Folder after folder after folder, with a few sub-folders inside of sub-folders!!! OY! I was up to 10 on the old laptop. Most of that stuff was awful, but it got me started. ) Probably more crap than landess' sims packages files!!!

I know with Late Night, there's an option for paparazzi in the options menu after the game loads and Nraas register can set the number of paparazzi and you can even choose them.

Ah! But my demon girls LOVE paparazzi... taste like chicken! It's a constant renewable food supply for them. )

The only language setting I can think of for TS3 is during game set up...


This is just one of the "how to" videos... 

I might be just a step (or two) this side of wearing tinfoil hats and covering the walls in my apartment with it... ok, make that several steps (not quite as bad as those characters in Conspiracy Theory and Enemy of the State, but they do have a point... sorta) but really, the only place that tends to stay "clean" is my virtual desktop... which oddly is just about the same shade of charcoal that LL uses.... maybe that's why I felt so comfy hanging out here. lol  Anywho. It's really b/c I can't get to that stuff quickly w/ the keyboard, and my desktop is usually covered w/ programs.  But, like landess said "to each their own". :) 

Oh, right. If you play vamp.... um... deamons, then yah, the NPC paparazzis would be a food source.  (I might also have a low opinion due to a couple industries I used to be slightly close to... )

Anything that starts off with "regex" must be good. muahahahaha 


(re-reading... meh, no edits) Forgot to finish the 'privacy' thought, I've just worked too many places where it's best if people didn't see what you had installed. But here. meh. lol 

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4 hours ago, jdw6 said:

wearing tinfoil hats and covering the walls in my apartment with it

Jimmy McGill's brother in 'Just call Saul'. Genius Lawyer and 'hyper allergic' to EM. Enemy of the State I feel is one of Will Smiths' best roles, but most everything else is just a 'fresh prince' texture map.


Now I have an idea for a new Sim so thanks for that. I never purposely chose Technophobe before, and with CASt, I'm sure I can fake some tin foil madness.....

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16 hours ago, jdw6 said:

I might be just a step (or two) this side of wearing tinfoil hats and covering the walls in my apartment with it

Oooooo SHINY!!! My next projects will be to make a tinfoil hat and matching wallpaper!!!

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15 hours ago, landess said:

Now I have an idea for a new Sim so thanks for that. I never purposely chose Technophobe before, and with CASt, I'm sure I can fake some tin foil madness.....


4 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Oooooo SHINY!!! My next projects will be to make a tinfoil hat and matching wallpaper!!!


I'm kinda thinking that I've ran across some tinfoil-like textures somewhere (just checked TSR, really thought it was there, but alas, nope).
Found this: tis for TS4, though. The whole "custom trait" thing is just a bit "next level" to me. 

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2 hours ago, jdw6 said:

I'm kinda thinking that I've ran across some tinfoil-like textures somewhere

tinfoil is easy. Just google or duck duck it (whatever) and grab an image from online pics. ) Not sure about custom traits in sims 4, but from what I understand, it's next to impossible in sims 3. KW traits are part of the self contained mod and wouldn't do anything without KW installed. There was a thread on MTS about it. Someone did do it, but I forget who.


Well, back to the bondage stuff!

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1 hour ago, MagnaSonic3000 said:

I remember this working before but now they keep saying they don't want to do anything.

Something you can try:

(click sim) | Kinky World | Settings | (miscellaneous, I think? the option at the bottom of the menu) | enable debug
(click sim) | Kinky World | Debug | Always accept (click it to make it "yes" ... or "true")

Then see if they'll do what you wanted them to do.


KW being a long-term status increasing, knowledge increasing, mood-based "game", it's better to let it do its thing (meaning you probably will want to turn that 'always accept' thing back off, but you'll see what I mean if you leave it on for long).

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can anyone help me with the cum on body effects? it was working fine but now nothing appears on their bodies. i've tried making a new game and new sims and it still won't work. i tested with the horny sleeping face masturbation. the notification about something stick on their face will popup but nothing is actually there.

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