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Skyrim Modding Guide

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Well it's not that issue by itself as that issue contributing to just too much load. A heavily modded game up on levels 40+ is already going to be somewhat bloated in the 20+ mb area, and when you then add that it has to count three, four maybe five things at the same time, you will crash when trying to save that game. Move your companions back to you and end their combat routine and your save is safe again. But if you can't look up your companions ref ID for this, it's going to be hard. AFT's snap-back feature with having companions teleport to you when you draw weapons do not work if they are currently engaged in combat, as they will be in the case of the skeever halfway across the map, their very stupid AI will percieve that skeever to be a vital threat and will head off to kill it regardless of what you do. Now if you get too far from a beastie you're supposed to drop out of combat from them, but this isn't going to always work. I've been unable to do smithing in Riften because of an angry skeever or mudcrab in the Morthal area keeping me in combat. And when distances get this big and the combat won't end, your companions will be gone for hours trying to get to that Skeever, and while they're heading towards the skeever, the game isn't going to dismiss the skeever as it might had if you'd continued on towards Riften instead of stopping in the cave, and AFT's functions is not going to work. Basically if you aggro something while riding somewhere, you stop and you kill it, unless you have Death Alternative installed with the Disengage power. Otherwise it's just too big of a chance it'll cause you issues.

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Well it's not that issue by itself as that issue contributing to just too much load. A heavily modded game up on levels 40+ is already going to be somewhat bloated in the 20+ mb area, and when you then add that it has to count three, four maybe five things at the same time, you will crash when trying to save that game.







that save have 52 kb of scripts attached to nothing

but if i delete those, i break scripts

so in fact, i have less than 52 kb of useless data for 18 mo (and that's everything from level 1, i don't use that thing since it break scripts)


world reset is set at 10 days, temporary things disappear faster, 5-10 more mo if it was still 30 day maybe



just did the amorous quest with jordis

she wasn't there when i found the corpse with the dress, had no problem saving in that cave, don't know if i would have find her without the next quest that put a marker on her (she wasn't even destroyed by something, her shortcut to follow me got her stuck)

i lost her somewhere near whiterun too, horse too fast for her and she don't have sofia teleport thing, but after some time, she got to me


when i rush dawnstar whiterun on my horse, farkas met a giant

i can tell because protected npc have a problem with them, they survived when they are send flying, but for some reason, this turn off their animation

so when farkas was send too far away from the giant, and came back to me, he wasn't running, it's more like his corpse was getting drag to me



your problem is probably a mod that break the save you are trying to make


i had that some month ago, but it wasn't a ctd, but a message "saving failed because blabla"

wasn't able to load that save in savegamecleaner, but the one before i could, there was 1200 active scripts in it, most from splash of rain

adding splash of rain to some rains mods i have in pure weather was a bad idea

game can only put x active scripts in the save, and that was putting me above the limit in the rain, impossible to save in the rain

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I have never experienced a CTD because of this in hundreds of hours of game time and I always have lots of followers.  These followers are constantly getting into fights while I am running down the road.  Sometimes, I even miss it happening and don't realize it till I am missing companions.  What I have done most often is use AFT summons and move on.  Once in a while, I'll run back and help them kill the beast, but usually, I just ignore them and go on. 


I suspect that this might be a combination of issues because as you know, I have a light mod load (40 odd mods).




How can you play with such small list ?? :P my essential list already gets far above 80+ mods and that is small list. no sexlab mods yet. 

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Heads up, Mod Organizer 1.3.6 is bugged as all the .3 ones have been, but you can fix it; upgrade to 1.3.6, then download the Upgrade file that should upgrade you from 1.3.5 and take the hook.dll file, copy that and place it in your Mod Organizer directory. This fixes desktop shortcuts and SkyProc Patchers.

You saved me a lot of work with this heads up. Thanks. 

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I have never experienced a CTD because of this in hundreds of hours of game time and I always have lots of followers.  These followers are constantly getting into fights while I am running down the road.  Sometimes, I even miss it happening and don't realize it till I am missing companions.  What I have done most often is use AFT summons and move on.  Once in a while, I'll run back and help them kill the beast, but usually, I just ignore them and go on. 


I suspect that this might be a combination of issues because as you know, I have a light mod load (40 odd mods).




How can you play with such small list ?? :P my essential list already gets far above 80+ mods and that is small list. no sexlab mods yet. 



If I ever lay off modding, I might have time to try out these other cool mods. :P


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hmm sexlab submit alone is bit how to say oddball .. even if i submit my opponents my male char does female char animations XD and it throws desktop frequently after finishing animation ..i think i might keep submit just for dialogue ..defeat had it own perks but i decided to try now without it hoo boy .. prostitution mod is fun tought .agressive animations used in it need to look at sexlab and clik more if you want bit more variant as male char ;) hehe . and it can actually give you male client which i am not keen of ..females absolutely. does some one have recommendations as follower or magic mods ?.

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I am trying to figure out a question that bothers me. I have made some furniture combining several objects. Example 1 cupboard, 2 end tables, 1 safe, and x books (x=23) so what I was wondering is can I save it somewhere as it is (the whole complex model) for future use? Is this possible or every time I have to do the same? Perhaps the whole as new object or in a list or in a test cell ? some how to have them for future use.



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I was trying to upgrade the version of SkyTweak used in Uglykidcid's UKC Utilities, and hoped simply merging the new version with TES5Edit (using the Merge Plugins Script) would do it. No dice. I ended up with two identical MCM SkyTweak menus. I can't tell if the tweaks are being applied correctly or not. What's the correct way to do this? 

So, I think I have it figured out. Take all of the individual mods that went into UKC Utilities and re-merge them with the new version of SkyTweak?

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Sacremas i am trying to trouble shoot why suddenly miaslair and other sexlab mods animations selection seem broken. i had zaz 6.03 then updated to 6.04 and 6.0.5 and 6.0.5 patch and suddenly all mods animations are no longer using the animations that should trigger normally. Is zaz now broken ??


i am not using 6.06 since requires those Slavetats and my mod list is already big.

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Hi, I tried to follow your guide because vanilla Skyrim run with 27-30 fps and I wanted to improve the perfomances a bit.


I tried to use the full RealVision ENB but didn't installed any textures or others mod just to try it out; the fps dropped to 5-6, but I was kinda expecting this so I tried the medium version, but the fps was still bad. At this point I tried the performance version but with little improvement (10 fps) and than the ENBoost, that made my fps go up to 14-16.


My computer is an i7 4510u with 8gb RAM and AMD Radeon r5 m230 2GB GPU laptop, do you think that I can do something to boost a little my fps or I should stick with the game as it is and modding other things? 


P.s. I'm not a native speaking english so forgive me if I write something wrong ^^

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Hum. Well here's what you'll do;


First off make sure you don't have a lot of background programs running, laptops in particular are notorious about running all sorts of crap bundled from the producer. I uninstall everything bundled first thign I get the computer. enter program manager and check your performance and memory use, if anything's running in the background. Especially look for programs with weird names you don't recognize, these could be spyware or malware.


Download then ENBoost instead of an ENB, choose the 2 MB version. Disable all ENBs. Disable and delete the Bethesda High Res texture pack DLC. Download this instead http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9080/?Make sure you're running ugrids 5, not higher. Most of your settings should be vanilla at this point, delete your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and then start up the game via Steam and auto-detect best settings. If your video card includes an optimize graphical settings in it's own control panel, use that, that's good when you're not running ENBs, but kills the ENB.


Make sure you're not running Open Cities, or a mod that puts a lot of NPCs in your city. If you're running Skooma Whore for example make sure you get the right scripts or your cities will lag like crazy from the customers. Make sure that any textures you're using or extra buildings or the like don't overlap and phase into each other, as this will casue massive lag. For example don't run two overhauls on Whiterun at the same time, pick one, I prefer JK's Skyrim but it adds a LOT of extra objects so could be a framerate killer.

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Ok, I tried a few thing:


First of all, I tried to look at my program manager and I found out that 2,5 GB of RAM were used by other applications. I tried closing them using SmartClose but still 2 GB of memory were used, 200 MB only by the antivirus even if I disabled it by its panel.


I tried starting the game running ENBoost and using game's settings (antialiasx2 and anisotropicx0, even if the game auto-detected both at 8x), but with little improvements. I closed the game and disabled CoT, RLO and the other weather mod the ENB page suggested to install (I istalled no textures mod from that page), they were the only mod that I was running apart light mod like SkyUI and immersiveHUD, but the fps doesn't got better, maybe just 1 or 2 fps. 


At this point I remembered that I changed the original .ini with "Optimized INI files uGrids 5" by EWI65 using MO. I restored the vanilla's one and now the game is back to how it was before, between 25 and 30 fps from Riverwood to Whiterun using the male nord prisoner you get starting the game via console command "coc riverwood".


I'll try to download that texture pack and see if the game run smoother, but I got that I should stick with the game as is it and give up on visual improvements.


Thanks you for your help and for this modding guide, I'm sad I can't use all your tips but I think you made a really useful and "user friendly" guide, expecially for a newbe of the modding like me ^^

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I use the following uncapper, it's very well made; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43971(I use the SPERG one)


It's been requested that I post my mod list and load orders again, so here is for my current playthrough, which is a male werewolf Nord paladin type, I'm both running tons of survival mods and I'm running all of ApolloDown's mods.


Posting both the mod list from Mod Organizer (the left panel), where +'s means active mod, this is in reverse order, and my load order. Be aware that the left panel mods include 1080+ mods, so only look through that if you don't recognize something on the load order.

Let me know if you need instructions on how to run any of these mods properly, the Epic Gameplay mods in particular takes some effort to get to work properly.


Just wanted to make some changes and to build a mod list for a new play through including ENB Real Vision and  sudenly I though to check your lists...

It is amazing the mods that you have checked installed and play through. Congratulations Sir :)


I will have to see many of these mods :)

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Heads up, in a couple of weeks EnaiSiaon (author of Apocalypse, Dwemertech, Spectraverse, Thunderchild, Imperious and Aurora) will be releasing a new mod, Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim, a perk overhaul mod. Now I love this guy, he's fantastic at making things compatible, he's got an awesome eye towards balance and everything and I'm already using all of his other mods, so I'll be playing that when it's released. Just lettign you know a new Perk overhaul that's likely going to be very viable will come soon, so you might want to hold off starting any new games yet.


Here's a preview of what the perks in that mod is going to be like; http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/38y7ff/ordinator_perks_of_skyrim_status_update/

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Heads up, in a couple of weeks EnaiSiaon (author of Apocalypse, Dwemertech, Spectraverse, Thunderchild, Imperious and Aurora) will be releasing a new mod, Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim, a perk overhaul mod. Now I love this guy, he's fantastic at making things compatible, he's got an awesome eye towards balance and everything and I'm already using all of his other mods, so I'll be playing that when it's released. Just lettign you know a new Perk overhaul that's likely going to be very viable will come soon, so you might want to hold off starting any new games yet.


Here's a preview of what the perks in that mod is going to be like; http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/38y7ff/ordinator_perks_of_skyrim_status_update/

Awesome news! 


His involvement in Perkus Maximus kept me trying that mod longer than I otherwise would have. I'm especially interested in seeing what he decides to do with the Magic perks. 

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His "involvement" with that was minimal, it was more like T3nd0 took his Enchantment mod and took out the stuff he didn't like, broke several things (It runs best if you run both the addon and normal wintermyst) and didn't consult Enai on these things. Enai has openly critizised Perkus seveal times, and time and again he's had to basically reply in the Apocalypse mod thread "Perkus broke it. Again." basically as people came to him with issues.


I posted on his Reddit thread as you may see about some of the issues I'm hoping he'll deal with, like the enchantment+alchemy+smithing combo, and compatibility with other mods, since if you're using mods by now you're probably using a lot of mods.

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Nerfing potions and the Alchemy-Enchanting loop was one of the things Perkus did well. Unfortunately, it played poorly with dozens of mods I was using, was broken in multiple ways, and the Patcher always took forever to run on my install. That said, I had a good run through the main quest with it.

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I have a question.

I always use LOOT to sort, and I have made meta rules where applicable for STEP,


The problem I run into is;

In Wrye Bash several mods complain about reordered masters.  Most that complain come from Loverslab.


SD+ wants




ZaZAnimationPack.esm                      (This is the most commonly used order for these)



Devious Devices-Assets.esm

Devious Devices-Integration.esm


Amorous Adventures wants




Dawnguard.esm           (?)


Hentai Creatures wants



Dragonborn.esm               (Dawnguard ALWAYS goes before Dragonborn)






SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp     (Same as above)


Devious Devices - For the Masses II wants






Devious Devices-Assets.esm

ZaZAnimationPack.esm                      (This is not common but might be second)


The point is there is no way to make these happy because there is no consistency in master order.


There are others but you get the point.


So what would be the best order to place these in?

I get less grumbling from SD+'s order so that is what I will go with for now till I hear\read your thoughts.  If I change it later I will need to re do A LOT of work and start a new game.....again.

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I replied to the above on the Sex Slaves thread as did other actual modders, basically doesn't matter, if your game can start at all then it will run fine with any of those load orders.


Heads up by the way, here's a mod you should include in your load order regardless; ASIS! You may have heard of this, you may be scared of it, but adding tons of abilities and potions to enemies then adding more enemies is OPTIONAL, though I highly recommend you try out the other options as well. No what you want ASIS for is the NPC Enchantment fix. In vanilla Skyrim if you put say Fortify one-handed on Lydia's guantlets, and Fortify Destruction on Illia's robes, the NPC gets NOTHING AT ALL from it, and same goes if some mod puts such items on NPC opponents. Hjavarr Iron-Hands who's got the Iron Hands steel gauntlets that gives +15 % two-handed might as well be swinging a one-handed sword (he does sometimes) because his gauntles aren't doing anything for him. By running ASIS and using the NPC Enchantment fix, this problem is entirely gone, you can power up your companions exactly like you, give Serana fire resistance, give Lydia better blocking skills, and if Dynamic Loot put a Fortify Everything + Kill PC Instantly on a bandit, he'll actually get benefit from it.


Fishburger if you're reading, you'll want this for sure as your Labia Exiter is doing nothing at all for your sex slaves currently.

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I was wondering if anyone tried the newest SKSE beta ?? i have notcied when my game saves there used to be 2 files when a game is saving now it only saves .ess files and the .skse is no longer saved with the newest beta 1.73 or i think that is the version number.

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I replied to the above on the Sex Slaves thread as did other actual modders, basically doesn't matter, if your game can start at all then it will run fine with any of those load orders.


Heads up by the way, here's a mod you should include in your load order regardless; ASIS! You may have heard of this, you may be scared of it, but adding tons of abilities and potions to enemies then adding more enemies is OPTIONAL, though I highly recommend you try out the other options as well. No what you want ASIS for is the NPC Enchantment fix. In vanilla Skyrim if you put say Fortify one-handed on Lydia's guantlets, and Fortify Destruction on Illia's robes, the NPC gets NOTHING AT ALL from it, and same goes if some mod puts such items on NPC opponents. Hjavarr Iron-Hands who's got the Iron Hands steel gauntlets that gives +15 % two-handed might as well be swinging a one-handed sword (he does sometimes) because his gauntles aren't doing anything for him. By running ASIS and using the NPC Enchantment fix, this problem is entirely gone, you can power up your companions exactly like you, give Serana fire resistance, give Lydia better blocking skills, and if Dynamic Loot put a Fortify Everything + Kill PC Instantly on a bandit, he'll actually get benefit from it.


Fishburger if you're reading, you'll want this for sure as your Labia Exiter is doing nothing at all for your sex slaves currently.

Wow, Ok I will check it out.

 I have recently changed from "ATF-Amazing Follower Tweaks" to "EFF-Extensible Follower Framework" and I use "Come together N Out of the way - Nausicaa-S Tweaker" installed.

I have given my followers custom enchanted gear I made.  I was not aware that they do not benefit.  When I look at NPC-Jenn in EFF it shows her having 100+ in 1 handed and Archery.  I thought that this was because of the Labia exciter chain.  If it is...then some are getting through. 

I will however check it out and install it and see what results from it.


Thanks for the info. :shy:

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