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[Sims 4] Incest, Teen Romance, Babies For Everyone and more! UPDATED FOR!


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So this is the first time I've posted, but I've been following your work for quite a while.  I'm one of the many, many nameless people who won't speak up on these forums.  & given the interest I've seen on this mod from people who do speak up, I'm certain that I'm not the only person who's thinking this; in fact, given that it's been suggested by other people multiple times, I know I'm not the only person thinking this.


Get a Patreon account already!  You do a lot of hard work, combining through files & fixing a mod that, really, only benefits a very limited community.  Some of us would like to express our appreciation in the only way that we really can, not having the talent to do the work. 


Perhaps I'm only speaking for myself in this.  & if so, apologies to the community that's been here far longer than this sorry lurker.  Still.  Figured that I'd like to say something, given my anticipation for the latest re-fix on the 'patch' EA put out.



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I hope this hasn't already been addressed, there were so many pages to comb through; Is there anyway in the future this mod could be compatible with pregnancy length adjuster mods? I like to play the sims with the lifespans as long as possible, so 3 days doesn't work well with my game-play. I did attempt to use this mod and another mod that prolong the pregnancy and a mod that only scans to see if a sim is pregnant, and all buffs disappeared from my teen sim. With only the scanner downloaded, my teen got the buffs, but did not grow a belly (I used cas in full edit mode to give her a bump to keep realism.) Should the mod work correctly without the mod that scans? or is there something else that may be causing problems. I am updated to the latest patch, and have a computer with more than adequate specs, I am using the TtoA mod with none of the added things like incest, polygamy, or naked woohoo. Whatever it may be, thank you for your contributions to the sims community :)


Unfortunately this mod is not likely to be compatible with any of the pregnancy extension mods any time soon. The reason is that those mods use scripting in addition to some of the same XML files, so they would be trying to overwrite each other. If I can think of/find a way to extend the pregnancy timer in the XML, I'll definitely consider that for later. As for using the mod with the current patch, I'm still working on the updates right now. I got the latest XML a bit later than I would've liked, and just haven't had as much time as I wanted to for updates. It's coming along slowly but surely, and I *should* have an update posted this weekend if I get all of the testing done during the week.


I really appreciate the support from those that are voicing it here. For those asking that I rush something out (you know who you are), that's just not going to be a thing with me. I intend for this next release to be a sort of "final" version of sorts to lock in the basic features as fully functional. I'm not sure whether I'll still be doing too much updating after that outside of massive game updates, since I also should have a tutorial on XML modding finished not long after that.


I also don't plan on purchasing any further content for the game, since I don't really play a lot outside of testing at the moment. That doesn't mean I won't for sure, just that I don't intend to buy any unless the content gained is proportional to the price. Right now their pricing is straight garbage, probably due to how successful Sims 3 was. I bought the first two content packs, and pretty much instantly regretted it. The outdoor pack had one small area and some extra gear/interactions (totally thought it would be more for the price), and Get to Work didn't bother to advertise the aliens that were going to completely screw with the gameplay.


tldr; I'm disappointed with the general direction they decided to take the game, and probably won't put more money into it unless something super awesome happens, like increasing lot size significantly or something. Updates for the mod are ongoing, and I should have something this weekend if everything pans out. Targeted pregnancy should be working as well, now that I've gotten some advice on some of the coding, but I'll know once I get around to the testing phase.


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I'm sorry I might sound so n00b alike, but I'm absolutely lost xDU I read the whole thread (yeah) but when I tried to download the file I thought suited my taste best I couldn't find the ideal combination. I know it's difficult and that you're doing an outstanding job, for real. But could anybody guide me a little here? I'd really appreciate it :__D

I'd like a mod with Incest, Teen to Adult stuff and teen pregnancy (guess that would be babies for everyone?)
I can take naked woohoo and polygamy but don't want No Jealousy. I already have a same sex pregnancy mod but I guess it could interact with your mods and fuck it up is it? 

I have the base game and the get to work expantion only,


thanks in advance :_D

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I'm sorry I might sound so n00b alike, but I'm absolutely lost xDU I read the whole thread (yeah) but when I tried to download the file I thought suited my taste best I couldn't find the ideal combination. I know it's difficult and that you're doing an outstanding job, for real. But could anybody guide me a little here? I'd really appreciate it :__D


I'd like a mod with Incest, Teen to Adult stuff and teen pregnancy (guess that would be babies for everyone?)

I can take naked woohoo and polygamy but don't want No Jealousy. I already have a same sex pregnancy mod but I guess it could interact with your mods and fuck it up is it? 


I have the base game and the get to work expantion only,


thanks in advance :_D

Hi Purple_Enma. The first post should have all the necessary instructions to find what you need. Did you have any specific questions regarding the instructions there?

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@Purple_Enma - You want the TA_I_NW_P file. Unzip just that file from the Teen to Adult .zip and throw it in the mods folder. Fair warning, if you've updated your game to the current version, the files here won't work as intended.


@coolz - I'm not sure what version of the game you're using, but for obvious reasons, don't post links to pirated software here please. I don't encourage pirating software, but I do understand that people in certain countries may not have the same access we do to software. That being said, this is not the place to post links to that sort of thing, and if people really enjoy the game, they should at the very least purchase the basic version. It's the same price as most new PC games, and much like Steam, Origin has sales and randomly sends emails for discounts. If I get one for the Sims 4 again, I'll post it here.


As for the problem you're encountering, if you're using the most current version of the game that's the problem. See my last post for a status update of sorts.

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First of all, thank you for this great mod!


I tried to read the various pages of the discussion but I did't manage to so I apologise if my questions have already been answered at some point.

1) Is it normal that the belly of my pregnant teen does't get bigger? (I have a teen/teen pregnancy)

2) The 'pee bar' (sorry I don't know how it is called because I don't have the game in English) stays always red. Is that a common problem?


Thank you very much!

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I have downloaded this, but none of it works?


It hasn't been fully functional since the update for GTW.  They (EA) really screwed up the coding.  We are hopefully going to get an updated version soon.  Unfortunately, we will also be getting another patch soon as well.  So who knows.

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heya i like a small discussion about my issues too


one error i have if wohoo they get naked do they wohooo  once over one get out the bed dress up and get back in the other comes out after and suddenly  both sims reset  standing next to the bed...i do not like this  yet i do not know which conflict is causing this


another i not like my sim or even other seem to flirt the hell arround  without any romantic mood  or order 


i just sit on table eating, my sim auto talks auto flirts (yet even if selected sim free will is turned off  but ea failed on this option  very) it ruin all relation get more romatic relations etc

it is killing my nerves  i have 7 romantic relations and 5 just caused by my stupid sim auto behavior and auto flirts -.-


is there any changes on sims behavior if we use the  mods here?  i already removed everything else like PTME etc

im using this mod version  TtoA_Inc_NaW_1.5.149.1020v3

i have the latest patch  and get to work expansion  installed  but all those auto flirts it only ruin the whole game :/

i not use any more behavior change mods  even the auto repair i did remove thinking it can be the trigger


if someone know or have advice it be nice   ty my bad english :)


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heya i like a small discussion about my issues too


one error i have if wohoo they get naked do they wohooo  once over one get out the bed dress up and get back in the other comes out after and suddenly  both sims reset  standing next to the bed...i do not like this  yet i do not know which conflict is causing this


another i not like my sim or even other seem to flirt the hell arround  without any romantic mood  or order 


i just sit on table eating, my sim auto talks auto flirts (yet even if selected sim free will is turned off  but ea failed on this option  very) it ruin all relation get more romatic relations etc

it is killing my nerves  i have 7 romantic relations and 5 just caused by my stupid sim auto behavior and auto flirts -.-


is there any changes on sims behavior if we use the  mods here?  i already removed everything else like PTME etc

im using this mod version  TtoA_Inc_NaW_1.5.149.1020v3

i have the latest patch  and get to work expansion  installed  but all those auto flirts it only ruin the whole game :/

i not use any more behavior change mods  even the auto repair i did remove thinking it can be the trigger


if someone know or have advice it be nice   ty my bad english :)


@Nichya Any problems you are experiencing are because this mod hasn't been updated to the latest patch. There will be an update soon. Until then, nothing can be done to stop those things unless you remove this mod.

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When are you gona updade this it is not working on fast lane update 

ps another sims 4 update is comming next week so plz hurry.


I'm sorry farhan, no ofense, but perhaps comments like this one arent very apropiate in the current circumstances.


Semajitor has already been working very hard with previous updates, and he does all the job alone, buying the game and expansions with his own money.


If EA keeps messing up everything with each update, you all will have to understand that it is not possible to follow the rythm. Some mods wont simple be available for all versions, unless they decide to share with us some of their programers and give expansions for free (don't think never happens xD)


So, about Semajitor, I would be already very happy and grateful if he can find the time and the mood to update the mod each 3 or 4 updates, lets say for every big expansions or so. 


Please take that in account before posting requests =)

Last thing he probably needs is more pressure

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agree with this totally. at this point we get it when we get it.


When are you gona updade this it is not working on fast lane update 

ps another sims 4 update is comming next week so plz hurry.


I'm sorry farhan, no ofense, but perhaps comments like this one arent very apropiate in the current circumstances.


Semajitor has already been working very hard with previous updates, and he does all the job alone, buying the game and expansions with his own money.


If EA keeps messing up everything with each update, you all will have to understand that it is not possible to follow the rythm. Some mods wont simple be available for all versions, unless they decide to share with us some of their programers and give expansions for free (don't think never happens xD)


So, about Semajitor, I would be already very happy and grateful if he can find the time and the mood to update the mod each 3 or 4 updates, lets say for every big expansions or so. 


Please take that in account before posting requests =)

Last thing he probably needs is more pressure



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I think we may have burned Semajitor out.  Which I can't say I blame him, he put in a lot of work to keep these mods updated and working great.  He had everything working fine until EA really screwed the pooch on that last patch.  And now we have another patch coming which will probably break the mods even more.

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I think we may have burned Semajitor out.  Which I can't say I blame him, he put in a lot of work to keep these mods updated and working great.  He had everything working fine until EA really screwed the pooch on that last patch.  And now we have another patch coming which will probably break the mods even more.


ooh i do not understand what did the last patch mess so much up ?


aside the general interraction as every patch but this post seem like the past been more than usual :/

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I think we may have burned Semajitor out.  Which I can't say I blame him, he put in a lot of work to keep these mods updated and working great.  He had everything working fine until EA really screwed the pooch on that last patch.  And now we have another patch coming which will probably break the mods even more.


ooh i do not understand what did the last patch mess so much up ?


aside the general interraction as every patch but this post seem like the past been more than usual :/



Semajitor had it working perfectly, and I do mean perfectly.  No issues at all.  This last patch screwed up the animations, the moodlets, and in general made the game unstable to play.  Things which shouldn't have been effected were effected.  On top of that, there were a number of other mods that were completely broken, not just this one.  The SIms forums has a list of the broken mods (this one isn't listed because it's not allowed there).

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Right, like some mods involving the amount of babies and age tweaks...

In fact, since many of "my" mods are broken and useless, after update 1.07, the time I spend playing the sims 4 has diminished dramatically... maybe we should start talking about other games... just a joke! xDD


I hope EA will realize someday not too far how bad is for them and the game itself to continue with such "I dont care in mods" strategy.  



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Right, like some mods involving the amount of babies and age tweaks...

In fact, since many of "my" mods are broken and useless, after update 1.07, the time I spend playing the sims 4 has diminished dramatically... maybe we should start talking about other games... just a joke! xDD


I hope EA will realize someday not too far how bad is for them and the game itself to continue with such "I dont care in mods" strategy.  


Yup, I haven't even bothered logging into Origin since they broke the mods again. No reason to. Sims 4 has a serious lack of control only mods can fix, and they keep breaking them. And now that I got my other PC running again, I have Sims 2 back.

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