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Honestly not a single person has stepped up to the plate and offered to take the mod and continue it like kirtta offered (to my knowledge), so we won't see any news literally ever, until that happens. She said so herself that she gave up on the mod but is willing to give the files to someone who will continue it.

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Honestly not a single person has stepped up to the plate and offered to take the mod and continue it like kirtta offered (to my knowledge), so we won't see any news literally ever, until that happens. She said so herself that she gave up on the mod but is willing to give the files to someone who will continue it.


I have, and recieved no response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, To my knowledge, Kritta will be mailing me the 30+ GB of assets through snail mail from literally the other side of the planet. when I have them and I've set everything up, I'll be pushing for a full release.


you sir..... are a hero, the hype lives again! please do leave an update on this thread when you get the flies :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Holy shit peeps! Yes I am alive, though only just. Had a rough few months with some mental issues and work problems, but am now medicated and doing much better.

I am kind of over this mod and am looking for someone to take over finishing it, any one keen? I will need to find somewhere to upload the like 10 or so gigs of mod assets and textures. There is a lot of content....


OH! At least you are good! From any and all race mods... (at least the ones I saw) Yours was already the best. It was one of the few mods that were not just slapped together assets, but actual, working, and loved mod. Stable, well textured and modeled and with A lot of customisation options. It is, and probably forever will be, one of my necessary mods... Always.
As for Real Life and issues... I understand... Having lot of issues myself (mental, financial and health...) I have very little time to even PLAY games... let alone MAKE something...  So I understand you. And While I am sad that the new version will never be finished (al least not by YOU, with your amazing vision for it). At least we still have the Legacy Version. And now also ported to SE, which is another great thing.

You should probably also put info about this on tumblr.

I would love to see this mod continued. And I hope at least some of the people here who shown interest in taking over it, will actually manage to do it...

So... again... Than you. For making it in the first place... And I wish you Happy life and lots of luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did Borzoi ever get that data?


Unfortunately, I don't think he did..because the last thing he said anything was sometime last month.. I think..but yeah he's gone quiet. I hate it..I really do, but I guess this update to the mod was too ambitious for it's own good. ><

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Rip, years of waiting just straight up gone,  here lies the mod 2015-2017


Best option from here is Yiffy Age. It's got parts loosely inspired on Lykaios Males and improves the Lykaios feet, and is pretty ambitious. BadDog and a few others are working on that. If we see the assets ever surface, I think they're planning on merging some of the stuff. But beyond that.... Idk anymore. Half the projects I love are either too buggy for play except in a stripped out loadorder, or incomplete and abandoned. Too bad.

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Rip, years of waiting just straight up gone,  here lies the mod 2015-2017


Best option from here is Yiffy Age. It's got parts loosely inspired on Lykaios Males and improves the Lykaios feet, and is pretty ambitious. BadDog and a few others are working on that. If we see the assets ever surface, I think they're planning on merging some of the stuff. But beyond that.... Idk anymore. Half the projects I love are either too buggy for play except in a stripped out loadorder, or incomplete and abandoned. Too bad.



I also suggest taking the Sharkmer mod that's here..it adds a shark anthro race(Actually called Selachii) that Blaze69 and Kuroyami are working on, and ever since they picked it up from november of -LAST YEAR-,(And before that, the mod was in a older, more cartoony state that was thought to be left to die a few months before Blaze picked it up) they've been updating and improving it ever since. Hell, they even got a few NPC followers with it AND a version that works with Yiffy Age. So yeah, want something else to try and look forward to? Try that mod out.

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for 5 years I've waited for this mod to release, I guess five minutes of kritta's time to send the flies was too much to ask ;-;


I don't think it was that, it was just when it started getting somewhat close to this date..her communication started to get scarce. I don't know if she was unable to or felt it too personal to speak of, but that's the worst thing you can do when making something even remotely ambitious as this..not communicate. I could understand if she was unable to because her computer broke or something like that, but unfortunately it's led us to this point. I hate to say it, but unless she says something herself,(Or that guy that said he was getting her files) we're probably gonna have to move on. ><

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I've contacted both people involved with this. Both Kritta and Porsche Dog saying I'll happily get the assets ingame and release the mod as is. My messages have been read and ignored and nothing else has surfaced of it. So do consider this dead.


-Read and ignored-?! ...Wow..This is starting to feel like one massive troll...but for what?


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It's not that you've been ignored, it's that it's been a long time between updates. Things happen, and plans change.


Looking back though the thread:

Borzoi said Kritta was mailing the assets to him on a harddrive last June and he'd post when he got it. So far he hasn't. Even snail-mail is not that slow, so I, at least, suspect something has happened to throw off the plan.


You had indicated you were trying to contact Kritta, but hadn't heard anything. If you do get the assets and release them, that's wonderful, but Kritta has gone silent, to my knowledge.

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I've contacted both people involved with this. Both Kritta and Porsche Dog saying I'll happily get the assets ingame and release the mod as is. My messages have been read and ignored and nothing else has surfaced of it. So do consider this dead.


Can't ignore what hasn't been received/read, to begin with. Might want to choose your wording wisely next time, mate :P


I can't speak for Kitty, no clue when she was last on; however, for me, I've been away for at very least 2 months.

Anyway, my point is, don't get rumours started with skewed or untrue context :)




To the public/masses:

My reason for logging on was to indeed check if there were any messages I may have gotten during my hiatus and to check the status of SKSE64 extender (of which, seems to be making progress. This means I may have the obligation to spring back into action!).


So what does this mean for me?

Well, given my lack of coding ability ('less it's HTML5 and CSS with a touch of Java), I'd still be utterly useless with implementation. About the only thing I'm good for is, you guessed it, modelling and UV maps.

So, while I may refine this and have it ready-n-waiting for a modder to port my works into the game, that's about all I'm good for... unless one of you chaps is feeling gutsy enough to undertake the task of teaching me the basics of coding for games such as this, then by all means, reach out to me and let us figure something out :)

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