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I have some questions about Andrews quest line. 

*edit: Description mentioned i should ride a horse for some comments, do i need a mod that allows me to put Andrew on a horse as well or was it just bad luck that i didn't get any new comments yet?


And is there a way to get two bottles of skooma? Just curious. :)

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I have some questions about Andrews quest line. 

*edit: Description mentioned i should ride a horse for some comments, do i need a mod that allows me to put Andrew on a horse as well or was it just bad luck that i didn't get any new comments yet?


And is there a way to get two bottles of skooma? Just curious. :)


Yes, you need a mod to get andrew to ride a horse.  For the comments to trigger, he needs to actually be on a horse.


And, no, only one bottle of super skooma.

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I have some questions about Andrews quest line. 

*edit: Description mentioned i should ride a horse for some comments, do i need a mod that allows me to put Andrew on a horse as well or was it just bad luck that i didn't get any new comments yet?


And is there a way to get two bottles of skooma? Just curious. :)


Yes, you need a mod to get andrew to ride a horse.  For the comments to trigger, he needs to actually be on a horse.


And, no, only one bottle of super skooma.


Any suggestions or mods to avoid? I hardly ever use followers and have little experience with such mods, but i guess for this mod i should finally try one. According to reddit Immersive Amazing follower tweaks is better than the original (more stable), but to make followers mount i also need Immersive horses which supports some other follower mods as well and now i'm not sure which one i should use.

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I have some questions about Andrews quest line. 

*edit: Description mentioned i should ride a horse for some comments, do i need a mod that allows me to put Andrew on a horse as well or was it just bad luck that i didn't get any new comments yet?


And is there a way to get two bottles of skooma? Just curious. :)


Yes, you need a mod to get andrew to ride a horse.  For the comments to trigger, he needs to actually be on a horse.


And, no, only one bottle of super skooma.


Any suggestions or mods to avoid? I hardly ever use followers and have little experience with such mods, but i guess for this mod i should finally try one. According to reddit Immersive Amazing follower tweaks is better than the original (more stable), but to make followers mount i also need Immersive horses which supports some other follower mods as well and now i'm not sure which one i should use.



I use AFT (the original) and Convenient Horses.  Not sure of the others.  I always try to pick mods with as little papyrus impact as possible.

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I have run into an issue with Tabitha, she is not recognizing that we are at the Solitude carriage driver location.  I have tried talking to the carriage driver & Tabitha, waiting 1 hr, save and reload, traveled to another location and back, ran all around the carriage and over the top of it.   What do I need to input to end this quest? 


EDIT: Was reading through old posts to find an answer and I think I found it, setstage MiaFindTabitha 130   

My issue might be caused by modification of the carriage driver locations by another mod that added additional destinations to the list.

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I have run into an issue with Tabitha, she is not recognizing that we are at the Solitude carriage driver location.  I have tried talking to the carriage driver & Tabitha, waiting 1 hr, save and reload, traveled to another location and back, ran all around the carriage and over the top of it.   What do I need to input to end this quest? 


EDIT: Was reading through old posts to find an answer and I think I found it, setstage MiaFindTabitha 130   

My issue might be caused by modification of the carriage driver locations by another mod that added additional destinations to the list.


That should work and yes, mods that fuck with the carriage locations will break this.

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I had some problems with the MiaAndButtPlug quest. The remaining worst problem is that sexlab can't play the animation in Old Hroldan, no idea what's wrong... DD is installed but all filters are deactivated, SL settings are pretty much default, don't know if i should enable foreplay or something.


*edit: relevant part i guess:



[07/29/2017 - 12:09:36PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[07/29/2017 - 12:09:36PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alina) -- TRUE -- HIT
[07/29/2017 - 12:09:36PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Alina] SetActor([Actor < (00000014)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (06061EEF)>]
[07/29/2017 - 12:09:36PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Andrew the Bulwark) -- TRUE -- HIT
[07/29/2017 - 12:09:36PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Andrew the Bulwark] SetActor([sexslmaleactor < (1402010C)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (06061EEF)>]
[07/29/2017 - 12:09:37PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[07/29/2017 - 12:09:37PM] ERROR: Cannot call HasOneTag() on a None object, aborting function call

What happens ingame is that i get a message: Playing animation: 
then my character is in this far below the room, somebody in the distance constantly falling down and teleported back to fall again. I've reloaded, tried if animations work in general in front of Old Hroldan (they do) and tried again, same result...
I've seen this Playing animation: and then nothing some time ago when there was a bug in DD which sometimes filtered all animations, but since it's fixed and this time DD isn't involved (i don't wear any), i think it's something else.

I have reset the sexlab animation register some time ago because i got a message i should to get the spank&blowjob animation. After that SL counted some animations less, but i can't say which are gone. Might be NSAP or something. 


The problems i could solve were that

-i've found the key but manually had to disable the debris

-i assume that i didn't find the door behind the debris before i've found the key is the reason that queststage 20 is never set and "find the amazing sextoy" is unsolved in the journal. Is that a problem?

- after the scene with the book and getting the toys a quest marker still points to the draugr. Not really a problem, i get one to Old Hroldan as well, i just mention it in case it gives you a better clue.


*edit: after some tests i think i've found the problem&solution: the animations there seem to be hardcoded, i didn't use the free animation option because i wanted to see what you had in mind. It happens for the hard fuck and from behind, but not with "look in your eyes" missionary, so my guess is that it tries to play one of the old animations that are disabled by default in SL 1.62. If the free animation option is enabled every answer seems to work.

I couldn't find anything about that problem in the troubleshooting section or this thread (searching for Hroldan), maybe you want to add it.

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How do I add the hanging-from-the-ceiling chains that you used for the beginning of the dungeon scenes with Archeron?  It's also in your download screenshots for this mod. 


I've seen it in numerous screenshots here on LL, but don't know how to add it to my own game or what mod is required.  Thanks for any info. 

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How do I add the hanging-from-the-ceiling chains that you used for the beginning of the dungeon scenes with Archeron?  It's also in your download screenshots for this mod. 


I've seen it in numerous screenshots here on LL, but don't know how to add it to my own game or what mod is required.  Thanks for any info. 

What do you mean by "add it to your own game"? They will be attached to (follower) NPCs if you put them into slave training. They will be attached to your PC during the dominant Andrew quest in certain conditions (maybe with Volkar too, can't remember).

If you want to add them to any NPC anywhere, try "I'll take the Display model".

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Hm, i have to ask: my lvl with Andrew is 8, but i can't find any trigger to make him love me (LoveSlave). Quest stage is 50. I've tried all furnitures, all toys on the tables (the chest stays locked? But is says it's empty anyways), traveled to all cities, tried all dialogue options, two times i was running around naked with the bunny tail. Is there anything to continue, so i can unequip his necklace, put on Maras amulett and marry him or should i have used the option to make him a normal follower for that?

What triggers the next stage? I'm lacking any other ideas, if you could at least tell me if anything i've already tried should have done something but didn't and maybe give me a hint?


And i have to say, i loved it so far. Somehow i always thought Andrews story would just be some radiant quests, very glad i was wrong. :)

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Hello. i am having a problem with Dark Possession.  i take MIA to Volkar for training then ask him to train me. He casts the spell at me and I just stand there. i don't move over to the equipment room with the crosses in it. I've tried deleting the mod, making papyrus (my game doesn't crash) and deleting heavy mods. My BOSS is fine, my LOOT is fine and I run FINIS.  My TESVEDIT is fine. i can't figure out why it just stops there. I can move the camera around but can't move my character in any way. Volkar goes into the room but I don't. 


Help please!  



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Hm, i have to ask: my lvl with Andrew is 8, but i can't find any trigger to make him love me (LoveSlave). Quest stage is 50. I've tried all furnitures, all toys on the tables (the chest stays locked? But is says it's empty anyways), traveled to all cities, tried all dialogue options, two times i was running around naked with the bunny tail. Is there anything to continue, so i can unequip his necklace, put on Maras amulett and marry him or should i have used the option to make him a normal follower for that?

What triggers the next stage? I'm lacking any other ideas, if you could at least tell me if anything i've already tried should have done something but didn't and maybe give me a hint?


And i have to say, i loved it so far. Somehow i always thought Andrews story would just be some radiant quests, very glad i was wrong. :)


Level 8 is as high as it gets.  I have originally planned to add more content, but RL has gotten in the way.

Hello. i am having a problem with Dark Possession.  i take MIA to Volkar for training then ask him to train me. He casts the spell at me and I just stand there. i don't move over to the equipment room with the crosses in it. I've tried deleting the mod, making papyrus (my game doesn't crash) and deleting heavy mods. My BOSS is fine, my LOOT is fine and I run FINIS.  My TESVEDIT is fine. i can't figure out why it just stops there. I can move the camera around but can't move my character in any way. Volkar goes into the room but I don't. 


Help please!  




Sounds like papyrus overload to me.  There is no good reason that you don't run to the cross unless a script did not trigger.  Make a papyrus log of the event.  Make a save right before you talk to him, then exist the game, reload it and then have him cast the spell on you , then exit and post the log.

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Hm, i have to ask: my lvl with Andrew is 8, but i can't find any trigger to make him love me (LoveSlave). Quest stage is 50. I've tried all furnitures, all toys on the tables (the chest stays locked? But is says it's empty anyways), traveled to all cities, tried all dialogue options, two times i was running around naked with the bunny tail. Is there anything to continue, so i can unequip his necklace, put on Maras amulett and marry him or should i have used the option to make him a normal follower for that?

What triggers the next stage? I'm lacking any other ideas, if you could at least tell me if anything i've already tried should have done something but didn't and maybe give me a hint?


And i have to say, i loved it so far. Somehow i always thought Andrews story would just be some radiant quests, very glad i was wrong. :)


Level 8 is as high as it gets.  I have originally planned to add more content, but RL has gotten in the way.


Yeah, i get that. But you also said i can marry him once i've finished the quest line. Was that just some kind of joke because there is no end?

If it was not a joke, how am i supposed to end it? No matter which answer i chose, if i dismiss him after lvl7 he's pissed and won't ever talk to me again. If i don't dismiss him, i can't get rid of the collar which occupies the slot for amuletts, so i can't marry him either. So... what now?

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Hm, i have to ask: my lvl with Andrew is 8, but i can't find any trigger to make him love me (LoveSlave). Quest stage is 50. I've tried all furnitures, all toys on the tables (the chest stays locked? But is says it's empty anyways), traveled to all cities, tried all dialogue options, two times i was running around naked with the bunny tail. Is there anything to continue, so i can unequip his necklace, put on Maras amulett and marry him or should i have used the option to make him a normal follower for that?

What triggers the next stage? I'm lacking any other ideas, if you could at least tell me if anything i've already tried should have done something but didn't and maybe give me a hint?


And i have to say, i loved it so far. Somehow i always thought Andrews story would just be some radiant quests, very glad i was wrong. :)


Level 8 is as high as it gets.  I have originally planned to add more content, but RL has gotten in the way.


Yeah, i get that. But you also said i can marry him once i've finished the quest line. Was that just some kind of joke because there is no end?

If it was not a joke, how am i supposed to end it? No matter which answer i chose, if i dismiss him after lvl7 he's pissed and won't ever talk to me again. If i don't dismiss him, i can't get rid of the collar which occupies the slot for amuletts, so i can't marry him either. So... what now?



No, it was not a joke. 


Do sql SexSlLoveSlave

If you are not at stage 500, do

setstage SexSlLoveSlave 80


If you completed SexSlLoveSlave, try and find a slave before entering the playroom.


If you re-do the playroom, there is a dialog option down the chain that starts with "You have seen my playroom.  You know me well by now I think.  We need to talk.:


Further on down there is:


You know what I want, my one true love. My Master.


Only for us to go on, my love, as we are. Together.


Picking the first and you remain his slave.  Picking the second, and the marriage faction is attached to Andrew and the quest is completed.



Fishburger, how much of the papyrus log do you want? There is a lot there all for the same time. 


Need the entire thing, as an attachment.  Do not copy and paste it.  Click the "Attach Files" button and add it as an attachment.  It is too much to look at them in the browser.


You can also examine it yourself and see if you can see errors that don't make sense.  On the other hand, I will look at it for you, but only if you supply it as an attachment.


I am not looking for any particular text and the like.  I am looking for what is causing your papyrus engine to barf.  Remember, there are no bugs in Sex Slaves.  We are looking for other things that are causing your papyrus engine to choke.

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Hm, i have to ask: my lvl with Andrew is 8, but i can't find any trigger to make him love me (LoveSlave). Quest stage is 50. I've tried all furnitures, all toys on the tables (the chest stays locked? But is says it's empty anyways), traveled to all cities, tried all dialogue options, two times i was running around naked with the bunny tail. Is there anything to continue, so i can unequip his necklace, put on Maras amulett and marry him or should i have used the option to make him a normal follower for that?

What triggers the next stage? I'm lacking any other ideas, if you could at least tell me if anything i've already tried should have done something but didn't and maybe give me a hint?


And i have to say, i loved it so far. Somehow i always thought Andrews story would just be some radiant quests, very glad i was wrong. :)


Level 8 is as high as it gets.  I have originally planned to add more content, but RL has gotten in the way.


Yeah, i get that. But you also said i can marry him once i've finished the quest line. Was that just some kind of joke because there is no end?

If it was not a joke, how am i supposed to end it? No matter which answer i chose, if i dismiss him after lvl7 he's pissed and won't ever talk to me again. If i don't dismiss him, i can't get rid of the collar which occupies the slot for amuletts, so i can't marry him either. So... what now?



No, it was not a joke. 


Do sql SexSlLoveSlave

If you are not at stage 500, do

setstage SexSlLoveSlave 80


If you completed SexSlLoveSlave, try and find a slave before entering the playroom.


If you re-do the playroom, there is a dialog option down the chain that starts with "You have seen my playroom.  You know me well by now I think.  We need to talk.:


Further on down there is:


You know what I want, my one true love. My Master.


Only for us to go on, my love, as we are. Together.


Picking the first and you remain his slave.  Picking the second, and the marriage faction is attached to Andrew and the quest is completed.




I've tried the second answer, that sets the quest stages properly but the problem remains: the collar stays attached until i dismiss him. After that he doesn't talk to me anymore, the only dialogue option is "Andrew i've made a mistake" and he says "Go fuck yourself".


I'm not sure if the reason is that i've decided not to add AFT (or any other mod), i've tried some time for the horses and heard him singing, but i wasn't really intrested in mutliple followers and hear Andrew singing wasn't worth the script load imho. Plus, dismissing him already had consequences and i wasn't sure if it would break stuff... but now it certainly does.

So i can't try and find another slave that would follow me into the play house. I've tried if it works, but Sl doesn't recognize the second follower if Andrew isn't managed by AFT as well and there is no difference if there is a second follower/slave.

Not sure if it would change anything?


I don't really want to replay it all over, and now i have some doubts if it would ever work the way i want. Once my husband, i wanted him to stay at home and play with another follower if using one at all. But i guess he's pissed anyways when dismissing, no matter if married? Could i change that with any console commands?

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I've tried the second answer, that sets the quest stages properly but the problem remains: the collar stays attached until i dismiss him. After that he doesn't talk to me anymore, the only dialogue option is "Andrew i've made a mistake" and he says "Go fuck yourself".


I'm not sure if the reason is that i've decided not to add AFT (or any other mod), i've tried some time for the horses and heard him singing, but i wasn't really intrested in mutliple followers and hear Andrew singing wasn't worth the script load imho. Plus, dismissing him already had consequences and i wasn't sure if it would break stuff... but now it certainly does.

So i can't try and find another slave that would follow me into the play house. I've tried if it works, but Sl doesn't recognize the second follower if Andrew isn't managed by AFT as well and there is no difference if there is a second follower/slave.

Not sure if it would change anything?


I don't really want to replay it all over, and now i have some doubts if it would ever work the way i want. Once my husband, i wanted him to stay at home and play with another follower if using one at all. But i guess he's pissed anyways when dismissing, no matter if married? Could i change that with any console commands?



Not sure about the collar.  I haven't worked on this stuff for ages.  However, completing that quest should only have the effect of making him marriagable. I'll try and find some time next week to look at this more closely.


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I've tried the second answer, that sets the quest stages properly but the problem remains: the collar stays attached until i dismiss him. After that he doesn't talk to me anymore, the only dialogue option is "Andrew i've made a mistake" and he says "Go fuck yourself".


I'm not sure if the reason is that i've decided not to add AFT (or any other mod), i've tried some time for the horses and heard him singing, but i wasn't really intrested in mutliple followers and hear Andrew singing wasn't worth the script load imho. Plus, dismissing him already had consequences and i wasn't sure if it would break stuff... but now it certainly does.

So i can't try and find another slave that would follow me into the play house. I've tried if it works, but Sl doesn't recognize the second follower if Andrew isn't managed by AFT as well and there is no difference if there is a second follower/slave.

Not sure if it would change anything?


I don't really want to replay it all over, and now i have some doubts if it would ever work the way i want. Once my husband, i wanted him to stay at home and play with another follower if using one at all. But i guess he's pissed anyways when dismissing, no matter if married? Could i change that with any console commands?



Not sure about the collar.  I haven't worked on this stuff for ages.  However, completing that quest should only have the effect of making him marriagable. I'll try and find some time next week to look at this more closely.



I think the best solution would be if i can dismiss him without bad consequences - the collar already gets off it if dismiss him, what i need to marry him is the possibility to talk to him after that. Not (only) that he accepts my apologize, but (also ) the dialogue about marriage.

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How do I add the hanging-from-the-ceiling chains that you used for the beginning of the dungeon scenes with Archeron?  It's also in your download screenshots for this mod. 


I've seen it in numerous screenshots here on LL, but don't know how to add it to my own game or what mod is required.  Thanks for any info. 

What do you mean by "add it to your own game"? They will be attached to (follower) NPCs if you put them into slave training. They will be attached to your PC during the dominant Andrew quest in certain conditions (maybe with Volkar too, can't remember).

If you want to add them to any NPC anywhere, try "I'll take the Display model".



I'm referring to being able to use the same chains where Archeron has my PC and follower hanging from the ceiling.  I want to be able to use that same thing on NPCs or my character, but don't know how to do that and want to do this outside of the slave training location anywhere in Skyrim.


I checked the "I'll take the display model" mod and didn't see those specific chains as an option.  Will adding these chains to an NPCs inventory get this to work - or is this some form of "furniture" that you need to add to a room and then get the NPC to use that device? 

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I'm referring to being able to use the same chains where Archeron has my PC and follower hanging from the ceiling.  I want to be able to use that same thing on NPCs or my character, but don't know how to do that and want to do this outside of the slave training location anywhere in Skyrim.


I checked the "I'll take the display model" mod and didn't see those specific chains as an option.  Will adding these chains to an NPCs inventory get this to work - or is this some form of "furniture" that you need to add to a room and then get the NPC to use that device? 


None of both - it's technically a furniture, but afaik there is no version without an NPC. You would need to create a dialogue or spell or anything to make them use it. 

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Is it okay if I ask for EFF balace tips here? I want to bring niri, andrew and vess around with one fighting at a time and not recovering from knock outs until the fight is ended. Also, I want to take away andrews healing because it's just too powerful right now at this early level (character level 6) of the game. I was just thinking about getting rid of enais mods and replacing it with requiem - roleplaying overhaul. It was hard even with more than 3 companions last time, and I didn't have to tweak it at all.

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How do I add the hanging-from-the-ceiling chains that you used for the beginning of the dungeon scenes with Archeron?  It's also in your download screenshots for this mod. 


I've seen it in numerous screenshots here on LL, but don't know how to add it to my own game or what mod is required.  Thanks for any info. 

What do you mean by "add it to your own game"? They will be attached to (follower) NPCs if you put them into slave training. They will be attached to your PC during the dominant Andrew quest in certain conditions (maybe with Volkar too, can't remember).

If you want to add them to any NPC anywhere, try "I'll take the Display model".



I'm referring to being able to use the same chains where Archeron has my PC and follower hanging from the ceiling.  I want to be able to use that same thing on NPCs or my character, but don't know how to do that and want to do this outside of the slave training location anywhere in Skyrim.


I checked the "I'll take the display model" mod and didn't see those specific chains as an option.  Will adding these chains to an NPCs inventory get this to work - or is this some form of "furniture" that you need to add to a room and then get the NPC to use that device? 



No, adding them to the inventory does nothing.  You have lots more to do.  Download the the _Loose version and have a look at how it is done.  This is a development question and better suited to the Zaz thread.



i cant download the mod its not there



They are there, I just tried it.  You might also try from the mirrors at the bottom.  Take the bsa version unless you have a reason to need the source code.

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before but im still fairly new and have small difficulties navigating through this website, but how do you trigger your SSlave to seduce humanoid enemies? Im trying to figure it out, I turned mjoll into a SSlave and i let her pick up her grimsever other than that she only has that piercing equipped. Does she have to be unarmed to seduce humanoid enemies? oh i have also been trying to trigger it indoors (just in case you thought i wasn't indoors). I'm also playing as a male character.

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before but im still fairly new and have small difficulties navigating through this website, but how do you trigger your SSlave to seduce humanoid enemies? Im trying to figure it out, I turned mjoll into a SSlave and i let her pick up her grimsever other than that she only has that piercing equipped. Does she have to be unarmed to seduce humanoid enemies? oh i have also been trying to trigger it indoors (just in case you thought i wasn't indoors). I'm also playing as a male character.


There is a dialog option.  You must have cell scans turned and that option may be limited to premade sex slaves (Jenny, Sasha, etc).  The dialog option starts with "Listen to me slave" then - Lets put your seduction skills to use.  You must be playing as a male.  Jenny is the only sex slave that a female player can ask to perform seductions.

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