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"If the music is too loud, you're too YOUNG." A treatise on the state of children today.

Monsto Brukes

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You know how you'll be mindin your own business and you find yourself hummin a song you haven't thought of in a while? Next thing you know, it's bouncin around in your head for like a week. Nevermind if it's a good or a bad song, humming any song for a several days in a row is just too much. So my cure for this, and it works well, is to find the song on youtube and listen to the whole thing. It just gets it unstuck and your head can move on.
For the past few days I've had Billy Squier "The Stroke" runnin thru my head. (Yes I'm old. so fucking what.) I went and listened to it. In doing so I was reminded just how ROCK FUCKING SOLID dudes vocals were. Every fucking hit he had was an anthem. Period. In the same session, I decided to play a couple other songs. I started playing Lonely Is the Night. There's a pretty guitar intro, but after that the song demands to be turned up to 11.
So I did as the song requested and gave it more power. 11 was requested and 11 it shall be.
A couple minutes later my 13 yo daughter walks downstairs to the basement and into my office givin me that "wtf is wrong with you" look.
And here's our conversation. 
me "This, hon, is what they call 'rockin' "
her "That's not rockin." then she said somethin about her music. I mean K/J-pop is ok and all, but you cannot rock to something that sounds like a bag of candy would sound if it could talk.
me "WRONG. THIS... is rockin."
She stood there a couple seconds. . . 
her "Can you turn it down? It's just too loud." . . . I seethed in disgust.
me  "WRONG AGAIN. It is not too loud. Matter of fact, I'd turn it up more if i wasn't skeered of blowin the speakers."
her "DUDE it's shaking the whole upstairs!"
me "GOOD! That's the way it's supposed to work! You're lucky I don't break windows with it."

she rolled her eyes and left.


Couple mins later, my 11 yo comes in "WHAT ARE YOU DOIN!"


I said nothing except the lyrics of the song and he reached towards the media controls on my keyboard. . . And I wasn't very nice. 


Kids...they're on my lawn. And they're gutless.

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I've got something that would make anyone not prepared crap their pants. a 220 watt Crate Excalibur half stack. Talk about loud. If I used that in my bedroom at full volume, I would be deaf instantly, and permanently. The speaker cab states it puts out 120 db, and I believe it. I got to run it at full volume once in a studio, I was about 30 feet away from it, and off to the side of it, and it was so loud it felt like my head was being crushed.

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Kids these days are strange.  And the music these days... soulless commercial music industry garbage.  I tried to sell a set of 15 inch kicker comp speakers, but no one gives a shit about rocking anymore.  With the right eq settings "My kind of lover"'s bass line was a was a freakin thumping symphony on those speakers.  I never liked the song so much until i played it on those.  i think ill listen to some squier

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Guest xthejester

There is some new-ish music that's still anthemic.


Andrew W.K. is a good example.


You can't listen to this song without feeling you've won something.



If your life were an 80's era drama, this is the kinda song that would play over the end credits.

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Or, and here's another idea that isn't all about these damn kids today, your fucking music was too goddamned loud because your hearing has been damaged from having your music too fucking loud for years.

Those that dont feel the urge to crank it up when they hear good music must be must be dead inside.  see if this cures your problem, if it doesnt, you have no soul, fight, blahblah whatever u wanna call it.


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Or, and here's another idea that isn't all about these damn kids today, your fucking music was too goddamned loud because your hearing has been damaged from having your music too fucking loud for years.


Whether or not my hearing sucks is irrelevant to the fact that my dumbass kids were running in fear from my little 25w computer speakers... as if the music were about to summon cthulhu or something. 




I mean K/J-pop is ok and all, but you cannot rock to something that sounds like a bag of candy would sound if it could talk.


O RLY?  :D I think this will change your opinion and give your daughter some death metal experience.. WIN/WIN situation?? :lol: 




that song makes me think of a single black Skittle that has a red tattoo. It's flavor? Bubblegum Grinberry. I'm sure she'll love it (=

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Whether or not my hearing sucks is irrelevant to the fact that my dumbass kids were running in fear from my little 25w computer speakers... as if the music were about to summon cthulhu or something.

Kids... they just don't dream of sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll anymore :(



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Whether or not my hearing sucks is irrelevant to the fact that my dumbass kids were running in fear from my little 25w computer speakers... as if the music were about to summon cthulhu or something.

Kids... they just don't dream of sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll anymore :(



yes they dream only of sex and drugs today...

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Guest xthejester



I mean K/J-pop is ok and all, but you cannot rock to something that sounds like a bag of candy would sound if it could talk.


O RLY?  :D I think this will change your opinion and give your daughter some death metal experience.. WIN/WIN situation?? :lol: 




This is not good.


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Guest Youngmemer





2 best songs to get lap-dances to.



Really?  Huh.  Thought it was this one:






No...too obvious.




Don't worry i got this.




Edit: 100th post, YAY!

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Guest xthejester






2 best songs to get lap-dances to.



Really?  Huh.  Thought it was this one:






No...too obvious.




Don't worry i got this.




Edit: 100th post, YAY!



Well played.


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 K/J-pop is ok and all


There's no j-pop here in my country, per se... Might as well be music from someplace 4 light years away. It's more of a niche interest, really.


Instead, too much hallyu kimchi everywhere, even on MTV. And the usual Western pop music.


Also, blame the loudness wars and the recording labels for fucking up the fidelity for the sake of MP3 players lacking definition.

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Don't worry i got this.




Edit: 100th post, YAY!



Now I will say this. . . my older sons, they're 20 and 22. . . would absolutely appreciate marvin gaye live.


Then again, at 13 they were musical morons too. Their Idea of music at that time was the theme to Dragonballz. And now they play instruments and have what some would say is an "eclectic" library of music on their phones... Hendrix to Madonna, Beatles to Bruuno Mars. Toss in some bebop and big band for flavor.


But even so. . . they'd still just smirk, shake their head and leave the room as I holler out some Police or RunDMC.

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Sorry but I have to ask

Is there even MUSIC being made anymore?


What the hell are kids listening to these days?

It feels like all that pop-culture and Disney stars are brainwashing them

By the Nine, I hope I'm wrong but I can't help the feeling that there is some mass stupidization agenda going on here

Especially with that evil company I mentioned earlier... All those pop stars... sold to kids as juvenile cute child stars. Parents give in to the market and let their kids go to their concerts, listen to their music, become fanboys-fangirls. Follow everything they say and become such things as a "Belieber"


Then the cute child star goes rogue and enters drugs, frenzied sex and all kinds of vice. Are you aware those are your kid's idols right? Whether you accept it or not, they are role models. They are educating your kids


And music is very important.

It helps the mind development, it can order thought patterns and brain waves.

In the very very old days, people used to listen to classical music. Very high complexity

They had less technology but I'm sure as hell they were comparatively a lot smarter than the present generation

I'm not saying "ban stupid music, let's all just listen to classical"

I like rock too. and that would be fascism

But c'me on what happened to quality?


Am I getting too old or the modern music is really going down the toilet?

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I have a condition where loud music causes me severe stress.  Oddly, in high school I liked heavy metal, but my best friends knew I couldn't handle it up too loud and turned it lower out of courtesy.  Concerts? Been to so few compared to my contemparies.  Just couldn't enjoy them.  Though I did attend a few 'classics'.


Ironically, or not so ironically, I went to one of those sites where people over a certain age can't hear a certain pitch.  (They were using them to deter teenagers from loitering at convenience stores.)  I could hear it and it drove me bonkers (once again very sensitive to noise.) 


I was born in *74. So maybe sometimes 'It's too loud!' means, damn I don't like loud things :)

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Sorry but I have to ask

Is there even MUSIC being made anymore?


What the hell are kids listening to these days?

It feels like all that pop-culture and Disney stars are brainwashing them

By the Nine, I hope I'm wrong but I can't help the feeling that there is some mass stupidization agenda going on here

Especially with that evil company I mentioned earlier... All those pop stars... sold to kids as juvenile cute child stars. Parents give in to the market and let their kids go to their concerts, listen to their music, become fanboys-fangirls. Follow everything they say and become such things as a "Belieber"


Then the cute child star goes rogue and enters drugs, frenzied sex and all kinds of vice. Are you aware those are your kid's idols right? Whether you accept it or not, they are role models. They are educating your kids


And music is very important.

It helps the mind development, it can order thought patterns and brain waves.

In the very very old days, people used to listen to classical music. Very high complexity

They had less technology but I'm sure as hell they were comparatively a lot smarter than the present generation

I'm not saying "ban stupid music, let's all just listen to classical"

I like rock too. and that would be fascism

But c'me on what happened to quality?


Am I getting too old or the modern music is really going down the toilet?


I will also say this: the 13 yo that told me to turn it down worked thru ALL the disney shit many years ago. Hannah Montana, Raven, all that shit. she watched the hell out of it for 1.5 yrs and then one day she was just DONE. wasn't like summer came around and she gradually stopped watching . . . one day she said "I don't want to watch this anymore" and that was it.


And the punk in me sheds a joyful tear when she says "ugh taylor swift. Ima listen to <her jpop>" and she turns on Death Note.


Cuz it's not about the music, per se . . . it's about "don't tell me what to do." 

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Well' congratulations to the person you speak off for setting free of all that shit

I think it's a matter of free will.

You either succumb to the mass stupidity or you develop your own will and make your own decisions

"Don't tell me what to do" Of course, Couldn't agree more, you force something on someone, they do the exact opposite.

It's just that trends, television and realities tell people exactly what to do, only in a more subtle and brainwashing way. Your parents tell you something, you tell them to go to hell, TV tells you, It's OK because everybody else does it. And then it's up to you to decide if you develop your own free will or accept what they tell you.


They've been harvesting the "teenage rebellion" stage for ages

Sadly not all young people are so lucky to evolve. A lot of them follow their idols to the death. And now growing numbers of population live "wasted" lives.

It is cool to be a drug addict slut who wakes up with a total stranger. It was "condemned" by society a few years ago, but it grows more popular by the minute. It is "normal" and cheered. I'm not saying "let's judge", It's not about prejudice, fuck that, I'm talking about what's healthy for a person's body and spirit.


This may seem off-topic but I believe this attitude is directly related to music, to the messages imparted and encoded into it. To what is being taught to people through sound. It's about the effects of sound stimuli on thought patterns and the formation of new synapses, it's about neural plasticity and the mysterious and complex realm of brain wiring. 


Well... how's that for a dark view of the future

By the Grace of Sheogorath I hope I'm wrong...

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