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Although... now that I am visiting the Dairy farm... one thing you could easily do to improve it is add some lights in strategic places.

That place is awfully dark for the healthy development of cows.



Bitchin.  I really need advice on the lighting.  right now I've turned off any lighting mods to make sure I've got a pretty good base.  There are multiple forms of lighting of course,  with dynamic shadowed lighting being the most expensive.  That's one of the reason npcs mod lag so much... all the moving torches.  pretty much none of my npcs have torches anymore for that reason.  There's also of course basic lighting templates, which I use unmodified right now.  I use the appropriate lighting template for the corresponding room facade


Another thing about lighting in the dairy is Kylia the Healer.  She's like Muatra's lover, kept in a state of mystical arousal so strong she literally exudes life force.  right now I just have two crappy no-shadow lights in front and behind her.  there is a way to make her emit the light itself tho.


Tonight the only thing I'm doing tho is play some Darkest Dungeon.  Just had a TRIPLE root canal.  Also just checked the steam online stats, and Skyrim was number 12!  Loverslab has to have something to do with that.






Between lighting mods and ENBs, there are just too many options out there to worry about optimal lighting.


The way I go about it is to go somewhere I like and copy some light sources to replicate in my own area.

It doesn't always work great but it works enough for me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey whats up everybody!  Instead of releasing a lite patch, I decided to redo 1 sixth of the ai in the mod.  besides that, I am also reducing and shaving off bits of the mod to make it more FPS friendly!  here's a few examples


Skyrim AI packages are not immediate.  They often take a 'wait' to jar into compliance.  For that reason, many of my main NPCs had default ai packages that took over during down time.  I am now getting rid of those, tightening up the timing, and basically spacing schedules out in a more efficient way.  young will NOT see as much random weirdness, but that's actually probably for the better.  there is now only ONE group of AI packages left over from the original mod!


An immediate drop in superflous NPCs!  In at least three cases, I had several NPCs doing the job of one.  this is particularly true about the alchemist and orc npcs, but there are a few besides that.  the reason I left that old style NPC was because they worked better with scenes, but since none of my scenes work... its a moot point.  Until later, in which case I'll re-implement old NPCs in a new way.


Drinking beer!  I'm a drunk!  please buy me more beer!



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Hey whats up everybody!  Instead of releasing a lite patch, I decided to redo 1 sixth of the ai in the mod.  besides that, I am also reducing and shaving off bits of the mod to make it more FPS friendly!  here's a few examples


Skyrim AI packages are not immediate.  They often take a 'wait' to jar into compliance.  For that reason, many of my main NPCs had default ai packages that took over during down time.  I am now getting rid of those, tightening up the timing, and basically spacing schedules out in a more efficient way.  young will NOT see as much random weirdness, but that's actually probably for the better.  there is now only ONE group of AI packages left over from the original mod!


An immediate drop in superflous NPCs!  In at least three cases, I had several NPCs doing the job of one.  this is particularly true about the alchemist and orc npcs, but there are a few besides that.  the reason I left that old style NPC was because they worked better with scenes, but since none of my scenes work... its a moot point.  Until later, in which case I'll re-implement old NPCs in a new way.


Drinking beer!  I'm a drunk!  please buy me more beer!




Let me raise a glass of whisky to your work.

Bottle just happens to be in reach... :)

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Hey whats up everybody! Instead of releasing a lite patch, I decided to redo 1 sixth of the ai in the mod. besides that, I am also reducing and shaving off bits of the mod to make it more FPS friendly! here's a few examples


Skyrim AI packages are not immediate. They often take a 'wait' to jar into compliance. For that reason, many of my main NPCs had default ai packages that took over during down time. I am now getting rid of those, tightening up the timing, and basically spacing schedules out in a more efficient way. young will NOT see as much random weirdness, but that's actually probably for the better. there is now only ONE group of AI packages left over from the original mod!


An immediate drop in superflous NPCs! In at least three cases, I had several NPCs doing the job of one. this is particularly true about the alchemist and orc npcs, but there are a few besides that. the reason I left that old style NPC was because they worked better with scenes, but since none of my scenes work... its a moot point. Until later, in which case I'll re-implement old NPCs in a new way.


Drinking beer! I'm a drunk! please buy me more beer!



Let me raise a glass of whisky to your work.

Bottle just happens to be in reach... :)

Why bother with a glass? Why not raise the whole bottle?

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So I tried this and I choose the new beta to boot and I think I should offer some feedback.


MCM menu, I do not know if it isn't completed yet or if I got a conflict somewere but all I get is some numbered options that refuse to let me select them.


Content is a bit to much on the BDSM side for my persoonal taste, maybe something for some options to take care of. Personally I would prefer less bound and gagged slaves when it would make sense to let them be more free, besides walking around bound all day isn't really healthy. I saw some archavist or similar in Witherun dragging a bound slave around. It would make sense for her to have her hands free. The bound ones would be the hostages, slaves getting transported somewhere and those in the process of getting punished. I also cringe at the sight of heavy rusty iron collars on anything but outdoors work slaves. Something more stylish maybe? A nice black leather collar with golden inlays and sandals would be fit for a jarls personal slave. Maybe some very trusted slaves only got a nice looking collar to show their status and no restraints and could even be armed! less nudity to, I do not mean "show less", rather like stockings on some and so on.


Sugesstions for expansion: A mobile slave market, much like the kajhiit caravan. Suggestably in the same place when they are not there. Some tents, guards, cages and the slaver. "hostage slaves" whose familes decided not to bother with paying for the ransom and severe criminals that cannot pay of their bounty get moved here. If the player got slaves from slave capturing mods, thease can be sold to the merchant here as well. Players can purchase slaves, the slave become a follower. Purchaseable slaves can be hand crafted and even mod added followers that get a new starting position here. I have encountered mods that move followers from other mods to give them a new starting position so this should be possible.


I understand that "slave girls" suggest female slaves but male ones could be placed where they make sense (like working in the fields) in any case work slaves, unlike "pleasure and eye candy" slaves that this mod seem to concentrate on could be eighter male or female and are mostly captured bandits that got sold rather then executed. Came o think of it, the sight of a noblewoman with a male slave in tow could add to the flavour.


I may pop in for more feedback when I played with this a bit more.

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I like this mod a lot (especially the little stories and background dialogues, i'm just an absolute fan of those coherence and lore hoorks), but I'm quite agree with the "a little too much bdsm" part.
I've no real problem with the kinky gear on obvious sex slaves (even there, the modern ones bother me, but that's more a DD issue than a Slavegirls issue - for example, i'd personally get rid of armbinders for yokes and manacles) but i'm wondering what's the point of having field farmer slaves in the nude with gags and leather gears. Especially when they are in the snow.
If I new how to do it, i'd put beggar outfits (or variants) on them (and there are beggar sexy outfits around, too).

Perhaps a "more lore-and-logic-friendly" MCM options one day ? Or a good samaritan tweak ? ^^

Anyway, very good work.

(Edit - optionally, same thing for the bandit prisoners, less bdsm and more "real" punishment)

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Hey guys, sorry for being offline for so long.  IRL stuff like usual.  Thanks for everyone who bears with me and helps out other people to trouble shoot my mod.  This new update includes alot of dialog and two new cells.  There aren't any scripts or an MCM, because I need alot of help with that stuff.


The NEW cells!!!


-Cave Club East

Just south of Darkwater Crossing, this is a cave hangout similar to the original Cave Club West.  It's got merchants, drugs, slaves, and free beds too!


-Muatra's Human Diary

A reclaimed dwarven ruin controlled by Dark Elf cultists.  They raise vegetables and human cows!  South of Karthwasten.


Once again thanks everybody for being patient with me.  I'll be contacting some people about mod advice this weekend.  I'll also be releasing a pack of tattoos for Slave Tats. -edit.  Oh yeah this version isn't that well tested with new mods yet, so handle with care!




How far south of Karthwasten is the Dairy farm?


I think you are going to have to produce a map of new locations at some point :)



I found a map marker for "-Muatra's Human Diary", from the outside it is justa tiny building that goes into the rockwall hugging the road. Due to this it is very "lore friendly" until you enter, inside however it is HUGE. Not really my thing the place but it barely visible from the outside so it is easy to ignore if one have oter interests.


A funny sidenote, I saw the new Mad Max movie "Fury Road" with a buddy yesterday, there is a "milk farm" there. :P


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nevermind i just everyone Unique and set them to not respawn. I have no idea if this going to affect something. i hope the travelling slaves will still spawn right now. Maybe not in the same quantity as before because everyone is unique, so there can only be one reference of each. I really hope this works and no one will change there appearance when usinf EFF on them and set them to wait somewhere.


edit: wow, sorry for the ramble :) but the issues i had with this mod was that when i used the console to turn some of these npc's into a follower they sometimes get back to you even when you tell them not to. When they do, they are a completely different npc and they won't obey any orders anymore. My thoughts were that this was caused because of the respawn feature witch resurrects them once in a while when yu aren't near them. By turning the respawn feature off, i hoped they would stay the same. Sadly that was not the case. Now i have checked the unique box for most of them in hope that they will stay the same as they should be.


If someone knows mods/scripts that can prevent an npc from respawning, i'd be very grateful. :) cheers and good luck with the continuation of this mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can Player become a slave too?


No. Basically you can beat the crap out of any none essential npc, when they are in bleedout you talk to them to get the option to enslave. From there you have to train your slave to obey you and not run away. You do this by whipping or, in the updated mod, you can rape them into submission. The author is working on adding restraints. You also have a place to sell a well trained slave.

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I still can't get this mod to work without occasional black screens with sound when loading saves in game. I've tried everything I can think of, a new install with just the base requirements, no custom bodies, preset optimised inis, safety load, shesons, cellstabiliser, everything in the STEP project, and pretty much everything else suggested for stability. It just keeps happening regardless.

Does anyone else have this issue or know what may be causing it?


I really think this must have to be the mod causing it because I can run warzones (although I don't use it) and any other high script or large number of npcs mods but this one and it never happens. I really like this mod, but I don't think I'll keep it installed if I can't fix this.


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Where are the quest?I get started with a conversation with some of these assholes an yet i cant get quest from them to do anything.Or acquire a slave to help carry stuff or help fight.I mean yeah there is Faendal but you know.This is a chance for new followers.Also i am really enjoying the mod by the way.The shooma smugglers in Windhelm was pretty sweet.But if that was a quest part i have not see the quest start.Where you are told to go too this areas.


      Sometimes i see Slavers killing each others.Free loot for me!

But i did notice some issues.For an example.Talking to them.There are no instances where you set them free an they owe you a favor.Favors could be LOTS of things.Like being used with these mods.

1. Death Alternative.

2. FrostFall

3. OBIS Organized Bandits of Skyrim

4. Sanquines Debauchery (Lots of things can be done here.)There are times Vampires feed on Player when enslaved.Well You can do that with this type of mod.

5.The Deadra in general ( an Aedra has need for them or something.)I figure Daedra was more likely kill them.

6.My home is Your Home (you can use them to take loot home an drop it off or sell it an come back.

7. Immersive Wenches Kidnapping an taking one as a SexSlave.

8.Realistic Room Rental You can have prostitutes for renting a room.

9.Forsworn (You could have forsworn slaves for combat.Kind of like an Amazon.If bested in combat.are sworn to serve.So you get a follower.)

10.Gear itemization.This is the biggest issue.I want a Slave that i can gear up an they level with me.An if possible heals me.This would be great.


11.There is one other thing.In Dragonborn story you can find a Daedric Butler who will carry your stuff.However.You cannot make him do anything.I would like you to add an option to make him go to you Heathfire Home an tend gardens.So they grow plants.Or an options to capture a slave or Free a Slave an force them to follow you.An have them tend your garden.You have to make sure they are well taken care of though.They have to flee into homes if they have no combat skills.


This would work very well.

12.Hentai Creatures.I do not like this mod because it adds creatures but it has it`s uses.The problem with adding creatures is they sometimes kill NPCs you wanted to kill.You could adapt these two mods together.Giving the options of slaves instead of Monsters.Or using an UI to do so.


That is pretty much what i`m requesting.If not just suggesting.

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texture issue on npc near by markarth



Seems like it could be your installation. I don't have that issue and I have the newest version.


It also seems like skyrim leaks textures sometimes. You might find that it's perfect the next time you check it.


hmmm weird, this mod does not replace any system files, so why? hmm I had too, so sometimes how bad I entered the path the body in nif files or were not placed in the path of textures bodies in nif files

btw.this mod cooperate with beeing female?i mean i want see pregnancy on slaves :D

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Sorry guys, I had the full shitstorm last month.  Death, disease, and heartbreak.  I intended to at the end of July, but I just didn't have the time to deal with everything.  Luckily this version is pretty well tested.


What's the big difference this time? 


I basically redesigned almost all of the AI.  Most of it I simply tweaked, but for major chunks of it I just fully redesigned everything.  The changes seem to decrease stutter quite a bit, although for me the stutter seemed to be related to the hot summer.  For the most part the NPCs are less lively, but I went around and tried to make sure the variety is more interesting.


Why don't I make this mod better?  Honestly it's two things; time and skill.  One of the big problems with skyrim modding is that the more ambitious your project, the more likely it will break.  I don't want to break peoples games.  That's the reason for this redesign.  I got too greedy, and my creativity ate up peoples' FPS.


That's also why I don't have any real script integration right now.  Many Skyrim players don't know how to clean their saves, so adding test scripts can be really dangerous.  I planned and asking SkyrimLL and Xaz for help with scripts, but I haven't had the time.  hoepfully this fall I will have a better situation for hobbies.




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