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[DEPRECATED] SexoutSlavers 2 - Final demo version

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its a german version of fallout new vegas ultimate (uncensored), which bought for 20 euro on steam...



Its a MSI Gaming Laptop


Windows 8

CPU: I7-4700MQ

GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 765M

Memory: DDRIII(L) 12 GB(4GB+8GB

HDD: 1TB+128G SSD(Super Raid)


I unziped without any problems ... but just to be sure i ll download it again (if i dont post something within 1 h, then it didnt work)

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Cool to have good news, it seems NVAC is necessary if you are german :D


While speaking of good news, I'm surprised (or not :P) to have only posts on problems encountered and none from satisfied/frustrated users.


More seriously, I'm currently working on the final version and it would be interesting to know before finalizing and launch what you like in the mod, what you think is not useful and what is bad :)

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[...]  it would be interesting to know before finalizing and launch what you like in the mod, what you think is not useful and what is bad :)


 Personally, I like everything except when Juan and Germaine go crazy ;) But for the two others points I can't really found an answer. It's a beta, I see where you go and basically how you want to do it, but I'm also pretty sure that a lot of things will change in the final version. Some may seem useless now and be great later, or vice versa.

 Anyway, this mod is great but, referring to the beta I don't think I can sell/use a lot of slaves. How many spot for my dear prostitutes ? How many guys, and girls, may want to buy my so goodly trained slaves ? Looking at the beta with the geck, I'm not sure I can be as rich as house :D

 So, later you probably can use the background of the game for to add some way to sell the slaves. I mean, the NRC is officially against slavery, but good workers are probably hard to find nowadays. Like the Legion is also know for their slaves, some richs guys form the NRC territories probably come to New Vegas with the hope to find some emissary from the Legion and return with three or four slaves. Instead of this emissary, they can find you (the PC) and your slaves. With this option, you can do anything you want. Like the slaves go to the NRC territories, they simply vanish from the game. So, those guys can want some workers, qualified or not, some well educated women for to help their daughters/wife, some prostitutes, for their harem or as hookers. Why not, time to time, a mad scientist ?

 All it need for you is to find someone in each casino of the strip that can tell you something like, "Hey, I found a new guy for your business". And, of course, a few NPC for to play the said guy. It's probably more simple for you this way, that finding who in the game can be able to buy some slaves.

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Hum, spying code is evil! :D
I hope you are wrong in seeing where I want to go but you're right about the fact that there will be many changes. It is true that the gains and losses of money, and those concerning the time, are the most difficult to do in a game setting, but I have not really addressed the issue in beta.
The beta has mostly served me to see what was technically feasible or not, but between a piece of code for a test done quickly and a completed feature there is a huge time multiplier , which explains the length of development.
Not only I will use the background of the basic game, but as said one of the alpha testers, it will look like a "game within the game". Currently, documentation is a ten page text in English and will be fully accessible in game, cut into sections that are all accessible by the terminal of the camp.
To give an overview and explain why the player must start a new game, a new character, with the final mod I would choose this topic :

Political considerations
There are factions in the Mojave, more or less important with their own views on what should be the ideal Mojave .
3 of them are designed for total control of the territory .
We have already mentioned the case of NCR , wanting to rule by military power around and above the law, a law considering slavery as a crime.
On the opposite, Caesar also wants to impose its law through military power. The difference is that this law is based solely on what he wants and that slavery , especially for women , is common in this law.
The third faction is less clearly understandable, it is Mr House . It seems that the only thing interesting him is to establish his law on the Strip, the law of money, and all the rest is for him a way to achieve his ends . We must be wary as it has in mind to maintain the balance between Caesar and NCR to control them two, and if we tip the scales in one direction it may turn against us.
The ideal would be for us to take total control of the Mojave , including the strip , but it seems difficult to consider that for the moment.
The other factions are minor and will most likely be handled and alliances, is destructible , by force or slavery.


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Not only I will use the background of the basic game, but as said one of the alpha testers, it will look like a "game within the game". Currently, documentation is a ten page text in English and will be fully accessible in game, cut into sections that are all accessible by the terminal of the camp.


Don't know if I would fall in love with your mod, but one thing is sure, you know how to sell it. I want it, is it possible now ? Please, say that you already have done 99,99% of the final version :D

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Don't know if I would fall in love with your mod, but one thing is sure, you know how to sell it.



I don't sell it :D




I want it, is it possible now ? Please, say that you already have done 99,99% of the final version  :D



Needs :

Lot of coding and debugging

Lot of designing

Lot of meshing

Lot of work on tuning gameplay and roleplay

Many and many texts



Resources :

1 coder, designer, mesher

2 testers, ideas giver and tuning helper

1 texts corrector


Does it respond your question ? :D


But 99.99% is an utopian number, I will say I've 90% of the gameplay/roleplay in mind and coding may be finished in 1 or 2 weeks. Meshing will depends on my capacities to master new tools I don't know for now so it can be done between 2 weeks and 2 years.


As if it was a blockbuster I'll say when it's done

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Quote : "We have already mentioned the case of NCR , wanting to rule by military power around and above the law, a law considering slavery as a crime."


If i remember correct from original fallout games (1&2) only NCR Rangers ware against slavery (and some individuals from rest of state). For the rest of NCR there was against the law only to enslave citizens of Shady Sands (if they are not enslaved by state slavery system - here present with Powder Gangers as ex state slaves) .


They used to connect with other slavery cities without changing them , like The Den , Vault City , some factions from New Reno ...


Transferring that to  Fallout New Vegas , NCR should be only against enslaving of military personal , and even allowing them enslaved (but called them prisoners and/or inmates) if you pass some check - present them as persons that violated some law (even if you lie about that) or made big debts (like Comm officer Lenk)

NCR should be able to  pay that debts , but probably will not do that - people are expendable for them .


Only other way you can get involved in fight with NCR because of slavery is when you get involved in fight with NCR connected minor factions (Crimson Caravan , Gun Runners ...) and they are close , but NCR is very forgiving , and that is minor crime (if you are not person that initiated a fight) .


Cheers   :)

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If i remember correct from original fallout games (1&2) only NCR Rangers ware against slavery (and some individuals from rest of state). For the rest of NCR there was against the law only to enslave citizens of Shady Sands (if they are not enslaved by state slavery system - here present with Powder Gangers as ex state slaves) .


You are right but in Fallout New Vegas only Rangers are really active, other NCR soldiers are people which for the most part don't know why they are in NCR, recruited on the fly. (and technically it would be heavy to be enemy of Rangers without being enemy of NCR :P)



Only other way you can get involved in fight with NCR because of slavery is when you get involved in fight with NCR connected minor factions (Crimson Caravan , Gun Runners ...) and they are close , but NCR is very forgiving , and that is minor crime (if you are not person that initiated a fight) .


On which planet do you think that alliances are eternal and nobody betray ? :D

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I am talking that , considering possibility that you will probably make attackers (like in Wasteland Defense) that will from time to time attack Slaver City .


They could consist of  - Raider groups - (generic raiders/add-on raider factions/fiends/vipers/scorpions/khans...) wanting some loot

                                   - NCR (Rangers and few individual soldiers) fighting against slavery

                                   - Vigilantes (people in sheriff dusters and some civilians)  fighting against slavery

                                   - Enclave Remnants wanting people for experiments

                                   - Brotherhood Outcasts wanting to clean wasteland from "unclean" people

                                   - Mercs payed to liberate some enslaved individuals

                                   - ghouls (feral and nonferal) looking for food/human meat


They should be considered individual attack , and not make changes in your reputation with those factions .



Cheers   :) 

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I don't want to spoil too much, just enough as says mainoumi to sell my mod :)


There will be attacks on Slaver's possessions, you feel right, but type of attackers will depend if it's an allied location or an gained and occupied location :P


Attention, it's on the roadbook but not sure that it will be in that I can name Part One, but don't worry, there will be enough to do to make player mad and/or occupied in this Part One. I'll split in parts cause else mod will never be delivered before Fallout 7.

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Does that contain ALL the features which was in sexout slavers 1 like prostitution and breeding slaves?


No cause the mod, like SS2, will be independant from SexoutPregancy so you will not have such things like Spermmakers, Baby-Makers or lactating. Or, to be more precise all slaves in the camp will be sperm and eggs givers cause breeding will be here, and in Part One.


Don't have decided for now with slaves pregnancy, perhaps I'll prevent it (bad solution cause removing part of a functionality of an other modder), perhaps I'll manage it completely by surveying status (best solution but the more costly in dev time), perhaps it will be intermediate (setting children in slave faction to avoid them to be killed at birth), perhaps I'll do nothing at all and let the earth turn.


Yes for the rest (I think, didn't remember all features), not sure prostitution will be in Part One (can't give more info without spoiling a lot), I hesitate between at end of Part One and at Begin of Part Two.


Here is the text in the doc on subject :


The Use of Sex Slaves
The slaves that follow the sexual training are intended to provide us with capsules. 
Their main uses are prostitution or exhibitions in the peep-show that we'll create or our allies will install.



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Will you use some zaz animation like boxed bitch out of the slave camp ?


I wait for the active prostitution of the slaves.


Peepshow means exhibition, not sure which type for now.



So, if i'll use SS1, can i make slaves to work as prostitutes?



You'll can't use SS1 and SS2 together.

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I can`t enslave anyone because they dont get new dialogue topics after being drugged. :(

My load order:


 Military NV Backpacks.esm
 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

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What should I do when the quest says "Your slaves will train. Close the gate and go to the attendant"? Closing the gate of training camp 1 and going to attendant doesn`t work - he doesn`t have any dialogue at this point.


i think you have too search for a doctor.



you have to go to the crimson caravan's boss (forgot the name; i think you should know her since you talked to her once before)



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How do you assign an assistant to the doctor?


 Select a slave that is docile (already have been in the field and green light in its pipboy), tell him to follow you and go to the zone that figure the hospital of the camp. Then, in the dial lines you'll find something like "now, you'll work here". You probably need to talk to him several times, like when you tell them to work in the field, because at this time the mod don't see all the hospital at a valid place for to let your slave. 

 It's probably not used for now, but for to select the right slave, talk to him before and let him saw you his stats. A slave with a high value in medecine is what you search.

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Bug report- when enslaving NCR troopers, the trooper's appearance changes upon enslavement. I haven't experienced this with any other NPCs so far, but I haven't tried many others yet as I've only just started enslaving people. 


One even changed gender, I shot a female trooper but when I enslaved her she was suddenly male. It's really weird!

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