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SexLab Solutions V2 BETA NEW 2014-05-27

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Btw first stage of Forsworn conspiracy quest could be added to SS list - when Margret gets attacked in Markarth marketplace. She might be persuaded to offer more interesting reward for saving her skin.


Quest name i guess would be MS01MargretBlockingTopic


Or the same with Blood on the Ice quest in Windhelm when you save Arivanya from being killed - might be harder, don't think she has any dialog thanking you for saving her.


I was going to work on a list of quest suggestions for Markarth next. Hopefully Bromm will like them, so far he has used most of the ones I have made for Riftin, seemed to like the ones for Riverwood and Whiterun which I hope to see get added in the next couple of updates.

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Another one i've noticed there is book of love (agent of mara quest part 2) when you're supposed to get love poem from Yngvar. He asks for 200 gold for it... Well, it could be made that he asks for a BJ or something instead  ;)


Another quest from thalmor guy in Understone Keep - he asks you to get Amulet of Talos from one guy - you could sneak in and steal it. Or you can fuck that guy and steal it in the process - guess item would have to be added by script at the end of sex scene.

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I have another suggestion for this mod

"Black-Mailing Mail Couriers" They demand sex before they will give you your mail


Interesting idea, but doesn't seem in line with what this mod does. Its called sexlab solutions, and is about providing sexy alternatives for completing quests. One of the strengths of this approach is that the vanilla path is always open. So if a particular quest offers a sexlab scenario that does not appeal to the player, they can always opt for the vanilla solution to the quest.


You idea would be more appropriate for a mod called sexlab problems as it adds a new problem to the game that can only be solved with sex. It also has the limitation that there is not a vanilla solution for people who find the couriers unattractive as a sexual partner. Since they all seem to be male, that would include all hetrosexual male PCs.


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Ok working on Markarth quest list in spoiler tags as always.




A note a few of these I say male or female only, that is just a suggestion and feel free to ignore it. I just think it would be nice if a few of the quests only work for one gender or the other as some variety. Of course you could have it set that way and add a toggle to turn off gender requirements so those that want to have them all on and the rest could have gender make a difference.


Second note I am just listing all the quests I thought that fit. I am not checking to see if you have any done so ignore the ones you already have done.


Bothela's Descreet Delivery - Upon delivery a new line can be added where you ask Reburrus what it does and he offers to show you. Which leads to sex. If you want to get really creative you could even have it turn him into a stallion horse aka spawn a horse during the sex scene but that might be more effect than it is worth still interesting.

The Taste of Death - Seduce Verulus to let you in the temple, aka have sex with him and it counts as if you had persuaded him.

The Taste of Death - When Eola attempts to seduce you give a new option where you let her and it advances the quest, so she spends you back to the Verulus and cast invis on herself to wait for you at the cave as normal.

The Heart of Dibella - If caught in the temple when talking to Hamal when you are sent to find the next Sybil, that a small punishment is still required. The priestess all take turns doing strapon gangbang on the PC.

The Heart of Dibella - Enmon, if you choose to just say you want his daughter safe when he mentions there is not much he can give you. Have a new line to suggest he could help your needs, which results in sex.

The Heart of Dibella - Hamal once you return with Fjortra, you are offered the services of the priestess at any time. Giving a new line to all of them so you can start sex with them, for females it is lesbian sex and for males it is the male gets to take the male position this time.

Skilled Apprentice - Return with the book to Ghorza and if the PC is male she also offers sex as a extra reward.

Sanuarach Mine - Offer to have sex with Altar if he will leave. Counts as if you had bribed him successfully.

A Few Words with You - Offer Mulush sex to stop working his workers so hard. Counts as if you bribed him.

Missing Shipment - Lisbet will agree to have sex if you agree to do the quest as a upfront payment.

The House of Horrors - When talking to Molag Bal, have a 3rd option instead of asking about revenge or that you never wanted to help. Have a 3rd option. "What do I get out of it" Molag - "You dare think you can barter with Molag Bal? Do you take me for a petty merchant? Suffer fool!" At this point 3 daedra are summoned and proceed to rape the character. Once all three are done they disappear and Molag speaks again "Do as I command or this will be your eternal fate." The PC can agree and the quests moves on as always or refuse in which case the 3 summoned daedra scene keeps repeating until the PC agree's.

The House of Horrors - Once Logroff is killed, Molag Bal gives you another reward as well as the mace. The 3 Daedra show up to rape the PC, he is the Daedric Prince of rape. If you want to get real creative add a new command line to the mace so that once a day there is a chance as long as you carry it the 3 daedra who up to rape the PC though that might not be worth the coding.

The Forsworn Conspiracy - If you save Margret from the attack later in the inn you can ask for sex as a payment.

The Forsworn Conspiracy - Garvey offer to give him a blow job for the key. Counts as if you had bribed him.

The Forsworn Conspiracy - Dryston this one might be tricky, if he wins the brawl he then rapes the character as a further lesson to them to stop the investigation.

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine - Borkul the Beast, regardless of what you say or how it goes. He at the end says "Just so you know who's in charge around here" then rapes the PC regardless of the outcome of talking to him.

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine - Duach if PC is female, if you persuade him he has a added line of "Ok but I want something in return" then rapes the PC before giving her the skooma. If brawl and PC loses he rapes the PC (both genders) but gives them the Skooma saying "heh I think you earned this."

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine - Grisvar, bring the skooma to him for the shiv. Afterwards if the PC is female he says "I think I deserve something a little extra" and rapes the PC.

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine - If the PC is female any time they talk to a NPC they ended up being rapped. I say this cause all the prisoners are male and if you threw a female in a prison with all male prisoner she would be raped repeatedly and non stop. I am sure it would happen in real life and in a world like Skyrim where things are rougher I think it would be more true.



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I have another suggestion for this mod

"Black-Mailing Mail Couriers" They demand sex before they will give you your mail


Interesting idea, but doesn't seem in line with what this mod does. Its called sexlab solutions, and is about providing sexy alternatives for completing quests. One of the strengths of this approach is that the vanilla path is always open. So if a particular quest offers a sexlab scenario that does not appeal to the player, they can always opt for the vanilla solution to the quest.


You idea would be more appropriate for a mod called sexlab problems as it adds a new problem to the game that can only be solved with sex. It also has the limitation that there is not a vanilla solution for people who find the couriers unattractive as a sexual partner. Since they all seem to be male, that would include all hetrosexual male PCs.


Having forced sex even if it doesn't further the quest in parts makes sense. In theory a option to turn off rapes would let people have a choice if they want those in their game or not.


yes I know it is called solutions but this is also the only mod adding sex to vanilla quests. So it makes sense to request any sex to be added as a option to this mod at the very least. If bromm wants to ignore the quests thats his choice but it doesn't hurt if people ask for them.

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the jzargo quest just does not work for me, when i complete the quest and choose the sex option i can only choose "lets go somewhere private" then he follows me but when i talk to him again i can just restart the dialog with "ive testet your scrolls"


i tried to fix it myself by snooping around in the geck etc and i did not find any dialog for jzargo in the quest, but that would mean that everyone should have this issue which this topic does not indicate.

seems like im not good enough with the ck to figure this one out myself so help would be appreciated


but im having some dialogue problems with other mods as well... im considering completely reinstalling everything, but before that id like to know it this actually will change anything (im suspecting my skyrim is a little fucked up due to the massive mods i have installed over the years :P)

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I have another suggestion for this mod

"Black-Mailing Mail Couriers" They demand sex before they will give you your mail


Interesting idea, but doesn't seem in line with what this mod does. Its called sexlab solutions, and is about providing sexy alternatives for completing quests. One of the strengths of this approach is that the vanilla path is always open. So if a particular quest offers a sexlab scenario that does not appeal to the player, they can always opt for the vanilla solution to the quest.


You idea would be more appropriate for a mod called sexlab problems as it adds a new problem to the game that can only be solved with sex. It also has the limitation that there is not a vanilla solution for people who find the couriers unattractive as a sexual partner. Since they all seem to be male, that would include all hetrosexual male PCs.



Having forced sex even if it doesn't further the quest in parts makes sense. In theory a option to turn off rapes would let people have a choice if they want those in their game or not.


yes I know it is called solutions but this is also the only mod adding sex to vanilla quests. So it makes sense to request any sex to be added as a option to this mod at the very least. If bromm wants to ignore the quests thats his choice but it doesn't hurt if people ask for them.


True, it never hurts to ask. :D I admit I haven't explored a lot of the content of this mod, I haven't had much time to play skyrim lately and I haven't been actively seeking out the quests modified by this mod. Does it add rape that cannot be avoided somewhere? I had understood that it merely added sexual options/rewards but always allowed the vanilla solution to the quests. I had considered that a strength of the mod, the player could pick and choose which parts they wanted and which they didn't.


Not that I have anything against a mod that forces sex, I do run those as well. But if this mod will enforce certain sex scenes without warning, I think the OP should have some sort of warning as to the nature of the unavoidable content. In the example above, I could see that requiring sex with male couriers could be a deal breaker for some. Better to have an up front warning rather than surprise the player later, and force them to choose between

  1. Suffer through the unwanted content
  2. Remove the mod, and take the risks of removing a scripted mod mid-playthrough.
  3. Start a fresh game in order to get a clean start

Like I said, I have no problem with a mod enforcing sex. I do have a problem if a mod springs a surprise on a player and forces some of them to make one of the above choices.


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I have another suggestion for this mod

"Black-Mailing Mail Couriers" They demand sex before they will give you your mail


Interesting idea, but doesn't seem in line with what this mod does. Its called sexlab solutions, and is about providing sexy alternatives for completing quests. One of the strengths of this approach is that the vanilla path is always open. So if a particular quest offers a sexlab scenario that does not appeal to the player, they can always opt for the vanilla solution to the quest.


You idea would be more appropriate for a mod called sexlab problems as it adds a new problem to the game that can only be solved with sex. It also has the limitation that there is not a vanilla solution for people who find the couriers unattractive as a sexual partner. Since they all seem to be male, that would include all hetrosexual male PCs.



Having forced sex even if it doesn't further the quest in parts makes sense. In theory a option to turn off rapes would let people have a choice if they want those in their game or not.


yes I know it is called solutions but this is also the only mod adding sex to vanilla quests. So it makes sense to request any sex to be added as a option to this mod at the very least. If bromm wants to ignore the quests thats his choice but it doesn't hurt if people ask for them.


True, it never hurts to ask. :D I admit I haven't explored a lot of the content of this mod, I haven't had much time to play skyrim lately and I haven't been actively seeking out the quests modified by this mod. Does it add rape that cannot be avoided somewhere? I had understood that it merely added sexual options/rewards but always allowed the vanilla solution to the quests. I had considered that a strength of the mod, the player could pick and choose which parts they wanted and which they didn't.


Not that I have anything against a mod that forces sex, I do run those as well. But if this mod will enforce certain sex scenes without warning, I think the OP should have some sort of warning as to the nature of the unavoidable content. In the example above, I could see that requiring sex with male couriers could be a deal breaker for some. Better to have an up front warning rather than surprise the player later, and force them to choose between

  1. Suffer through the unwanted content
  2. Remove the mod, and take the risks of removing a scripted mod mid-playthrough.
  3. Start a fresh game in order to get a clean start

Like I said, I have no problem with a mod enforcing sex. I do have a problem if a mod springs a surprise on a player and forces some of them to make one of the above choices.



As it stands now I don't think there is any forced sex scenes. Though I am in favor of that in limited area's where it makes sense. But I also think there needs to be a option added when it gets a MCM menu where you can turn rape on or off. So if it is on you would have the forced sex and if you choose to have it off then those options would never show up.


Bromm has said he plans to add a MCM menu at some point I believe to have a few options for people to turn some off or on. Such as gay/lesbian sex off and on etc.


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Here is the German Translation of Version 13.5 (the last now).


Gleich eine Vorwarnung: Ich habe es nicht vollständig durchgespielt und darum einige Übersetzungen nicht richtig anpassen können. Sehr oft ergibt sich ja erst der richtige Sinn des Textes aus dem Kontext. Und der hat mir eben einige male gefehlt.Wenn es offensichtlich war, habe ich ca. 2x ein ? gesetzt. Ich bitte jetzt darum mir Fehler in der Übersetzung als PM mitzuteilen.

Wie dem auch sei, es ist ja alles kein Drama. Es ist nur im Data Ordner eine esp auszutauschen, das war es schon.

Hier ist sie


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I never noticed until now but as I look through the quest list it seems that almost every one has you sleeping with a man :-/

Getting the distinct impression Bromm is gay, which it fine, but I'm not.


Eh, most SL mods are written with a female PC in mind, so it's not too surprising that this one is as well ;)

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I never noticed until now but as I look through the quest list it seems that almost every one has you sleeping with a man :-/

Getting the distinct impression Bromm is gay, which it fine, but I'm not.


Eh, most SL mods are written with a female PC in mind, so it's not too surprising that this one is as well ;)



That and it seems there is more males involved in quests. I have been going thru all the quests posting suggestions and I am finding more males in quests in spots where sex seems logical than females. Though I found a few females.

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I never noticed until now but as I look through the quest list it seems that almost every one has you sleeping with a man :-/

Getting the distinct impression Bromm is gay, which it fine, but I'm not.


Eh, most SL mods are written with a female PC in mind, so it's not too surprising that this one is as well ;)



That and it seems there is more males involved in quests. I have been going thru all the quests posting suggestions and I am finding more males in quests in spots where sex seems logical than females. Though I found a few females.



Ah, a real reason, not just taste then.

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That and it seems there is more males involved in quests. I have been going thru all the quests posting suggestions and I am finding more males in quests in spots where sex seems logical than females. Though I found a few females.



Ah, a real reason, not just taste then.


Of course I am sure someone could debate where and when is a logical place in a quest for sex. I try to limit it to, the NPC would be grateful over and above, NPC is asking for a favor(can force a bonus bribe from NPC), NPC is in a position to stop the PC or has something the PC needs(item, information etc), PC is paying a debt off owed by another NPC(trading sex for money basically on someone else behalf). Plus any places where I think forced sex makes sense.


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This is some for towns like Riverwood I already did and small settlements.




Again when I suggest a gender I think there should be a option to disable that, but by default keep the single gender for some quests unless the option is turned off.


Dragon Bridge

Dragon's Breath Mead - If you give the mead to the wife Olda, you get another dialogue options after. "You're to good for Horgeir, you deserve someone better. Let me show you how a man should treat a woman." Then she will agree to come somewhere private with the dragonborn for sex. Males only.



Erik the Slayer - Offer sex to Mralki to let his son go off to become a adventure. Counts as if you had used persuade. Bonus go talk to Erik and offer to give him his first taste of adventure and have sex with him. Female only.


Shor's Stone

Special Delivery - Agree to take Sylgja's package to her parents if she will take the dragonborns package first. Male only.



Payment Delivery - Offer to take Bryling's mind off the late ore shipment.


Heartwood Mill

Flight or Fight - After telling Grosta she is a widow, offer to comfort her. Agreeing all men are pigs. Females only. (Grosta has a lot of negative things to say about men so female only makes sense)


Orc Strongholds

All Holds

The Forgemaster's Fingers - Instead of agree to get the item ask if there is anything else you could do. He tells you there is but only for those that truly recognize the superiority of orcs. If you agree he sends you to see the chief. The chief tells you, you must submit yourself to the dominate superiority of the orcs. If you agree to it then you have sex with the chief and each male orcs in the stronghold. Sex is always rough anal regardless of dragonborn gender. (why rough anal? this is about establishing dominance not about sex and the orcs other than the chief can not mate with females aka produce offspring. So anal meets both requirements.)


Dushnikh Yal

Gharol's Message - Delivery the sword to Lash from her mother. Once complete and she is cast out, have a option to tell her there is benifits to no longer being subject to orc rules and your willing to show her what it is like to be with a man other than the chief. Male only.



The Cursed Tribe - Once completed as a bonus reward due to your strength and being the chosen of Malacath, you can sleep with any of the female orcs to strengthen the tribe with your genes. Male only.


That is all for now. I know I have given a lot lately so won't do anymore for awhile.



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Ok working on Markarth quest list in spoiler tags as always.



Bothela's Descreet Delivery - Upon delivery a new line can be added where you ask Reburrus what it does and he offers to show you. Which leads to sex. If you want to get really creative you could even have it turn him into a stallion horse aka spawn a horse during the sex scene but that might be more effect than it is worth still interesting.

A Few Words with You - Offer Mulush sex to stop working his workers so hard. Counts as if you bribed him.

The Forsworn Conspiracy - Garvey offer to give him a blow job for the key. Counts as if you had bribed him.

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine - Borkul the Beast, regardless of what you say or how it goes. He at the end says "Just so you know who's in charge around here" then rapes the PC regardless of the outcome of talking to him.



Those four are already in the mod... well except for the old guy turning into a horse. He does take a sip to have sex with you when you agree to see it tested though. I don't think morphing into a horse and then having the appropriate animation play and then him turning back would be possible. And Burkul makes you have sex with him either willingly or he rapes you if you refuse or insult him.



This is some for towns like Riverwood I already did and small settlements.


Again when I suggest a gender I think there should be a option to disable that, but by default keep the single gender for some quests unless the option is turned off.




Erik the Slayer - Offer sex to Mralki to let his son go off to become a adventure. Counts as if you had used persuade. Bonus go talk to Erik and offer to give him his first taste of adventure and have sex with him. Female only.


Orc Strongholds

All Holds

The Forgemaster's Fingers - Instead of agree to get the item ask if there is anything else you could do. He tells you there is but only for those that truly recognize the superiority of orcs. If you agree he sends you to see the chief. The chief tells you, you must submit yourself to the dominate superiority of the orcs. If you agree to it then you have sex with the chief and each male orcs in the stronghold. Sex is always rough anal regardless of dragonborn gender. (why rough anal? this is about establishing dominance not about sex and the orcs other than the chief can not mate with females aka produce offspring. So anal meets both requirements.)



Erik the Slayer is in the mod already also... and recently he added the option to become the plaything of the Orcs... it doesn't take the place of becoming blood-kin but you can agree to service their needs, basically. Bromm was going to work on that more later on.



but im having some dialogue problems with other mods as well... im considering completely reinstalling everything, but before that id like to know it this actually will change anything (im suspecting my skyrim is a little fucked up due to the massive mods i have installed over the years  :P)

If you do end up reinstalling I highly recommend you getting Mod Organizer and following the Step Guide then adding in whatever other mods you want (it does't include weather or body mods, for example.) It's a whole lot easier to add and remove mods with MO.


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Yeah as I said I am just going over all the quests. I figure some of them will be in the mod, but I found it took me less time to just make a list of all the quests then try and check if they was already in the mod first. So I am erroring on the side of mentioning mods already listed and covering them again, instead of accidentally skipping one.

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As far as those Markarth ideas go, the only ones I really have any issue with are the ones concerning the Dibella priestesses, only because that might conflict with the Sisterhood of Dibella mod, which pretty much cover the same ground.

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Here is the last update for about a week or so:


2014-05-27 013
- Lot's of bugfixes! 
- Added Ancestral Worship
- Added Adventurer on the way to dungeon
- Relatives who ask for apology
- Added Toll bandit
- Added Quest all Drunks have
I will be out traveling this week, Metallica concert on sunday and maybe I will be up to doing some more work on tuesday next week.. 
Keep up the good work on reporting bugs! And remember, if you have a bug that noone else has, please supply papyrus log, load order and a detailed description on what went wrong. 



The "toll bandit" works partially for me (v0.13.5) : at first it works (initiate sex with my female PC) but immediatly after the sex scene this bandit keeps to demand the toll (with the same choices). So the second time i kill her. Don't know if it's because my PC is female ...


Some infos :

- Skyrim Sexlab Framework v1.39b

- Sexlab Aroused v20140124

- Sexlab Romance v1.0.5

- Sexlab Solutions v0.13.5

- Sexlab Matchmake v6

- SOS v2.04.11

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Theres a mod for Cindha mine as well - they say it does not conflict but its like having two mods doing the same.


If it's the mod I am thinking of it is a devious device mod, which I am personally not a fan of and to me doesn't make sense prisoners would have any items like that or bother. They would just rape IMHO.


Not saying there is anything wrong with the other mod, only that I don't feel it fits so I suggest what I did here. That and i would prefer a single mod to handle as much as possible in regards to adding sex to quests to leave me more room to add other mods.

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Theres a mod for Cindha mine as well - they say it does not conflict but its like having two mods doing the same.


If it's the mod I am thinking of it is a devious device mod, which I am personally not a fan of and to me doesn't make sense prisoners would have any items like that or bother. They would just rape IMHO.


Not saying there is anything wrong with the other mod, only that I don't feel it fits so I suggest what I did here. That and i would prefer a single mod to handle as much as possible in regards to adding sex to quests to leave me more room to add other mods.



I am also not a fan of devious devices mods and don't prefer to play them but Cidhna mine mod has a well written story. I would like to see similar stories for Solutions.


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The "toll bandit" works partially for me (v0.13.5) : at first it works (initiate sex with my female PC) but immediatly after the sex scene this bandit keeps to demand the toll (with the same choices). So the second time i kill her. Don't know if it's because my PC is female ...


So it worked at least partially for you? Interesting... the dialogue didn't come up for me at all. I only had the regular choices.

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