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Devious Devices - Captured Dreams Shop v4.15 - files removed

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Guest Katherlne

I complete Property Slave quest line and pick relationship options. After that, i take delivery quest but always been shocked and my character stuck in lay position. Is this just a bug or i now can't to leave a CDS place?

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I complete Property Slave quest line and pick relationship options. After that, i take delivery quest but always been shocked and my character stuck in lay position. Is this just a bug or i now can't to leave a CDS place?


It is an issue with the final scene with and it not running the function that releases you from being a property slave entirely.


Do the following in the console:


Set CDxInvisibleFence to 0

PRID xx08906F             Note- xx is the load position for the mod, use help CDx and it will be the first two numbers of any of the items


playerref.removefromfaction cdxslaveproperty      Note- if it gives you an error, replace the faction name with xx167346




This should set it to let you through the fence as well as disable it and remove you from the property slave faction as some people won't greet you properly if you are in it.

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Guest Katherlne



playerref.removefromfaction cdxslaveproperty      Note- if it gives you an error, replace the faction name with xx167346


I get error in faction option and if i change it on xx167346. In second option error says - syntax error in playerref.

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playerref.removefromfaction cdxslaveproperty      Note- if it gives you an error, replace the faction name with xx167346


I get error in faction option and if i change it on xx167346. In second option error says - syntax error in playerref.



Try just player instead. You can see if you were removed from the faction when the property slave ended talk to the Assistants in the shop, if they say go away then you are still in the faction.

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Guest Katherlne


Try just player instead. You can see if you were removed from the faction when the property slave ended talk to the Assistants in the shop, if they say go away then you are still in the faction.


Without a "ref" with "removefrom1D167346" i get a error. Without a "ref" and with a "removefromfaction" console says wrong faction name - "cdxslaveproperty".


I test leave mansion just only with 


Set CDxInvisibleFence to 0


And guards stop to chase me and i no more get immobilize shock. It's gonna be okay try to continue play another quests in CDS without a

PRID xx08906F          


playerref.removefromfaction cdxslaveproperty 

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it looks like i'm not smart enough for the forum search engine... looking for reset quest and 1/2 of the thread comes up as a result...


How can i reset the main quest that drives the shop expansion? I basicly want to start from zero.

Is there a command line to reset the shop quest to the beginning and reset everything else too? Or do i need to make a clean save and remove a file by hand? Last time i uninstalled CD the progression/expansion has been kept.


I'm using Mod Organizer.



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it looks like i'm not smart enough for the forum search engine... looking for reset quest and 1/2 of the thread comes up as a result...


How can i reset the main quest that drives the shop expansion? I basicly want to start from zero.

Is there a command line to reset the shop quest to the beginning and reset everything else too? Or do i need to make a clean save and remove a file by hand? Last time i uninstalled CD the progression/expansion has been kept.


I'm using Mod Organizer.


setstage cdxexpmain 990     will reset the expansion of the grounds but it is set to automatically start depending on your level. You will need to change the value in the MCM menu before you hit a new level or it will start again. If you are above the set maximum in the mcm menu you can raise it higher by using   set cdxexpansionstart to x   with x being a higher level, just make sure not to change it in the menu at all. If you want it off entirely then once you set the stage and reset it you can stop the quest using   stopquest xx08DE85    startquest with the same ID should allow you to restart the quest should you want to let it run again.


This will keep some quests from running and I can't guarantee how all of the quests will react once the expansion is reset as it was not designed to do so.

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Hello Veladarius,

i.ve got a problem with the Quest for returning a missing delivery. If the quest starts, a message appears that i got a letter from the master and should read it. But there is not letter n my inv.


Also the Quest Journal has a veeeery loooooong entry with letters so small that i am not able to read it and the quest description said: "LOOKUP FAILED!"

I tried to reset this quest via mcm menu and wait the 3 days until the task get ready again, but the error appears again.


I didn´t make any other tasks meanwhile, also the expansion didn´t start until now. Just want to get rid of that problem. :)




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Nur so rein interessehalber.. wird Dein neues Update auch Änderungen im Spiel mit sich bringen, wie diverse Aufgaben als Beispiel den Flour zu kehren usw. welche schon vormals des öfteren angesprochen waren?

...und noch eine Frage Interessiert mich brennend... ich war seit CD v3.84 total erpicht darauf, diese besagte Dwemer Ruine, welche nach Fertigstellung der Erweiterung erwähnt wird auszukundschaften.. man fand ein Buch darüber, aber den Ort gab es leider nicht wirklich... auch würde ich eine weitere Handlung um diesen alten Typ, welchen man beim assistieren trifft sehr spannend finden.. oder man auch man in sein Etablissement ausgeliehen wird..

Da würde anhand der Story sehr viel machbar sein.. was ist eigentlich mit CGI.. es wird wohl keine Deutsche Übersetzung mehr geben?

Ich wünsche Dir, lieber Vel schöne Ostern und alles liebe für Deinen kommenden Weg! :heart:



PS: Könnte man die Thalmor Botschaft entweder überarbeiten oder komplett löschen oder zumindest von den Bestrafungen entfernen? Ich war gerade dort.. dauerte eine gefühlte Stunde.. dann als nächste Bestrafung: "Für Euch habe ich etwas besonderes.." und wieder Thalmor Botschaft...

Man kann außerdem nur noch sagen, wie super das alles war.. obwohl man.. keine Ahnung.. an die 30 mal vergewaltigt wird..?!

Da fehlt mir der Kontext zum Rest irgendwo.








Only so pure interest .. will your new update also bring changes in the game with you, as various tasks as an example the Flour to return, etc. which were already mentioned before often?

... and another question caring me burning ... I was since CD v3.84 totally tainted to explore this said Dwemer ruin, which is mentioned after completion of the extension .. one found a book about it, but the place existed Unfortunately not really ... also I would find another action around this old guy, which one with the assists very exciting .. or one also one in his establishment is lent ..

Since the story would be very much feasible .. what is actually with CGI .. there will probably no more German translation?

I wish you, dear dear Easter, and love everything for your coming journey! :heart:



PS: Could the Thalmor message either rework or completely delete or at least remove from the punishments? I was just there .. lasted an hour .. then as a next punishment: "For you I have something special .." and again Thalmor message ...
You can also only say how great that was all .. although you .. no idea .. to the 30 times raped is ..?!
Because I lack the context to the rest somewhere.




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PPS: Was ist mit dieser verrückten Schlampe,.. welche einem Fisten will passiert? ... All diese Dinge liefern wenn Du mich fragst Geschichten für nicht nur ein Addon, sondern für 2 oder auch 3... :)


...und oder auch die Andeutung nach der Botschaft vom Meister mit "Sil" .. da fehlt die Story dazu...


Ist (war) sie eine heimliche Geliebte? jetzt aber eine Feindin?!!!... usw. :sleepy:

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Hello Veladarius,

i.ve got a problem with the Quest for returning a missing delivery. If the quest starts, a message appears that i got a letter from the master and should read it. But there is not letter n my inv.


Also the Quest Journal has a veeeery loooooong entry with letters so small that i am not able to read it and the quest description said: "LOOKUP FAILED!"

I tried to reset this quest via mcm menu and wait the 3 days until the task get ready again, but the error appears again.


I didn´t make any other tasks meanwhile, also the expansion didn´t start until now. Just want to get rid of that problem. :)





The Retrieve a Missing Delivery doesn't have any sort of letter associated with it, it should just give you a random location where to find it. Can you upload a log from a session when you ask to do the quest? The log should tell me where the errors are occurring and what may be causing them.

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Nur so rein interessehalber.. wird Dein neues Update auch Änderungen im Spiel mit sich bringen, wie diverse Aufgaben als Beispiel den Flour zu kehren usw. welche schon vormals des öfteren angesprochen waren?


...und noch eine Frage Interessiert mich brennend... ich war seit CD v3.84 total erpicht darauf, diese besagte Dwemer Ruine, welche nach Fertigstellung der Erweiterung erwähnt wird auszukundschaften.. man fand ein Buch darüber, aber den Ort gab es leider nicht wirklich... auch würde ich eine weitere Handlung um diesen alten Typ, welchen man beim assistieren trifft sehr spannend finden.. oder man auch man in sein Etablissement ausgeliehen wird..


Da würde anhand der Story sehr viel machbar sein.. was ist eigentlich mit CGI.. es wird wohl keine Deutsche Übersetzung mehr geben?


Ich wünsche Dir, lieber Vel schöne Ostern und alles liebe für Deinen kommenden Weg! :heart:



PS: Könnte man die Thalmor Botschaft entweder überarbeiten oder komplett löschen oder zumindest von den Bestrafungen entfernen? Ich war gerade dort.. dauerte eine gefühlte Stunde.. dann als nächste Bestrafung: "Für Euch habe ich etwas besonderes.." und wieder Thalmor Botschaft...

Man kann außerdem nur noch sagen, wie super das alles war.. obwohl man.. keine Ahnung.. an die 30 mal vergewaltigt wird..?!

Da fehlt mir der Kontext zum Rest irgendwo.








Only so pure interest .. will your new update also bring changes in the game with you, as various tasks as an example the Flour to return, etc. which were already mentioned before often?


... and another question caring me burning ... I was since CD v3.84 totally tainted to explore this said Dwemer ruin, which is mentioned after completion of the extension .. one found a book about it, but the place existed Unfortunately not really ... also I would find another action around this old guy, which one with the assists very exciting .. or one also one in his establishment is lent ..


Since the story would be very much feasible .. what is actually with CGI .. there will probably no more German translation?


I wish you, dear dear Easter, and love everything for your coming journey! :heart:



PS: Could the Thalmor message either rework or completely delete or at least remove from the punishments? I was just there .. lasted an hour .. then as a next punishment: "For you I have something special .." and again Thalmor message ...

You can also only say how great that was all .. although you .. no idea .. to the 30 times raped is ..?!

Because I lack the context to the rest somewhere.


The old guy you are referring to I think is Zed or something like that, the one that asks you to find 3 objects for him? That is part of DDi though I do make a few references to him on occasion but don't use him directly. Master's slave Rayani the adventurer has worked with him and is  the one who mentions him in v4. Ultimately, once things have been added for dom's and the Relationship Slave and Manor Slave portions have been gotten to a suitable point there will be quests into dwemer ruins looking for information and items that should span several locations and a new one.


As for CGi, I don't know what has happened with him. The last I heard from him (which was quite some time ago) was that he was making some fixes to the installation file but I never received them or heard anything since.


You can disable the Thalmor Embassy quest by disabling it in the MCM menu, that should also remove it from the punishments list. 

There is more coming on the history between Elewen and Master as Master's history is revealed more.

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Infinite loop.

  • All devices are equipped.
  • The option for confiscation is disabled but this dialogue still shows.

If there are conditions for this dialogue to show then consecutive ORs are treated like a single block when evaluating and have order precedence over AND.
Evaluates as
Will not eval like this

It will eval like this


To get something to eval like the following


You need to do this


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Infinite loop.

  • All devices are equipped.
  • The option for confiscation is disabled but this dialogue still shows.

If there are conditions for this dialogue to show then consecutive ORs are treated like a single block when evaluating and have order precedence over AND.




Evaluates as








Will not eval like this




It will eval like this




To get something to eval like the following




You need to do this




The trigger for the dialogue is a variable and is not changed when the quest is disabled after it has been triggered (when you entered the shop) so as far as it is concerned it is still ok to go. The new version has a failsafe that checks at the last moment that it is ok to run and if not will send you to the merchant screen and reset the quest. What you need to do in your case is to set the stage for CDxConfiscation to 100 which will reset the quest (and take any keys you have).

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Infinite loop.

  • All devices are equipped.
  • The option for confiscation is disabled but this dialogue still shows.

If there are conditions for this dialogue to show then consecutive ORs are treated like a single block when evaluating and have order precedence over AND.




Evaluates as








Will not eval like this




It will eval like this




To get something to eval like the following




You need to do this




The trigger for the dialogue is a variable and is not changed when the quest is disabled after it has been triggered (when you entered the shop) so as far as it is concerned it is still ok to go. The new version has a failsafe that checks at the last moment that it is ok to run and if not will send you to the merchant screen and reset the quest. What you need to do in your case is to set the stage for CDxConfiscation to 100 which will reset the quest (and take any keys you have).



I really wish property functions could have the conditional flag set for instances like this.

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Infinite loop.

  • All devices are equipped.
  • The option for confiscation is disabled but this dialogue still shows.

If there are conditions for this dialogue to show then consecutive ORs are treated like a single block when evaluating and have order precedence over AND.




Evaluates as








Will not eval like this




It will eval like this




To get something to eval like the following




You need to do this




The trigger for the dialogue is a variable and is not changed when the quest is disabled after it has been triggered (when you entered the shop) so as far as it is concerned it is still ok to go. The new version has a failsafe that checks at the last moment that it is ok to run and if not will send you to the merchant screen and reset the quest. What you need to do in your case is to set the stage for CDxConfiscation to 100 which will reset the quest (and take any keys you have).



I really wish property functions could have the conditional flag set for instances like this.



Believe me, this was a major thorn in my side for a while and it bugged me that it caused problems for people, I hate that it has caused so many issues.


Currently, Confiscation checks the player's inventory multiple times including when you first enter the shop. With the expansion of item types and addition of DCUR items to it it has become unsatable and prone to crash or drop out of dialogue if it takes too long and it starts all over when you speak to Master again. I have completely trashed the current script and rewrote how it handles the items.


Now it takes all of the items from you (if you have any) and sorts them into lists by type from the start and marks if it is a type of item that can be put on you. The next step is to randomly choose items to apply that you can wear. In my testing I had it set to give a notification when it found an item. I had 1 full set of devices that could be put on me and by the time the notifications had stopped being displayed for them it had already taken everything, the dialogue was done and the items applied.

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Hello Veladarius,

i.ve got a problem with the Quest for returning a missing delivery. If the quest starts, a message appears that i got a letter from the master and should read it. But there is not letter n my inv.


Also the Quest Journal has a veeeery loooooong entry with letters so small that i am not able to read it and the quest description said: "LOOKUP FAILED!"

I tried to reset this quest via mcm menu and wait the 3 days until the task get ready again, but the error appears again.


I didn´t make any other tasks meanwhile, also the expansion didn´t start until now. Just want to get rid of that problem. :)





The Retrieve a Missing Delivery doesn't have any sort of letter associated with it, it should just give you a random location where to find it. Can you upload a log from a session when you ask to do the quest? The log should tell me where the errors are occurring and what may be causing them.



Hello Veladarius,


i was ablöe to solve the problem. I just realized, that i had version 4.05 installed. I installed the update to 4.08 and the quest starts as intended. So, anyway...thanks for the quick response. ;)


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Believe me, this was a major thorn in my side for a while and it bugged me that it caused problems for people, I hate that it has caused so many issues.


Currently, Confiscation checks the player's inventory multiple times including when you first enter the shop. With the expansion of item types and addition of DCUR items to it it has become unsatable and prone to crash or drop out of dialogue if it takes too long and it starts all over when you speak to Master again. I have completely trashed the current script and rewrote how it handles the items.


Now it takes all of the items from you (if you have any) and sorts them into lists by type from the start and marks if it is a type of item that can be put on you. The next step is to randomly choose items to apply that you can wear. In my testing I had it set to give a notification when it found an item. I had 1 full set of devices that could be put on me and by the time the notifications had stopped being displayed for them it had already taken everything, the dialogue was done and the items applied.

I would also set a flag to disable this completely upon triggering the event until the player leaves the cell the master is in

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Believe me, this was a major thorn in my side for a while and it bugged me that it caused problems for people, I hate that it has caused so many issues.


Currently, Confiscation checks the player's inventory multiple times including when you first enter the shop. With the expansion of item types and addition of DCUR items to it it has become unsatable and prone to crash or drop out of dialogue if it takes too long and it starts all over when you speak to Master again. I have completely trashed the current script and rewrote how it handles the items.


Now it takes all of the items from you (if you have any) and sorts them into lists by type from the start and marks if it is a type of item that can be put on you. The next step is to randomly choose items to apply that you can wear. In my testing I had it set to give a notification when it found an item. I had 1 full set of devices that could be put on me and by the time the notifications had stopped being displayed for them it had already taken everything, the dialogue was done and the items applied.

I would also set a flag to disable this completely upon triggering the event until the player leaves the cell the master is in



The timing of the event and when to run it is controlled by the Task Manager, when it decides that is should be active it sets a flag for it to run the alternate dialogue instead of the normal merchant dialogue. The problem was that once it was triggered disabling it in the MCM didn't stop it, that was my fault for not resetting it or checking if it was supposed to be active or not. The new one, once triggered, will divert as before but it will check to see if the quest is active, if not it goes back to the merchant dialogue and resets the quest and waits until it is allowed to run again. No scanning of the player will happen if it has been triggered then disabled as the dialogue that handles that function happens after the checks. Until it gets past that final check it does no scanning of the player and is entirely passive so script load in the shop has been reduced by a good amount.

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I have this problem:


First time i get sent to the thalmor embassy everything works (except that body harness don t get removed and that messes up with some scenes).


After some time i get the same quest again ("handle a personal request").

After the dialogue with master to accept the job, several stuff is equipped.

This time harness get equipped and unequipped, the stage blurs and then gets back normal and the mission don t proceed.

Tried to wait and tried to disable player control to no avail.


Also delivery quest don't work if player is wearing any dd.

Seems master is unable to remove them (i use also dd equip for prison overhaul Patches but i don t think it conflicts...everything is updated also.)



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I have this problem:


First time i get sent to the thalmor embassy everything works (except that body harness don t get removed and that messes up with some scenes).


After some time i get the same quest again ("handle a personal request").

After the dialogue with master to accept the job, several stuff is equipped.

This time harness get equipped and unequipped, the stage blurs and then gets back normal and the mission don t proceed.

Tried to wait and tried to disable player control to no avail.


Also delivery quest don't work if player is wearing any dd.

Seems master is unable to remove them (i use also dd equip for prison overhaul Patches but i don t think it conflicts...everything is updated also.)


The devices used on the Embassy quest were missing keywords which kept them from being removed by the updated Device Removal script, those were corrected and updated along with 250 other devices to make use of new DD keywords and removal function.


The start of the second part has some issues and I still need to test both the first and second parts to make sure that the devices are properly added and removed. Likely the mission is not proceeding due to the harness not being equipped, equipping it manually may or may not let it continue.


The equip function needs to have the device preferences set in the MCM menu, specifically the material type must match the type of belt preferred: metal for the padded belts and leather/ebonite for the harness. Much of the time it is equipping a collar and harness which breaks the harness and does not allow the dialogue to continue.

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I have released what I have done so far with CD as it will correct a number of major issues people are having such as:


- Updated ALL the keywords for the quest devices making corrections and updating for v3 of DDi and the new removal command.


- devices not equipping for the delivery quest or some other quests, it should default to the standard silver items if conflicts are detected


- Confiscation has been rewritten and works much better. The main script was rewritten entirely and cut to 1/3 of the previous size and accesses the player's inventory fewer times. It will NOT remove or use quest items or DCUR items in your inventory as any item using zad_blockgeneric is still being considered a quest item for backwards compatibility.


- Property Slave has been tested and adjustments / fixes made starting from the Bad End all the way up to quest 4. Quest 4 works except the surrender option has issues and is not reliable, parts of that will be rewritten.


- Adjustments were made to the Free Trial quest that should keep it from stopping when equipping the belt. The scene had multiple endings based on various conditions and it was possible for players to not fit one of them so a catch all was added.


Notice: I have not finished going through CD to make sure it complies with DDi v3 so some parts may not remove quest items correctly, particularly the 4 Special Quests and Chaste Life / Spouse or Manor Slave. Most of these already use the main device removal function so they should work but there may be some scripts in scenes and dialogue that do it itself so it may fail at that time.


When updating you should not be wearing any quest items due to the keyword changes as the items you have on will not update.


I will continue going through and updating what is left to play through. hopefully this update cures at least some of the problems a number of you have been having.


This is a Non Localized ESP and is English only as I have still not heard from CGi. If anyone can help either with the installer issues or updating and creating the localized version the help would be appreciated by me and a number of other people as well.

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