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[Mod][Wip] Beeing Female (For Ssl 1.5)


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Really loved that mod, way better of hentai pregnancy, but idk why goes weird the belly using HDT body ( http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25750-hdt-body/ ) that already its design to handle pregnancy, and works fine at hentai, theres any way to make that compatible with hdt body? (example of weird belly at attach)

*Dnt pay attention at her breasts, its because got super preggo of 4 kids lol.


It looks like a skeleton node issue, not body exactly, the belly if the skeleton only connected to a few of the mesh markers instead, making it so it becomes a torpedo shape...


(grats on the quadruplets hehehe)


It was a pain for me to get the proper load order on the skeleton in my game, and a hassle to try to list out all I did, as I had to retry 3 times to get the load order correct, and over wright the proper files... However I do use the skeleton XPMS-32 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/?

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In the attached files, you will notice, the naked female Eldawyn has oversized breasts, in the first trimester, identical to my character's, where as the female at the table has normal sized breasts.... (( And she was added to the list of candidates yesterday and had not had any kind of sex with anyone... ))


Also including my base shape prior to becoming pregnant...


Size setting of 1.4% breast scaling should not cause them to jump to 3x normal size like that, then stay there...

Will see if a slight reordering of my shape shifting mods can fix the problem.


Edit add : nope, considering I only have 2 that scale the body, this and Estrus Churaus, order was simple swap, still doesn't want to seem to take it slow on the body changes, just instant in first trimester to full breast size.

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I'm pretty sure the breast issue was mentioned a while ago.  I believe the problem was something like the breasts were using the multiplier for the stomach instead (and adding it all at once).  It'll probably be fixed in the next release.


kk I hope so :)

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So has anyone here got the birth animations working on their Skyrim characters? Cause I see a lot of issues with getting it to work with the right settings that I am unsure if anyone carried these babies to term.


Since I went with Real Life 84 day trimesters, I have just under 50 days game time to go, that will go fast, and will let you know if the cam and birthing animations work right...

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So has anyone here got the birth animations working on their Skyrim characters? Cause I see a lot of issues with getting it to work with the right settings that I am unsure if anyone carried these babies to term.

Since I went with Real Life 84 day trimesters, I have just under 50 days game time to go, that will go fast, and will let you know if the cam and birthing animations work right...



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U can try the debug section and hit the "make me pregnant" button and check all the animations, the labour takes one hour in game and i think u can't advance with wait menu, it takes a time so npc will change to birth animation, is not instantaneous

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hello I have a bug with the new version of the mod I do not know how to see the stat npc is despite (I play a man) I sleep a lot of times with my wife (saadia http://www.nexusmods.com/ skyrim/mods/13711 /?) is she never gets pregnant I just aperture same storage now called papyrus could you help me? thank you in advance 



ps sorry for my english not so good

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hello I have a bug with the new version of the mod I do not know how to see the stat npc is despite (I play a man) I sleep a lot of times with my wife (saadia http://www.nexusmods.com/ skyrim/mods/13711 /?) is she never gets pregnant I just aperture same storage now called papyrus could you help me? thank you in advance



ps sorry for my english not so good

Did u installed all the requisites?


Sexlab framework?

Any sexlab pluggin that lets u have sex with ur wife?


A mesh with belly node enabled to look like she is preggo?

Did u checked the alteration magic list for a spell of check female stats?

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yes everything is installed just I use this mod since the beginning I am a long time before it is worked but with the new version of surprisingly it does not work is I have lots to see stats but nothing changes there is no indication this is why I ask I spell everything is installed in order .......... but it works but it is a pity (need version 2 installed too?)

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Great milz! We are eager to test and help! Thnx for ur amazing work!


Deconne, if u don't have installed the beta 2 u don't have the lates version, try to make a "clean save" and install the beta 2 in 25 page i guess, it haves stuff fixed, hope it helps, your Saadia is custom NPC? I tried your kink but it leads me to main page of nexus

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Some Inspiration for you Milz, your mod is being the most named pregnancy mod as a referral, i understand that starting over from scratch is a daunting task, but were here to support you as you have done an amazing job and we do hope you cont. to make it where this is going to be the only talked about mod there is. i look forward to the new updated release of the mod and thank you for the hard effort you have already put into it.

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yes it is saadia amended (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13711/? the links is good) is ok I will test with the beta page 25 you'll see what I would say is it is already a new sauvgarde I just started at the new version because I expected




ps I get a message telling me "we ended beingfemale" is this normal?  ( screenshot to show you ) .


Well, i guess is a problem with non vanilla actors, if u installl vilja she pops up the same window, if u do it with any other character non vanilla u will have this, i dont know why, i had the same problem with selene kate, in my male walktrought i use hentai pregnancy, not so realistic but it works in any npc, vanilla or not, maybe u should ask mizl about it

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U can try the debug section and hit the "make me pregnant" button and check all the animations, the labour takes one hour in game and i think u can't advance with wait menu, it takes a time so npc will change to birth animation, is not instantaneous


That would be awesome to see.

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@Runen: I saw it, and i know that realy many peaple are waiting..... that makes me a bit nervous :)



Well here are some functions for moder that can be used to access almost every actor

This Controller Class will be released in the next version



; Create Stats for the given Actor
bool function CreateFemaleActor(actor woman)
; Forced Impregnation for the given Woman from the given Father (optional the number of the children)
function Impregnate(actor Mother, actor Father, int NumChilds=1)
; Forced Impregnation for the given Woman from the given Fathers (array - arraysize must be the Number of children - see Function Description)
function ImpregnateA(actor Mother, actor[] Fathers, int NumChilds=1)
; Normal Impregnation from the active sperm if exists
bool function ActiveSpermImpregnation(actor Mother, bool bIgnoreContraception = false)
; Normal Impregnation from the active sperm by the given time - if exists
bool function ActiveSpermImpregnationTimed(actor Mother, float Time, bool bIgnoreContraception = false)
; Removed the impregnation without child born
function UnimpregnateState(actor Mother)
; Removed the impregnation without child born and jump to the given phase
function UnimpregnateState(actor Mother, int Menstrual_Cycle_State)
; Force the woman to give birth
function GiveBirth(actor Mother)
; Damages the Baby with the given Damage
function DamageBaby(actor Mother,float Damage)
; Heals the Baby with the given amount
function HealBaby(actor Mother,float Amount)
; Force an abortus
function AbortusBaby(actor Mother)
; Add sperm to the given woman from the given man
function AddSperm(actor Woman, actor PotentialFather, float amount = 1.0)
; Add sperm to the given woman from the given man at the given time
function AddSpermTimed(actor Woman, float Time, actor PotentialFather, float amount = 1.0)
; removes all sperm from the woman from the given man
function RemoveSperm(actor Woman, actor Man)
; removes all sperm from the woman from everyone
function RemoveAllSperm(actor Woman)
; changes the phase the woman is in
function ChangeState(actor Woman, int NewState)
; changes the phase the woman is in based on the given time
function ChangeStateTimed(actor female, float Time, int state_number)
; returns if the woman has relevant sperm inside
bool function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true)
; returns the number with relevant actors who has sperm inside the given woman
int function RelevantSpermCount(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true)
; returns an array with all relevant actors who has sperm inside the given woman
Actor[] function GetRelevantSpermActors(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true)
; returns an array with actor relevance 
float[] function GetRelevantSpermFloat(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true)
; Check if the woman got relevant sperm for impregnation inside at the given time
bool function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true)
; returns the number of relevant sperm actors at the given time
int function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true)
; Get a list of actors that are most relevant at the given time
Actor[] function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true)
; GetRelevantSpermFloatTimed
float[] function GetRelevantSpermFloatTimed(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true)
; Check if the given man got sperm in the given woman
bool function HasSpermInWoman(actor male, actor female=none, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true)
; Check if the given man had sperm in the given woman at the given time
bool function HasSpermInWomanTimed(actor male, actor female=none, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true)
; Returns the percent (0.0 to 100.0) of the womans state
Float Function GetStatePercentage(Actor woman)
; Returns the time the woman enterd her state/phase
Float Function GetStateEnterTime(Actor woman)
; returns the health the given womans unborn baby got
float function GetBabyHealth(actor woman)
; returns if the woman is pregnant
bool function IsPregnant(actor woman)
; returns the state/phase the woman is in
int function GetFemaleState(actor woman)
; returns the number of birth the woman already had
int function GetNumBirth(actor woman)
; open the ShowState window for the given woman
function showInfoBox(actor a)
; set the flag if the woman may become pregnant in her current cycle
int function setCanBecomePregnant(actor woman, bool bActive)
; set the flag if the woman may become PMS in her current cycle
int function setCanBecomePMS(actor woman, bool bActive)
; set the flag for the woman
int function setFlag(actor woman, bool bCanBecomePregnant, bool bCanBecomePMS)
; returns the percent of contraception (0.0 to 100.00)
float function getContraception(actor Woman)
; returns the percent of contraception at the given time
float function getContraceptionTimed(actor Woman, float Time)
; Add an amount of contraception
float function AddContraception(actor Woman, float Value)
; Returns the remaining time till the next pill is required
float function GetContraceptionDuration(actor Woman)
; Returns the remaining time till the next pill was required at the given time
float function GetContraceptionDurationTimed(Actor Woman, float Time)
; open the ShowStats window with the given rank
function showRankedInfoBox(actor target, int Rank)
; open the ShowStats window with the given rank as descripted text
function showDescriptedRankedInfoBox(actor target, int Rank)



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@Runen: I saw it, and i know that realy many peaple are waiting..... that makes me a bit nervous :)



Well here are some functions for moder that can be used to access almost every actor

This Controller Class will be released in the next version



; Create Stats for the given Actorbool function CreateFemaleActor(actor woman);; Forced Impregnation for the given Woman from the given Father (optional the number of the children)function Impregnate(actor Mother, actor Father, int NumChilds=1);; Forced Impregnation for the given Woman from the given Fathers (array - arraysize must be the Number of children - see Function Description)function ImpregnateA(actor Mother, actor[] Fathers, int NumChilds=1);; Normal Impregnation from the active sperm if existsbool function ActiveSpermImpregnation(actor Mother, bool bIgnoreContraception = false);; Normal Impregnation from the active sperm by the given time - if existsbool function ActiveSpermImpregnationTimed(actor Mother, float Time, bool bIgnoreContraception = false);; Removed the impregnation without child bornfunction UnimpregnateState(actor Mother);; Removed the impregnation without child born and jump to the given phasefunction UnimpregnateState(actor Mother, int Menstrual_Cycle_State);; Force the woman to give birthfunction GiveBirth(actor Mother);; Damages the Baby with the given Damagefunction DamageBaby(actor Mother,float Damage);; Heals the Baby with the given amountfunction HealBaby(actor Mother,float Amount);; Force an abortusfunction AbortusBaby(actor Mother);; Add sperm to the given woman from the given manfunction AddSperm(actor Woman, actor PotentialFather, float amount = 1.0);; Add sperm to the given woman from the given man at the given timefunction AddSpermTimed(actor Woman, float Time, actor PotentialFather, float amount = 1.0);; removes all sperm from the woman from the given manfunction RemoveSperm(actor Woman, actor Man);; removes all sperm from the woman from everyonefunction RemoveAllSperm(actor Woman);; changes the phase the woman is infunction ChangeState(actor Woman, int NewState);; changes the phase the woman is in based on the given timefunction ChangeStateTimed(actor female, float Time, int state_number);; returns if the woman has relevant sperm insidebool function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true);; returns the number with relevant actors who has sperm inside the given womanint function RelevantSpermCount(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true);; returns an array with all relevant actors who has sperm inside the given womanActor[] function GetRelevantSpermActors(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true);; returns an array with actor relevance float[] function GetRelevantSpermFloat(actor Woman, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true);; Check if the woman got relevant sperm for impregnation inside at the given timebool function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true);; returns the number of relevant sperm actors at the given timeint function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true);; Get a list of actors that are most relevant at the given timeActor[] function HasRelevantSperm(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true);; GetRelevantSpermFloatTimedfloat[] function GetRelevantSpermFloatTimed(actor Woman, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true, bool bSort = true); ; Check if the given man got sperm in the given womanbool function HasSpermInWoman(actor male, actor female=none, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true);; Check if the given man had sperm in the given woman at the given timebool function HasSpermInWomanTimed(actor male, actor female=none, float Time, bool bShowTravelingSperm = true);; Returns the percent (0.0 to 100.0) of the womans stateFloat Function GetStatePercentage(Actor woman);; Returns the time the woman enterd her state/phaseFloat Function GetStateEnterTime(Actor woman);; returns the health the given womans unborn baby gotfloat function GetBabyHealth(actor woman);; returns if the woman is pregnantbool function IsPregnant(actor woman);; returns the state/phase the woman is inint function GetFemaleState(actor woman);; returns the number of birth the woman already hadint function GetNumBirth(actor woman);; open the ShowState window for the given womanfunction showInfoBox(actor a);; set the flag if the woman may become pregnant in her current cycleint function setCanBecomePregnant(actor woman, bool bActive);; set the flag if the woman may become PMS in her current cycleint function setCanBecomePMS(actor woman, bool bActive);; set the flag for the womanint function setFlag(actor woman, bool bCanBecomePregnant, bool bCanBecomePMS);; returns the percent of contraception (0.0 to 100.00)float function getContraception(actor Woman);; returns the percent of contraception at the given timefloat function getContraceptionTimed(actor Woman, float Time);; Add an amount of contraceptionfloat function AddContraception(actor Woman, float Value);; Returns the remaining time till the next pill is requiredfloat function GetContraceptionDuration(actor Woman);; Returns the remaining time till the next pill was required at the given timefloat function GetContraceptionDurationTimed(Actor Woman, float Time);; open the ShowStats window with the given rankfunction showRankedInfoBox(actor target, int Rank);; open the ShowStats window with the given rank as descripted textfunction showDescriptedRankedInfoBox(actor target, int Rank)



Damn that is a lot of code to wrap one's head around......

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