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[Mod][Wip] Beeing Female (For Ssl 1.5)


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About All the Docs you Plan on Writing though very commendable and I do not mean to Discourage the creation of them, unless absolutely essential to the Mods Function, I would suggest releasing The Mod first even if only on this forum, then write the Docs while users are finding all the bugs you missed, You are being very diligent I know, but even when it runs to perfection on your PC other setups will reveal issues that you can never find with your setup.

There are many mods released on downloads page I would call Pre Alpha by your standards. Few fully released and Final mods are without error.

Just my opinion, the decisions are yours.

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The BeeingFemale Book should be implementated. Everything else can wait, true.

But i think i got many bugs - the community is testing BeeingFemale since already 6 month and even when i couldn't answer every post, i've read them all. The next version shouldn't be a Beta version anymore. It's time for a release.


I've just finished the Book!!! But only in german >.< It tooks me above 2 Hours to write it, but now it's done!

I could need some help with the translation - maybe via Google translations and corrections after or maybe someone will translate from german in english.


But beware - it's a lot of text. It's enough text to fill 29 Ingame book pages. (5 pages of text when using Arial 14pt)


I have to check the german text first, just wrote everything down in those 2 hours, without checking for typo. After that it's ready for translation :)

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Hi Milz,


I know you working on the mod, but you said you fixed this papyrus spam:


[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.OnEffectFinish() - "FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc" Line 106
[05/16/2014 - 07:37:30PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdateGameTime - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
It would be possible to upload the fixed beeing female version? I am not talking about a new version of the mod, I am not that impatient:)
Just a quick fix.
Because it is really annoying, my log is miles long, and I am afraid this can cause problems in the running game.
Even if it is not causing anything It is really hard to identify anything else as it is spamming all the way along and bloating my log.
Please Master upload it for me:)
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[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?

[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.OnEffectFinish() - "FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc" Line 106
[05/16/2014 - 07:37:30PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdateGameTime - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
Because it is really annoying, my log is miles long, and I am afraid this can cause problems in the running game.
Even if it is not causing anything It is really hard to identify anything else as it is spamming all the way along and bloating my log.

Why do you need the log anyway? Turn off debugging - no log, no problem :)


Or just do it yourself, like this:

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

And recompile. Found in FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc FWAntiSpermEssence.psc FWEffectMenstruationBlood.psc

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Please Master upload it for me:)



The problem is, it's not possible to upload the fixed script file. I have to upload the complete mod.

Maybe this bug is fixed, but instead of this bug, there is many debug notifications, i have to remove first, just for releaseing the mod, and then i have to write them again, to continue developing :)


The easiest way is the way sumitral posted.

open the Skyrim\data\scripts\source\ folder, search for the files sumitral has posted, open them in Notepad, and remove the lines or make a ; before.


run CreationKit, open the menu "Gameplay" -> "Papyrus Script Manager", find the script files, right click on them and select "compile"


Here are the translations. The book is translated via Google. There are a few fixes i made (fruifuly?!)

Then there are things i'm not sure.... is "Braxton Hicks contraction" the right term or is it "premonitory pains" ?


// Edit: attached a PDF, how the german book may looks like


// Edit: maybe there are to much informations :)

It would be great when a woman may check the text, too... if everything is correct :)

Book - EN.txt

Book - DE - Book Format.pdf

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Please Master upload it for me:)



The problem is, it's not possible to upload the fixed script file. I have to upload the complete mod.

Maybe this bug is fixed, but instead of this bug, there is many debug notifications, i have to remove first, just for releaseing the mod, and then i have to write them again, to continue developing :)


The easiest way is the way sumitral posted.

open the Skyrim\data\scripts\source\ folder, search for the files sumitral has posted, open them in Notepad, and remove the lines or make a ; before.


run CreationKit, open the menu "Gameplay" -> "Papyrus Script Manager", find the script files, right click on them and select "compile"


Here are the translations. The book is translated via Google. There are a few fixes i made (fruifuly?!)

Then there are things i'm not sure.... is "Braxton Hicks contraction" the right term or is it "premonitory pains" ?


// Edit: attached a PDF, how the german book may looks like


// Edit: maybe there are to much informations :)

It would be great when a woman may check the text, too... if everything is correct :)



Here you go. My girlfriend is a nurse, so I ran it by her. :)

Book - EN.txt

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Ooh, very nice mod. I'm seeing this for the first time, and I like what I see. A question regarding post birthing, are there babies? Do you have to care for them at all? I'd really like to see that, from an immersion standpoint. I don't care if it's just a static object of a swaddled baby in a crib, something you have to check periodically with dialog options to feed, change, cuddle, etc. You could even hire nannies to do that for you so you can continue adventuring. And after enough time passes, they turn into children and stay that way (or even age more, if you're so inclined).


I really look forward to using this mod, though I'm mildly intimidated by it and want to wait until it's a bit more complete before I install it. I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

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Points of Clarification


Lucius von Winterfeste = Name in german?

Lucius of Winterhold = Title in English


Which is the intention as a name in english is rarely combined with a Town thats generally reserved for Noble titles, certainly in Feudal times,

more important still I cannot think of a similar Skyrim Name/Title and better to discuss the issue now than later.


Wow a Lot of text No I think very Little Text actually Skyrim Books are rather Ridiculous in how little goes on one page.

93 lines in Notepad++

65 removing spaces and Book Page Dividers?



@JFraser it seems clear to me it is the Authors research in Skyrim so this is Lucius view of things not our science based facts.


For ingame book would author get women willing to talk about the subject

Follicular phase


Luteal phase





Would these be correct in game, they are not generally used in everyday language, that Lucien is a researcher means s/he could "invent" these terms.

Would racial variants occur, s/he sounds like a wizard researcher at academy, so could be any race.

Then of course these things must match with the mod, and Lore but I think only Lifespan of races is actual Lore already made that affects this.

much of this is no doubt covered by the mod, this is about the Book which is a little different, being how a wizard at Winterhold Academy sees the subject, also would the author not be more likely a female researcher, women more likely to talk to another women. Alchemy also a big factor in Control of the outcomes.

Just some thought and ideas thrown your way.

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My head..... damn last night....

Thanks for the translation. Now we got a book :)


@Queen Bee:

sorry, i realy wish i could add interactions with the baby but this is realy difficult. At this point you can choice between an Child Actor or a Baby Mesh.

The baby mesh is just a fix obeject laying around in your inventory. The Child actor is an actor (at now without eyes... will fix it) walking around, but without any AI. If you've got the right DLC the child is automaticly adopted (i think, couldn't test it ^^) but it don't move to the players home.... i have to check some things first but at now this got less priority.


I'm also a developer. creating animations and stuff is something i can't do. Same to creating meshes or even convert mehes. I someone could help, creating the baby meshes and there animations, i could make the script. Don't think someone will create something like this anymore.

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Ok, the thing just doesn't work correctly. Now some magic happend and my char got pregnant, but timer is going in the other side and adding days just like before. I know more people had this problem, but I didn't find any proper solution.

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I had an idea for those like me who loves to play rp why not make a compatibility rnd? so that when you play a female character she have the need to eat sleep drink is more often? (2 em is my idea that our child recovers the gene vampire, lycan parents who infected her example male character vampire child has the blood of vampires .....) but hey that's an idea that I find fun ^ ^

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Ok, so, out of curiosity, how long should my character have abortus fever? Over 40 game days and counting. She has even started a new cycle.


There is a bug Here you can find the solution



Ok, the thing just doesn't work correctly. Now some magic happend and my char got pregnant, but timer is going in the other side and adding days just like before. I know more people had this problem, but I didn't find any proper solution.


open the console and type in "show timescale" ... what's the Value that will be shown?



I had an idea for those like me who loves to play rp why not make a compatibility rnd? so that when you play a female character she have the need to eat sleep drink is more often? (2 em is my idea that our child recovers the gene vampire, lycan parents who infected her example male character vampire child has the blood of vampires .....) but hey that's an idea that I find fun ^ ^


The vampire blood thing should be possible



Btw: The translation of the book is great. Thank you

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Ok, the thing just doesn't work correctly. Now some magic happend and my char got pregnant, but timer is going in the other side and adding days just like before. I know more people had this problem, but I didn't find any proper solution.


open the console and type in "show timescale" ... what's the Value that will be shown?

It says 20.000 and timer is already at about -7 days (not pregnant char)

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Btw: The translation of the book is great. Thank you



You're welcome, glad to help. Assuming you meant the one I posted and not someone else's that they pm'd to you. In which case, never mind. ;)

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Yes, i meen your translation :)



A how-to book will be included in the next version. But you can read the raw book jfraser has translated here

This should solver your problem, i hope.

Another thing you should know... in Beta 3 the value if you can become pregnant at the current cycle is calculated at the follicular phase.... you maybe have to wait for the next cycle.


I'm working on another system, but this one is almost perfect, excapt if you change the value :)

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I re-read it and found a couple of small grammatical errors. Here is an updated version. 

Thanks, will correct 'em



isn't it pregnant between female?

Do you meen the Mod Name?

I've named it "Beeing Female". Everyone will know what it should meen, and it's unique, too. The double e got something to do with my normal username i'm using in other forums, so it's kind of an identification, too.

It's like "Mortal Kombat"... Kombat is normaly written with a C...

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I re-read it and found a couple of small grammatical errors. Here is an updated version. 

Thanks, will correct 'em



isn't it pregnant between female?

Do you meen the Mod Name?

I've named it "Beeing Female". Everyone will know what it should meen, and it's unique, too. The double e got something to do with my normal username i'm using in other forums, so it's kind of an identification, too.

It's like "Mortal Kombat"... Kombat is normaly written with a C...



Aw, and here I was hoping it was a reference to me. ^_~

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