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Captured Dreams - Restored June 23 2023

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I'm having problems with CTD. When I start a new game, everything is fine until I initialize Sexlab. As long as I don't turn on creature animations it seems fine. If I turn on creature animations and save, that save will not load. If I leave creature animations turned off and leave the cell, I'm using alternate starts, it seems fine. However, once I leave say the inn I started from, any save since I installed Sexlab, crashes on loading. Does anyone have any ideas.

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53 minutes ago, dennis102503 said:

I'm having problems with CTD. When I start a new game, everything is fine until I initialize Sexlab. As long as I don't turn on creature animations it seems fine. If I turn on creature animations and save, that save will not load. If I leave creature animations turned off and leave the cell, I'm using alternate starts, it seems fine. However, once I leave say the inn I started from, any save since I installed Sexlab, crashes on loading. Does anyone have any ideas.

Run FNIS again and look for errors in the creature animations, make sure you are using a recent version as well. If it still does it see if you can load a save that works then one that doesn't, sometimes a save has scripts or other things going on and the game has issues loading it 'cold'. Also check your papyrus logs for errors concerning sexlab or any mods that involve creature animations. One last thing, make sure you are not running too many sexlab mods that update frequently, it can cause crashes as well.

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2 hours ago, Laura said:

Welcome back Vel! I hope you're well. :D

Doing better, still have some health issues from last year I am dealing with but things could be worse.


Last July I developed a perforation in my colon, luckily it was found quickly and no other damage was done. They had to remove several inches of my colon so while it healed I had an iliostomy which was reversed three months later. Initially I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and had to have a second surgery as I had a coughing fit and ripped out several sutures holding my abdominal muscles together. I still have scars and a hernia where the iliostomy was but it isn't something that needs surgery at this time. I was in the hospital for 4 days after the reversal surgery.


This was abut 3 weeks after I came home. Plastic bag on the left is the iliostomy bag. Gause is where I have Stay Sutures, they are rarely used and are plastic lines that hold the muscles together. Staples are where the main incision is, those came out shortly after this pic was taken. My belly button won't be the same again.




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58 minutes ago, Veladarius said:

Run FNIS again and look for errors in the creature animations, make sure you are using a recent version as well. If it still does it see if you can load a save that works then one that doesn't, sometimes a save has scripts or other things going on and the game has issues loading it 'cold'. Also check your papyrus logs for errors concerning sexlab or any mods that involve creature animations. One last thing, make sure you are not running too many sexlab mods that update frequently, it can cause crashes as well.

I'll play with FNIS. I also attached a Papyrus Log. There are a lot of those "zadBeltScript" errors at the end. In my load order Captured dreams is mod 68.


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31 minutes ago, dennis102503 said:

I'll play with FNIS. I also attached a Papyrus Log. There are a lot of those "zadBeltScript" errors at the end. In my load order Captured dreams is mod 68.

Papyrus.2.log 58.83 kB · 0 downloads

Errors are due to differences between DD v3 and DD v4/v5 from my custom scripts but should not be enough to cause any crashes like what you are having (likely most everyone has these errors happening). I don't see anything here that should cause any real issues though, should take a lot more than this for script problems to crash Skyrim.

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22 minutes ago, Veladarius said:

Errors are due to differences between DD v3 and DD v4/v5 from my custom scripts but should not be enough to cause any crashes like what you are having (likely most everyone has these errors happening). I don't see anything here that should cause any real issues though, should take a lot more than this for script problems to crash Skyrim.

Thanks I'll keep playing around with it.

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23 hours ago, Veladarius said:

In the CDxTask_Manager quest set the following variable
Avail_ExpQuest01 = 1

The Task Manager quest controls what quests are given but is checked only once per day, it will not hand out a quest if you currently have one open and some have other requirements. This should bypass the check and trigger a courier to deliver a letter to you (or you should be able to speak with Master immediately) but it will not trigger if you are a property slave (relationship slave is OK). If you are receiving other special quests like this you should be ok.


This worked perfectly and I was able to do the Falkreath event (though I wish there was a little more participation in it, the player is mostly a bystander) so I decided to try it for event 3, the Solitude one.  I got the note from the courier, but when I talk to Master, she says she has something personal to handle and our only response choice is to not do it ("Um, maybe later.").  I set my disposition to 15 in case it did check that but that didn't seem to be enough to get it to work.  

Edited by Naps-On-Dirt
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4 hours ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:


This worked perfectly and I was able to do the Falkreath event (though I wish there was a little more participation in it, the player is mostly a bystander) so I decided to try it for event 3, the Solitude one.  I got the note from the courier, but when I talk to Master, she says she has something personal to handle and our only response choice is to not do it ("Um, maybe later.").  I set my disposition to 15 in case it did check that but that didn't seem to be enough to get it to work.  

There is a variable that tells if you have a task assigned to you (should be obviously named), make sure it is 0. Also you may have to wait until the next morning for it to update as some are on a strict timer or have a bit of a delay.

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15 hours ago, Veladarius said:

Doing better, still have some health issues from last year I am dealing with but things could be worse.

  Reveal hidden contents


Glad you're doing better. I wish there was something I could do to help.

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5 hours ago, Veladarius said:

There is a variable that tells if you have a task assigned to you (should be obviously named), make sure it is 0. Also you may have to wait until the next morning for it to update as some are on a strict timer or have a bit of a delay.

TaskAssigned_var is 0, so I'll wait a bit and see if it will start in a day or two.  There IS something not quite right though, I am not running any jobs but when I talk to Master I have the dialogue option "About that job..."  If I select it nothing happens, get no dialogue from it, but something is set wrong to make it show, I think.

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19 hours ago, Veladarius said:

There is a variable that tells if you have a task assigned to you (should be obviously named), make sure it is 0. Also you may have to wait until the next morning for it to update as some are on a strict timer or have a bit of a delay.

The courier came for the Solitude event so I went to speak to the Master and was able to start the quest.  However, after speaking to Elisif the first time, I came back at 9, the scene started and I put the items on the table, and she seemed to say "Can we go over that again?"  a few times, or the dialogue was stuttering for some reason.  Anyway, the scene seems to be stuck.  I can enable player controls and try to talk to  her but there's no quest dialogue, I guess the scene needs to progress.  Disabling player controls doesn't resume the scene, nor does waiting, or reloading the game.  :/


Edit:  Heh, silly me, I forgot the easier option, setstage.  That worked.  :)

Edited by Naps-On-Dirt
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On 6/28/2023 at 1:00 PM, Veladarius said:

Errors are due to differences between DD v3 and DD v4/v5 from my custom scripts but should not be enough to cause any crashes like what you are having (likely most everyone has these errors happening). I don't see anything here that should cause any real issues though, should take a lot more than this for script problems to crash Skyrim.

I did a little more playing around. I reinstalled Captured Dreams, ran FNIS and looked for errors. Then I looked at a log. Looks the same. I noticed that there were also a lot of TrapHitBase errors attached to mod 4f. Mod 4f in my load order is Interesting NPC's. On a whim I disabled it and now the problem seems to have gone away. It seems that maybe there are just too many of those type of errors on loading?

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So I had to setstage twice to get through the Solitude quest, and (probably because of the setstaging) the individual evenings scene sequences looped continuously.  When I arrived for the third session, the 2nd session started.  I had to tab out of the conversation and quickly go into the MCM and disable player controls.  Then the proper scene would start.  At the end of it, the 2nd scene started again so I tabbed out and left.  Came back the next day, had to tab out and re-disable twice, first for the 2nd session's repeat and then for the 3rd session's repeat.  But finally after some very confusing sessions I got through it and am returning to the Master with the documents now.  

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Hello, I'm currently doing some troubleshooting as my game keeps crashing the moment I try to start a new game and I want to make sure I understand some things. I saw in the requirements that FNIS is required, but I use Nemesis. Is FNIS a HARD requirement? Also, I use Version 5.2 of Devious Devices; is version 5.2 compatible with CD? If so, can I skip part 3 of the mod since a transparent catsuit was added in 5.2? I'm playing on SE/AE if that matters at all. Thanks.

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6 hours ago, jetster17 said:

Hello, I'm currently doing some troubleshooting as my game keeps crashing the moment I try to start a new game and I want to make sure I understand some things. I saw in the requirements that FNIS is required, but I use Nemesis. Is FNIS a HARD requirement? Also, I use Version 5.2 of Devious Devices; is version 5.2 compatible with CD? If so, can I skip part 3 of the mod since a transparent catsuit was added in 5.2? I'm playing on SE/AE if that matters at all. Thanks.


I can't say for sure if it's a hard requirement or not but iirc a lot of older mods will only work with FNIS. It is possible to use both FNIS and Nemesis together though, if you look at the skyrim modding for beginners post on the se forum the author has posted the method for using both together. I've never had an issue with using both together, but some have reported problems

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6 hours ago, jetster17 said:

Hello, I'm currently doing some troubleshooting as my game keeps crashing the moment I try to start a new game and I want to make sure I understand some things. I saw in the requirements that FNIS is required, but I use Nemesis. Is FNIS a HARD requirement? Also, I use Version 5.2 of Devious Devices; is version 5.2 compatible with CD? If so, can I skip part 3 of the mod since a transparent catsuit was added in 5.2? I'm playing on SE/AE if that matters at all. Thanks.

I figured out what was causing my CTD and thankfully, it wasn't CD. That being said, I did run into a couple of problems while testing. First, the CD armbinder doesn't seem to work. Like the arms aren't pinned back and my character just goes through the regular animations. Every other armbinder I tried worked just fine. And secondly, I was testing the punishments and I get a message like, "Punishment starting up", but then nothing happens after that. Master just walks off and goes about her business and I'm just stuck in place, unable to move at all.

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having severe issues with scenes stopping. I came back from a failed quest, got vhained up, items taken off of me, herrod steps back, she says thank and the whole thing completely stops and nobody does anything. I have gone through the steps of scenes stopping and nothing works. Sometimes I get it to work and sometimes it does not. it is really frustrating because I cannot figure out what i am doing wrong

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2 hours ago, davidxs said:

having severe issues with scenes stopping. I came back from a failed quest, got vhained up, items taken off of me, herrod steps back, she says thank and the whole thing completely stops and nobody does anything. I have gone through the steps of scenes stopping and nothing works. Sometimes I get it to work and sometimes it does not. it is really frustrating because I cannot figure out what i am doing wrong

I have had issues with it randomly doing the same thing, works for most people but not others.

Open CD, enable player controls and speak with Master or whomever is controlling the scene. If you get random dialogue exit it and the scene should continue.

Edited by Veladarius
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2 hours ago, Veladarius said:

Starting to check over v4.16 rc4 now. As I remember it was pretty much ready to go as it was mainly small fixes in a number of places.

You're on fire, man. Not wasting any time ?. I feel few years younger seeing you active and CD alive. Btw. don't worry about your belly button, just say you fought wolverine bare handed to a standstill.

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