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3 hours ago, daxter5555 said:

hi, i figured out that it was not this mod that caused the black screen however one definite bug i found is that in combat especially with magic whenever i was in combat the game would freeze i found this most common against mage enemies , forsworn and thalmor just go into combat with forsworn and try yourself the magic causes a freeze where i have to close the game with task manager and when i uninstalled this mod it worked normally


This seems like another mod in your LO is conflicting with Acheron's damage handling (specifically spell damage)a nd unfortunately, there isn't anything I can do on the PD side. If you want to continue using Ach + PD I'd recommend disabling portions of your modlist to identify which mod might be causing issues.

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Mod has been working great for me so far. Here is some feedback from my experiences so far.


Not sure if this is intended, but the "strip on hit" feature seems to apply to NPC's as well. In other words, I have an equal chance to strip an enemy with an attack. Would be great to have separate values for PC/NPC. I don't want to be stripping NPC's, but also want to be stripped myself.  Nevermind, that's part of Acheron.


Really hoping for creature support. Been using SL Survival's Wildling feature in the mean-time, with minimal success. 


Having progression added to amputation would be great. Instead of picking a random value between 1-3 for each limb, having an option to progress levels of amputation. Eg, first outcome results in a missing left hand(1L). Second outcome, a fore-arm(2L). Then your right foot(1R). Then left foot(1L). Then your entire left arm (3L). 


Maybe adding the possibility of having the Player able to crawl after being defeated. Similar to Naked Defeats option. Crawling (very slowly) to a "better position" for whatever comes next.


Maybe adding a "public use" event outcome if defeated by a guard. Guard would lock you to a nearby furniture (if ZaZ available) and guards/public end up using you. 

Edited by Nohrin
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I installed Practical Defeat and at first the sex scenes started several times, but after I started customizing this mod to my liking, the sex scenes stopped starting, even after reinstalling it again, only the robbery and left for dead, the sex does not start.


Perhaps there are files stored somewhere that remain after the mod is uninstalled via NMM and after re-installation this leads to a failure?


And one more question, which version of Acheron is needed?

I tried Acheron 1.3 with patch Acheron_1.3.1.2_DLL_1.5.zip and it worked, but the latest version of Acheron 1.4 does not work, my character always dies

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2 hours ago, Adolis2019 said:



I installed Practical Defeat and at first the sex scenes started several times, but after I started customizing this mod to my liking, the sex scenes stopped starting, even after reinstalling it again, only the robbery and left for dead, the sex does not start.


Perhaps there are files stored somewhere that remain after the mod is uninstalled via NMM and after re-installation this leads to a failure?


And one more question, which version of Acheron is needed?

I tried Acheron 1.3 with patch Acheron_1.3.1.2_DLL_1.5.zip and it worked, but the latest version of Acheron 1.4 does not work, my character always dies


Can you post your script log? I'm working on a minor version to fix some issues one of which is scenes involving futa characters. I'm still on 1.3 but I'll give 1.4 a shot to try replicating this. Though, if the issue is that the character always dies, the problem likely has something to do with Acheron.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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And this is the papyrus log after installing Acheron 1.3 with patch Acheron_1.3.1.2 and Practical Defeat.
In this case, Acheron 1.3 works and my character does not die, but the sex lab events do not occur, after the defeat of my entire team, only robbery occurs and is left for dead, or the character simply stands up on the spot where he was defeated, while the enemies no longer see my character when they They get hit, they walk around and say: “Well, where are you?”


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So I encountered a bug where after being defeated, my char was supposed to be assaulted, but since she was belted it played a solo animation in place and after it, the scene was stuck with enemies just cheering around and my character standing up.

Mods I have that might cause incompatibilities:

- Devious Cursed Loot (aggressor have belt key is disabled)


Edited by Vegetius
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Sorry, I feel like I'm missing something. But I can't figure out my issue, but maybe it's something you can help me with before doing a deeper dive into my modlist.


So, I have all the hard prereqs installed based on the links, I installed Acheron Extension Library, SexLab P+ and the Voice pack. I'm trying to only install a bit at a time until I get each thing working. and


I set up my mods as suggested, I find the pair of bandits behind Whiterun and get attacked. They beat me, it does the struggle minigame (which I suck at) and then they tie me up and do some banter. They talk about doing stuff to my character, one looks at them and laughs, but then the game fades to black, then has me wake up "sometime later" and I'm in the exact same spot, they immediately attack me and the cycle continues unless I run away.


They aren't doing any sexy stuff. Also, their are no voices.


Edit: FYI, I have the latest ZAZ Anim pack installed (and no others). I wasn't sure if I needed an animation pack since it wasn't listed in the requirements.

Edited by middlemonster
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5 hours ago, schweinehund said:

Being Bound is part of the ZAZ Animation, everything else has to come from other packs. Did you install Sexlab+ with animations (not default I think)?

I installed SexLab p+ and Anubs animations. However, I still get the same results. I also don't see Anub's animations anywhere in SexLab. How do I get the new animations to be recognized?

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30 minutes ago, middlemonster said:

I installed SexLab p+ and Anubs animations. However, I still get the same results. I also don't see Anub's animations anywhere in SexLab. How do I get the new animations to be recognized?

Have you installed SexLab Animation Loader? That allows you to load the animations into SexLab.

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25 minutes ago, 43deadwood said:

Have you installed SexLab Animation Loader? That allows you to load the animations into SexLab.

Huh, why doesn't it say this on ANY of the requirements for any mods or animations? Whatever, I'll download that and try it.


Edit: Not that it's any of you guys' fault. I really appreciate your help. Just seems strange that this wasn't pointed out somewhere. I did try to search for a proper SexLab installation tutorial, but they're all super old or have dead links.


I have a question for the mod author though. So, why do people use SexLab if it's no longer being developed? I've noticed a lot of people have turned to OStim since it has an active development community. I've read that OStim devs don't like kinky mods, but surely that has no effect on what is published on LL. I've just been reading that OStim is way more stable than SexLab, if that is the case, doesn't it make it the more obvious framework to use?


Just curious, I'm grateful for any work modders do.

Edited by middlemonster
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13 minutes ago, middlemonster said:

Huh, why doesn't it say this on ANY of the requirements for any mods or animations? Whatever, I'll download that and try it.


Most of the packs I've seen do mention SLAL as a requirement and registration as an installation step. This is from BIllyy's for example:



Anub has a similar statement about needing SLAL.


15 minutes ago, middlemonster said:

I have a question for the mod author though. So, why do people use SexLab if it's no longer being developed? I've noticed a lot of people have turned to OStim since it has an active development community. I've read that OStim devs don't like kinky mods, but surely that has no effect on what is published on LL. I've just been reading that OStim is way more stable than SexLab, if that is the case, doesn't it make it the more obvious framework to use?


It is being developed but not by the original author. If you're an author working with a framework you need to be able to ask questions about its API or request certain functionality. If OStim's community is hostile to that, why use it?

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OH! Gosh, I am so used to seeing the requirements listed in the description that I missed it saying it on the right side.


Thank you for pointing that out to me. I'll know better from now on.


Anyways, even with Anubs animations installed and registered, I am still getting the same result. My character gets knocked down, they get tied up, the bandit laughs at them and walks away. It fades to black and gives me a message "After several more rounds of abuse... etc". Then after hitting okay, i load back in the same spot untied and the bandits immediately attack me again.


I am not sure what is causing this, I do not think I have any other defeat mods installed and I have your mod set to occur 100%.


I have attached my Papyrus log.


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On 1.5.97.

I keep getting a weird bug concerning follower detection. During a test without followers, a random female NPC, and three bandits inside a house, when I get defeated, that random NPC gets treated as my follower. She even gets used as a FSM target. On an actual run with a follower (Camilla since I like to bring her along with Bleak Falls Barrows), sometimes the mod does not detect her at all and other times, it uses one of the defeated bandits. Bear in mind, I tried out EFF and another mod, Notice Me Senpai (which lets me recruit Camilla as a feature), separately. However, it does not explain the strange occurrence without having any followers not a relationship rank with that NPC through dialogue or actions. 

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On 10/30/2023 at 9:48 AM, middlemonster said:


OH! Gosh, I am so used to seeing the requirements listed in the description that I missed it saying it on the right side.


Thank you for pointing that out to me. I'll know better from now on.


Anyways, even with Anubs animations installed and registered, I am still getting the same result. My character gets knocked down, they get tied up, the bandit laughs at them and walks away. It fades to black and gives me a message "After several more rounds of abuse... etc". Then after hitting okay, i load back in the same spot untied and the bandits immediately attack me again.


I am not sure what is causing this, I do not think I have any other defeat mods installed and I have your mod set to occur 100%.


I have attached my Papyrus log.

Papyrus.0.log 565.08 kB · 5 downloads


Figured it out, I'm setting remembrance even before the assault so even if you escape the struggle the enemies think they've defeated you if you lose again which in turn skips the events. I've delayed this until the end of the defeat loop (after the events) to resolve this. For the release, I've switched to the default Acheron method of putting you in a safe spot instead of my custom implementation. Seems to be a lot more stable and consistent.


22 minutes ago, schweinehund said:

Hey, I really like this mod, but I have one problem. If my attackers remeber me, the events are skiped (not the fade to black, but an instant release). I deactivated skipping in the MCM.



I got a different report about the MCM settings resetting after each defeat I've fixed - assuming this is what's causing these issues.


Thanks for the bug reports. Fixes will be part of 0.3.1.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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This is the first time I've installed this mod along with Acheron... I start a new game and both mods seem to load correctly into the MCM... however, as soon as I was defeated by the Helgen guards, nothing happens.. I'm just going to go back to the last saved game. I tried losing fights on purpose repeatedly to see if anything from this mod would trigger and nothing happened. I thought this would be a defeat mod, could you explain to me how this mod works?
Also, I looked in several posts in different places for the requirements for using Acheron and couldn't find them anywhere...maybe that's the problem...what are your requirements?


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I would love to try this, kinda tired of Defeat clumsiness. There's only one thing that I would miss.


The ability to display a list of animations available and be able to select the one I want to switch to.

Is there a plan to include this feature as part of the mod or standalone? If not, then any mod that allows me to do something similar? I know you can cycle animations with Sexlab but that's slow and tiresome.

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3 hours ago, xtrange988 said:

I would love to try this, kinda tired of Defeat clumsiness. There's only one thing that I would miss.


The ability to display a list of animations available and be able to select the one I want to switch to.

Is there a plan to include this feature as part of the mod or standalone? If not, then any mod that allows me to do something similar? I know you can cycle animations with Sexlab but that's slow and tiresome.


I think Sexlab Tools does this but I'm not sure. I'm not planning on adding this directly to PD since its out of scope,


1 hour ago, pinkfluf said:

I'd like to try this too but Acheron for me (I don't know if its a config issue I have wrong) just puts everyone in a defeated bleedout state. Only way to progress is either leave the cell or kill npcs using swf menu.


Can you post your Acheron.log?

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