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"What mod is this?" VI

The Matrix Prime

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[Tekken 6] Kunimitsu armor, from Modtype



can you please give me a link?

i tried to find so many times without resoult.


I have been searching for it too. Unfortunaly it seems like these clothes are some kind of mashup someone was showing in a japanese forum. If you search the image in google it will take you to two posible sites: one which hosts tons of skyrim images with various mods and the other where the person posted it. You could try look for its name and try to ask for the armor and if you success and he/she agrees, share it :D.

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Anyone have that in a non-Steam format? (My game is legal tyvm! I just like to make edits and I have no idea where Steam puts the files to  be able to do so.)


Seeking once here maybe you can find it and much much more you.

[REL] Rogue Armour Outfits



edit: here's another suggestion.

Turbosnowy's 'Fetish Wardrobe' 0.4


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Anyone have that in a non-Steam format? (My game is legal tyvm! I just like to make edits and I have no idea where Steam puts the files to  be able to do so.)

You can subscribe to it let it download and copy the .esp and .bsa associated with the mod it should be in your data folder then just make your own archive for it and unsubscribe.  I've done this with mods like Pit Fighter but never an armor mod not sure if all workshop mods in bsa's though :/.

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What outfit is this?





The top is from Lollipop Chainsaw (PS3/Xbox360) is Rosalind top from her outfit








together at the Rosalindb top I have only the Headphones


I have no idea where find the grey skirt, the bow at the neck, the white thong, the gloves, the white boots and round glasses


here other screen with the boots post-204983-0-57589400-1406274626_thumb.jpg

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what this two set armor or clothing




I think those are from the "Heimu Pack". IIRC there are CHSBHC, UNPB and 7B conversions available.



damn, damn, no CHSBHC version. :(


mm this no ? http://mitakusaner.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-369.html





Where make find 7B version? i look but maybe skip something (((


I do not know exactly whether it is included here too much english text.

the google translate claps his hands.  :lol:

UNPBO (O)PPAI-7B-OPPAI TBBP/BBP *last updated 7/21/14




no this only UNPBO BBP version Heimu (((


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what this two set armor or clothing




I think those are from the "Heimu Pack". IIRC there are CHSBHC, UNPB and 7B conversions available.



damn, damn, no CHSBHC version. :(


mm this no ? http://mitakusaner.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-369.html





Where make find 7B version? i look but maybe skip something (((


I do not know exactly whether it is included here too much english text.

the google translate claps his hands.  :lol:

UNPBO (O)PPAI-7B-OPPAI TBBP/BBP *last updated 7/21/14




no this only UNPBO BBP version Heimu (((



thanks for the link, but there are only two outfits, not the complete set.

sorry it was not the right link, I thought it would be 7B

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