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On 5/20/2023 at 5:47 PM, astor said:

i was roaming around by Abernathy and stumbled across a manhole cover labeled Research Division 67B.  After accepting the waiver, there's just a big, empty room with a door that needs a terminal, but there is no terminal.

I just recently found that spot.  Going into it starts a quest to investigate the tentacle problem but there seems to be no way to complete it.  The room is empty except for the door that requires the missing terminal to open it and some colored lights.  The light over the door that cannot be opened is yellow.  The lights between the two doors are green and the lights on the left of the door that cannot be opened are red.  There appears to be no buttons or anything else that can be interacted with to affect the lights like you would find in a borderlands game.  There is nothing on the walls, floor or ceiling to be interacted with in either room except the terminal in the first room, but it only affects the first door.  It is either a very clever puzzle or the quest and location is not finished and not ready to use.  I wonder if that apparently useless button at the end of the line from the sanity framework mod has anything to do with it because it really seems to do nothing.  Based on the book in that location, I would think that maybe the button would spawn wolves but no, it apparently does nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/23/2023 at 11:06 PM, bholt917 said:

I just recently found that spot.  Going into it starts a quest to investigate the tentacle problem but there seems to be no way to complete it.  The room is empty except for the door that requires the missing terminal to open it and some colored lights.  The light over the door that cannot be opened is yellow.  The lights between the two doors are green and the lights on the left of the door that cannot be opened are red.  There appears to be no buttons or anything else that can be interacted with to affect the lights like you would find in a borderlands game.  There is nothing on the walls, floor or ceiling to be interacted with in either room except the terminal in the first room, but it only affects the first door.  It is either a very clever puzzle or the quest and location is not finished and not ready to use.  I wonder if that apparently useless button at the end of the line from the sanity framework mod has anything to do with it because it really seems to do nothing.  Based on the book in that location, I would think that maybe the button would spawn wolves but no, it apparently does nothing.


Yeah, you've found the location of the incomplete Animated Tentacles quest. There is nothing that can be done after entering the first door.


The idea behind the quest was to introduce you to the different types of tentacles in different chambers where you take control of brainwashed test subjects to complete a few basic puzzles. (The game has a built-in system for controlling other NPCs, but I don't think it's used anywhere in the vanilla game. I included a screenshot below of controlling an NPC.) But I lost motivation while making the quest and decided to just release the tentacles on their own so that people can play around with those. I may go back and finish it at some point.



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So the quest is just incomplete.  I know the feeling of losing interest in a project that I have passion in at first, then it is gone and its time to do something else.  At least the tentacles in the mod works well with the exception of the hypnotic ones with infinite hypnosis range.  Getting those to only do the hypnotic effect at a close range may or may not be possible with the game engine.  The sanity framework uses the tentacles in your mod to good effect.  After the tentacles finish raping the player character, sometimes another tentacle will spawn and remain there for just a few minutes.  The tentacle that spawns is the aggressive one that you have to get close to for anything to happen.  Since it is only there for a short time, I think that would be a good use for the hypnotic tentacle.  Instead of having to intentionally get close to it, the hypnosis effect would be used the draw the player character in for another round of sex if it is looked at for too long.  In the sanity framework forum, someone had a good idea.  The water ways of the commonwealth are more dangerous now.  If the player character is in the water for too long, tentacles would attack.  Another good use for the tentacles would be traps at random encounter points in the game.  It just looks like a small harmless rocky structure at first.  If the player character walks on the structure, it starts a tentacle sex scene.  Good job on the animated tentacles.  I hope more mod authors use what you created. 

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On 2/5/2023 at 1:53 PM, vaultbait said:


I spent a chunk of time yesterday implementing a tentacle trap (sans the random encounter framework integration) that I could manually place in some custom cells for an upcoming mod. All in all it works pretty well: on entering the trap area there's a random chance that it triggers, and if it does then a short random countdown timer starts in the background after which it slows the player (can't run/sprint/etc) and begins popping up passive tentacles at the player's coordinates every second or two. On each iteration there's a chance that the player pulls free or a chance that the next tentacle is aggressive.


Once an aggressive tentacle is decided, the player gets knocked down (Havok push with no force) and controls briefly disabled, then between 3 and 7 aggressive tentacles appear at random coordinates very near the player, before controls are reenabled and the player stands back up. This bit of complexity was mainly to work around the 5 second delay where tentacles won't "attack" immediately after spawning, and also because for some reason if you spawn a tentacle right at the player and the player doesn't move or moves away from the tentacle, it doesn't seem to attack (based on my testing, I needed to walk away from the tentacle slightly and then approach it again).


Other useful bits are that the trap chooses which of the four varieties of tentacle will be used when it's entered, consistently pairing the passive and aggressive variants for the chosen type; it shows messages (supplied by script properties) when the trap effects start and either when they end in an attack or pulling free; all spawned tentacles are tracked on an array and garbage-collected after a brief time if the player is far enough away from them or on the trap unloading; the script itself operates via soft integration, so the triggerbox will quietly do nothing if Animated Tentacles isn't installed.


The spoiler contains a stripped-down implementation anyone should feel free to use in their own projects, but consider it mailer code because in my version it relies on some variables and mechanics of the mod I intend to ship it with, so I haven't tested this simplified version:


  Reveal hidden contents
Scriptname ShokushuGoukan_TentacleTrap extends ObjectReference

Actor Property Player Auto Const
Message Property TentacleAttack Auto Const
Message Property TentacleEscape Auto Const
Message Property TentacleTangle Auto Const

InputEnableLayer InputLayer = None
ActorBase AggressiveTentacle = None
ActorBase PassiveTentacle = None
ObjectReference[] Tentacles
Bool Dormant = True
Bool InitialPass = False

Function Hamper()
    InputLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create()

Function Release()
    InputLayer = None

Function CleanUp(Bool Force = False)
    Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: Checking " + Tentacles.Length + " tentacles for freshness")
    Actor Tentacle
    Int Count = Tentacles.Length - 1
    While Count >= 0
        Tentacle = Tentacles[Count] as Actor
        If Force || Player.GetDistance(Tentacle) > 500
            Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: Cleaning up stale " + Tentacle.GetActorBase() + " " + Tentacle)
        Count -= 1
    Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: " + Tentacles.Length + " tentacles remain")

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    If akActionRef == Player && Game.IsPluginInstalled("AnimatedTentacles.esp") && Utility.RandomFloat() <= 0.5
        Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: Player has entered the trap volume")
        Dormant = False
        Tentacles = new ObjectReference[0]
        Int TentacleType = Utility.RandomInt(1, 4)
        If TentacleType == 1 ; basic
            AggressiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x002675, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
            PassiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000F9D, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
        ElseIf TentacleType == 2 ; plant
            AggressiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x001EE3, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
            PassiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x005C5D, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
        ElseIf TentacleType == 3 ; brain
            AggressiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x001EE4, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
            PassiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0035C0, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
        ElseIf TentacleType == 4 ; mech
            AggressiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x005C63, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
            PassiveTentacle = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x005C62, "AnimatedTentacles.esp") as ActorBase
        InitialPass = True
        StartTimer(Utility.RandomFloat(0, 3))

Event OnTimer(Int timerId)
    Float Odds
    If Dormant
        If Tentacles.Length
            Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: More tentacles remain, rescheduling cleanup")
    If InitialPass
        Odds = Utility.RandomFloat(0.05, 0.5) ; spawn at least one, more likely passive
        InitialPass = False
        Odds = Utility.RandomFloat()
    Actor Tentacle
    If Odds <= 0.1 ; Lucky you, it's playtime!
        Game.SetPlayerAIDriven(True) ; disable controls temporarily
        Player.PushActorAway(Player, 1) ; knock down
        Int Count = Utility.RandomInt(3, 7) ; how many aggressive tentacles to spawn
        Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: When tentacles attack! Facing " + Count + " of " + AggressiveTentacle)
        While Count > 0
            Tentacle = Player.PlaceActorAtMe(AggressiveTentacle)
            Tentacle.Disable() ; hide the tentacle temporarily while moving it to a random position
            Tentacle.SetPosition(Player.GetPositionX() + Utility.RandomFloat(-125, 125), Player.GetPositionY() + Utility.RandomFloat(-125, 125), Tentacle.GetPositionZ())
            Tentacle.SetAngle(0, 0, Utility.RandomFloat(0, 360))
            Count -= 1
        Utility.Wait(3) ; lie still for a moment, so the spawn cooldown will be almost over
        Game.SetPlayerAIDriven(False) ; release player controls and stand up
    ElseIf Odds <= 0.9 ; Decorative purposes only
        Tentacle = Player.PlaceActorAtMe(PassiveTentacle)
        Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: A decorative tentacle appears! " + PassiveTentacle)
        StartTimer(Utility.RandomFloat(0, 3))
    Utility.Wait(3) ; Delay before un-hindering player movement
    Dormant = True
    Debug.Trace("Shokushu Goukan: Tentacles have released the player, scheduling cleanup")

Event OnUnload()
    If InputLayer != None



Edit: Oops, force cleanup was always on, corrected that just now.


I forgot to come back around to this topic for closure, but I ended up including a (slightly more complicated but less buggy) version of the described trap in Milking Human Kindness.

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Just now, raginggggamer said:

how do i spawn them cause i enter help tentacle 4 and see the list but i dont know what to do from there onwards like ive entered the numbers and stuff but its like script not saved



Aim your cursor/reticle where you want one to appear, then open the console and enter:


placethere 1a2b3c4d


Where 1a2b3c4d is whatever the actual form ID listed by the help command was for the one you want to appear.

Edited by vaultbait
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  • 1 month later...

Dude, I thank you so much for this mod! It is such a small thing, but has caused at least a dozen hysterical laughter attacks already. I went into xedit and made some COBJ entries for them so I can place them in my workshops, works without a hitch (except when placed too close together, also happens when placing with console; then they sometimes just disappear, something you might wanna add in the description).

Then I went and placed a couple aggressive and hypnotic ones around my two mod added haunts, the Hot Spring and The Pond. Right now I'm testing other stuff, finalizing my setup so I visit there rather infrequently and sometimes forget they are sitting there. Then I step into the pool and - SNAP! And I start to giggle out of control cause these animations are so hilariously hentaied^^.


Oh, and I also renamed one to "Laverne", one to "Bernard" and one to "Hoagie"^^. So if you have the time & nerve to upgrade this mod, I'd like to request a PURPLE Tentacle skin, pretty please^^.

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  • 3 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


I haven't seen one, but a neat idea might be to have the "birth" equip you with a tentacle parasite from Devious Devices RC9.

Skyrim had a number of quest and theme mods based around such resources, especially those concerning Hermaeus Mora. I always thought some integration would be nice to incorporate into DD, etc... there.

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4 minutes ago, eflat01 said:

Skyrim had a number of quest and theme mods based around such resources, especially those concerning Hermaeus Mora. I always thought some integration would be nice to incorporate into DD, etc... there.


The tentacle traps in Milking Human Kindness already have random chance to equip a tentacle parasite on you after sex, which is why I mentioned it, they just don't do it through pregnancy/birth as an FPE add-on.

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7 minutes ago, MainMansrevenge said:

I would love to see this mod reach it's full potential. I would love to see it have an in game method of triggering. Maybe have a loot box or an animal carcass?


I like the animal carcass idea... maybe a quest alias filled by nearby corpses with a script attached, so if you linger right next to one for a few seconds then it spawns aggressive tentacles.

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On 8/18/2023 at 1:30 PM, vaultbait said:


I like the animal carcass idea... maybe a quest alias filled by nearby corpses with a script attached, so if you linger right next to one for a few seconds then it spawns aggressive tentacles.

You could do somthing like that. Or even take a cue from the skyrim Mimic tentacle trap and just have the trap activate if you open an animal carcass. And then in the MCM you can set the frequency of these carcassas being traps. Just a thought

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On 8/22/2023 at 3:26 PM, MainMansrevenge said:

You could do somthing like that. Or even take a cue from the skyrim Mimic tentacle trap and just have the trap activate if you open an animal carcass. And then in the MCM you can set the frequency of these carcassas being traps. Just a thought


The main reason I didn't suggest that is you don't have to "open" containers in FO4 to take items from them, so it could be easy to circumvent.

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1 hour ago, vaultbait said:


The main reason I didn't suggest that is you don't have to "open" containers in FO4 to take items from them, so it could be easy to circumvent.

You could run a script like Devious Cursed Wasteland that injects the item (tentacles in this case) when the first item is removed. You don't have to "Open" the container.

Or basically trigger the tentacles to spawn & attack.

Edited by izzyknows
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3 hours ago, izzyknows said:

You could run a script like Devious Cursed Wasteland that injects the item (tentacles in this case) when the first item is removed. You don't have to "Open" the container.

Or basically trigger the tentacles to spawn & attack.


Yeah, I haven't looked at the mod, but if it's relying on OnItemAdded with a wide open inventory event filter, that can get rough if someone transfers lots of items at once (see warnings in the AddInventoryEventFilter documentation). Maybe there are other ways to implement it I'm unaware of.

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