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Is there any known pregnancy framework that works with p+? Been trying with Fertility Mode. The menstruation cycle etc all works fine, but there is no registration of actually cumming inside the NPC, and therefore no way to make them pregnant.

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I keep getting this error


"SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] AddActor(playername) - Failed to add actor -- They were unable to fill an actor alias"

"[SEXLAB] - NOTICE - StartSex() - Failed to add some actors to thread"

I've gotten it before and it was when I didn't have any animations available, registry info says that I have a couple of hundred animations for both character and creature. Still, no animation starts. I used Sexlab Arousal to start a masturbation scene by holding the action key and it gives me a "-1" error. I used Sexlab Matchmaker spells on my player and on several npcs and they just said that they fizzled out. I've reset the animation registry multiple times and it seems to give me a random amount of registered animations every time.

I'm at a complete loss of what this means but it seemed to happen after I added ADXP MCO and Immersive Equipment Display.
I'm going to see if my load order screwed with something and will edit if I find the issue. For now any help is appreciated.

Edit 1: I found that the issue was that SLSO is not compatible is p+. so I removed it and now have a different error.


SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(playername) -- FALSE -- They are not supported for animation.
SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] AddActor(playername) - AddActor(playername) -- Failed to add actor -- They are not a valid target for animation

I'm not sure what this could be as i have tested on a multiple new saves and generated animation behaviors multiple times everytime I changed loadorder (even if it wasn't an animation mod)
I also rebuilt/cleaned sexlab and reregistered animations.

Tried to see if it would work without p+ and I get the same issue.




Edit 2: Tried again a day later and found the issue instantly, Cum Overlays edits Sexlab core and I must not have noticed it being half asleep and figured it was just an overlay mod. The reason why it didn't work with p+ disabled was because I forgot I patched it for p+. Gonna leave the post here incase any others search of the above error's/codes

Edited by rainyK
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Hi there, just reporting that i CTD during animation start with this mod. It's not a problem because i can go back to sexlab, but i thought i'd share.

So what happens is i tested with matchmaker. NPC-NPC sex works somewhat, except NPCs stay clothed. Solo PC or NPC-PC causes the game to crash, after console says an animation has been chosen, the moment where my PC is supposed to strip naked it CTDs. Going back to sexlab163 and things work like expected. Let me know if you wish any more details.


netscriptframework crashlog:



Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FFDC2746695 (SexLabUtil.dll+26695) on thread 18260!


FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework

FrameworkVersion: 15

FrameworkArchitecture: x64

GameLibrary: SkyrimSE

GameLibraryVersion: 18

ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe


VersionInfo: Successfully loaded

Time: 04 Apr 2024 19:47:04.850


Possible relevant objects (5)


[ 0] TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `Skyrim.esm`)

[ 0] PlayerCharacter(FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `Skyrim.esm`))

[ 66] NiNode(Name: `NPC L Hand [LHnd]`)

[ 187] BSTriShape(Name: `SteelGreatsword:0`)

[ 346] BSFadeNode(Name: `Weapon (00013987)`)



Probable callstack


[0] 0x7FFDC2746695 (SexLabUtil.dll+26695)

[1] 0x7FFDC2746A2C (SexLabUtil.dll+26A2C)

[2] 0x60

[3] 0x23365674E04

[4] 0x23290F7BDC0

[5] 0x23300000003


[7] 0xF5D39FA340

[8] 0x23365674E04

[9] 0xF5D39FA340

[10] 0x4

[11] 0x7FF7F7FA09E9 (SkyrimSE.exe+12509E9) BSScript::NF_util::NativeFunctionBase::Call_12507F0+1F9

[12] 0x7FF7F7FB2426 (SkyrimSE.exe+1262426)

[13] 0x7FF7F7FCC20B (SkyrimSE.exe+127C20B) BSScript__Internal__CodeTasklet::unk_127C1B0+5B

[14] 0x7FF7F7FC844F (SkyrimSE.exe+127844F) BSScript__Internal__CodeTasklet::VMProcess_1278110+33F

[15] 0x7FF7F7982A81 (SkyrimSE.exe+C32A81) JobList::Process_C329B0+D1

[16] 0x7FF7F7984C48 (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48) BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318

[17] 0x7FF7F795D6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D

[18] 0x7FFE3B227344 (KERNEL32.DLL+17344)

[19] 0x7FFE3C9E26B1 (ntdll.dll+526B1)





AX: 0x23365674E64 (void*)

BX: 0x3 (u8):[3]

CX: 0x0 (NULL)

DX: 0x232B9940100 (PlayerCharacter*) -> (FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `Skyrim.esm`))

SI: 0x23290F7BDC0 (void*)

DI: 0x23365674E04 (void*)

BP: 0x232B9940100 (PlayerCharacter*) -> (FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `Skyrim.esm`))

SP: 0xF5D39F99C8 (void*)

IP: 0x7FFDC2746695 (SexLabUtil.dll+26695) (void*)

R8: 0x0 (NULL)

R9: 0xF5D39F99D0 (char*) "`"

R10: 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

R11: 0x23365674E04 (void*)

R12: 0x232A54C8100 (BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine*)

R13: 0x2139 (u16):[8505]

R14: 0x0 (NULL)

R15: 0x2139 (u16):[8505]

Flags: 0x10246

XMM0: (double)5.36272809350584E-315 / (float)5.572522

XMM1: (double)5.48113170615542E-315 / (float)40

XMM2: (double)0.747478948030342 / (float)-2.200912E+34

XMM3: (double)5.48113170615542E-315 / (float)40

XMM4: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM5: (double)1.33778525328973E+248 / (float)9.104086E-12

XMM6: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM7: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM8: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM9: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM10: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM11: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM12: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM13: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM14: (double)0 / (float)0

XMM15: (double)0 / (float)0





[SP+0] 0x7FFDC2746A2C (SexLabUtil.dll+26A2C) (void*)

[SP+8] 0x60 (u8):[96]

[SP+10] 0x23365674E04 (void*)

[SP+18] 0x23290F7BDC0 (void*)

[SP+20] 0x23300000003 (void*)

[SP+28] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+30] 0xF5D39FA340 (void*)

[SP+38] 0x23365674E04 (void*)

[SP+40] 0xF5D39FA340 (void*)

[SP+48] 0x4 (u8):[4]

[SP+50] 0x7FF7F7FA09E9 (SkyrimSE.exe+12509E9) (void*)

[SP+58] 0x14 (u8):[20]

[SP+60] 0xF5D39F9B20 (void*)

[SP+68] 0x23290F7BDC0 (void*)

[SP+70] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+78] 0xF5D39F9A58 (void*)

[SP+80] 0x23365674E04 (void*)

[SP+88] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+90] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+98] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+A0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+A8] 0x0 (NULL)


[SP+B8] 0xF5D39FBFB0 (void*)

[SP+C0] 0xF500000800 (u64):[1052266989568]

[SP+C8] 0x2323F195060 (hkpShapeContainer*) -> hkpListShape

[SP+D0] 0x2323EE15420 (hkpListShape**)

[SP+D8] 0x2323F6A3820 (hkScaledMoppBvTreeShape**)

[SP+E0] 0xF500000080 (u64):[1052266987648]

[SP+E8] 0x2323FA8BE20 (hkpShapeContainer*) -> anonymous_namespace::hkpCompressedMeshShapeShared

[SP+F0] 0x2320A01F930 (void*)

[SP+F8] 0xF5D39FA428 (void*)

[SP+100] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+108] 0xC4807C7E432650D9 (i64):[-4287289963522404135] (f32):[166.3158]

[SP+110] 0xC1B067A242A75423 (i64):[-4489974881887759325] (f32):[83.66433]

[SP+118] 0xC4803B4243285AC7 (i64):[-4287361689476113721] (f32):[168.3546]

[SP+120] 0xC1A0182A42A91EBF (i64):[-4494565858329682241] (f32):[84.56005]

[SP+128] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+130] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+138] 0x3F5C8D733F01784D (u64):[4565679648364656717] (f64):[0.00174270872596295] (f32):[0.5057419]

[SP+140] 0x3F4C27C83D368380 (u64):[4561064263593395072] (f64):[0.000859234593395639] (f32):[0.044559]

[SP+148] 0x3E8C682EBF09944A (u64):[4507091877073884234] (f32):[-0.537419]

[SP+150] 0x3F4C27C8 (u32):[1061955528] (f32):[0.797482]

[SP+158] 0xBEDAC2BB3F2CC22B (i64):[-4694225552105749973] (f32):[0.6748378]

[SP+160] 0x3F1A08B1 (u32):[1058670769] (f32):[0.6016951]

[SP+168] 0x424EDF624244177A (u64):[4778001867798222714] (f32):[49.02293]

[SP+170] 0x425EEB6D413F3411 (u64):[4782518708792669201] (f32):[11.95021]

[SP+178] 0x2323F6A3970 (void*)

[SP+180] 0xF5D39FA490 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess**)

[SP+188] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+190] 0x232910039A0 (void*)

[SP+198] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+1A0] 0x7FF7F7FA0ACE (SkyrimSE.exe+1250ACE) (void*)

[SP+1A8] 0x23300000014 (void*)

[SP+1B0] 0x14 (u8):[20]

[SP+1B8] 0x232910039A0 (void*)

[SP+1C0] 0x233658ED238 (char**) "Dragon Race"

[SP+1C8] 0xF5D39F9BA8 (void*)

[SP+1D0] 0x231BD0C3038 (void*)

[SP+1D8] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+1E0] 0x7FF7F79A8CDB (SkyrimSE.exe+C58CDB) (void*)

[SP+1E8] 0xFFFFFFFF (u32):[4294967295]

[SP+1F0] 0x2329115FEC0 (char*) "?\t"

[SP+1F8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+200] 0x23365D1B100 (NiNode*) -> (Name: `NPC L Hand [LHnd]`)

[SP+208] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+210] 0x7FF7F79C94DA (SkyrimSE.exe+C794DA) (void*)

[SP+218] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+220] 0x23365D1B100 (NiNode*) -> (Name: `NPC L Hand [LHnd]`)

[SP+228] 0xFFFFFF00 (u32):[4294967040]

[SP+230] 0x7FFE3A1D2437 (ucrtbase.dll+12437) (void*)

[SP+238] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+240] 0x7FF7F7AA0F07 (SkyrimSE.exe+D50F07) (void*)

[SP+248] 0xFFFFFFFF (u32):[4294967295]

[SP+250] 0x23365D1B100 (NiNode*) -> (Name: `NPC L Hand [LHnd]`)

[SP+258] 0xF5D39F9D50 (void*)

[SP+260] 0x7FFE3A1D1E35 (ucrtbase.dll+11E35) (void*)

[SP+268] 0xF5D39F9D40 (void*)

[SP+270] 0x7FFDD1884545 (PapyrusTweaks.dll+4545) (void*)

[SP+278] 0xF5D39FA1F0 (char*) "\Nge3"

[SP+280] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+288] 0x23100000000 (u64):[2409476653056]

[SP+290] 0x23365738E00 (void*)

[SP+298] 0xFFFFFFF83F000000 (i64):[-33302773760] (f32):[0.5]

[SP+2A0] 0x3F222D393F2CC22B (u64):[4549248297493905963] (f64):[0.000138676870471881] (f32):[0.6748378]

[SP+2A8] 0x83A918ED3365 (u64):[144762290910053]

[SP+2B0] 0xBEF91082BEDAC2BB (i64):[-4685695783568489797] (f64):[-2.39033651527355E-05] (f32):[-0.4272669]

[SP+2B8] 0x4 (u8):[4]

[SP+2C0] 0x7FFE3A1C0000 (ucrtbase.dll+0) (char*) "MZ?"

[SP+2C8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+2D0] 0x400 (u16):[1024]

[SP+2D8] 0xF5D39F9D50 (void*)

[SP+2E0] 0x7FFE3A1D1B49 (ucrtbase.dll+11B49) (void*)

[SP+2E8] 0x7FF7F9C9F460 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F4F460) (void*)

[SP+2F0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+2F8] 0xF5D39FA1B8 (void*)

[SP+300] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+308] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+310] 0x400 (u16):[1024]

[SP+318] 0xF5D39FAFD0 (char*) "Cannot call SetAngle() on a None object, aborting function call"

[SP+320] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+328] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+330] 0xF5D39F9850 (void*)

[SP+338] 0xF500000002 (u64):[1052266987522]

[SP+340] 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

[SP+348] 0x83A918ED3765 (u64):[144762290911077]

[SP+350] 0x7FFE222F3911 (tbbmalloc.dll+13911) (void*)

[SP+358] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+360] 0x400 (u16):[1024]

[SP+368] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+370] 0xF5D39FA3D0 (char**) "JumpLandBlend"

[SP+378] 0x2 (u8):[2]

[SP+380] 0x232A54C8100 (BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine*)

[SP+388] 0xF5D39F9E60 (void*)

[SP+390] 0x7FFDD1884545 (PapyrusTweaks.dll+4545) (void*)

[SP+398] 0xF5D39FA310 (void*)

[SP+3A0] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF01 (i64):[-255]

[SP+3A8] 0x23200000014 (void*)

[SP+3B0] 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

[SP+3B8] 0xF5D39F9E50 (void*)

[SP+3C0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+3C8] 0x23300000400 (void*)

[SP+3D0] 0x7FF7F7F86FA1 (SkyrimSE.exe+1236FA1) (void*)

[SP+3D8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+3E0] 0xF5D39F9E48 (char**) "Q"

[SP+3E8] 0xF5D39FA358 (ScrapHeap**)

[SP+3F0] 0xF5D39FA310 (void*)

[SP+3F8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+400] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+408] 0xF5D39FB3D0 (char*) "ERROR: Cannot call SetAngle() on a None object, aborting function call\nstack:\n\t[alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslActorAlias.SyncLocation() - "sslActorAlias.psc" Line ?\n\t[alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslActorAlias.SyncAll() - "sslActorAlias.psc" Line ?\n\t[alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslActorAlias.StartAnimating() - "sslActorAlias.psc" Line ?"

[SP+410] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+418] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+420] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+428] 0x23365539E01 (void*)

[SP+430] 0x7FF7F7FB2A9D (SkyrimSE.exe+1262A9D) (void*)

[SP+438] 0x14 (u8):[20]

[SP+440] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+448] 0xF5D39F9E50 (void*)

[SP+450] 0x232FEDCCF00 (char**) "dBlend"

[SP+458] 0xF5D39FAFD0 (char*) "Cannot call SetAngle() on a None object, aborting function call"

[SP+460] 0x233652741F0 (void*)

[SP+468] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+470] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+478] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+480] 0x23290FA2140 (char*) "Q"

[SP+488] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+490] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+498] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+4A0] 0x2336537E4B0 (void*)

[SP+4A8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+4B0] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+4B8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+4C0] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+4C8] 0x7 (u8):[7]

[SP+4D0] 0x7FF7F9C78098 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F28098) (BSScript::SimpleAllocMemoryPagePolicy*)

[SP+4D8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+4E0] 0x7FFE222F57C3 (tbbmalloc.dll+157C3) (void*)

[SP+4E8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+4F0] 0x7 (u8):[7]

[SP+4F8] 0x2336519C4C0 (void*)

[SP+500] 0x7FF7F7F8710E (SkyrimSE.exe+123710E) (void*)

[SP+508] 0xF5D39F9FB0 (void*)

[SP+510] 0x700000000 (u64):[30064771072]

[SP+518] 0x7FF7F9C780B0 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F280B0) (void*)

[SP+520] 0x7 (u8):[7]

[SP+528] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+530] 0x7FF700000083 (u64):[140698833649795]

[SP+538] 0xF5D39F9FA8 (char**) "?\t"

[SP+540] 0x7FF7F7F86DDA (SkyrimSE.exe+1236DDA) (void*)

[SP+548] 0x232910FE540 (void*)

[SP+550] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+558] 0xF5D39F9F80 (void*)

[SP+560] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+568] 0xF5D39FA090 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess**)

[SP+570] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+578] 0x15FFFFFFFF (u64):[94489280511]

[SP+580] 0x1700000016 (u64):[98784247830]

[SP+588] 0x1001500010014 (u64):[281565171089428]

[SP+590] 0x1001700010016 (u64):[281573761024022]

[SP+598] 0x20003FFFFFFFF (u64):[562967133290495]

[SP+5A0] 0x2000500020004 (u64):[562971428388868]

[SP+5A8] 0x3000100030000 (u64):[844429225295872]

[SP+5B0] 0x3000300030002 (u64):[844437815230466]

[SP+5B8] 0x3000500030004 (u64):[844446405165060]

[SP+5C0] 0xFFFFFFFF (u32):[4294967295]

[SP+5C8] 0x23365BE1A80 (BSTriShape*) -> (Name: `SteelGreatsword:0`)

[SP+5D0] 0x7FF7F7AA886C (SkyrimSE.exe+D5886C) (void*)

[SP+5D8] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+5E0] 0x2329115FEC0 (char*) "?\t"

[SP+5E8] 0x7FF7F9C9F460 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F4F460) (void*)

[SP+5F0] 0x7FF7F7F86E9D (SkyrimSE.exe+1236E9D) (void*)

[SP+5F8] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+600] 0x7FFE222F57C3 (tbbmalloc.dll+157C3) (void*)

[SP+608] 0x20 (u8):[32]

[SP+610] 0x3F (u8):[63]

[SP+618] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+620] 0x7FF7F9C78098 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F28098) (BSScript::SimpleAllocMemoryPagePolicy*)

[SP+628] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+630] 0x7EBAFAA78 (u64):[34018929272]

[SP+638] 0x23365BE1A80 (BSTriShape*) -> (Name: `SteelGreatsword:0`)

[SP+640] 0x7FF7F79C94DA (SkyrimSE.exe+C794DA) (void*)

[SP+648] 0x23300000020 (void*)

[SP+650] 0x23100000083 (u64):[2409476653187]

[SP+658] 0x233656754A4 (char*) "ll() - "sslActorAlias.psc" Line ?"

[SP+660] 0x7FF7F7F949FA (SkyrimSE.exe+12449FA) (void*)

[SP+668] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+670] 0x7FF7F7AA0F07 (SkyrimSE.exe+D50F07) (void*)

[SP+678] 0xF5D39FA0A0 (void*)

[SP+680] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+688] 0xF5D39FA1B0 (void*)

[SP+690] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+698] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+6A0] 0x84 (u8):[132]

[SP+6A8] 0x80 (u8):[128]

[SP+6B0] 0x7FFE222F372E (tbbmalloc.dll+1372E) (void*)

[SP+6B8] 0xFFFFFF00 (u32):[4294967040]

[SP+6C0] 0x3F (u8):[63]

[SP+6C8] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+6D0] 0x7FF7F7AA0F07 (SkyrimSE.exe+D50F07) (void*)

[SP+6D8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+6E0] 0x70 (u8):[112]

[SP+6E8] 0x80 (u8):[128]

[SP+6F0] 0x7FF7F7F99D2B (SkyrimSE.exe+1249D2B) (void*)

[SP+6F8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+700] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+708] 0x7FF7F9C9F460 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F4F460) (void*)

[SP+710] 0x7FF7F7F86E9D (SkyrimSE.exe+1236E9D) (void*)

[SP+718] 0xFFFFFFFF00000014 (i64):[-4294967276]

[SP+720] 0x231EBAF8070 (void*)

[SP+728] 0x23365674E64 (void*)

[SP+730] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+738] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+740] 0x7FF7F9C78098 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F28098) (BSScript::SimpleAllocMemoryPagePolicy*)

[SP+748] 0x80 (u8):[128]

[SP+750] 0x231EBAFAA78 (void*)

[SP+758] 0x3 (u8):[3]

[SP+760] 0x20 (u8):[32]

[SP+768] 0x23365674E04 (void*)

[SP+770] 0x7FF7F7F92ACD (SkyrimSE.exe+1242ACD) (void*)

[SP+778] 0x23365674E64 (void*)

[SP+780] 0x7FF700000014 (u64):[140698833649684]

[SP+788] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+790] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+798] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+7A0] 0x7FF7F83BA2B8 (SkyrimSE.exe+166A2B8) (void*)

[SP+7A8] 0x23365103C30 (void*)

[SP+7B0] 0x7FF7F7F86E9D (SkyrimSE.exe+1236E9D) (void*)

[SP+7B8] 0x23100000014 (u64):[2409476653076]

[SP+7C0] 0x231EBAF8070 (void*)

[SP+7C8] 0x23365674E64 (void*)

[SP+7D0] 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

[SP+7D8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+7E0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+7E8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+7F0] 0x23365321CC0 (void*)

[SP+7F8] 0x23365674E04 (void*)

[SP+800] 0xFFFFFF01 (u32):[4294967041]

[SP+808] 0x2 (u8):[2]

[SP+810] 0x7FF7F7F92C9F (SkyrimSE.exe+1242C9F) (void*)

[SP+818] 0x23365674E64 (void*)

[SP+820] 0x23300000014 (void*)

[SP+828] 0x23365674E5C (void*)

[SP+830] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+838] 0xF5D39FA258 (char*) "`"

[SP+840] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+848] 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

[SP+850] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+858] 0xF5D39FA2F8 (char**) "Q"

[SP+860] 0x2 (u8):[2]

[SP+868] 0x232A54C8100 (BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine*)

[SP+870] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+878] 0xF5D39FA318 (void*)

[SP+880] 0x7FF7F7F94907 (SkyrimSE.exe+1244907) (void*)

[SP+888] 0x23300000003 (void*)

[SP+890] 0x7FF700000060 (u64):[140698833649760]

[SP+898] 0xF5D39FA310 (void*)

[SP+8A0] 0xF500000000 (u64):[1052266987520]

[SP+8A8] 0xF5D39FA358 (ScrapHeap**)

[SP+8B0] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+8B8] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+8C0] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+8C8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+8D0] 0xF5D39FF460 (BSScript::Internal::CodeTasklet**) -> (Function: BSScript::Internal::ScriptFunction(File: sslActorAlias.psc, Type: sslActorAlias, Name: SyncLocation))

[SP+8D8] 0x2 (u8):[2]

[SP+8E0] 0x232A54C8100 (BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine*)

[SP+8E8] 0xF5D39FA3C0 (void*)

[SP+8F0] 0x7FF7F7FB2426 (SkyrimSE.exe+1262426) (void*)

[SP+8F8] 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

[SP+900] 0xF500000014 (u64):[1052266987540]

[SP+908] 0x7FF7F9C780F8 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F280F8) (SkyrimScript::Logger*)

[SP+910] 0x232A54C8100 (BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine*)

[SP+918] 0xF5D39FA301 (void*)

[SP+920] 0xF5D39FA358 (ScrapHeap**)

[SP+928] 0x23290F764B8 (char*) "IsInPosition"

[SP+930] 0x23290FA2140 (char*) "Q"

[SP+938] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+940] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+948] 0x23290F7BDC0 (void*)

[SP+950] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+958] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+960] 0x7FF700000015 (u64):[140698833649685]

[SP+968] 0x23365671EF0 (char**) "?\t"

[SP+970] 0x23290FA2140 (char*) "Q"

[SP+978] 0x23365539EE0 (void*)

[SP+980] 0x23290FA2140 (char*) "Q"

[SP+988] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+990] 0x231EBAF8740 (ScrapHeap*)

[SP+998] 0x23365103C10 (void*)

[SP+9A0] 0x7FF700000003 (u64):[140698833649667]

[SP+9A8] 0xFFFFFFFF00000003 (i64):[-4294967293]

[SP+9B0] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+9B8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+9C0] 0x7FF7F7F86DDA (SkyrimSE.exe+1236DDA) (void*)

[SP+9C8] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]

[SP+9D0] 0x231EBAF87D8 (void*)

[SP+9D8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+9E0] 0x232FA317A00 (char**) "andBlend"

[SP+9E8] 0xF5D39FF568 (void*)

[SP+9F0] 0x2 (u8):[2]

[SP+9F8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+A00] 0x7FF7F7FB26FE (SkyrimSE.exe+12626FE) (void*)

[SP+A08] 0x23200000000 (char*) "JumpLandBlend"

[SP+A10] 0x232FA317A00 (char**) "andBlend"

[SP+A18] 0xF5D39FA4D0 (void*)

[SP+A20] 0xF5D39FA4D0 (void*)

[SP+A28] 0xF5D39FA428 (void*)

[SP+A30] 0xF5D39FA468 (void*)

[SP+A38] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+A40] 0x232F31B5880 (void*)

[SP+A48] 0x232FA317A00 (char**) "andBlend"

[SP+A50] 0x23300000000 (void*)

[SP+A58] 0xF5D39FA510 (void*)

[SP+A60] 0x232F31B5880 (void*)

[SP+A68] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+A70] 0x7FF7F7FE008C (SkyrimSE.exe+129008C) (void*)

[SP+A78] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+A80] 0x232910FE540 (void*)

[SP+A88] 0x2336519C4C0 (void*)

[SP+A90] 0x23200000000 (char*) "JumpLandBlend"

[SP+A98] 0x1 (u8):[1]

[SP+AA0] 0x7FF7F79A8CDB (SkyrimSE.exe+C58CDB) (void*)

[SP+AA8] 0xFFFFFFFF (u32):[4294967295]

[SP+AB0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+AB8] 0x10 (u8):[16]

[SP+AC0] 0x23365BE3880 (BSFadeNode*) -> (Name: `Weapon (00013987)`)

[SP+AC8] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+AD0] 0x7FF7F7FDFFBA (SkyrimSE.exe+128FFBA) (void*)

[SP+AD8] 0x23365BE3880 (BSFadeNode*) -> (Name: `Weapon (00013987)`)

[SP+AE0] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+AE8] 0xFFFFFF00 (u32):[4294967040]

[SP+AF0] 0xFFFFFFFF (u32):[4294967295]

[SP+AF8] 0xC78C7F9B46386CE7 (i64):[-4067736058547639065] (f32):[11803.23]

[SP+B00] 0x3F80000045BA1C9C (u64):[4575657222578248860] (f64):[0.00781250202932276] (f32):[5955.576]

[SP+B08] 0x3F800000 (u32):[1065353216] (f32):[1]

[SP+B10] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+B18] 0x3F800000 (u32):[1065353216] (f32):[1]

[SP+B20] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+B28] 0x23365BE3880 (BSFadeNode*) -> (Name: `Weapon (00013987)`)

[SP+B30] 0x7FF7F79C94DA (SkyrimSE.exe+C794DA) (void*)

[SP+B38] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+B40] 0x3F (u8):[63]

[SP+B48] 0xFFFFFF00 (u32):[4294967040]

[SP+B50] 0x3F (u8):[63]

[SP+B58] 0x231B7FB23C0 (BSGeometryListCullingProcess*)

[SP+B60] 0x7FF7F7AA0F07 (SkyrimSE.exe+D50F07) (void*)

[SP+B68] 0xFFFFFFFF (u32):[4294967295]

[SP+B70] 0x23365BE3880 (BSFadeNode*) -> (Name: `Weapon (00013987)`)

[SP+B78] 0xF5D39FA7A0 (void*)

[SP+B80] 0xF5D39FA860 (void*)

[SP+B88] 0xF5D39FA5C0 (void*)

[SP+B90] 0xBF29EA5D00000004 (i64):[-4671945453267320828] (f64):[-0.000197719433344901]

[SP+B98] 0xF5D39FA590 (void*)

[SP+BA0] 0x7FF7F790F348 (SkyrimSE.exe+BBF348) (void*)

[SP+BA8] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+BB0] 0x3F000008BF497D81 (u64):[4539628461958462849] (f64):[3.05178327024659E-05] (f32):[-0.7870713]

[SP+BB8] 0x3137C3A2 (u32):[825738146]

[SP+BC0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+BC8] 0x322BCC76 (u32):[841731190]

[SP+BD0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+BD8] 0xF5D39FA9F0 (void*)

[SP+BE0] 0xF5D39FA930 (void*)

[SP+BE8] 0x2323F092780 (hkCharControllerShape*)

[SP+BF0] 0x7FF7F7938CE4 (SkyrimSE.exe+BE8CE4) (void*)

[SP+BF8] 0xF5D39FA910 (void*)

[SP+C00] 0xF5D39FB200 (hkpTriangleShape*)

[SP+C08] 0x3EDF71E000000000 (u64):[4530464957044621312]

[SP+C10] 0xF5D39FAF90 (void*)

[SP+C18] 0xBF41AF103FA36D98 (i64):[-4665255254657110632] (f64):[-0.000539668020134543] (f32):[1.276782]

[SP+C20] 0x3F0000083F121F15 (u64):[4539628459807350549] (f64):[3.0517818125962E-05] (f32):[0.5707868]

[SP+C28] 0xBF26FF873F4207AA (i64):[-4672766607003351126] (f64):[-0.000175462016731185] (f32):[0.7579294]

[SP+C30] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+C38] 0x334207AA3326FF87 (u64):[3693523071981256583]

[SP+C40] 0x3F7FFFFF (u32):[1065353215] (f32):[0.9999999]

[SP+C48] 0xBF4207A9BF26FF86 (i64):[-4665157838364541050] (f64):[-0.000550229915738485] (f32):[-0.6523365]

[SP+C50] 0x33800000 (u32):[864026624]

[SP+C58] 0x41611E01C15F13C3 (u64):[4711079678094283715] (f32):[-13.94232]

[SP+C60] 0xC2A84B66 (u32):[3265809254] (f32):[-84.14726]

[SP+C68] 0x38D1B71738D1B717 (u64):[4094254846621890327] (f32):[0.0001]

[SP+C70] 0x38D1B71738D1B717 (u64):[4094254846621890327] (f32):[0.0001]

[SP+C78] 0x322BCC76 (u32):[841731190]

[SP+C80] 0x2323F092780 (hkCharControllerShape*)

[SP+C88] 0xF5D39FB200 (hkpTriangleShape*)

[SP+C90] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+C98] 0xF5D39FA930 (void*)

[SP+CA0] 0xF5D39FA9F0 (void*)

[SP+CA8] 0xF5D39FA750 (void*)

[SP+CB0] 0x3 (u8):[3]

[SP+CB8] 0x41611E01C15F13C3 (u64):[4711079678094283715] (f32):[-13.94232]

[SP+CC0] 0xC2A84B66 (u32):[3265809254] (f32):[-84.14726]

[SP+CC8] 0x5 (u8):[5]

[SP+CD0] 0xF5D39FA9B0 (void*)

[SP+CD8] 0xF5D39FAF90 (void*)

[SP+CE0] 0x7FF7F790BE90 (SkyrimSE.exe+BBBE90) (void*)

[SP+CE8] 0xF5D39FA910 (void*)

[SP+CF0] 0xF5D39FAF90 (void*)

[SP+CF8] 0xF5D39FA9F0 (void*)

[SP+D00] 0xF5D39FA930 (void*)

[SP+D08] 0xF5D39FA930 (void*)

[SP+D10] 0xF5D39FA9F0 (void*)

[SP+D18] 0xF5D39FA750 (void*)

[SP+D20] 0xBF27DF3100000004 (i64):[-4672520686827208700] (f64):[-0.000182127696461976]

[SP+D28] 0xF5D39FA720 (void*)

[SP+D30] 0x7FF7F790F348 (SkyrimSE.exe+BBF348) (void*)

[SP+D38] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+D40] 0x3F000008BF4907EE (u64):[4539628461958432750] (f64):[3.05178327022619E-05] (f32):[-0.7852772]

[SP+D48] 0xBF9E08F83FAA2524 (i64):[-4639260703832005340] (f64):[-0.0293310917718702] (f32):[1.329258]

[SP+D50] 0x3E1BF8CABE83D400 (u64):[4475444204386112512] (f32):[-0.2574768]

[SP+D58] 0x3E9BD4FCBE883541 (u64):[4511433633735128385] (f32):[-0.2660313]

[SP+D60] 0x800000003F6A26CB (i64):[-9223372035790854453] (f32):[0.9146544]

[SP+D68] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+D70] 0x3F000008BF56E2EB (u64):[4539628461959340779] (f64):[3.0517832708415E-05] (f32):[-0.8394]

[SP+D78] 0x41180000BD4AC448 (u64):[4690499015082165320] (f64):[393216.184855525] (f32):[-0.04950359]

[SP+D80] 0x4138000041680000 (u64):[4699506212258447360] (f32):[14.5]

[SP+D88] 0xBF726860BFA70378 (i64):[-4651540700378758280] (f64):[-0.00449407379568433] (f32):[-1.304793]

[SP+D90] 0x3F000008BDF2C358 (u64):[4539628461936001880] (f64):[3.05178325502644E-05] (f32):[-0.1185367]

[SP+D98] 0x3EE0DE60BDE4F780 (u64):[4530865732218845056] (f32):[-0.1118002]

[SP+DA0] 0x3F000008BE6E5FAC (u64):[4539628461944102828] (f64):[3.05178326051586E-05] (f32):[-0.2327868]

[SP+DA8] 0xBF40F8D03FA31C50 (i64):[-4665455640651293616] (f64):[-0.000517942127111657] (f32):[1.274302]

[SP+DB0] 0x3F0000083F113D95 (u64):[4539628459807292821] (f64):[3.05178181255708E-05] (f32):[0.5673459]

[SP+DB8] 0xBF40F8D03FA31C50 (i64):[-4665455640651293616] (f64):[-0.000517942127111657] (f32):[1.274302]

[SP+DC0] 0x3F00000940148DA7 (u64):[4539628464119254439] (f64):[3.05178473445592E-05] (f32):[2.321146]

[SP+DC8] 0x41611E01C15F13C3 (u64):[4711079678094283715] (f32):[-13.94232]

[SP+DD0] 0xC2A84B66 (u32):[3265809254] (f32):[-84.14726]

[SP+DD8] 0xF5D39FA914 (void*)

[SP+DE0] 0x7FF7F790A67B (SkyrimSE.exe+BBA67B) (void*)

[SP+DE8] 0xF5D39FA910 (void*)

[SP+DF0] 0xF5D39FA871 (void*)

[SP+DF8] 0x2323EDE4860 (void*)

[SP+E00] 0x3925908C3E199A34 (u64):[4117856366311873076] (f32):[0.1500023]

[SP+E08] 0xF5D39FA914 (void*)

[SP+E10] 0x3F00000900000400 (u64):[4539628463044166656] (f64):[3.0517840059481E-05]

[SP+E18] 0x23200000001 (char*) "umpLandBlend"

[SP+E20] 0x2323F0D9000 (void*)

[SP+E28] 0xC091B4C83D363500 (i64):[-4570673374690921216] (f64):[-1133.19554600428] (f32):[0.04448414]

[SP+E30] 0x3E862494BDAF9783 (u64):[4505328698486921091] (f32):[-0.0857382]

[SP+E38] 0x3F8E7402BF79072D (u64):[4579725426233509677] (f64):[0.0148697104151584] (f32):[-0.9727657]

[SP+E40] 0x8000000040560C76 (i64):[-9223372035775394698] (f32):[3.344511]

[SP+E48] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E50] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E58] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E60] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E68] 0x4250B6A0 (u32):[1112585888] (f32):[52.17834]

[SP+E70] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E78] 0x420A94F4 (u32):[1107989748] (f32):[34.64546]

[SP+E80] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E88] 0x3F800000 (u32):[1065353216] (f32):[1]

[SP+E90] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+E98] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+EA0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+EA8] 0x7F7FFFEE (u32):[2139095022]

[SP+EB0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+EB8] 0xF5D39FC980 (void*)

[SP+EC0] 0x2323EDE4860 (void*)

[SP+EC8] 0xF5D39FAB20 (void*)

[SP+ED0] 0x2323EDE4840 (void*)

[SP+ED8] 0x2323EDE4800 (char**) "Animations\MT_JumpLand.hkx"

[SP+EE0] 0xF5D39FAB30 (void*)

[SP+EE8] 0x2323EDE4860 (void*)

[SP+EF0] 0xF5D39FB200 (hkpTriangleShape*)

[SP+EF8] 0x2323EDE4850 (void*)

[SP+F00] 0x7FF7F790B7F3 (SkyrimSE.exe+BBB7F3) (void*)

[SP+F08] 0x232BD4AC448 (void*)

[SP+F10] 0x2323F092780 (hkCharControllerShape*)

[SP+F18] 0xF5D39FB200 (hkpTriangleShape*)

[SP+F20] 0x7FF73E395BC8 (u64):[140699877596104] (f32):[0.1810142]

[SP+F28] 0xF5D39FA900 (void*)

[SP+F30] 0x7FF7F77DE2EE (SkyrimSE.exe+A8E2EE) (void*)

[SP+F38] 0x3E9BD4FCBE883541 (u64):[4511433633735128385] (f32):[-0.2660313]

[SP+F40] 0xBD4AC4483F6A26CB (i64):[-4806813837683972405] (f32):[0.9146544]

[SP+F48] 0x300000001 (u64):[12884901889]

[SP+F50] 0x30000000F (u64):[12884901903]

[SP+F58] 0x100000000 (u64):[4294967296]

[SP+F60] 0x7FF7F77EF0C1 (SkyrimSE.exe+A9F0C1) (void*)

[SP+F68] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+F70] 0x3F000008BF56E2EB (u64):[4539628461959340779] (f64):[3.0517832708415E-05] (f32):[-0.8394]

[SP+F78] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+F80] 0x3F000008BF56E2EB (u64):[4539628461959340779] (f64):[3.0517832708415E-05] (f32):[-0.8394]

[SP+F88] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+F90] 0x3F000008BF56E2EB (u64):[4539628461959340779] (f64):[3.0517832708415E-05] (f32):[-0.8394]

[SP+F98] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+FA0] 0x3F0000093F6A161D (u64):[4539628464108082717] (f64):[3.05178472688567E-05] (f32):[0.9143999]

[SP+FA8] 0x322BCC76 (u32):[841731190]

[SP+FB0] 0x0 (NULL)

[SP+FB8] 0xF5D39FADD0 (void*)

[SP+FC0] 0xF5D39FAD10 (void*)

[SP+FC8] 0x2323F092780 (hkCharControllerShape*)

[SP+FD0] 0x7FF7F7938CE4 (SkyrimSE.exe+BE8CE4) (void*)

[SP+FD8] 0xF5D39FACF0 (void*)

[SP+FE0] 0xF5D39FB200 (hkpTriangleShape*)

[SP+FE8] 0x3F7268603FA70378 (u64):[4571831334328533880] (f64):[0.00449407193303918] (f32):[1.304793]

[SP+FF0] 0xBF388A80 (u32):[3208153728] (f32):[-0.7208633]

[SP+FF8] 0xBEE0DE603DE4F780 (i64):[-4692506306783414400] (f32):[0.1118002]





SkyrimSE.exe: 0x7FF7F6D50000

ntdll.dll: 0x7FFE3C990000

KERNEL32.DLL: 0x7FFE3B210000

KERNELBASE.dll: 0x7FFE3A2F0000

USER32.dll: 0x7FFE3B2D0000

win32u.dll: 0x7FFE3A0E0000

GDI32.dll: 0x7FFE3C870000

gdi32full.dll: 0x7FFE3A8A0000

msvcp_win.dll: 0x7FFE3A040000

ucrtbase.dll: 0x7FFE3A1C0000

ADVAPI32.dll: 0x7FFE3C8A0000

msvcrt.dll: 0x7FFE3B620000

sechost.dll: 0x7FFE3BCA0000

RPCRT4.dll: 0x7FFE3BDC0000

bcrypt.dll: 0x7FFE3A2C0000

SHELL32.dll: 0x7FFE3A9D0000

ole32.dll: 0x7FFE3BEF0000

combase.dll: 0x7FFE3B6C0000

WS2_32.dll: 0x7FFE3BAD0000

SETUPAPI.dll: 0x7FFE3C370000

XINPUT1_3.dll: 0x400000

cfgmgr32.dll: 0x7FFE3A5F0000

X3DAudio1_7.dll: 0x6D200000

DINPUT8.dll: 0x7FFE23F70000

OLEAUT32.dll: 0x7FFE3B140000

binkw64.dll: 0x180000000

WINHTTP.dll: 0x7FFE0C100000

IPHLPAPI.DLL: 0x7FFE39470000

steam_api64.dll: 0x7FFE20E40000

PSAPI.DLL: 0x7FFE3C860000

WSOCK32.dll: 0x7FFE28F60000

SHLWAPI.dll: 0x7FFE3BB40000

MSVCP140.dll: 0x7FFE10FD0000

COMDLG32.dll: 0x7FFE3C0B0000

VCRUNTIME140.dll: 0x7FFE33F70000

shcore.dll: 0x7FFE3BA20000

d3dx9_42.dll: 0x7FFE30E60000

d3d11.dll: 0x7FFE36AE0000

WINMM.dll: 0x7FFE28730000

HID.DLL: 0x7FFE388B0000

dxgi.dll: 0x7FFDD3A70000

IMM32.dll: 0x7FFE3BBA0000

VCRUNTIME140_1.dll: 0x7FFE2DE80000

COMCTL32.dll: 0x7FFE1BB10000

tbbmalloc.dll: 0x7FFE222E0000

UxTheme.dll: 0x7FFE37950000

tbb.dll: 0x7FFE1BBF0000

dwmapi.dll: 0x7FFE37E00000


VERSION.dll: 0x7FFE34100000

WININET.dll: 0x7FFE29F50000

windows.storage.dll: 0x7FFE38110000

Wldp.dll: 0x7FFE39A70000

skse64_steam_loader.dll: 0x7FFE29250000

inputhost.dll: 0x7FFE1D9C0000

CoreMessaging.dll: 0x7FFE37620000

PROPSYS.dll: 0x7FFE35550000

wintypes.dll: 0x7FFE35F60000

bcryptPrimitives.dll: 0x7FFE3A810000

CoreUIComponents.dll: 0x7FFE372C0000

ntmarta.dll: 0x7FFE391B0000

kernel.appcore.dll: 0x7FFE37F10000

profapi.dll: 0x7FFE39F70000

usvfs_x64.dll: 0x7FFE0DFB0000

FPSFixPlugin.dll: 0x7FFE23F40000

NetScriptFramework.Runtime.dll: 0x7FFE23040000

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mscoree.dll: 0x7FFE35760000

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VCRUNTIME140_1_CLR0400.dll: 0x7FFE35750000

VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll: 0x7FFE35730000

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amsi.dll: 0x7FFE2F0D0000

USERENV.dll: 0x7FFE39EF0000

MpOav.dll: 0x7FFE1EDA0000

MPCLIENT.DLL: 0x7FFE29580000

CRYPT32.dll: 0x7FFE3A640000

WINTRUST.dll: 0x7FFE3A7A0000

MSASN1.dll: 0x7FFE39C00000

gpapi.dll: 0x7FFE388C0000

System.ni.dll: 0x7FFE02A10000

System.Core.ni.dll: 0x7FFE00E90000

urlmon.dll: 0x7FFE28F90000

iertutil.dll: 0x7FFE28470000

srvcli.dll: 0x7FFE28D40000

netutils.dll: 0x7FFE394B0000

SspiCli.dll: 0x7FFE39F20000

virtdisk.dll: 0x7FFE05980000

FLTLIB.DLL: 0x7FFE27A40000

NetScriptFramework.SkyrimSE.dll: 0x7FFE0BFE0000

EngineFixes.dll: 0x7FFE120F0000


skse64_1_5_97.dll: 0x7FFE0C8C0000

_fw_plugin.dll: 0x7FFE09BA0000

Acheron.dll: 0x7FFDF1EE0000

AddItemMenuSE.dll: 0x7FFE239D0000

AHZmoreHUDInventory.dll: 0x7FFE131D0000

AHZmoreHUDPlugin.dll: 0x7FFE10F40000

AlchemyPlus.dll: 0x7FFE11CD0000

ArcheryLocationalDamage.dll: 0x7FFE106E0000

AutoMove.dll: 0x7FFDF2440000

AutoParallax.dll: 0x231E2990000

BetterJumpingSE.dll: 0x7FFE10A50000

BugFixesSSE.dll: 0x7FFE109B0000

cbp.dll: 0x7FFDF1DC0000

CommunityShaders.dll: 0x7FFDF0B00000

MSVCP140_ATOMIC_WAIT.dll: 0x7FFE29920000

D3DCOMPILER_47.dll: 0x7FFE360C0000

CRYPTSP.dll: 0x7FFE399C0000

ConsoleUtilSSE.dll: 0x7FFE0C2B0000

CopyCharacterAppearance.dll: 0x7FFE10600000

CraftingCategories.dll: 0x7FFE0BF70000

CrosshairRefEventsFix.dll: 0x7FFE07DD0000

DeviousDevices.dll: 0x7FFDF0A30000

DialogueMovementEnabler.dll: 0x7FFE090C0000

DisableFollowerCollision.dll: 0x7FFDFB690000

doticu_hide_your_quests.dll: 0x7FFDE9440000

EquipEnchantmentFix.dll: 0x7FFDF7210000

EVLaS.dll: 0x7FFE29420000

FaceGenFixes.dll: 0x7FFDD39E0000

FenixStaminaOverhaul.dll: 0x7FFDD3920000

fiss.dll: 0x7FFE23CB0000

ForgetSpell.dll: 0x7FFDD3880000

Fuz Ro D'oh.dll: 0x7FFDF2A40000

gotobed.dll: 0x7FFDF1D60000

GrassSamplerFix.dll: 0x7FFDD37F0000

hdtSMP64.dll: 0x7FFDB13B0000

HonedMetal.dll: 0x7FFE11D60000

HorseStaminaHUD.dll: 0x7FFDD3730000

InstantlySkipDialogueNG.dll: 0x7FFDD3680000

IWantWidgetsNative.dll: 0x7FFDD3560000

JContainers64.dll: 0x7FFDCC850000

keyholepeekmenu.dll: 0x7FFDF1640000

MaxsuAIProcessFix.dll: 0x7FFDF09C0000

MaxsuBlockSpark.dll: 0x7FFE08540000

MaxsuCombatEscape.dll: 0x7FFE07D80000

MaxsuDetectionMeter.dll: 0x7FFDD3350000

MCMHelper.dll: 0x7FFDD2870000

mfgfix.dll: 0x7FFDD25A0000

MoreInformativeConsole.dll: 0x7FFDD1EC0000

MuJointFix.dll: 0x7FFDD27D0000

CONCRT140.dll: 0x7FFE07110000

No Lockpick Activate.dll: 0x7FFDF10D0000

NoFurnitureCamera.dll: 0x7FFDE93E0000

NVIDIA_Reflex.dll: 0x7FFDD1E00000

OpenAnimationReplacer.dll: 0x7FFDC8BA0000

PapyrusTweaks.dll: 0x7FFDD1880000

PapyrusUtil.dll: 0x7FFDCC6C0000

Paraglider.dll: 0x7FFDD07B0000

PlayerRotation.dll: 0x7FFDE40F0000

po3_BaseObjectSwapper.dll: 0x7FFDCCCC0000

po3_ConsolePlusPlus.dll: 0x7FFDC8AF0000

po3_CraftingRecipeDistributor.dll: 0x7FFDC8A40000

po3_EnhancedDeathCamera.dll: 0x7FFDC5140000

po3_EssentialFavorites.dll: 0x7FFDC50A0000

po3_FEC.dll: 0x7FFDC4F80000

po3_KeywordItemDistributor.dll: 0x7FFDC4D00000

po3_LockVariations.dll: 0x7FFDC4C50000

po3_MagicSneakAttacks.dll: 0x7FFDC4B70000

po3_PapyrusExtender.dll: 0x7FFDC4900000

po3_RegionalSaveNames.dll: 0x7FFDC4860000

po3_SimpleOffenceSuppression.dll: 0x7FFDC47C0000

po3_SlayableOffspring.dll: 0x7FFDD3300000

po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.dll: 0x7FFDC3E20000

po3_SplashesOfStorms.dll: 0x7FFDC4700000

po3_Tweaks.dll: 0x7FFDC3B50000

Precision.dll: 0x7FFDC3980000

PriorityMod.dll: 0x7FFE23C80000

PyramidUtils.dll: 0x7FFDC2C60000

QuickLootEE.dll: 0x7FFDC2B80000

RecursionFPSFix.dll: 0x7FFDC2AA0000

RememberLockpickAngle.dll: 0x7FFDD1810000

SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll: 0x7FFDC3900000

ScrambledBugs.dll: 0x7FFDD2B30000

SexlabArousedNG.dll: 0x7FFDC28C0000

SexLabpp.dll: 0x7FFDC27F0000

SexLabUtil.dll: 0x7FFDC2720000

ShadowBoost.dll: 0x7FFDC25B0000

ShieldOfStamina.dll: 0x7FFDC2A10000

ShowPlayerInMenus.dll: 0x7FFDCE7C0000

skee64.dll: 0x7FFDB64B0000

SkyReflectionFix.dll: 0x7FFDC23D0000

SkyrimSoulsRE.dll: 0x7FFDB6410000

SoakingWet.dll: 0x7FFDB4690000

SSEDisplayTweaks.dll: 0x7FFDB45F0000

SSEReShadeHelper.dll: 0x7FFDD1DA0000

StayAtSystemPageSE.dll: 0x7FFDB4130000

Subtitles.dll: 0x7FFDB3C80000

to_your_face.dll: 0x7FFE119F0000

TrueHUD.dll: 0x7FFDB4070000

Twilight.dll: 0x7FFDC4690000

UAPNG.dll: 0x7FFDB3BE0000

UnlimitedFastTravel.dll: 0x231A5DB0000

YesImSure.dll: 0x7FFDB38D0000

YouCanSleepRemake.dll: 0x7FFDB3820000

RTSSHooks64.dll: 0x23243690000

MSCTF.dll: 0x7FFE3C190000

textinputframework.dll: 0x7FFE1DB20000

dxgi.dll: 0x7FFE388F0000

nvldumdx.dll: 0x7FFE23BC0000

cryptnet.dll: 0x7FFE32EA0000

drvstore.dll: 0x7FFE32D50000

devobj.dll: 0x7FFE39DD0000

imagehlp.dll: 0x7FFE3BDA0000

rsaenh.dll: 0x7FFE39090000

nvwgf2umx.dll: 0x7FFE153F0000

MessageBus.dll: 0x7FFE1B2D0000

NSI.dll: 0x231B7EE0000

dhcpcsvc.DLL: 0x7FFE34670000

dxcore.dll: 0x7FFE24CA0000

dcomp.dll: 0x7FFE36D50000

ondemandconnroutehelper.dll: 0x7FFE23800000

mswsock.dll: 0x7FFE397D0000

WINNSI.DLL: 0x7FFE34740000

DNSAPI.dll: 0x7FFE394C0000

rasadhlp.dll: 0x7FFE31040000

fwpuclnt.dll: 0x7FFE30F30000

xinput1_4.dll: 0x7FFE2EEA0000

nvapi64.dll: 0x7FFE2F9F0000

XAudio2_7.dll: 0x7FFDB2690000

clbcatq.dll: 0x7FFE3C2B0000

MMDevApi.dll: 0x7FFE33FC0000

resourcepolicyclient.dll: 0x7FFE37B10000

AUDIOSES.DLL: 0x7FFE33510000

powrprof.dll: 0x7FFE395E0000

UMPDC.dll: 0x7FFE39450000

Windows.UI.dll: 0x7FFE1DC70000

WindowManagementAPI.dll: 0x7FFE2AAE0000

twinapi.appcore.dll: 0x7FFE331A0000

avrt.dll: 0x7FFE34690000


winmmbase.dll: 0x7FFE2A5D0000

d3dx11_42.dll: 0x7FFE22DD0000

d3dcompiler_42.dll: 0x7FFDB0640000



Plugins (4)




Name: "Better Stealing"

Version: 2

Author: "meh321"

Assembly: BetterStealing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null





Name: "Gameplay Tweaks"

Version: 5

Author: "meh321"

Assembly: GamePlayTweaks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null





Name: "Item Durability"

Version: 3

Author: "meh321"

Assembly: ItemDurability, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null





Name: "Uninterrupted Invisibility"

Version: 2

Author: "meh321"

Assembly: UninterruptedInvisibility, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null




Game plugins (293)


[00] Skyrim.esm

[01] Update.esm

[02] Dawnguard.esm

[03] HearthFires.esm

[04] Dragonborn.esm

[05] Heels Sound.esm

[06] 3DNPC.esp

[07] AnnaNPCs.esp

[08] FISS.esp

[09] ZaZAnimationPack.esm

[0A] SexLab.esm

[0B] SexLabAroused.esm

[0C] CreatureFramework.esm

[0D] SexLab - Sexual Fame [SLSF].esm

[0E] Occ_Skyrim_Tamriel.esp

[0F] High Poly Head.esm

[10] Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm

[11] Devious Devices - Assets.esm

[12] Devious Devices - Integration.esm

[13] Devious Devices - Expansion.esm

[14] Devious Devices - Contraptions.esm

[15] PamaPrisonAlternative.esm

[16] Fertility Mode.esm

[17] Amputator.esm

[18] FNIS.esp

[19] SkyUI_SE.esp

[1A] Immersive Encounters.esp

[1B] SimplyBalanced.esp

[1C] UIExtensions.esp

[1D] AddItemMenuSE.esp

[1E] YunDao_Hdt_Hair.esp

[1F] HonedMetal.esp

[20] Cathedral Landscapes.esp

[21] RaceMenu.esp

[22] RaceMenuPlugin.esp

[23] RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp

[24] KS Hairdo's.esp

[25] FMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.esp

[26] CitizensComplete.esp

[27] KaliliesNPCs.esp

[28] PAN_NPCs.esp

[29] PAN_NPCs_DG.esp

[2A] PAN_NPCs_DB.esp

[2B] PAN_NPCs_Males.esp

[2C] PAN_NPCs_Males2.esp

[2D] BW Lydia.esp

[2E] CiceroFemaleSE.esp

[2F] Footprints.esp

[30] FemaleHiemskr.esp

[31] Horse Storage.esp

[32] 018Auri.esp

[33] Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

[34] MoreNastyCritters.esp

[35] SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp

[36] SexLabMatchMaker.esp

[37] SexLabTools.esp

[38] SimpleSlavery.esp

[39] SlaveTats.esp

[3A] Blush When Aroused.esp

[3B] FWB_SexLabDisparity.esp

[3C] SLAnimLoader.esp

[3D] SOSRaceMenu.esp

[3E] XPMSE.esp

[3F] Sexlab - Cum Overlays.esp

[40] Extended Encounters.esp

[41] TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

[42] SGEyebrows.esp

[43] SimpleHorse.esp

[44] DeviouslyHelpless.esp

[45] Sunstarved_Tanlines.esp

[46] SLSFFameComments.esp

[47] CommunityOverlays2_31T50.esp

[48] SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp

[49] SOS - Pubic Hair for Smurf Average Addon.esp

[4A] Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp

[4B] Luminosity Lighting Overhaul.esp

[4C] RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp

[4D] SOS - Pubic Hair for Females Addon.esp

[4E] Paragliding.esp

[4F] Giants.esp

[50] HDTTailsEquipable.esp

[51] getSnowy.esp

[52] Auri3DNPC_patch.esp

[53] Vanilla hair remake SMP.esp

[54] SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp

[55] High Poly Head Vampire Fix.esp

[56] Mythical Ages.esp

[57] Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp

[58] BloodskalScaling.esp

[59] Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp

[5A] ImGladYoureHere.esp

[5B] ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp

[5C] Nordic Warmaiden Body Hair.esp

[5D] BDIC.esp

[5E] BDICCFPatch.esp

[5F] Laura's Bondage Shop.esp

[60] SLPrivacy.esp

[61] SLDrunkRedux.esp

[62] Follower Slavery Mod.esp

[63] Arachnophobia.esp

[64] IntelligentVoicedDirtyTalk.esp

[65] DW.esp

[66] SexistGuards.esp

[67] SL_shrines.esp

[68] SWT1.2.esp

[69] MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp

[6A] LoversComfort.esp

[6B] SLSO.esp

[6C] Fertility Adventures.esp

[6D] Skysan_Stalhrim.esp

[6E] DeviousInterests.esp

[6F] SexualPersuasion.esp

[70] BalazarTheHusky.esp

[71] MF_RadiantProstitution.esp

[72] SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp

[73] SeranaDialogAddon.esp

[74] DBVO.esp

[75] SDA IFD Lydia Patch.esp

[76] PeeAndFart.esp

[77] sandboxcylinderheight.esp

[78] ImmersiveInteractions.esp

[79] SexLab-Parasites.esp

[FE 000] AHZmoreHUD.esl

[FE 001] hdtHighHeel.esm

[FE 002] Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.esp

[FE 003] titkit.esl

[FE 004] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl

[FE 005] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full ESL Version.esm

[FE 006] bns_wuliyongyi.esl

[FE 007] TrueHUD.esl

[FE 008] Lightened Skyrim - merged.esp

[FE 009] AutoMove.esl

[FE 00A] iWant Widgets.esl

[FE 00B] Acheron.esm

[FE 00C] AcheronExtensionLibrary.esp

[FE 00D] [NINI] Destroyer [SE].esp

[FE 00E] GR Inari EarsTails SMP.esp

[FE 00F] [full_inu] Antiquated Plain Set.esp

[FE 010] [Ichirou] HDT Accessories.esp

[FE 011] [SunJeong] BDO Valkyrie.esp

[FE 012] BDOR Caroxya by Team TAL.esp

[FE 013] [SunJeong] OrwenTravel.esp

[FE 014] 9204 Overhit Syana by Team TAL.esp

[FE 015] OH Jannedaarc by Team TAL.esp

[FE 016] [Christine] Dragon Veil.esp

[FE 017] DM BDOR Lephria by Team TAL.esp

[FE 018] [SunJeong] Bless 0022.esp

[FE 019] DR Aris by Team TAL.esp

[FE 01A] [SunJeong] Open Waist.esp

[FE 01B] DM BDOR La Orzeca by Team TAL.esp

[FE 01C] Vindictus Crystal Rose.esp

[FE 01D] Fumofumo's Earrings.esp

[FE 01E] Paragon Sparrow Rogue.esp

[FE 01F] [Caenarvon] Yue Qingshu.esp

[FE 020] [COCO]SinoAlice Snow.esp

[FE 021] Collygon - Tenderfoot Wanderer.esp

[FE 022] Osare Underwear.esp

[FE 023] [TheMilkDrinker] YoRHa 2B Attire.esp

[FE 024] [full_inu] Maria Outfit.esp

[FE 025] SMP Earrings.esp

[FE 026] Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE.esp

[FE 027] CBBE.esp

[FE 028] No More Standing Too Close SSE 1-0.esp

[FE 029] UnlimitedFastTravelMCM.esp

[FE 02A] YeOlde - MCM Settings.esp

[FE 02B] KSHairdosSMP.esp

[FE 02C] FastTravelSpeedMultiplier.esp

[FE 02D] Fixed body collision.esp

[FE 02E] NoBSAIProjectileDodge.esp

[FE 02F] Barefoot Footstep Extended.esp

[FE 030] PickpocketEveryone.esp

[FE 031] ZMDs Feet Nail Art for RaceMenu v1.esp

[FE 032] Runandwalkpaces.esp

[FE 033] DIbella's Blessing.esp

[FE 034] Botox SE.esp

[FE 035] Blood and Ash (Blood).esp

[FE 036] Unlimited Training.esp

[FE 037] 3DNPC0.esp

[FE 038] 3DNPC Visual Overhaul.esp

[FE 039] Citizens Visual Overhaul.esp

[FE 03A] Bijin AIO.esp

[FE 03B] FootprintsSand-patch.esp

[FE 03C] Shout_Cooldowns_That_Make_Sense.esp

[FE 03D] WoundsOverlay.esp

[FE 03E] KhajiitsStealToo.esp

[FE 03F] Gotobed.esp

[FE 040] MoreBrains.esp

[FE 041] dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp

[FE 042] icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp

[FE 043] Elephant'sScriptLatencyTester.esp

[FE 044] ZMDs Hand Nail Overlays for RaceMenu v3.esp

[FE 045] Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp

[FE 046] Skyrim Reputation Patch.esp

[FE 047] Skyrim Reputation Improved.esp

[FE 048] PositiveUndressedReactions.esp

[FE 049] BakaFactoryABC.esp

[FE 04A] Timescale8.esp

[FE 04B] SlipOffSlopes.esp

[FE 04C] Alex's NPC spells cost increase 2x.esp

[FE 04D] Perfect Touch Them Essentials.esp

[FE 04E] SexLabGenderChange.esp

[FE 04F] Dynamic Things Alternative.esp

[FE 050] High Poly Pretty Face and Darker Brows Stand Alone.esp

[FE 051] KaliliesBrows.esp

[FE 052] Kyoe BanginBrows.esp

[FE 053] doticu_hide_your_quests.esp

[FE 054] Maevan2EyeBrows.esp

[FE 055] HonedMetal-MoreCraftingMaterials.esp

[FE 056] PaarthurnaxQuestExpansion.esp

[FE 057] sweepingOrganizesStuff.esp

[FE 058] MCMHelper.esp

[FE 059] AuriSLPatch.esp

[FE 05A] Craftable Locpicks - 5.esp

[FE 05B] Gyno - Immersive Female Gender Rework.esp

[FE 05C] Conditional Expressions.esp

[FE 05D] 3BBB.esp

[FE 05E] Longer-Bleed-Out-Rate.esp

[FE 05F] MuJointFixToggleSLandOstim.esp

[FE 060] HeelsFix.esp

[FE 061] maplightfix.esp

[FE 062] VeinOverlays.esp

[FE 063] Xing SMP Hairs and Wigs - Dint999.esp

[FE 064] Xing SMP Hairs and Wigs - Fuse.esp

[FE 065] Xing SMP Hairs and Wigs - HHairstyles.esp

[FE 066] boundweaponconjurationscaling.esp

[FE 067] alex's misc tweaks 2022.esp

[FE 068] alex's combatStylesFromWildCat.esp

[FE 069] Alex's Buffed Food .esp

[FE 06A] Alex's NPC spells cost increases 4x.esp

[FE 06B] Destructible Skyrim.esp

[FE 06C] [NINI] Bless 0000.esp

[FE 06D] _Fuse00_ArmorMelony.esp

[FE 06E] SPID-Protected Citizens.esp

[FE 06F] Sleeping Expanded.esp

[FE 070] Animals Swim.esp

[FE 071] ArcheryLocationalDamage.esp

[FE 072] NPC spells cost increase 2x.esp

[FE 073] Less Spongy Enemies SPID.esp

[FE 074] More Spongy Oafs.esp

[FE 075] SNIFF.esp

[FE 076] FenixStaminaOverhaul.esp

[FE 077] SleepForMeNow.esp

[FE 078] NoRadialBlurOnHit.esp

[FE 079] Proper AimingEdited.esp

[FE 07A] ShowPlayerInMenus.esp

[FE 07B] NPCs React To Necromancy.esp

[FE 07C] CarriageAndStableDialogues.esp

[FE 07D] SOSPhysicsManager.esp

[FE 07E] Vanilla hair remake NPCs.esp

[FE 07F] helgen express.esp

[FE 080] BnP - Skinfix.esp

[FE 081] Precision.esp

[FE 082] JumpAttack.esp

[FE 083] FEC.esp

[FE 084] Improved Traps.esp

[FE 085] abcd_valerica.esp

[FE 086] SLPleasure.esp

[FE 087] NPCs React To Invisibility.esp

[FE 088] SimplyBalanced - Settings Loader.esp

[FE 089] Scared of Shootings.esp

[FE 08A] [Caenarvon] Plegian Dark Mage.esp

[FE 08B] Obi's Jewelry Pack.esp

[FE 08C] Devious Devices - BRRF.esp

[FE 08D] Devious Devices For Him.esp

[FE 08E] Devious Devices SE patch.esp

[FE 08F] DD_Animation_Overhaul_by_Taki17.esp

[FE 090] iWant Widgets.esp

[FE 091] iWant Status Bars.esp

[FE 092] SLWidgets.esp

[FE 093] SLAL_AnimationByBakaFactory.esp

[FE 094] EVGConditionalIdles.esp

[FE 095] Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp

[FE 096] Licenses - Dialogue Patch.esp

[FE 097] Licenses.esp

[FE 098] Trueblood Serana.esp

[FE 099] Practical Defeat.esp

[FE 09A] SDA GYH Patch.esp

[FE 09B] SDA-AA Patch.esp

[FE 09C] SunAffectsNPCVampires.esp

[FE 09D] SunAffectsNPCVampires-Hooded.esp

[FE 09E] DirtBloodAndCum.esp

[FE 09F] Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visuals.esp

[FE 0A0] Essentials Knockdown.esp

[FE 0A1] Press E To Heal Followers.esp

[FE 0A2] Dynamic Activation Key.esp

[FE 0A3] Take A Peek - New Stealth Mechanic.esp

[FE 0A4] Immersive Death Cycle.esp

[FE 0A5] NPCsReactToFrenzy.esp

[FE 0A6] The Heart Of Dibella - Quest Expansion.esp

[FE 0A7] QuickLootEE.esp

[FE 0A8] zzzUnderwear.esp

[FE 0A9] McmRecorder.esp

[FE 0AA] Sexual Vampire Feed.esp




Edited by nun56unn5ufg
Link to comment

Relocated discussion from SexLab Defeat support thread to here...


18 minutes ago, Scrab said:

Let me start this by saying that vast majority of incompatibilities with SLP+ come from one of 3 sources:

  • People being on an outdated version of the mod
  • Known issues
  • Not installing the mod correctly

P+ works correctly with majority of mods without any patches up to the scope of content thats currently being covered. The most recent in dev versions also work with previously incompatible mods like SLAC and YK without a patch being required

The only mods that are strictly incompatible are the ones that are directly overwriting SL scripts - the kinda mods that are impossible to be compatible with by the very nature of being a SL fork and majority of those have a build-in alternative planned, being worked on or already available. Beyond that, the only exception of an intended incompatibility is SLAL and while some may call this "fracturing the community" the feedback Ive received has been overwhelmingly positive and automated conversions have made significant advancements to the point where there are no downsides to using SLSB over SLAL anymore


Id prefer if that myth that SLP+ is willfully incompatible with "a lot of mods" could stop being spread around everywhere


As for necrophilia animations specifically, the way all necrophilia mods work in SL is by resurrecting the actor prior to starting the animation because SL doesnt allow animating dead actors, while P+ does and with this change, necrophilia animations through modern APIs are only returned if the actors the animations are gathered for are actually dead by the time these animations are requested

However, the legacy API integrations lacks those features and there is nothing stopping you from gathering a necro animation for those actors. The reason why these animations do not play has nothing to do with backwards compatibility. Its a bug in the algorithm that orders actors for the position and affects both P+ and Legacy mods alike. No patch would do anything about that and once the bug is fixed, these legacy necrophilia mods should work the same way they did before

The post thats being linked above is outdated and no longer reflects the current development status. It was made before the new system was properly designed. Ill edit to not create further confusion


First, @Scrab thank you for responding with such a detailed explanation. I really appreciate that!


Second, please let me say that you are one of the most talented mod authors currently active in the community, and I have a huge amount of respect for you.


Now, on the subject of SL p+ and its compatibility -- is SLAL compatibility on your roadmap for SL p+ ? If it is not currently on your roadmap, do you envision that possibility in the future?


The reason I ask is to compare with the example of DAR and OAR. People easily switched from DAR to OAR because OAR provided backwards compatibility with DAR files, while introducing new features via its own OAR-specific files.


It would be truly amazing if SL p+ could offer backwards compatibility with existing SLAL packs, in conjunction with offering new functionality via the new SLSB packs. That would really help foster trust and goodwill for SL p+ in the community.


Anyway, thanks again for your wonderful contributions to the community! ❤️

Link to comment

Hey there!


I am was running Nemesis after downloading the most recent auto converted mods and their SE originals and I got these errors. Is this a reason for concern or? It seems to be primarily Mike24 animations and GS_SLAL.




WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\GS_SLAL_Creatures\DwarvenSpiderTest_A1_S1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\GS_SLAL_Creatures\DwarvenSpiderTest_A1_S2.hkx


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52 minutes ago, wolbae said:

Hey there!


I am was running Nemesis after downloading the most recent auto converted mods and their SE originals and I got these errors. Is this a reason for concern or? It seems to be primarily Mike24 animations and GS_SLAL.



  Reveal hidden contents

WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a1_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_CowgirlM_a2_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a1_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_DoggyM_a2_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a1_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s2.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s3.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s4.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\AnimationsByMike24\mike24_missionaryM_a2_s5.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\GS_SLAL_Creatures\DwarvenSpiderTest_A1_S1.hkx


WARNING(1027): 32bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture

File: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\meshes\actors\Character\animations\GS_SLAL_Creatures\DwarvenSpiderTest_A1_S2.hkx


You appear to be playing Skyrim SE/AE but the mods you are trying to load are Skyrim LE mods.  32bit hkx file detected. That would be a Skyrim LE mod.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Herowynne said:

Now, on the subject of SL p+ and its compatibility -- is SLAL compatibility on your roadmap for SL p+ ? If it is not currently on your roadmap, do you envision that possibility in the future?


The reason I ask is to compare with the example of DAR and OAR. People easily switched from DAR to OAR because OAR provided backwards compatibility with DAR files, while introducing new features via its own OAR-specific files.

That wont be possible,

The comparison between OAR and DAR cannot be applied. It would be more accurate to compare FNIS with DAR, where FNIS represents SLAL and DAR represents SLSB, as you know both FNIS and DAR allow certain animations to swapped out runtime but Alternate Animations in FNIS arent possible to be used in DAR


You may argue this example to be lacking, it is in fact very much lacking, however consider that much like FNIS and DAR, there are fundamental differences between SLAL and SLSB.

SLAL lacks information on

  • Futa Sex
  • Compatible Sexes (a SLSB position can be compatible with all 3 sexes (Male/Female/Futa) simultaneously)
  • Furniture Flags
  • Scaling
  • Stage Tags
  • Dominance, Submissive, Unconscious/Dead, Vampire Flags
  • Stripping
  • Branching

Further SLAL

  • FNIS integration forces a linear progression of animations, which severely slows down SL in-scene animation changes. This may not sound like a problem because SL was always slow, but SLP+ isnt slow, and these things become very apparent due to it. SL Tools is suffering significantly precisely because of that
  • doesnt follow proper Tagging Guidelines, some authors use "DoggyStyle" others use "Doggy", some use "Necro" others "Necrophilia", some put "Rough" on every animations while others use that tag to mark aggressive scenes, ...
  • has no proper guiding on how the order of actors should be. "Victims first" and "Females first", what about male victims? What if there are 2 victims? Ordering of actors is inconsistent. One of most common complains people have is that actors arent ordered properly in their scene. You cant fix that AND use SLAL
  • depends on a papyrus front end, but SLP+ uses the C++ backend. The way animations operate in SLP+ are fundamentally different, the limited amount of data SLAL provides to SL isnt merely enough to initialize an animation in the C++ backend but a lot of that information is necessary to have SLP+ work correctly
  • requires to be installed manually, updated manually, re-registered manually and that for every new game you start. That is a lot of time that I believe everybody would love to not be forced investing after every game start

This may sound harsh, but I cannot "fix" SL and be compatible with SLAL, because SLAL is one of the very things that is wrong with SL. There are instances, such as the Expression Im currently working on, that can be made compatible with legacy functionality, but SLAL is simply not one of them. Not because of ill will, but because the changes are too severe. Im not attempting to make this "jump" unnecessarily difficult, quite the opposite so and there are users in my Discord, BabyImpala most notably, that invest a lot of time in further simplifying the required actions an end user needs to take. At this point in time, majority of SLAL animations are already covered as SLSB conversions (the recent updates even include IVDT tags), so this "jump" is little more than installing a SLSB conversion patch for your SLAL pack


Lastly, I also want to note that while there are many people doubting this decision and whish for SLAL to be compatible, I have yet to see a single soul expressing regret over the loss of SLAL after trying out the latest SLP+ builds. In fact, its quite the opposite, people are very much satisfied with the amount of time they save and the quality that SLSB introduces, the few that do revert back to og SL have - to my knowledge - never done so because of SLAL, rather, being forced to use SLAL again is a common reason that has people regret reverting and is often stated as a primary aspect of SLP+ that makes them want to return once the issues that lead to their reverting have been addressed


Edited by Scrab
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1 hour ago, Scrab said:

 so this "jump" is little more than installing a SLSB conversion patch for your SLAL pack



That sounds like a really good thing, and I appreciate your taking the effort to provide a full update for us, but there are still dummies out here, like me, who have no real idea what you are talking about when it comes to the techie stuff


I can cope with mods' patches and so on - MO makes them pretty much a breeze to install, and see what they are doing etc - and whilst I'm sure that there are people out there who understand what your quote means, can you help us thickos out by explaining what it might mean, in practical terms, for people like me to make such a 'conversion patch' work?  


Really appreciate anything that will make SeXLab run better/faster, and I'm trying hard not to be a pain, but something to help those of us who are still at 'The Cat Sat on The Mat' (or The Floosie lay down on the Rug') would possibly help clarify things a bit 🙂




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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

I can cope with mods' patches and so on - MO makes them pretty much a breeze to install, and see what they are doing etc - and whilst I'm sure that there are people out there who understand what your quote means, can you help us thickos out by explaining what it might mean, in practical terms, for people like me to make such a 'conversion patch' work?


Everything Im talking about currently (incl the previous post) is based on the development of SLP+ 2.0+, i.e. the current "in dev" versions on my discord

SLSB stands for "SexLab Scene Builder" and is an external GUI to create and compile animation packs for SLP+ 2.0+


A "SLSB Pack" hence refers to animation packs created with this tool. A SLSB conversion patch would then be a patch that overwrites the SLAL files and adds additional required files to allows those SLAL packs to work with SLP+ (in more detail, SLSB FNIS.txt files look differently than their SLAL counterparts and you hence require a different FNIS.txt file and behavior.hkx file than the SLAL one provides, and SLP+ uses a custom binary format (.slr) instead of .json files to read the animation data into SL)

In practice, this means nothing more than install your SLAL pack, and let the SLSB conversion patch overwrite it


The patches themselves are provided by BabyImpala who has been working on automating the conversion process for months now using a python script that was first made by ponipyramid. I dont take any credit for these, I only work on SLP+ and SLSB.exe

The currently covered packs are listed in the .txt here:


Edited by Scrab
Link to comment
2 hours ago, Scrab said:


Everything Im talking about currently (incl the previous post) is based on the development of SLP+ 2.0+, i.e. the current "in dev" versions on my discord

SLSB stands for "SexLab Scene Builder" and is an external GUI to create and compile animation packs for SLP+ 2.0+


A "SLSB Pack" hence refers to animation packs created with this tool. A SLSB conversion patch would then be a patch that overwrites the SLAL files and adds additional required files to allows those SLAL packs to work with SLP+ (in more detail, SLSB FNIS.txt files look differently than their SLAL counterparts and you hence require a different FNIS.txt file and behavior.hkx file than the SLAL one provides, and SLP+ uses a custom binary format (.slr) instead of .json files to read the animation data into SL)

In practice, this means nothing more than install your SLAL pack, and let the SLSB conversion patch overwrite it


The patches themselves are provided by BabyImpala who has been working on automating the conversion process for months now using a python script that was first made by ponipyramid. I dont take any credit for these, I only work on SLP+ and SLSB.exe

The currently covered packs are listed in the .txt here:

slsb_what's_patched.txt 3.25 kB · 3 downloads


Prompt reply as ever! 👏


I reckon that even I can cope with that 😛


And looking at my MO2 SLAL category, that list includes everything I use now, too! 


Nice work


Thanks again

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Hello, i have the problem that if i install Sexlab p+ the males get the same strip slots as the females. So when i enable stripping on the torso for females the males will also be stripped.

When i disabled the mod it worked again.

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Like a couple of other folks in the last year, I've been having sporadic problems with + SLSO.  The visible symptom is that SL and SLSO hotkeys don't work and the scene progresses extremely slowly, though the animation and the game's FPS are fine.  Under the covers, it looks like sslActorAlias.BonusEnjoyment() (from "sslActorAlias.psc" Line 1895) gets into an infinite loop calling itself.


Load order:

    SL Framework SE

    SLSO 2023.0.0.0-01-16

    SLAX MasterDev 2019-10-21

    SLSO + SLP Patch

Nothing is overwriting SLP+ scripts except for the SLSO patch.


The infinite loop starts with SLSO calling:             controller.ActorAlias(GetTargetActor()).BonusEnjoyment(PartnerRef)

GetTargetActor() is Player, and [PartnerRef]: [_LazyFollowersActorScript < (A2014F6B)>]


The infinite loop itself is basically:

function BonusEnjoyment(actor Ref = none, int fixedvalue = 0)
        if Ref == none || Ref == ActorRef
          ; branch not taken

        elseif Thread.ActorAlias(Ref) != none
>           Thread.ActorAlias(Ref).BonusEnjoyment(Ref, fixedvalue)

Local variables:

[alias ActorAlias001 on quest SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)].sslActorAlias.BonusEnjoyment() - "sslActorAlias.psc" Line 1895
    IP: 3554    Instruction: 78    Line: 1895
    [Ref]: [_LazyFollowersActorScript < (A2014F6B)>]
    [::temp366]: [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias001 on quest SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)>]


And this loops forever.  That suggests that Thread.ActorAlias(Ref) isn't returning the thread for the correct actor, because it's failing to take the Ref == ActorRef branch.  Then it calls Thread.ActorAlias(Ref) to get the thread for that actor, calls that thread's BonusEnjoyment, and Ref still != ActorRef so it loops again...


One other interesting thing is that I started the animation from SLEN, which generated an error, then restarted or something?

SLEN Utility - Info: MakeNPCChoiceSex found 42 animations for group of 2 actors, attempting to start sex
Info: SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] PickModel - Resetting possibly stuck thread: [sslthreadcontroller <SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)>]
    <unknown self>.Debug.TraceStack() - "<native>" Line ?
    [SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.ReportAndFail() - "sslThreadModel.psc" Line 2163
    [SexLabQuestFramework (09000D62)].sslthreadslots.PickModel() - "qhpfhzfkygilaphfpu" Line 38
    [SexLabQuestFramework (09000D62)].sexlabframework.NewThread() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3119
    [SexLabQuestFramework (09000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3150
    <unknown self>.slenutility.MakeNPCChoiceSex() - "SLENUtility.psc" Line 1228
SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[SEXLAB] - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Malice) -- TRUE -- MISS
SEXLAB - Thread[0] ActorAlias[Malice/2]  - Completed Actor Setup
[SEXLAB] - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Panu'ta) -- TRUE -- MISS
SEXLAB - Thread[0] ActorAlias[Panu'ta/20]  - Completed Actor Setup
SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - ActorsRelocated
SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting


Edited by throwaway219
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On 4/15/2024 at 9:23 AM, throwaway219 said:

Like a couple of other folks in the last year, I've been having sporadic problems with + SLSO.  The visible symptom is that SL and SLSO hotkeys don't work and the scene progresses extremely slowly, though the animation and the game's FPS are fine.  Under the covers, it looks like sslActorAlias.BonusEnjoyment() (from "sslActorAlias.psc" Line 1895) gets into an infinite loop calling itself.


Load order:

    SL Framework SE

    SLSO 2023.0.0.0-01-16

    SLAX MasterDev 2019-10-21

    SLSO + SLP Patch

Nothing is overwriting SLP+ scripts except for the SLSO patch.


The infinite loop starts with SLSO calling:             controller.ActorAlias(GetTargetActor()).BonusEnjoyment(PartnerRef)

GetTargetActor() is Player, and [PartnerRef]: [_LazyFollowersActorScript < (A2014F6B)>]


The infinite loop itself is basically:

function BonusEnjoyment(actor Ref = none, int fixedvalue = 0)
        if Ref == none || Ref == ActorRef
          ; branch not taken

        elseif Thread.ActorAlias(Ref) != none
>           Thread.ActorAlias(Ref).BonusEnjoyment(Ref, fixedvalue)


Local variables:

[alias ActorAlias001 on quest SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)].sslActorAlias.BonusEnjoyment() - "sslActorAlias.psc" Line 1895
    IP: 3554    Instruction: 78    Line: 1895
    [Ref]: [_LazyFollowersActorScript < (A2014F6B)>]
    [::temp366]: [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias001 on quest SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)>]



And this loops forever.  That suggests that Thread.ActorAlias(Ref) isn't returning the thread for the correct actor, because it's failing to take the Ref == ActorRef branch.  Then it calls Thread.ActorAlias(Ref) to get the thread for that actor, calls that thread's BonusEnjoyment, and Ref still != ActorRef so it loops again...


One other interesting thing is that I started the animation from SLEN, which generated an error, then restarted or something?

SLEN Utility - Info: MakeNPCChoiceSex found 42 animations for group of 2 actors, attempting to start sex
Info: SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] PickModel - Resetting possibly stuck thread: [sslthreadcontroller <SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)>]
    <unknown self>.Debug.TraceStack() - "<native>" Line ?
    [SexLabThread00 (09061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.ReportAndFail() - "sslThreadModel.psc" Line 2163
    [SexLabQuestFramework (09000D62)].sslthreadslots.PickModel() - "qhpfhzfkygilaphfpu" Line 38
    [SexLabQuestFramework (09000D62)].sexlabframework.NewThread() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3119
    [SexLabQuestFramework (09000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3150
    <unknown self>.slenutility.MakeNPCChoiceSex() - "SLENUtility.psc" Line 1228
SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[SEXLAB] - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Malice) -- TRUE -- MISS
SEXLAB - Thread[0] ActorAlias[Malice/2]  - Completed Actor Setup
[SEXLAB] - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Panu'ta) -- TRUE -- MISS
SEXLAB - Thread[0] ActorAlias[Panu'ta/20]  - Completed Actor Setup
SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - ActorsRelocated
SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting


Yes, I also find this problem when I both use SLp and slso. When I start a Lesbian animation, the  scene progresses extremely slowly. 

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On 8/6/2023 at 1:11 AM, markdf said:


The 2 scripts don't seem to overwrite anything in AA SL, AA Ostim or AA Ostim Standalone for that matter. How does it get called?


EDIT: Realised now it's for AA Plus. Original post was not clear on this, though the scripts filename hinted on it. Furthermore, it does not have an esp that solves the AA Plus' dependency on FG.

Edited by hotrack
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not sure whats happening after some advice. i am using the (the new gentlemen) mod instead of SOS it works great and giving sexlab p+ another run. not sure what this is but as soon as i start a scene i am playing as a male my character is completely invisible until scene ends.  its a nice view but any ideas how to isolate this weird bug

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have a few questions regarding this mod

-Is the discord version compatible with GOG 1.6.659?
-What are the exact causes of this mod not working on an existing playthrough with SexLab already installed? How hard would it be to fix this issue? (I really want to use this mod on my existing save files, I have 100s of hours there)

Mod compatibilities aside I have experienced some bugs, on a fresh install with no other SexLab mods (except for animation packs and the SLSB conversions):

-Every time I load a save the game notifies me that the version of SexLab (2.8.0) is unsupported and I should fall back to 1.6
-Whenever I try to play an animation with the Animation Editor in the MCM, it notifies me that for whatever reason I have 0 actors selected (the exact error is something like 'Position count [2] mismatch with actor count [0]'). Trying to play animations through other means works fine.

As I said I'm on the "discord version" 2.8.0

Edited by wower2345
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In my current load order/modlist I have a mod, "yps Immersive Fashion" that uses DD items in the main quest. I would really  like to use SL p+ but can't if DD is still incompatible. Is DD incompatible because it uses internal SexLab components or something else?

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17 hours ago, Someone92 said:

Isn't DD NG already compatible?


With the LL version, yes. With the discord version, no. There were changes in p+ phase 2 that breaks how DD calls animations. DD NG will be updated in the future to fix this, in 0.4ish 



  • Devious Devices is partially compatible.
    • Specifically it's animation filter, an NG version is already in the works, which will also be made for P+.
    • At the time of writing, the version on LL (0.2.9) of DDNG is incompatible with phase #2.
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Ponzi was the one who confirmed that p+ compatibility would be in 0.4. Krzp also mentioned filters don't work with 0.3.x. They're working on other things currently Animations should work with a converted pack for phase 2, DD's filter does not.


DD NG discord:






Scrab's discord:




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Posted (edited)

OK. New game. Installed Sexlab and SexLab p+. Game started as usual, no issues there. PC started in the woods near Helgen (Alternate Start-Live Another Life), entered Helgen, moved around, left and went to Riverwood. Went into the Riverwood Trader, everything still OK. Left with Camilla, walked to the bridge where the PC initiated sex with her. Very weird. MY POV went from 3rd person view to 1st person view now hovering somewhere above Riverwood. Scene was washed out, no colors other than white, black and grey. Apparently the animation was playing as I could hear various sounds. Couldn't move, keyboard moves were frozen. After a certain amount of time, apparently when the animation finished, everything reverted to normal game play and I could move my PC per usual. Later, when my PC initiated sex with Hulda in The Bannered Mare, the animation played just as would be expected except for one little problem. While Hulda was experiencing sex, my PC was nowhere to be found (this time everything was in 3rd person so my PC should have been visible engaging with Hulda). Again, once the animation finished running the game reverted to normal behavior.


This particular playthrough does not have any animations loaded other than the vanilla ones provided (I'm guessing) by Sexlab or Sexlab Eager NPCs; and Devious Devices NG and ZaZ Animation Pack.

None of my other mods have any sex animations, at least none that I know of. They are primarily character presets; gameplay additions like Apachii Divine Elegance Store or Cutting Room Floor; immersion mods like Bathing in Skyrim and, of course, the foundational mods like SkyUI, SKSE, etc. All non-sex themed mods.

The sex themed ones are Sexlab, Sexlab p+, Sexlab Eager NPCs, Sexlab Privacy, Sexlab Light Me Up, OSLAroused, SOS, and Hoodies.


System is running Windows 10, game is version 1.6.1170.

Edited by KentuckyExpat
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Running into an issue where I cannot start sex animations. Every time one tries to load, I get the following error: 


SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] AddActor(Anaiya) - Failed to add Actor -- They were unable to fill an actor alias
[SEXLAB] - Notice - StartSex() - Failed to add some actors to thread


The issue seems to be related to PPLUS, as when it's removed from the equation, animations run normally. However, I am unsure what the problem could be, as nothing is bring overwritten that should be causing any problems. If anyone has any input on this issue, I would be much obliged. 


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