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feeling guilty because of enjoying skyrim adult mods

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2 hours ago, Alessia Wellington said:


Wonder how they'd react if you first kill a game character, and then have sex with 'em.


First MMO i played Neocron that was normal after you killed a player, you'd do the sex emote over there corpse which had a lot of groin thrusting


in the game was known as sexing the dead

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On 11/20/2022 at 5:50 PM, damarok said:

I do know how stupid that probably sounds, but somehow i often find myself feeling guilty after playing skyrim for a few hours, on a daily basis. Many people outside of LL criticize these mods and call people using them "degenerates". And I feel kinda ok with that, but sometimes its just like... it doesnt feel right, even though im enjoying it, and I must say, im playing with lots of adult mods.

So why do I feel the guilt which takes away from one of the very few things that bring me any joy these days?


Sorry if this is out of line, but it sounds like you are using the game to escape from real life unhappiness, and are using it to try to fill the need for a lack of some real life satisfaction.


I only say this because I sort of have the same love/hate relationship with games now. Not really guilt over the content of the games, it's more that it causes too much self reflection, frustration, and reminding of how things are currently.

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It's normal to be a bit shy or shamed about sex. This shyness makes sense in our youth because we have to balance it with parental relations. This oedipal conflict is one of the cornerstones of psychoanalysis and countless books have been written on the topic. You'll get over your inhibitions the more you express yourself (but keep modesty, obviously). It's something you'll get more comfortable with in time. And when the internal conflict is settled, the external battle of social shaming will be easier. You shouldn't care about what others think because you, not anyone else, but you, are the sole valuator of all values. Stay true to your will and you will break your chains.

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On 11/20/2022 at 11:50 PM, damarok said:

but somehow i often find myself feeling guilty after playing skyrim for a few hours, on a daily basis. Many people outside of LL criticize these mods and call people using them "degenerates".

:classic_huh: Guilty? For what? Adult mods?


Certainly not! :classic_happy:

I enjoy them very much. At least the ones in my games. And I am not obliged to bother about the ones that I don't play. :classic_laugh:

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On 11/21/2022 at 2:02 PM, damarok said:

Wise words, i kinda get it now. Many people watch fucked up porn but point a finger at you when you are not only playing an adult game but also immersing yourself in it and "feeling any emotion" towards your character, and thats something that porn doesnt do at all.

It's a "Role Playing Game", but the point is I am playing a game, doing things I would never do in real life. 

ie- killing, killing dogs in bondage gear, rape, raping dogs in bondage gear, torture, etc. etc.

Porn only wishes it could evoke the emotion or get viewers to feel about the films the way we feel about or player characters.

All in All, it is a game.

Edited by caveman74
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On 11/20/2022 at 3:50 PM, damarok said:

I do know how stupid that probably sounds, but somehow i often find myself feeling guilty after playing skyrim for a few hours, on a daily basis. Many people outside of LL criticize these mods and call people using them "degenerates". And I feel kinda ok with that, but sometimes its just like... it doesnt feel right, even though im enjoying it, and I must say, im playing with lots of adult mods.

So why do I feel the guilt which takes away from one of the very few things that bring me any joy these days?

Don't feel guilty. Nothing wrong with it. The same people who would judge us have their own vices and secrets. So, they can fuck off lol.


Plenty of people would judge what I do on this site, but I don't really care. Just be you.

Edited by zelphador23
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The insult "pervert" or "degenerate" has lost any meaning for me since those things are subjective and no matter how you try to enjoy your sexuality there will always be someone who thinks you are a pervert.


What you are experiencing is probably a dissonance between what you yourself think and what other people say how you should act.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm full of unpopular opinions, so I'll be the devil's advocate... or maybe God's advocate in this case?


I think it's normal to feel guilty for playing porn or watching porn and it's a sign you aren't doing something better you could be doing instead. Why do I say that?


When you watch a Porn Hub video, you're like a gorilla. Gorilla packs have a bunch of betas and one alpha. The alpha takes all of the females for themselves, fucks them in front of the other betas, while the betas jerk off to the alpha fucking the female. As they will never get a female of their own, this is the best a beta gorillas could hope for.


That, that right there should piss you off enough to not want to watch porn, but beyond that, when you know how men run porn studios and how they seduce women into porn, it's just disgusting to watch how fake it is. I don't know about other guys, but for me, if a woman is not getting naked to make me turned on, but getting naked to turn some another guy on, it's is a big turn off for me. Porn itself is nothing but NTR in my opinion and because of that I haven't watched a porn video in like 2 hours...

Just kidding, I don't like real porn, dropped that shit long ago.


So, what about games?

Let me ask you a question. Would you rather play Skyrim or get your dick sucked by a hottie? Some of you might be a smart one and say why not both. But, to my point, guilt is often felt when you settle for something less than you believe you could have. If you feel guilty, it's because you need to be doing the work to get what you -really- want. If you have everything you could want in this life, the chances are, you won't feel guilt for playing a game, unless you believe you will be held accountable in the afterlife. But we can't talk about that here. As for me, I've balanced out my life where I can play games where I can stare at girls in hot clothes with machine guns as well feeling productive by doing things I think matter and benefiting society in the process.


Side note:


What about a fetishes that perhaps you should feel guilty about?

There's always an ethical line that probably shouldn't be crossed without serious consequences that will most definitely affect the degradation of our society, and always people who wish to push that line further and further. Just remember though, when the pendulum swings, it swings hard back the other way and those that pushed the line get ostracized. An example of this is Jane Fonda. One moment, you think you or a progressive, the next you are the leper.

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On 12/30/2022 at 1:48 PM, User39042 said:

Ich bin voller unpopulärer Meinungen, also werde ich der Anwalt des Teufels sein ... oder vielleicht Gottes Anwalt in diesem Fall?


Ich denke, es ist normal, sich schuldig zu fühlen, weil man Pornos spielt oder sich Pornos ansieht, und es ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass man nichts Besseres tut, als man stattdessen tun könnte. Warum sage ich das?


Wenn Sie sich ein Porn Hub-Video ansehen, sind Sie wie ein Gorilla. Gorilla-Pakete haben eine Reihe von Betas und eine Alpha. Der Alpha nimmt alle Weibchen für sich, fickt sie vor den anderen Betas, während die Betas zum Alpha wichsen, der das Weibchen fickt. Da sie niemals ein eigenes Weibchen bekommen werden, ist dies das Beste, was sich ein Beta-Gorilla erhoffen kann.


Das, genau das sollte dich genug anpissen, um keine Pornos sehen zu wollen, aber darüber hinaus, wenn du weißt, wie Männer Pornostudios betreiben und wie sie Frauen zum Porno verführen, ist es einfach widerlich zu sehen, wie falsch es ist. Ich weiß nicht, wie es anderen Typen geht, aber wenn sich eine Frau nicht auszieht, um mich anzumachen, sondern sich auszieht, um einen anderen Typen anzumachen, ist das für mich eine große Abneigung. Pornos selbst sind meiner Meinung nach nichts anderes als NTR und deshalb habe ich seit etwa 2 Stunden kein Pornovideo mehr angesehen ...

Nur ein Scherz, ich mag keine echten Pornos, habe diesen Scheiß schon vor langer Zeit fallen gelassen.


Also, was ist mit Spielen?

Lass mich dir eine Frage stellen. Würdest du lieber Skyrim spielen oder deinen Schwanz von einem Hottie lutschen lassen? Einige von Ihnen sind vielleicht schlau und sagen, warum nicht beides. Aber meiner Meinung nach fühlt man sich oft schuldig, wenn man sich mit weniger zufrieden gibt, als man glaubt. Wenn Sie sich schuldig fühlen, liegt das daran, dass Sie die Arbeit machen müssen, um das zu bekommen, was Sie wirklich wollen. Wenn Sie in diesem Leben alles haben, was Sie sich wünschen können, werden Sie sich wahrscheinlich nicht schuldig fühlen, weil Sie ein Spiel spielen, es sei denn, Sie glauben, dass Sie im Jenseits zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Aber darüber können wir hier nicht reden. Was mich betrifft, ich habe mein Leben so ausbalanciert, dass ich Spiele spielen kann, wo ich Mädchen in heißen Klamotten mit Maschinengewehren anstarren kann, und fühle mich produktiv, indem ich Dinge tue, von denen ich denke, dass sie wichtig sind, und dabei der Gesellschaft zugute kommt.




Was ist mit einem Fetisch, für den Sie sich vielleicht schuldig fühlen sollten?

Es gibt immer eine ethische Grenze, die wahrscheinlich nicht ohne ernsthafte Konsequenzen überschritten werden sollte, die sich definitiv auf die Degradierung unserer Gesellschaft auswirken wird, und immer Menschen, die diese Linie immer weiter verschieben möchten. Denken Sie jedoch daran, wenn das Pendel schwingt, schwingt es hart in die andere Richtung zurück und diejenigen, die die Linie vorangetrieben haben, werden geächtet. Ein Beispiel dafür ist Jane Fonda. In einem Moment hältst du dich für einen Progressiven, im nächsten bist du der Aussätzige.


When you're really old - I'm currently 60 - then certain things don't matter at all

especially how certain sections of the population express themselves about things about which they have NO idea but a "firm" opinion

because if you don't care about that at some point - you curtail your own happiness in life...
...unfortunately I didn't understand this until I was 45 years old and shed my 20-year shyness of standing by what I am or what I like

You won't get a "bee in your mother's book" if you pretend to be like everyone else and deny yourself and your inner desires and needs.

Some people, however, make a real cult of how others think "fart-nasty" about their kink and channel that into genuinely perverted sexual energy...
..yes they find themselves horny for doing something imaginary forbidden - like watching a porn or playing his sex game.

These people are no longer stuck in the proverbial basement, but 10 meters below in the deep bunker - you definitely can't get them out of there anymore...
..that can only be an absolutely catastrophic life situation that really questions everything you think you know or have to do!!
(and I wrote something that affected me myself - but I was able to solve it - the other 95% can't do it)

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On 11/20/2022 at 2:50 PM, damarok said:

I do know how stupid that probably sounds, but somehow i often find myself feeling guilty after playing skyrim for a few hours, on a daily basis. Many people outside of LL criticize these mods and call people using them "degenerates". And I feel kinda ok with that, but sometimes its just like... it doesnt feel right, even though im enjoying it, and I must say, im playing with lots of adult mods.

So why do I feel the guilt which takes away from one of the very few things that bring me any joy these days?

Man I play a lot of video games with sex and stuff and I play them while my wife is sitting in the room with me. You shouldn't feel this way. You aren't doing anything wring and if you are getting all your other stuff done and playing in your free time then there is nothing wrong about it. 

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Vor 1 Minute sagte meinneuerbenutzername:

Fühlen Sie sich niemals schuldig, lassen Sie sie es immer vor Gericht beweisen


welches Gericht ist für das eigene Gewissen zuständig??


Gerichte urteilen - aber es sitzen mehr als genügend UNSCHULDIGE in Gefängnissen - selbst in Todeszellen


Es heisst nicht umsonst:

"Vor Gericht ist es wie auf hoher See - man ist in Gottes Hand"


"Recht haben und Recht bekommen sind zwei völlig unterschiedliche Dinge"


ob moralische oder ethische Schuld - das muss jede/r meit sich selbst klar machen



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On 11/20/2022 at 2:50 PM, damarok said:

I do know how stupid that probably sounds, but somehow i often find myself feeling guilty after playing skyrim for a few hours, on a daily basis. Many people outside of LL criticize these mods and call people using them "degenerates". And I feel kinda ok with that, but sometimes its just like... it doesnt feel right, even though im enjoying it, and I must say, im playing with lots of adult mods.

So why do I feel the guilt which takes away from one of the very few things that bring me any joy these days?


It sounds to me like you care too much about what other people think, to be honest. Though, if it really bothers your conscience that much, maybe you shouldn't be using adult mods in the first place. You are either in conflict with what your instincts want and the opinions of others, or with your instincts and your own sense of morality, or possibly both the opinions of others/your own sense of morality, and what your own instincts want; one of those things is at the root of your guilt and one of those things will end up yielding to the other before you find internal peace. You have to decide what is most important to you.


I mean, if nobody else knows you have these mods installed, does it really matter what the rest of the world thinks? Just don't let it affect who you are out in public around whatever gender you like. Some people seem to have problems with that.

Edited by Z0mBieP00Nani
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On 11/22/2022 at 6:50 AM, Gukahn said:

Presented by:



Lol, nice Gif. I'm stealing it.


On 11/21/2022 at 10:27 AM, Alessia Wellington said:


And may god forgive thy sins.


  Reveal hidden contents




What the monk is actually thinking: "Well, we'll just file that away in the whack-off warehouse for later..."

What the monk is probably saying: "Hmm, hmmmm, Lord keep me strong in the face of VD..."

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I'm not going to presume most people here spend their entire lives in front o f a video screen, but my guess is many may still spend a lot of time thinking of the perverse things we see and do here.
Either way you maybe excluding yourself by developing a smurf fetish that very few others share but the same trap applies to being a gaming recluse or a workaholic.

All I can suggest is find time to do other things outside your fetish so you dont get caught in some kind of internal shame because you didnt develop other social skills.


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1 hour ago, caveman74 said:

What do you imagine She thinks about it?  /cdn-cgi/mirage/c0248fb914b7c8b742497d06603105e331fbfceef33ff10b13a0d3514f6b5721/1280/https://static.loverslab.com/resources/emoticons/wink.png

I never said anything about God or the forgiveness of sins, so I'm not sure what that's about. I'm not so sure God really cares about such things, to be honest. All of this seems more like one big cosmic joke to me, like we are ants in an ant farm, here for the entertainment of the being that set all of this in motion. Does God care at all? Maybe, whenever God feels like it. Is there an afterlife? Who the fuck knows? Maybe it's a fade to black and then nothing more, or perhaps there really is a heaven and a hell, or maybe we are reincarnated (personally I'm more inclined to believe it's either the first or the last thing), either way, God doesn't seem to care.

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6 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

I never said anything about God

It was a failed attempt at humor. What do you think "She" (God) thinks about it? You know most inherently think of "God" as being Male.

And that's all the "Religion" I am willing to comment on, did not intend to offend you, or anyone for that matter.

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On 1/1/2023 at 12:51 AM, KoolHndLuke said:

Where? Most ppl I know ain't gettin none of that action. :classic_tongue:

Maybe they stopped really trying? ?

I am a very private and lazy person, but even I see some Action from time to Time "when" I go out there and try in honest.


Another Friend of mine, former Roommate  gets laid cause he is an very extrovert person, goes out on partys and events more often and way less lazy then I am.


Getting to have sex is just a matter of opportunity, if you seek it, you get it in time and with a little bit of social skills and luck ?

(of course, if your standards are too high or have a hard time talking to people it gets harder.)

The environment might be a big Factor too of course.

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