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feeling guilty because of enjoying skyrim adult mods

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Klaus Schwab

On 2/7/2023 at 2:07 AM, Mr. Otaku said:


Because i don't wanna come off as an egotistical douchebag. I'm all for flaunting but it's hard to know how much is enough before i start coming off as a narcissist so i understate everything about me.



And here's the reason why, i barely even talked about myself and you're claiming i can't relate to people struggling with their finances. I'm not on an ivory tower, it's a bronze tower at best. I saw my parents build all their wealth up little by little as i grew up, i saw them struggle. I struggled myself because i was too proud to ask them for more than the bare minimum. The only reason i'm rich now is partly due to right connections we made and luck but i never plan to take any of it for granted.


That said, using your logic should poor people stop watching movies and listening to music? Just because someone's poor doesn't mean they can't engage with some entertainment and the idea that porn is somehow different from any other form of entertainment is just downright silly. I've seen the documentaries that "prove it's unhealthy" and i've also looked into which groups are funding them, if you actually buy into any of that horseshit then you're simply gullible and there's no nice way to put it. You're on a porn mod website arguing how porn is bad, does that irony not make your head hurt?


I mean look at this conversation, which one of us seems happier? If porn is so unhealthy then why are you sufferings from a blackpill complex about it while i'm doing just fine? If you believe you can be successful then let me as a successful person ask you, what makes you so sure?


You don't need to believe any of that shit about guilt in order to improve your life and do better, that's my whole point.



Dawg who the fuck is harvesting food for the winter just go to 7-11 ????  You're losing the sauce i'm telling you brother, it's not too late don't give in to bullshit 4chan crypto culture and be practical. I believe in you.


If you told me you drove a 600 hp+ car, I'd be like fuck yeah, what'd you do to it, or with it? If you told me you had a 9.1 surround system, home theater set up, I'd be like, nice, I want one of those, how'd you set it up? If you told me you owned company x,y,z and was rich af, I'd be like, cool, so I'm doing x,y,z with my business, do you think that'll work out?


Here's the thing, what I have today, is what I earned through hard work and not wasting time. I'd never view anybody who is wealthy as a narcissistic db, unless you're like klaus schwab and telling people that most of humankind needs to be eradicated and we should have a strict eugenics program to ensure that the havenots will always remain as slaves; then yeah, okay, best stay quiet. I'd only respect you, because I know the work and time that goes into being wealthy.


Finally, I don't see why we don't agree on this matter. Literally, I can not even find the time to play games these days, because I'd feel guilty that I could've used that time to better my efforts. I write this now as a mental break from learning a new concept. Every moment I have free is usually spent investing into my company's current project or learning new stuff. So IF I take a break to watch tiddies, it better be of mythical quality.


But, hey, you seem to be doing good as you. I honestly don't know why you see me as black pilled. I feel better now than I have in the past. I get noticed now, when people ignored me. Girls get jealous now, when I talk to other girls, when girls use to shit on me. I say no to people who I use to fear and shy away from. I call that freedom, and it's fucking good.


Do I view porn as bad, obviously not, I'm here, aint I? Personally, porn to me is an artist's canvas, but I'm 1000% for moderation and complete control of your life. And, I strongly believe that if you feel guilty watching porn, it's because you feel deep inside of you that you need to be doing something far more productive with your life. If you don't feel guilty, then cool, you're at a place in your life where you're comfortable at staying for the rest of your life.

Edited by User39042
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