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Crashing as well after being victim. Something is clashing with 1.58b as that is the only thing iv changed recently. But iv been wrong before.  dunno!  


No it looks like a lot of people are reporting the same issue. For those having issues, if you have auto freecam on under Sexlab, try disabling it. If you have ragdoll after sex turned on, try turning that off too. Any help? If not then it's probably something that won't be fixed until Submit gets updated to be compatible with Sexlab 1.58+. For future reference, it's not a good idea to upgrade to the new sexlab framework until the majority of the Sexlab mods you use have been updated, or verified to work without issues. The Framework often changes how it handles things, so upgrading the framework when it first comes out is going to cause problems for you, almost guaranteed.


So for general users the rule of thumb would probably be "Wait until the Sexlab Framework version stays the same for at least a few weeks (month or more preferably) and at least a majority of the mods that you use have been updated or verified to work without issue. Unless you want to be a tester for the Framework in which case, have at it... but know what you're getting into.

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I am having the same issue, I reinstalled all my mods and did a fresh install hoping to fix it but the problem still persists.

Exact problem is as follows: After my pc submits to the enemy and gets raped and bound by handcuffs (or rope) I have the option of trying to struggle. If I struggle though I get automatically kicked out of the game without an error message. Armbinder stuggling works fine though. Some people mentioned that old sexlab framework is required, anyone has a link?

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While still on sexlab 1.57, is there any idea how to reduce the likelihood of "your wounds are mortal"? I get that 90% of time when fighting. Auto submit and surrender chance are at 100% so I dunno what the problem is. It has worked, just not everytime like it should

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Spread this information to ensure people don't use up as much time as I did to try and figure this out!


After 60+ Hours of testing Sexlab Framework 1.58b and Sexlab Submit, I can confirm, without a doubt that the new framework has broken compatibility, to that mod and maybe others.


I have tried everything from stripping down to just the Unofficial patches, SkyUI, FNIS (5.1.1), Sexlab Framework, Zaz Animations, SKSE (1.07.00) and obviously Sexlab Submit - to doing clean Skyrim reinstalls and countless new saves, but with grim results similarly reported by others such as creatures not accepting surrender, CTD after being bound by submit, and other problems I can't think of the top of my head.


Don't get me started on making sure the MCM menus had Creature Animations turned on within the Framework and Submit mod,or patching animations with FNIS. I even ensured the MCM menues were updating properly after using setstage SKI_configmanagerinstance 1 and Papyrus logs don't show anything  just before the crash. I tried multiple permutations of enabling and disabling options in the MCM menu to try and find if one particular feature was messing up such as auto submit, free camera, and many other options, but with no stable results


Until the author of Sexlab Submit updates his mod to work with the new framework, or the Sexlab Framework adds some kind of compatibility patches - both mod authors should update their mod pages with warnings of possible incompatibilities for now.


Finally, a quick solution would be for the author to put Sexlab Framework 1.57 or/and older versions for download for a temporary 'fix'. 



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To all of you having the crashing issue when submitting:  I have taken a quick look back at the posts and I see nothing attached to help with discovering the problem.  No papryrus logs, no load orders ... nothing useful to help determine the problem.  Try help dkatryl (when he pops in on his monthly or so visit) by providing some necessary info - Load order (not a "what I remember the load order being", but an actual export of the load order from NMM, WB, MO, etc), papyrus logs from just after the crash, etc.  Even if dk doesn't pop in for a while, the info could help by other users by comparing the load orders and the crash logs to see if there is a pattern that may actaully be something other than a Submit bug.  This is just good practice for posting any bug for any mod thread - take a look at this pinned thread:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/22241-sexlab-support-troubleshooting-guide-read-me-before-posting/ - it really applies to any mod, not just SexLab itself.


Again, help dk and your fellow mod users by providing more info than "it crashes".

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Can I drop a small request here?
I was just answering to another thread. It came to me, that there is a animation feature that I would like to see, if you are willing and able to include it.

I like hardcore escape option, but it seems a bit silly. Our characters can struggle themselves out of locked armbinders, but are unable to get themselves released from few leather stripes holding their wrists. I am asking 2 things.


1. Would it be possible to replace binds for the hardcore escape wtih cuffs? That way characters unability to get released by themseves would make much more sense. It would be just a visual change, but immersive for sure.


2. If number 1 is possible, could there be - when possibility for hardcore escape is active - an prosentual slider for normal/HC escape propability? In first scenario, you struggle your way from binds and run. In second scenario they locked you with cuffs and you need to find someone to relase you.

Just asking. :)




Thanks. We can hear without without shouting as well. ;)

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To all of you having the crashing issue when submitting:  I have taken a quick look back at the posts and I see nothing attached to help with discovering the problem.  No papryrus logs, no load orders ... nothing useful to help determine the problem.  Try help dkatryl (when he pops in on his monthly or so visit) by providing some necessary info - Load order (not a "what I remember the load order being", but an actual export of the load order from NMM, WB, MO, etc), papyrus logs from just after the crash, etc.  Even if dk doesn't pop in for a while, the info could help by other users by comparing the load orders and the crash logs to see if there is a pattern that may actaully be something other than a Submit bug.  This is just good practice for posting any bug for any mod thread - take a look at this pinned thread: - it really applies to any mod, not just SexLab itself.


Again, help dk and your fellow mod users by providing more info than "it crashes".





What I'm experiencing:  When I manually surrender, it drops to desktop.  If I have auto-surrender on, I'll get the sex scene first, but as soon as the scene ends it's CTD.


I've actually spent the past couple of days trying to get some sort of information to use, but just like Synexz said there's nothing at all in the logs.  If I submit to a hostile target, and the target accepts the surrender, it's just straight CTD, and the logs make no mention of anything to do with this mod.  The last few lines of the log haven't even been consistent from one incident to another.


I've tried stripping everything down to just Submit, I've toyed with settings in a bunch of the mods I use, I've messed with the load order, and nothing seems to change: whenever I press the hotkey to submit, if the surrender is accepted it's just CTD.


It should be noted that, at least for me, everything else works perfectly fine.  I continue to use Submit because I like the way it handles taking NPCs as prisoners.  Everything that doesn't involve the player submitting works.

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I did several tests with a bran new character, but couldn't get the game to CTD with current version of Submit and SL158b.


First I did 4 autosurrenders and 4 submits: no crash.

Then I did 2 with hardcore escapes and 1 with normal escape.


Free camera was off. It did not occure to me to try with it, but at least the game does not CTD for me without it.


I don't know what crashes other players game. I just wanted to tell that it is not an direct and univeresal problem.

Of course, that does not make it any easer to be solved. :(


(I finally crashed, because I ran the test with too many NPC checks + real shelter + supreme storms (ongoing) and a bandit (OBIS) dog.

Submit and SL were innocent for that.)

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How do I change the menu to spanish?

Change the game language to Spanish and it should then start using the Spanish translation file already provided with the mod.


Alternatively, you can go to the "\data\Interface\Translations" folder and rename the current language file to somthing else then give the "SexLab Submit_SPANISH.txt" the name that the current language file had.

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hmmm... well it kind of work... but it only work in the MCM menu... anyway to change the language in the dialog menu? when you talk to them?


I will explain why is a problem to me... I have a weird bug with the Dragonborn DLC. when I instaled. It CTD when I try to load a savegame... I found out the problem. It has to do with the language. so I choose english language and change the strings' names, from spanish to english... so that's the issue. 

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Spread this information to ensure people don't use up as much time as I did to try and figure this out!


After 60+ Hours of testing Sexlab Framework 1.58b and Sexlab Submit, I can confirm, without a doubt that the new framework has broken compatibility, to that mod and maybe others.


I have tried everything from stripping down to just the Unofficial patches, SkyUI, FNIS (5.1.1), Sexlab Framework, Zaz Animations, SKSE (1.07.00) and obviously Sexlab Submit - to doing clean Skyrim reinstalls and countless new saves, but with grim results similarly reported by others such as creatures not accepting surrender, CTD after being bound by submit, and other problems I can't think of the top of my head.


Don't get me started on making sure the MCM menus had Creature Animations turned on within the Framework and Submit mod,or patching animations with FNIS. I even ensured the MCM menues were updating properly after using setstage SKI_configmanagerinstance 1 and Papyrus logs don't show anything  just before the crash. I tried multiple permutations of enabling and disabling options in the MCM menu to try and find if one particular feature was messing up such as auto submit, free camera, and many other options, but with no stable results


Until the author of Sexlab Submit updates his mod to work with the new framework, or the Sexlab Framework adds some kind of compatibility patches - both mod authors should update their mod pages with warnings of possible incompatibilities for now.


Finally, a quick solution would be for the author to put Sexlab Framework 1.57 or/and older versions for download for a temporary 'fix'. 


I disagree :)


I have submit loading correctly in the MCM both on my current save and a new game started after installing sexlab 1.58b


While I haven't used the player submit option recently as i don't lose fights and i have SD+ installed for when i do the dialogue options do work (tested numerous times) as does the forcing NPC's to submit.


When i fire up skyrim later i will test losing and manually submitting (i.e push the submit key while being attacked by hostile npc) and see if that works.


As to the creatures i'd make sure you have creature animations ticked on in sexlab framework and that the creature support in submit is set to 2 and that your not using a higher level enemies mod that creates new harder creatures (i.e rather than a draugr you get a draugr [harderNPCname]) since i've asked before and submit won't work on those (something to do with lists that went over my head)


I'd then go and try some matchmaker sex with animals and see if that works, if that doesn't work then you have a problem with creature animations and not submit


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I disagree  :)


I have submit loading correctly in the MCM both on my current save and a new game started after installing sexlab 1.58b


While I haven't used the player submit option recently as i don't lose fights and i have SD+ installed for when i do the dialogue options do work (tested numerous times) as does the forcing NPC's to submit.


When i fire up skyrim later i will test losing and manually submitting (i.e push the submit key while being attacked by hostile npc) and see if that works.


As to the creatures i'd make sure you have creature animations ticked on in sexlab framework and that the creature support in submit is set to 2 and that your not using a higher level enemies mod that creates new harder creatures (i.e rather than a draugr you get a draugr [harderNPCname]) since i've asked before and submit won't work on those (something to do with lists that went over my head)



I'd then go and try some matchmaker sex with animals and see if that works, if that doesn't work then you have a problem with creature animations and not submit



Do you mind if you supply your current load order to help clear things up for me and others?


After reinstalling Skyrim and applying the mods with the current load order generated by BOSS:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
SexLab Submit
Alternate Start - Live Another Life




I ensured FNIS was used properly, applied creature support in MCM for sexlab and activated creature support level 2 in submit.


I tried submit on human NPC - which was successful but CTD after bondage in 5 - 20 seconds
  1. I tested using Matchmaker to start a scene with a wolf - which was successful 
  2. I then tested using submit afterwards -  failure (Manual & Automatic mode)
  3. I reloaded save, tried again, succeed using manual key a split second after the wolf detected me - but then after animations, a CTD occured...
I have provided the Papyrus log in the file attachment of after the crash - including screenshots of evidence of what I have stated




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After reinstalling Skyrim and applying the mods with the current load order generated by BOSS:

As a side note, BOSS is getting outdated.


We have moved to it's successor LOOT that just got updated today.

Use this in the future:



Edit: As a reminder (as said above) I do not suffer from CTDs with Submit.



How easy is using loot compared to say BOSS ?? also does loot sort a better job then BOSS ??

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I disagree  :)


I have submit loading correctly in the MCM both on my current save and a new game started after installing sexlab 1.58b


While I haven't used the player submit option recently as i don't lose fights and i have SD+ installed for when i do the dialogue options do work (tested numerous times) as does the forcing NPC's to submit.


When i fire up skyrim later i will test losing and manually submitting (i.e push the submit key while being attacked by hostile npc) and see if that works.


As to the creatures i'd make sure you have creature animations ticked on in sexlab framework and that the creature support in submit is set to 2 and that your not using a higher level enemies mod that creates new harder creatures (i.e rather than a draugr you get a draugr [harderNPCname]) since i've asked before and submit won't work on those (something to do with lists that went over my head)



I'd then go and try some matchmaker sex with animals and see if that works, if that doesn't work then you have a problem with creature animations and not submit



Do you mind if you supply your current load order to help clear things up for me and others?


After reinstalling Skyrim and applying the mods with the current load order generated by BOSS:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
SexLab Submit
Alternate Start - Live Another Life




I ensured FNIS was used properly, applied creature support in MCM for sexlab and activated creature support level 2 in submit.


I tried submit on human NPC - which was successful but CTD after bondage in 5 - 20 seconds
  1. I tested using Matchmaker to start a scene with a wolf - which was successful 
  2. I then tested using submit afterwards -  failure (Manual & Automatic mode)
  3. I reloaded save, tried again, succeed using manual key a split second after the wolf detected me - but then after animations, a CTD occured...
I have provided the Papyrus log in the file attachment of after the crash - including screenshots of evidence of what I have stated






I've looked at your log and there are an awful lot of errors in there for a new game.


Are you using the unoffical patches? I don't think you are as i'm pretty sure that they remove some of the errors in there


You can get the unoffical patches from the nexus page here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19/?

That should increase skyrim stability, you also have quite a few errors in there from approach and attraction so it might be worth trying a new game without them as well (or setting approach NPC check in the MCM to a longer interval)


I'm using




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1
Devious Devices - Assets.esm=1
SexLab Attraction.esm=1
Devious Devices - Integration.esm=1
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm=1
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1
no vampire attacks before dawnguard.esp=1
Books of Skyrim Compilation.esp=1
SexLab Approach.esp=1
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp=1
SexLab Submit.esp=1
SexLab Submit Serana.esp=1
DD - Interactions.esp=1
High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp=1
ingot recovery.esp=1
Lightweight Potions and Poisons.esp=1
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp=1
Latex Armor.esp=1
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp=1
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp=1
run for your lives.esp=1
High Level Enemies.esp=1
High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp=1
No Kill Moves.esp=1
Captured Dreams.esp=1
Devious Deviants.esp=1
SDpatch - dawnguard.esp=1
SDpatch - dragonborn.esp=1
the hunting game - thegreylight.esp=1
Brawl Bugs CE.esp=1
when vampires attack.esp=1
vidani's bag of holding.esp=1
Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp=1
Solutions-PrisonOverhaul Patch.esp=1
the paarthurnax dilemma.esp=1
Gildergreen Regrown.esp=1
My Home Is Your Home.esp=1
XiNafay - Shoes.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live A Deviant Life.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1






After reinstalling Skyrim and applying the mods with the current load order generated by BOSS:

As a side note, BOSS is getting outdated.


We have moved to it's successor LOOT that just got updated today.

Use this in the future:



Edit: As a reminder (as said above) I do not suffer from CTDs with Submit.



How easy is using loot compared to say BOSS ?? also does loot sort a better job then BOSS ??



Pretty much exactly the same, ya click to sort, it thinks for a while and if it recognises everything it then shows you a status page and if it doesn't recognise everything it takes a guess and asks you to inform the LOOT makers if the guess is wrong although you can manually adjust the priorities if you want.


So far its not guessed wrong for me.


It did recognise some errors that i could fix with Tes 5 edit that BOSS hadn't pointed out to me and you no longer need to set manual rules for unknown stuff to get it anywhere other than the bottom of the load order as well.

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